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Monster Resurgence Chapter 70

Chapter 70

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After returning home, Li Sanxin had just finished cooking dinner.

Four dishes and one soup, fragrant rice, the aroma was enticing. Little Yu obediently sat in the high chair, holding a bowl and spoon in the shape of a little piglet in her hands, swinging her legs eagerly waiting for dinner.

The little girl had been well taken care of these days, with bright, shiny eyes, smooth cheeks, and her dry and frizzy hair had become much softer. However, several single men taking care of a little girl always led to a chaotic situation. Although Little Yu looked a bit chubby, her messy bun, which was barely tied up with countless hairpins, was quite unsightly.

When eating, Little Yu reached out to pick up the dishes, but her movements were a bit too big, causing the precarious bun on her head to collapse all of a sudden, and her hair, along with the hair tie and hairpins, covered her entire face.

Little Yu groped her hair in confusion.

Li Sanxin, who had been in charge of Little Yu’s hair this morning, coughed awkwardly and stood up, clumsily trying to arrange Little Yu’s hair. He became more and more flustered, and the more he tried, the more difficult it became. “This is too hard, it’s harder than performing surgery.”

Duan Zege slowly put down his chopsticks, calmly walked behind Little Yu, and took over Li Sanxin’s work. In just a few strokes, he tied Little Yu’s hair into a neat little ponytail.

Lu Haoxiu asked curiously, “Brother Duan, have you ever taken care of a child before?”

“Hey,” Duan Zege leisurely clipped a butterfly-shaped hairpin on top of Little Yu’s head, “for a living, I used to work as a nanny. There was even a job where I had to sleep with dead people, and that paid the most.”

“Sleeping with dead people??”

“Oh, it’s commonly known as being a corpse companion,” Duan Zege grinned, “Some people feel that after their family members die, they would feel lonely, so they hire someone to accompany the deceased for several nights to let the deceased leave peacefully.”

Lu Haoxiu was speechless and silently gave Duan Zege a thumbs up.

After dinner, everyone continued to search online for various news about the strange events.

Lou Yan took a shower first. Ten minutes later, with wet hair and a white towel draped around his neck, he walked out of the bathroom. Just as he was about to go to the study, he remembered something and turned to ask the people in the living room who were looking at their phones or tablets, “Have any of you been contacted by people claiming to be from the Anomaly Control Bureau these past few days?”

After everyone shook their heads to indicate they hadn’t, Lou Yan patiently asked again, “Then have you received any other strange calls from public officials or people inquiring about your information?”

After careful consideration, no one shook their heads again. Li Sanxin smiled and said, “Don’t worry, if there are really strange calls or messages from unknown numbers, we won’t look at them. You told us before that the supernatural can set many traps on mobile phones to harm people, and we remember that. We won’t be fooled easily.”

Lou Yan nodded, feeling reassured. “As long as you understand.”

He went to the study, turned on the computer, and while the computer was booting up, Lou Yan checked the news about the Anomaly Control Bureau on his phone.

Naturally, he found nothing. Lou Yan wasn’t disappointed but instead checked the information about the Chengjiang City Library again.

Since receiving the invitation to the entertainment venue, he has checked the Chengjiang City Library no less than twenty times. The Chengjiang City Library is the largest library in the city, spanning eight floors including the underground parking lot, and housing countless books. Built sixty years ago, it is a well-known landmark in Chengjiang City.

Here, there were no strange tales or incidents involving dead people. Lou Yan rubbed his phone, looking at the grandiose photo of the library inside the phone, lost in thought.

Chengjiang City Library, why did the amusement part choose this location?…

As Lou Yan was distracted, his finger accidentally swiped on the phone screen, but the screen suddenly changed, opening another strange post.

With half-lidded eyes, Lou Yan glanced casually at it, and his face stiffened instantly, beginning to doubt whether he was blind or if his phone indeed had some d*mn eavesdropping function.

The title of the post blatantly read: [Folks, tomorrow I’m going to have intercourse with a man, feeling a bit nervous, what should I prepare? O-O]

Various comments followed, ranging from vulgar jokes to obscene remarks.

[I don’t know what to say, wish the writer has fun [smirking emoji]]

[The man is as hard as a diamond! The man is harder than a diamond!! The man never stops!!! Writer, be careful!!!]

【When a man is in the prime of his youth, full of vigor and passion, his… well, let’s just say he’s quite firm. I suggest the writer prepare a few small umbrellas, and if it’s your first time, be sure to have some tools and medicine ready. [Shy]】 

【If the man gets addicted, the host should give him a good slap. Don’t go easy on him; if you do, you’ll be the one suffering in the end.】 

【Haha, everyone seems so experienced. Can we talk about this a bit more? Holding flower with a dog’s head】 

【Big men have big strength, big bodies, and, well, let’s just say they’re strong in certain areas. Oh, and they have good stamina too. It’s enough to make one drool. Writer, please don’t be careless; bring yourself and your umbrellas along!】 

【Ahem, big men are easily aroused, so when playing, remember to find a hotel with good soundproofing. Overall, it’s quite enjoyable. As for whether it’s really as firm as a diamond… well… the host can try it out for themselves.】

Lou Yan’s eyes scanned through these infuriating comments. His expression changed repeatedly, and memories he forcibly tried to forget resurfaced once again. Lou Yan gritted his teeth, the phrase “harder than a diamond” engraved deeply in his memory, making him wish he could go back a minute ago and shield his eyes from this post.

Absolutely, this phone definitely eavesdropped on their conversation!

Lou Yan took a deep breath, about to close this mess of a post, but before his hand reached the cross mark, a call suddenly came in, and his phone vibrated violently.

“F*ck!” Lou Yan was startled, his hand shook, and he accidentally dropped the phone on the table.

But the next moment he realized, he picked up the phone with a black face. An unknown number was continuously flashing on the black call screen.

Whose phone number is this?

Lou Yan raised an eyebrow, decisively hung up. But just as he hung up, the next second, this unknown number called again.

Lou Yan hung up three times in a row, but the number still persisted in calling him, with each interval less than a second. Lou Yan looked at the call screen for a few seconds and eventually moved his finger down, pressing the answer button.

A howling wind containing the sound of heavy objects falling echoed from the phone, the strange and sinister laughter mingling with the wind, Lou Yan seemed to feel the cold wind and chaos coming from the other end of the phone, and saw the terrifying and dark h*llish scene on that end.

Is this really a call from an anomaly?

Lou Yan’s expression sank, about to test what this was, but he heard a familiar voice amidst the chaotic and shattered noise from the other end of the phone: “—Lou Yan.”

Lou Yan’s heart skipped a beat.

His hand clenched the phone in an instant.

It was Fu Xuezhou’s voice.

Lou Yan remained expressionless, with no hesitation to hang up the call. It seemed like Fu Xuezhou could guess what he was about to do, and his cold voice continued, “The ghost marriage contract warmed up, what did you do?”

This sentence made Lou Yan stop his actions in time. He frowned, displeased, “When did the ghost marriage contract warm up? What happens when it warms up?”

“You don’t know?” Fu Xuezhou’s voice carried a hint of sarcasm, and Lou Yan could almost imagine how disgusting the expression on his face would be, “For a pair of ‘spouses’ with the ghost marriage contract, once one of them has intimate contact with someone else, the ghost marriage contract will heat up, and the other person with the ghost marriage contract will feel it.”

What the h*ll kind of sh*t function is this!

Lou Yan felt nauseous, just like he had swallowed a fly. Then he thought of the scene not long ago when Wen Jiu hugged his waist. If the ghost marriage contract heated up, it should have been when that happened.

It’s that Wen Jiu again.

Both of them fell silent for a moment. Fu Xuezhou seemed to be waiting for Lou Yan’s response, but Lou Yan had no intention of answering. The call hung awkwardly, neither ending nor continuing the conversation, with only the anomaly and terrifying background noise from Fu Xuezhou’s end, breaking the silence in the room.

Is Fu Xuezhou going to kill anomalies again?

Lou Yan thought absentmindedly, but when he heard the sound of blood splattering from the other end, he didn’t want to listen anymore. As Lou Yan was about to hang up the call for the second time, coincidentally, Fu Xuezhou spoke again.

“Lou Yan,” Fu Xuezhou’s eyes didn’t blink as he took out the anomaly heart in front of him, splattered with blood on his face with a somewhat sinister expression, his voice cold, carrying an oppressive and threatening tone that made Lou Yan particularly uncomfortable, “Until our ghost marriage contract is lifted, be mindful of your distance from others. Today’s incident of the ghost marriage contract heating up should not happen again. I don’t want to find out that when we make love in six days, you just got off someone else’s bed. Do you understand?”

Veins bulged on Lou Yan’s forehead, he chuckled briefly, deliberately elongating his tone in a casual manner, exuding an ambiguous and charming air, “I’ll do whatever I want, be intimate with whoever I want—today I’m willing to go to someone’s bed, tomorrow someone can crawl into mine…”

He chuckled softly twice, the provocation and indifference in his voice almost reaching the other end of the phone, “Fu Xuezhou, can you interfere?”

Fu Xuezhou’s tone carried a terrifying chill, “Lou Yan, I’m not negotiating with you, I’m informing you. If today’s incident happens again, both you and your ambiguous companion will know the consequences. I can overlook whoever you’ve been with before, but during the process of lifting the ghost marriage contract with me, you can only accept me.”

These words sounded ambiguous, but Lou Yan knew that Fu Xuezhou didn’t like him. Under the premise of not liking him, these words spoken by Fu Xuezhou were entirely due to his terrifying desire for control and possession over everything.

Like the lion that escaped from the zoo in the previous life, and like the sky eagle that belonged only to Fu Xuezhou, they were tamed by Fu Xuezhou, their body and soul shackled. Except for the food provided by Fu Xuezhou, they would rather starve than eat anything given by others.

How terrifying, a fierce and violent lion, a ruthless and fierce eagle, two cruel beasts, all controlled by Fu Xuezhou to this extent—this kind of chilling appearance.

Lou Yan would never want to become Fu Xuezhou’s lion or eagle.

He chuckled coldly twice, “You f*cking go eat sh*t, Fu Xuezhou!”

With a snap, Lou Yan decisively hung up the phone.

He was so angry that he wanted to take thr spinal whip and whip Fu Xuezhou to death. While he was suppressing the anger in his chest, the phone suddenly rang again.

Lou Yan “swooshed,” and the anger that had already ignited surged even higher. He picked up the phone and cursed, “D*mn it, are you brain—”

“Mr. Lou?” Assistant Qin’s innocent and hesitant voice came through.

Lou Yan remained silent for a few seconds, leaning back slightly, trying to keep his tone as calm as possible. “What’s the matter?”

“Some paparazzi took a set of photos of you and Mr. Wen. When he was about to sell the photos to the tabloid, it was discovered by the propaganda department. The photos were bought by me and sent to your email,” Assistant Qin explained the matter in three sentences, “I called to ask how you want to handle it.”

Lou Yan opened his email and saw the “intimate embrace” photo of him and Wen Jiu in the dim underground parking lot.

In the photo, the blond man was gently embracing Lou Yan in his arms, Lou Yan’s face leaning against Wen Jiu’s cheek with a faint smile. The paparazzi didn’t dare to offend Lou Yan, so the photo only captured Lou Yan’s profile, mainly exposing Wen Jiu’s face. But from this angle, the two people in the photo seemed very ambiguous, giving the impression that they had an extraordinary relationship.

Lou Yan stared at the picture for a few seconds. Assistant Qin’s voice came in his ear, “Boss, do we need to contact Mr. Wen’s side to temporarily replace the spokesperson?”

If Assistant Qin remembered correctly, their boss was very annoyed by stars who tried to use his identity and looks.

But unexpectedly, there was no hint of anger in Lou Yan’s tone. Instead, there was a bit of inexplicable amusement, “This photo is not bad, it makes me look good.”

Assistant Qin was a little embarrassed, “Uh?”

Lou Yan’s lips curled up, smiling somewhat pleasantly. He said slowly, “I mean, this photo can be released.”

Assistant Qin was silent for several seconds before regaining his composure, “Understood, boss, I’ll do it right away.”

After hanging up the phone, Lou Yan tapped his fingers lightly on the table and chuckled at the photo again.

If it were before the call from Fu Xuezhou just now, Lou Yan would have impatiently instructed Assistant Qin to destroy the photo and end the cooperation with Wen Jiu. But after Fu Xuezhou made that call, Lou Yan’s thoughts changed.

Fu Xuezhou said so, but he deliberately didn’t do it.

Dare to threaten him? Dare to impose his desire for control and possession on him? I wonder what expression Fu Xuezhou will have when he sees this photo after it’s released?

It must be a very enjoyable expression.

The author has something to say: 

Fu Xuezhou, once a virgin in 291 worlds, has the opportunity to break that streak in this 292nd world. Can anyone surpass his record this time? Please respectfully address our gong as “Section Chief Fu.”

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Monster Resurgence Chapter 70

Monster Resurgence Chapter 70

Chapter 70

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

After returning home, Li Sanxin had just finished cooking dinner.

Four dishes and one soup, fragrant rice, the aroma was enticing. Little Yu obediently sat in the high chair, holding a bowl and spoon in the shape of a little piglet in her hands, swinging her legs eagerly waiting for dinner.

The little girl had been well taken care of these days, with bright, shiny eyes, smooth cheeks, and her dry and frizzy hair had become much softer. However, several single men taking care of a little girl always led to a chaotic situation. Although Little Yu looked a bit chubby, her messy bun, which was barely tied up with countless hairpins, was quite unsightly.

When eating, Little Yu reached out to pick up the dishes, but her movements were a bit too big, causing the precarious bun on her head to collapse all of a sudden, and her hair, along with the hair tie and hairpins, covered her entire face.

Little Yu groped her hair in confusion.

Li Sanxin, who had been in charge of Little Yu's hair this morning, coughed awkwardly and stood up, clumsily trying to arrange Little Yu's hair. He became more and more flustered, and the more he tried, the more difficult it became. "This is too hard, it's harder than performing surgery."

Duan Zege slowly put down his chopsticks, calmly walked behind Little Yu, and took over Li Sanxin's work. In just a few strokes, he tied Little Yu's hair into a neat little ponytail.

Lu Haoxiu asked curiously, "Brother Duan, have you ever taken care of a child before?"

"Hey," Duan Zege leisurely clipped a butterfly-shaped hairpin on top of Little Yu's head, "for a living, I used to work as a nanny. There was even a job where I had to sleep with dead people, and that paid the most."

"Sleeping with dead people??"

"Oh, it's commonly known as being a corpse companion," Duan Zege grinned, "Some people feel that after their family members die, they would feel lonely, so they hire someone to accompany the deceased for several nights to let the deceased leave peacefully."

Lu Haoxiu was speechless and silently gave Duan Zege a thumbs up.

After dinner, everyone continued to search online for various news about the strange events.

Lou Yan took a shower first. Ten minutes later, with wet hair and a white towel draped around his neck, he walked out of the bathroom. Just as he was about to go to the study, he remembered something and turned to ask the people in the living room who were looking at their phones or tablets, "Have any of you been contacted by people claiming to be from the Anomaly Control Bureau these past few days?"

After everyone shook their heads to indicate they hadn't, Lou Yan patiently asked again, "Then have you received any other strange calls from public officials or people inquiring about your information?"

After careful consideration, no one shook their heads again. Li Sanxin smiled and said, "Don't worry, if there are really strange calls or messages from unknown numbers, we won't look at them. You told us before that the supernatural can set many traps on mobile phones to harm people, and we remember that. We won't be fooled easily."

Lou Yan nodded, feeling reassured. "As long as you understand."

He went to the study, turned on the computer, and while the computer was booting up, Lou Yan checked the news about the Anomaly Control Bureau on his phone.

Naturally, he found nothing. Lou Yan wasn't disappointed but instead checked the information about the Chengjiang City Library again.

Since receiving the invitation to the entertainment venue, he has checked the Chengjiang City Library no less than twenty times. The Chengjiang City Library is the largest library in the city, spanning eight floors including the underground parking lot, and housing countless books. Built sixty years ago, it is a well-known landmark in Chengjiang City.

Here, there were no strange tales or incidents involving dead people. Lou Yan rubbed his phone, looking at the grandiose photo of the library inside the phone, lost in thought.

Chengjiang City Library, why did the amusement part choose this location?...

As Lou Yan was distracted, his finger accidentally swiped on the phone screen, but the screen suddenly changed, opening another strange post.

With half-lidded eyes, Lou Yan glanced casually at it, and his face stiffened instantly, beginning to doubt whether he was blind or if his phone indeed had some d*mn eavesdropping function.

The title of the post blatantly read: [Folks, tomorrow I'm going to have intercourse with a man, feeling a bit nervous, what should I prepare? O-O]

Various comments followed, ranging from vulgar jokes to obscene remarks.

[I don't know what to say, wish the writer has fun [smirking emoji]]

[The man is as hard as a diamond! The man is harder than a diamond!! The man never stops!!! Writer, be careful!!!]

【When a man is in the prime of his youth, full of vigor and passion, his... well, let's just say he's quite firm. I suggest the writer prepare a few small umbrellas, and if it's your first time, be sure to have some tools and medicine ready. [Shy]】 

【If the man gets addicted, the host should give him a good slap. Don't go easy on him; if you do, you'll be the one suffering in the end.】 

【Haha, everyone seems so experienced. Can we talk about this a bit more? Holding flower with a dog's head】 

【Big men have big strength, big bodies, and, well, let's just say they're strong in certain areas. Oh, and they have good stamina too. It's enough to make one drool. Writer, please don't be careless; bring yourself and your umbrellas along!】 

【Ahem, big men are easily aroused, so when playing, remember to find a hotel with good soundproofing. Overall, it's quite enjoyable. As for whether it's really as firm as a diamond... well... the host can try it out for themselves.】

Lou Yan's eyes scanned through these infuriating comments. His expression changed repeatedly, and memories he forcibly tried to forget resurfaced once again. Lou Yan gritted his teeth, the phrase "harder than a diamond" engraved deeply in his memory, making him wish he could go back a minute ago and shield his eyes from this post.

Absolutely, this phone definitely eavesdropped on their conversation!

Lou Yan took a deep breath, about to close this mess of a post, but before his hand reached the cross mark, a call suddenly came in, and his phone vibrated violently.

"F*ck!" Lou Yan was startled, his hand shook, and he accidentally dropped the phone on the table.

But the next moment he realized, he picked up the phone with a black face. An unknown number was continuously flashing on the black call screen.

Whose phone number is this?

Lou Yan raised an eyebrow, decisively hung up. But just as he hung up, the next second, this unknown number called again.

Lou Yan hung up three times in a row, but the number still persisted in calling him, with each interval less than a second. Lou Yan looked at the call screen for a few seconds and eventually moved his finger down, pressing the answer button.

A howling wind containing the sound of heavy objects falling echoed from the phone, the strange and sinister laughter mingling with the wind, Lou Yan seemed to feel the cold wind and chaos coming from the other end of the phone, and saw the terrifying and dark h*llish scene on that end.

Is this really a call from an anomaly?

Lou Yan's expression sank, about to test what this was, but he heard a familiar voice amidst the chaotic and shattered noise from the other end of the phone: "---Lou Yan."

Lou Yan's heart skipped a beat.

His hand clenched the phone in an instant.

It was Fu Xuezhou's voice.

Lou Yan remained expressionless, with no hesitation to hang up the call. It seemed like Fu Xuezhou could guess what he was about to do, and his cold voice continued, "The ghost marriage contract warmed up, what did you do?"

This sentence made Lou Yan stop his actions in time. He frowned, displeased, "When did the ghost marriage contract warm up? What happens when it warms up?"

"You don't know?" Fu Xuezhou's voice carried a hint of sarcasm, and Lou Yan could almost imagine how disgusting the expression on his face would be, "For a pair of 'spouses' with the ghost marriage contract, once one of them has intimate contact with someone else, the ghost marriage contract will heat up, and the other person with the ghost marriage contract will feel it."

What the h*ll kind of sh*t function is this!

Lou Yan felt nauseous, just like he had swallowed a fly. Then he thought of the scene not long ago when Wen Jiu hugged his waist. If the ghost marriage contract heated up, it should have been when that happened.

It's that Wen Jiu again.

Both of them fell silent for a moment. Fu Xuezhou seemed to be waiting for Lou Yan's response, but Lou Yan had no intention of answering. The call hung awkwardly, neither ending nor continuing the conversation, with only the anomaly and terrifying background noise from Fu Xuezhou's end, breaking the silence in the room.

Is Fu Xuezhou going to kill anomalies again?

Lou Yan thought absentmindedly, but when he heard the sound of blood splattering from the other end, he didn't want to listen anymore. As Lou Yan was about to hang up the call for the second time, coincidentally, Fu Xuezhou spoke again.

"Lou Yan," Fu Xuezhou's eyes didn't blink as he took out the anomaly heart in front of him, splattered with blood on his face with a somewhat sinister expression, his voice cold, carrying an oppressive and threatening tone that made Lou Yan particularly uncomfortable, "Until our ghost marriage contract is lifted, be mindful of your distance from others. Today's incident of the ghost marriage contract heating up should not happen again. I don't want to find out that when we make love in six days, you just got off someone else's bed. Do you understand?"

Veins bulged on Lou Yan's forehead, he chuckled briefly, deliberately elongating his tone in a casual manner, exuding an ambiguous and charming air, "I'll do whatever I want, be intimate with whoever I want—today I'm willing to go to someone's bed, tomorrow someone can crawl into mine..."

He chuckled softly twice, the provocation and indifference in his voice almost reaching the other end of the phone, "Fu Xuezhou, can you interfere?”

Fu Xuezhou's tone carried a terrifying chill, "Lou Yan, I'm not negotiating with you, I'm informing you. If today's incident happens again, both you and your ambiguous companion will know the consequences. I can overlook whoever you've been with before, but during the process of lifting the ghost marriage contract with me, you can only accept me."

These words sounded ambiguous, but Lou Yan knew that Fu Xuezhou didn't like him. Under the premise of not liking him, these words spoken by Fu Xuezhou were entirely due to his terrifying desire for control and possession over everything.

Like the lion that escaped from the zoo in the previous life, and like the sky eagle that belonged only to Fu Xuezhou, they were tamed by Fu Xuezhou, their body and soul shackled. Except for the food provided by Fu Xuezhou, they would rather starve than eat anything given by others.

How terrifying, a fierce and violent lion, a ruthless and fierce eagle, two cruel beasts, all controlled by Fu Xuezhou to this extent—this kind of chilling appearance.

Lou Yan would never want to become Fu Xuezhou's lion or eagle.

He chuckled coldly twice, "You f*cking go eat sh*t, Fu Xuezhou!"

With a snap, Lou Yan decisively hung up the phone.

He was so angry that he wanted to take thr spinal whip and whip Fu Xuezhou to death. While he was suppressing the anger in his chest, the phone suddenly rang again.

Lou Yan "swooshed," and the anger that had already ignited surged even higher. He picked up the phone and cursed, "D*mn it, are you brain—"

"Mr. Lou?" Assistant Qin's innocent and hesitant voice came through.

Lou Yan remained silent for a few seconds, leaning back slightly, trying to keep his tone as calm as possible. "What's the matter?"

"Some paparazzi took a set of photos of you and Mr. Wen. When he was about to sell the photos to the tabloid, it was discovered by the propaganda department. The photos were bought by me and sent to your email," Assistant Qin explained the matter in three sentences, "I called to ask how you want to handle it."

Lou Yan opened his email and saw the "intimate embrace" photo of him and Wen Jiu in the dim underground parking lot.

In the photo, the blond man was gently embracing Lou Yan in his arms, Lou Yan's face leaning against Wen Jiu's cheek with a faint smile. The paparazzi didn't dare to offend Lou Yan, so the photo only captured Lou Yan's profile, mainly exposing Wen Jiu's face. But from this angle, the two people in the photo seemed very ambiguous, giving the impression that they had an extraordinary relationship.

Lou Yan stared at the picture for a few seconds. Assistant Qin's voice came in his ear, "Boss, do we need to contact Mr. Wen's side to temporarily replace the spokesperson?"

If Assistant Qin remembered correctly, their boss was very annoyed by stars who tried to use his identity and looks.

But unexpectedly, there was no hint of anger in Lou Yan's tone. Instead, there was a bit of inexplicable amusement, "This photo is not bad, it makes me look good."

Assistant Qin was a little embarrassed, "Uh?"

Lou Yan's lips curled up, smiling somewhat pleasantly. He said slowly, "I mean, this photo can be released."

Assistant Qin was silent for several seconds before regaining his composure, "Understood, boss, I'll do it right away."

After hanging up the phone, Lou Yan tapped his fingers lightly on the table and chuckled at the photo again.

If it were before the call from Fu Xuezhou just now, Lou Yan would have impatiently instructed Assistant Qin to destroy the photo and end the cooperation with Wen Jiu. But after Fu Xuezhou made that call, Lou Yan's thoughts changed.

Fu Xuezhou said so, but he deliberately didn't do it.

Dare to threaten him? Dare to impose his desire for control and possession on him? I wonder what expression Fu Xuezhou will have when he sees this photo after it's released?

It must be a very enjoyable expression.

The author has something to say: 

Fu Xuezhou, once a virgin in 291 worlds, has the opportunity to break that streak in this 292nd world. Can anyone surpass his record this time? Please respectfully address our gong as "Section Chief Fu."

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