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Monster Resurgence Chapter 69

Chapter 69

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Assistant Qin, who had been solemnly listening, couldn’t help but laugh.

Song Yuran immediately turned to look at Assistant Qin, suspiciously questioning, “Assistant Qin, why are you laughing? Don’t you believe what I said?”

“Sorry,” Assistant Qin couldn’t help but chuckle again, finding Song Yuran’s words quite amusing. “Miss Song, what you’re saying is just too unrealistic. I am a staunch materialist and can’t believe the unscientific parts of your story. Even elementary school textbooks begin teaching students not to be superstitious and to believe in science. Miss Song, you’re already in college, why are you reversing your studies?”

Song Yuran frantically scratched her head, “Assistant Qin, I’m telling the truth! There really are supernatural events in this world!!!”

Assistant Qin shook his head helplessly, looking at Song Yuran as if she were a mischievous child clamoring for toys, “Miss Song’s story is quite intriguing, indeed worthy of a video blogger with over two hundred thousand fans. But this is the company, please don’t bring this kind of superstitious and fictitious atmosphere here.”

“I really didn’t make it up…” Song Yuran’s eyes were full of despair, almost infuriated.

Seeing her appearance, which didn’t seem like she was lying, Assistant Qin thought for a few seconds and gave a very scientific and rational suggestion: “Miss Song, are you sure you didn’t drink alcohol or consume any substances affecting your mind last night? Otherwise, you can spare some time to go to the hospital for a blood test or urine test today. I know some ophthalmologists and neurologists with good abilities. Miss Song, if you need it, you can tell me, and I’m happy to introduce them to you.”

“…” Song Yuran was choked, weakly turning her head to ask Lou Yan, “Mr. Lou, do you believe me?”

Lou Yan frowned. He remembered that in his previous life, such a thing never happened in the company.

But too many things had changed in this life, and the memories from the previous life could no longer be used as a reference. He could tell that Song Yuran wasn’t lying, which was enough for Lou Yan to treat her words with caution.

“Assistant Qin,” Lou Yan looked at Qin Feng, “have there been any sudden disappearances or resignations of employees in the company in the past month?”

Assistant Qin’s expression became serious. “No.”

Lou Yan intertwined his fingers and thought for a few seconds before saying, “Go and ask the employees in the company if anyone else has encountered the situation Miss Song described.”

Assistant Qin was surprised. “Mr. Lou?”

Lou Yan said, “Go.”

Although Assistant Qin couldn’t understand why Lou Yan would take Song Yuran’s unscientific nonsense seriously, he still did as he was told. Twenty minutes later, Assistant Qin reported the results to Lou Yan and deliberately glanced at Song Yuran. “Mr. Lou, no one else in the company besides Miss Song has encountered the situation Miss Song described.”

Lou Yan’s eyebrows relaxed slightly. This meant that even if there were supernatural occurrences in his company, they hadn’t had a chance to harm anyone, which was undoubtedly good news.

Song Yuran bit her lip and still firmly stated, “I definitely didn’t misjudge. Chief Lou, I will stay tonight to prove that the plastic mannequins really move as I said.”

Lou Yan directly refused, “No need. You can leave work as usual today. Assistant Qin, tell the company security again that no one is allowed to stay in the company after 6 pm.”

Assistant Qin nodded, “Got it.”

Lou Yan stood up and said, “Alright, Miss Song, I will further investigate what you said. You don’t need to worry about this matter. It’s almost time to go off work now, you can leave.”

His decisive tone left no room for argument. Song Yuran reluctantly left the office, looking back several times. Lou Yan raised his eyebrows slightly and said to Qin Feng, “Keep an eye on her. She might secretly come back to the company after dark.”

Qin Feng pushed his glasses up. “Don’t worry, boss. I’ll keep an eye on her.”

Lou Yan had no intention of waiting here until late at night. He planned to go home first and come back to the company when there was no one around at night.

Lou Yan twirled the car keys in his hand and went to the clothing department before leaving.

The clothing department’s studio was extremely messy, with employees buried in work. Dozens of white plastic mannequins wearing various colored clothes were placed in the studio. On the large open space opposite the clothing department, there were more than twenty plastic mannequins piled together, standing or lying down, each with a different shape.

Many of these plastic mannequins were damaged, with sunken faces or bodies, arms or legs missing or bent, showing all sorts of defects. There was nothing particularly unusual about them.

[Psychic Power: 65/70]

Lou Yan used Crisis Perception but didn’t sense any danger within a radius of two hundred meters.

Was it because Song Yuran really misjudged, or because it wasn’t the time for the strange occurrences to appear yet?

Lou Yan pondered, then took the elevator to the parking lot. Just as he walked to his car, he heard someone call him, “What a coincidence, Mr. Lou.”

Lou Yan looked in the direction of the voice and saw a blond man wearing a hat and sunglasses walking towards him with two assistants.

It was Wen Jiu.

Had he finished his filming task?

Lou Yan nodded indifferently, not wanting to talk to Wen Jiu too much. But Wen Jiu seemed oblivious to Lou Yan’s refusal, blocking his path with long legs.

He was wearing a pure white outfit, silk shirt and crisp suit pants, with a rose blooming on his chest. The clothes looked formal, but he still seemed so unruly. Two buttons of the silk shirt were unbuttoned, exposing his collarbones and neck completely. Lou Yan then noticed the large black floral tattoos on Wen Jiu’s neck, extending from his right collarbone down under his clothes. It looked intimidating but also added a touch of charm.

Wen Jiu’s voice, praised by fans as charming and sexy like a sea demon, was low and seductive, with a smile in the tone as if he were very pleased. “I didn’t expect to meet Mr. Lou for the second time in the parking lot.”

His sunglasses slipped down to the bridge of his nose, revealing his golden, unique pupils. “Is Chief Lou planning to go home?”

Lou Yan replied blandly, “Yes.”

Wen Jiu lowered his head, the smile on his face deepening, his eyes locking onto Lou Yan’s, seemingly hiding a hint of temptation. “I wonder if I have the honor to invite Chief Lou to dinner?”

“No.” Lou Yan didn’t know what Wen Jiu was up to, but he didn’t have a good impression of him, so he rejected directly without thinking, “I already have plans for tonight. I don’t want to waste your time.”

Wen Jiu’s eyes flickered, showing a somewhat aggrieved expression. “Since Chief Lou said so, then let’s forget it this time. I hope I’ll have the chance to invite Chief Lou to dinner next time.”

With that, Wen Jiu lifted the rose from his chest and handed it to Lou Yan, sighing, “I can’t have dinner, but please accept this rose. Since I met Chief Lou for the first time, I felt it suited you.”

Lou Yan glanced at the rose, then looked up at Wen Jiu’s expression. His eyes held scrutiny, investigation, and indifference. He could clearly feel that he had caught Wen Jiu’s attention. Wen Yian really understood her little brother…

But Lou Yan didn’t have the patience to play any games of ruining or not ruining. He took the rose from Wen Jiu’s hand and said perfunctorily, “Thank you.”

Wen Jiu chuckled softly, “I’m glad you like it, Chief Lou.”

Lou Yan smiled slightly, then suddenly plucked a petal from the rose and threw it on the ground, saying leisurely, “Does Mr. Wen have a sister named Wen Yian?”

As he spoke, he plucked off another few petals.

Wen Jiu looked at the petals fallen in the dust on the ground. The golden depths of his eyes darkened slightly, a hint of hostility surfaced briefly before being suppressed. “Does Chief Lou like my sister?”

“How could I,” Lou Yan was amused. He glanced at the two assistants several meters behind Wen Jiu, took a step forward, and leaned close to Wen Jiu’s face, saying softly, “Mr. Wen, you don’t know that I know your sister.”

The faint scent of men’s cologne emanated from Lou Yan, not strong but tantalizing, adding to the ambiguity. Wen Jiu enjoyed the scent on Lou Yan’s body and naturally reached out to hold Lou Yan’s waist, his tone playful but indifferent, “Is that so? So Chief Lou also knows my sister.”

At the moment when Wen Jiu hugged Lou Yan’s waist, there was an imperceptible warmth on Lou Yan’s back, where the ghost marriage contract was. Chills ran down Lou Yan’s spine, and without hesitation, he kicked Wen Jiu’s knee, causing Wen Jiu to step back a few steps.

Wen Jiu bent over, rubbing his knee with a feigned painful expression, looking pitifully at Lou Yan, “Chief Lou, you have a cruel heart.”

Lou Yan had already plucked the petals of the rose and dropped them all over the floor. He left the bare stem behind and walked up to Wen Jiu, treading on the rose petals scattered on the ground, staring coldly at Wen Jiu. His attitude was condescending, as if Wen Jiu were nothing more than an ant on the ground. “I will tell your sister to discipline you properly. If you are still so rude next time we meet, I won’t let you or your sister’s two cultist followers off lightly.”

“This is the first and last warning,” Lou Yan ground the rose petals under his feet, chuckling lightly. “Remember my words, trash.”

With that, he turned and left decisively.

The roar of the car engine faded away, leaving only Wen Jiu and his entourage in the underground parking lot.

Wen Jiu stood up as if nothing had happened, covering his face with his hand. He chuckled softly, the laughter gradually growing louder and more strange. It echoed in the empty underground parking lot, making his two assistants shiver involuntarily.

After a while, Wen Jiu lowered his hand, covering the lower half of his face with an air of superiority. His golden eyes, sparkling with amusement, revealed a flush of excitement on his cheeks, faintly visible between his fingers.

“So charming…” Wen Jiu murmured, watching the direction Lou Yan had left, a shadow casting over his golden eyes, his voice momentarily icy, as if mixed with blocks of ice, “He’s truly of the ones I’ve ever met, the one I most want to destroy.”

Wen Jiu chuckled again, then glanced at a shadow in the corner.

There was a flash of light in the moment he hugged Lou Yan.

They should have taken a photo that he would like, right?

Wen Jiu hummed happily to his own song, spinning gracefully in his song, elegantly dancing a few steps of a gentleman’s dance.

The rose petals scattered on the ground were completely destroyed under his feet, crushed into red juice mixed with dust.

Author’s note:

Help, Wen Jiu is such a pervert

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Monster Resurgence Chapter 69

Monster Resurgence Chapter 69

Chapter 69

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Assistant Qin, who had been solemnly listening, couldn't help but laugh.

Song Yuran immediately turned to look at Assistant Qin, suspiciously questioning, "Assistant Qin, why are you laughing? Don't you believe what I said?"

"Sorry," Assistant Qin couldn't help but chuckle again, finding Song Yuran's words quite amusing. "Miss Song, what you're saying is just too unrealistic. I am a staunch materialist and can't believe the unscientific parts of your story. Even elementary school textbooks begin teaching students not to be superstitious and to believe in science. Miss Song, you're already in college, why are you reversing your studies?"

Song Yuran frantically scratched her head, "Assistant Qin, I'm telling the truth! There really are supernatural events in this world!!!"

Assistant Qin shook his head helplessly, looking at Song Yuran as if she were a mischievous child clamoring for toys, "Miss Song's story is quite intriguing, indeed worthy of a video blogger with over two hundred thousand fans. But this is the company, please don't bring this kind of superstitious and fictitious atmosphere here."

"I really didn't make it up..." Song Yuran's eyes were full of despair, almost infuriated.

Seeing her appearance, which didn't seem like she was lying, Assistant Qin thought for a few seconds and gave a very scientific and rational suggestion: "Miss Song, are you sure you didn't drink alcohol or consume any substances affecting your mind last night? Otherwise, you can spare some time to go to the hospital for a blood test or urine test today. I know some ophthalmologists and neurologists with good abilities. Miss Song, if you need it, you can tell me, and I'm happy to introduce them to you."

"...” Song Yuran was choked, weakly turning her head to ask Lou Yan, "Mr. Lou, do you believe me?"

Lou Yan frowned. He remembered that in his previous life, such a thing never happened in the company.

But too many things had changed in this life, and the memories from the previous life could no longer be used as a reference. He could tell that Song Yuran wasn't lying, which was enough for Lou Yan to treat her words with caution.

"Assistant Qin," Lou Yan looked at Qin Feng, "have there been any sudden disappearances or resignations of employees in the company in the past month?"

Assistant Qin's expression became serious. "No."

Lou Yan intertwined his fingers and thought for a few seconds before saying, "Go and ask the employees in the company if anyone else has encountered the situation Miss Song described."

Assistant Qin was surprised. "Mr. Lou?"

Lou Yan said, "Go."

Although Assistant Qin couldn't understand why Lou Yan would take Song Yuran's unscientific nonsense seriously, he still did as he was told. Twenty minutes later, Assistant Qin reported the results to Lou Yan and deliberately glanced at Song Yuran. "Mr. Lou, no one else in the company besides Miss Song has encountered the situation Miss Song described."

Lou Yan's eyebrows relaxed slightly. This meant that even if there were supernatural occurrences in his company, they hadn't had a chance to harm anyone, which was undoubtedly good news.

Song Yuran bit her lip and still firmly stated, "I definitely didn't misjudge. Chief Lou, I will stay tonight to prove that the plastic mannequins really move as I said."

Lou Yan directly refused, "No need. You can leave work as usual today. Assistant Qin, tell the company security again that no one is allowed to stay in the company after 6 pm."

Assistant Qin nodded, "Got it."

Lou Yan stood up and said, "Alright, Miss Song, I will further investigate what you said. You don't need to worry about this matter. It's almost time to go off work now, you can leave."

His decisive tone left no room for argument. Song Yuran reluctantly left the office, looking back several times. Lou Yan raised his eyebrows slightly and said to Qin Feng, "Keep an eye on her. She might secretly come back to the company after dark."

Qin Feng pushed his glasses up. "Don't worry, boss. I'll keep an eye on her."

Lou Yan had no intention of waiting here until late at night. He planned to go home first and come back to the company when there was no one around at night.

Lou Yan twirled the car keys in his hand and went to the clothing department before leaving.

The clothing department's studio was extremely messy, with employees buried in work. Dozens of white plastic mannequins wearing various colored clothes were placed in the studio. On the large open space opposite the clothing department, there were more than twenty plastic mannequins piled together, standing or lying down, each with a different shape.

Many of these plastic mannequins were damaged, with sunken faces or bodies, arms or legs missing or bent, showing all sorts of defects. There was nothing particularly unusual about them.

[Psychic Power: 65/70]

Lou Yan used Crisis Perception but didn't sense any danger within a radius of two hundred meters.

Was it because Song Yuran really misjudged, or because it wasn't the time for the strange occurrences to appear yet?

Lou Yan pondered, then took the elevator to the parking lot. Just as he walked to his car, he heard someone call him, "What a coincidence, Mr. Lou."

Lou Yan looked in the direction of the voice and saw a blond man wearing a hat and sunglasses walking towards him with two assistants.

It was Wen Jiu.

Had he finished his filming task?

Lou Yan nodded indifferently, not wanting to talk to Wen Jiu too much. But Wen Jiu seemed oblivious to Lou Yan's refusal, blocking his path with long legs.

He was wearing a pure white outfit, silk shirt and crisp suit pants, with a rose blooming on his chest. The clothes looked formal, but he still seemed so unruly. Two buttons of the silk shirt were unbuttoned, exposing his collarbones and neck completely. Lou Yan then noticed the large black floral tattoos on Wen Jiu's neck, extending from his right collarbone down under his clothes. It looked intimidating but also added a touch of charm.

Wen Jiu's voice, praised by fans as charming and sexy like a sea demon, was low and seductive, with a smile in the tone as if he were very pleased. "I didn't expect to meet Mr. Lou for the second time in the parking lot."

His sunglasses slipped down to the bridge of his nose, revealing his golden, unique pupils. "Is Chief Lou planning to go home?"

Lou Yan replied blandly, "Yes."

Wen Jiu lowered his head, the smile on his face deepening, his eyes locking onto Lou Yan's, seemingly hiding a hint of temptation. "I wonder if I have the honor to invite Chief Lou to dinner?"

“No.” Lou Yan didn't know what Wen Jiu was up to, but he didn't have a good impression of him, so he rejected directly without thinking, "I already have plans for tonight. I don't want to waste your time."

Wen Jiu's eyes flickered, showing a somewhat aggrieved expression. "Since Chief Lou said so, then let's forget it this time. I hope I'll have the chance to invite Chief Lou to dinner next time."

With that, Wen Jiu lifted the rose from his chest and handed it to Lou Yan, sighing, "I can't have dinner, but please accept this rose. Since I met Chief Lou for the first time, I felt it suited you."

Lou Yan glanced at the rose, then looked up at Wen Jiu's expression. His eyes held scrutiny, investigation, and indifference. He could clearly feel that he had caught Wen Jiu's attention. Wen Yian really understood her little brother...

But Lou Yan didn't have the patience to play any games of ruining or not ruining. He took the rose from Wen Jiu's hand and said perfunctorily, "Thank you."

Wen Jiu chuckled softly, "I'm glad you like it, Chief Lou."

Lou Yan smiled slightly, then suddenly plucked a petal from the rose and threw it on the ground, saying leisurely, "Does Mr. Wen have a sister named Wen Yian?"

As he spoke, he plucked off another few petals.

Wen Jiu looked at the petals fallen in the dust on the ground. The golden depths of his eyes darkened slightly, a hint of hostility surfaced briefly before being suppressed. "Does Chief Lou like my sister?"

"How could I," Lou Yan was amused. He glanced at the two assistants several meters behind Wen Jiu, took a step forward, and leaned close to Wen Jiu's face, saying softly, "Mr. Wen, you don't know that I know your sister."

The faint scent of men's cologne emanated from Lou Yan, not strong but tantalizing, adding to the ambiguity. Wen Jiu enjoyed the scent on Lou Yan's body and naturally reached out to hold Lou Yan's waist, his tone playful but indifferent, "Is that so? So Chief Lou also knows my sister."

At the moment when Wen Jiu hugged Lou Yan's waist, there was an imperceptible warmth on Lou Yan's back, where the ghost marriage contract was. Chills ran down Lou Yan's spine, and without hesitation, he kicked Wen Jiu's knee, causing Wen Jiu to step back a few steps.

Wen Jiu bent over, rubbing his knee with a feigned painful expression, looking pitifully at Lou Yan, "Chief Lou, you have a cruel heart."

Lou Yan had already plucked the petals of the rose and dropped them all over the floor. He left the bare stem behind and walked up to Wen Jiu, treading on the rose petals scattered on the ground, staring coldly at Wen Jiu. His attitude was condescending, as if Wen Jiu were nothing more than an ant on the ground. "I will tell your sister to discipline you properly. If you are still so rude next time we meet, I won't let you or your sister's two cultist followers off lightly."

"This is the first and last warning," Lou Yan ground the rose petals under his feet, chuckling lightly. "Remember my words, trash."

With that, he turned and left decisively.

The roar of the car engine faded away, leaving only Wen Jiu and his entourage in the underground parking lot.

Wen Jiu stood up as if nothing had happened, covering his face with his hand. He chuckled softly, the laughter gradually growing louder and more strange. It echoed in the empty underground parking lot, making his two assistants shiver involuntarily.

After a while, Wen Jiu lowered his hand, covering the lower half of his face with an air of superiority. His golden eyes, sparkling with amusement, revealed a flush of excitement on his cheeks, faintly visible between his fingers.

"So charming..." Wen Jiu murmured, watching the direction Lou Yan had left, a shadow casting over his golden eyes, his voice momentarily icy, as if mixed with blocks of ice, "He's truly of the ones I've ever met, the one I most want to destroy."

Wen Jiu chuckled again, then glanced at a shadow in the corner.

There was a flash of light in the moment he hugged Lou Yan.

They should have taken a photo that he would like, right?

Wen Jiu hummed happily to his own song, spinning gracefully in his song, elegantly dancing a few steps of a gentleman's dance.

The rose petals scattered on the ground were completely destroyed under his feet, crushed into red juice mixed with dust.

Author's note:

Help, Wen Jiu is such a pervert

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