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Monster Resurgence Chapter 74

Chapter 74

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Fu Xuezhou said that he will only give Lou Yan a week. Lou Yan had to either figure it out or escape to a place where Fu Xuezhou could never find him.

Although Lou Yan didn’t plan to be threatened by Fu Xuezhou and run away with just one sentence, he definitely didn’t want to be forced into a relationship with him in a week. Therefore, Lou Yan had long been prepared to evade Fu Xuezhou.

After using Li Sanxin’s baby’s crying to disturb the eagle, Lou Yan skillfully traversed through streets and alleys and underground passages, using his Crisis Perception to shake off all dangers. Two hours later, he successfully arrived at the villa in the suburbs.

This villa was built in the sparsely populated mountainside, with winding mountain roads hidden under dense forests. The fewer people there were, the less likely anomalies were to appear. From the perspective of safety, this villa was safer than Li Sanxin’s house in the city.

After parking the car, a few people who were drowsy and napping suddenly stirred, reluctantly straightened up and opened their heavy eyes, “Arrived?”

“Yes,” Lou Yan energetically opened the car door, “Let’s go, take a look at our future home.”

Li Sanxin blinked awake from drowsiness, carrying the sleeping Little Yu, was the first to get out of the car. Duan Zege and Lu Haoxiu followed, yawning behind Li Sanxin. When they took a look ahead in the dim night, their sleepiness disappeared instantly, shocked with wide eyes.


“A castle!!!”

The tall villa stood in the darkness like a piece of hard iron, surrounded by iron fences. Dozens of cameras were lit with red dots above the fence, monitoring everything around in 360 degrees without dead angles.

The further they went in, the more surprised they became. Gardens, lawns, swimming pools, tennis courts, the spacious villa had over twenty rooms. The household items were complete, the bedding was new and clean, they could move in immediately.

Behind the villa was a large warehouse, with a total of two floors above and below ground. The inside was rich in supplies, neatly arranged, like a large supermarket.

Lu Haoxiu even saw a jet ski!

Ah ah ah!

When did Brother Lou prepare such a luxurious mansion!

So rich! So luxurious! So surprising!

Lu Haoxiu excitedly dragged Duan Zege and Li Sanxin around the villa, touching the expensive tables on the left and the fireplace in the living room on the right, too excited to sleep, and even wanted to put on shorts and swim in the pool.

Li Sanxin’s mouth twitched, helplessly stopping him, “I know you’re excited, but don’t be so excited. The water is cold at night, what’s the point of swimming? Go back to the room and sleep.”

Lou Yan stood beside the sofa, smiling as he watched them fooling around, “That’s right, don’t play around, let’s pick a room and sleep first. Little Lu, you and your brother don’t have to squeeze into one room anymore, just pick whichever room you like, feel free to live in.”

“Is this what it feels like to live off someone else?” Duan Zege said contentedly, “Wow, this free ride is really sweet.”

Lu Haoxiu shouted in agreement, and when he saw a bedroom filled with his beloved anime figures, he couldn’t even walk properly anymore, tears streaming down his face as he looked at the room.

The layout of the entire room was similar to the one in his family’s house in Lishui District, filled with memories of him and his parents. Needless to say, all of this was arranged by Brother Lou specially for him. Lu Haoxiu was moved to tears, holding the figures and shouting at the top of his lungs downstairs, “Brother Lou, you’re my god! I love you so much, Brother Lou!”

“Stop shouting,” Duan Zege slapped him on the head mercilessly, “Little Yu is still sleeping.”

Lu Haoxiu reluctantly lowered his voice, “Oh…”

After spending half an hour each tidying their rooms, the excitement of moving into the new home gradually gave way to fatigue, and the villa fell into tranquility.

Lou Yan made himself a cup of coffee and went alone to the monitoring room. After staring at the monitors for an hour to ensure that Fu Xuezhou hadn’t followed him, he finally felt at ease and went back to rest in his room.

The night passed peacefully.

Early the next morning, except for Lou Yan, who was still asleep, everyone else woke up full of energy and began to explore the large villa.

“D*mn, there’s even a music room!”

“Wow, this gym is even better than a professional one!”

“Oh my god, Brother Lou!!! There’s even a private movie theater!!! Ahhhh!!!”

“Ah, the decadent life of the rich.”

Several people enthusiastically ran up and down the stairs, even Li Sanxin, who was accustomed to Brother Lou’s various displays of wealth, couldn’t help but exclaim how well this villa was bought, loving Brother Lou’s specially prepared large kitchen and gym.

Little Yu’s mouth hung open wide, never closing it. Her black eyes looked up and down, left and right, stunned and dumbfounded.

Lu Haoxiu, wearing bright red flower swim trunks, excitedly jumped into the pool from last night until now. As soon as he jumped in, he seemed to have discovered a new continent, his face flushed with excitement, as if he were drunk, “It seems to be a heated pool, the water isn’t cold at all!”

Duan Zege raised an eyebrow, “Really?”

He squatted down and reached out to touch the pool water, silent for a dozen seconds, “It’s actually not cold.”

Lu Haoxiu exclaimed excitedly, flapping his arms a few times, then reached out to Little Yu, “Little Yu, do you want to play in the water?”

Little Yu nodded vigorously.

Li Sanxin smiled, patting Little Yu’s head, “Let’s go back and eat first. When the sun is higher at noon, you can play in the water. Your swimsuit and floaties should be prepared in the warehouse. Uncle Duan, can help you go find them later? Brother, I will go make breakfast for you guys.”

Little Yu obediently nodded, reaching out to hold Duan Zege’s fingers.

Duan Zege shook his hand, lazily saying, “So I’m Uncle now, and you guys are brothers?”

Li Sanxin couldn’t be bothered to deal with him and went straight back to the villa’s kitchen to cook.

The villa was well-stocked, and Li Sanxin could make many different styles of dishes. Compared to Western-style bread and milk for breakfast, Li Sanxin, a northerner, preferred buns, wontons, and pan-fried dumplings.

In the bright and clean new rooms, the air was filled with a fresh and sweet smell. Li Sanxin was in a good mood, showing off his skills and preparing a table of delicious food in just half an hour.

After a lively breakfast, Lou Yan yawned, got in the car, and left the villa to meet with Wen Yian.

At ten o’clock, Lou Yan arrived at the address given by Wen Yian.

He knocked on the door, and half a minute later, Wen Yian opened the door, her tired and pale face exposed to Lou Yan’s sight. She hoarsely said, “Come in, Mr. Lou.”

After Lou Yan entered the room, he immediately smelled a faint smell of blood. Wen Yian led him to a bedroom, tiredly pushing her loose golden hair behind her ears, and opened the door, saying, “I’ve bought this property a long time ago, and only I know about it. I put Wen Jiu’s body here. I can’t let anyone find out that Wen Jiu is dead yet.”

As soon as the door opened, the low-temperature air instantly swept over the two of them, and goosebumps rose on Lou Yan’s arms. When he looked inside, Wen Jiu’s body was lying on the bed, exposed to the lowest temperature of 16 degrees from the air conditioning.

Wen Jiu’s eyes were tightly closed, his skin pale and translucent, his limbs intact, lying on the bed like a sleeping beauty.

Wen Yian looked at her brother’s body with a complex expression, “Wen Jiu and I didn’t actually get along well… but he’s still my family after all. Mr. Lou, aren’t you planning to attend the amusement park tonight? I also plan to attend the amusement park. If we can meet at the amusement park, maybe we can cooperate to pass the challenge together.”

Lou Yan immediately understood her meaning, “You plan to attend the amusement park, and after surviving, you will make a wish to the Anomaly Lord to bring your brother back to life?”

“Exactly,” Wen Yian affirmed.

“Miss Wen, your brother is already dead. Even if the Anomaly Lord satisfies your wish and brings your brother back to life, the revived Wen Jiu won’t be the same as before,” Lou Yan reminded her.

“I know,” Wen Yian pursed her lips, stubbornly saying, “Even if the revived Wen Jiu is not the same as before, it doesn’t matter. As long as he can be revived, even if he becomes an anomaly, it’s fine.”

Lou Yan shrugged indifferently, “Alright, I respect your thoughts. But if you cooperate with me at the amusement park, won’t other cultists discover that you’re my undercover agent?”

Wen Yian smiled slightly, showing some spirit, “No, who would know about the things Mr. Lou and I privately discussed? In the eyes of outsiders, I’m just the famous star Wen Yian, and only a few people know about my identity as a cultist believer. As for cooperation, we’ll play it by ear. If we can’t openly cooperate, I hope Mr. Lou and I won’t become enemies. We can secretly help each other, and maybe we’ll both come out alive, right?”

This was a win-win cooperation method, and Lou Yan had no reason to refuse. He nodded and agreed to cooperate with Wen Yian.

After leaving Wen Yian’s residence, Lou Yan returned to the villa and prepared to face tonight’s amusement park with Li Sanxin. There wasn’t much preparation needed, the only thing they needed to do was to rest well and eat well before the start of the amusement park to keep their spirits up.

Lou Yan even took the time to take a bath and enjoy the massage function in the bathtub.

In the evening, around five o’clock, the two of them arrived at the vicinity of the Chengjiang City Library. After leisurely finishing dinner at a small restaurant, they slowly made their way to the library.

As the sun disappeared from the west, anomaly red twilight filled half of the sky, revealing a hint of strangeness.

As they got closer, Lou Yan and Li Sanxin could see that the library was surrounded by a layer of faint red mist.

This layer of red mist seemed to have the effect of making people ignore the library. People passing by around it seemed to not see the large library in front of them, passing by without glancing sideways.

Lou Yan and Li Sanxin exchanged glances. After the time reached 19:00, they both walked into the red mist together.

As they entered, the red mist quickly enveloped them, obscuring everything in front of them. In the next instant, Lou Yan felt the pull on his arm from Li Sanxin disappear.

Instinctively, he reached out to the side, only to feel empty air. Obviously, the red mist had separated him and Li Sanxin.

What’s going on?

Lou Yan frowned, then heard a polite voice, “Where’s your invitation?”

The voice seemed to come from all directions, making it impossible to discern its source. Lou Yan calmly took out the black invitation from his pocket and handed it over, “Here it is.”

A hand wearing a pure black glove reached out from the red mist and took the invitation from Lou Yan’s hand. This hand seemed to appear out of nowhere and had no body attached to it. As Lou Yan followed the hand upwards, he could only see the tip of the hand covered by the red mist.

The mysterious hand opened the invitation, and the voice sounded again, “So, you’re the owner of that delicious drop of blood…”


The sound of swallowing echoed in the red mist.

Lou Yan instantly remembered the memory of his finger being scratched by the edge of the invitation card three days ago, when he had indeed dripped a drop of blood on the invitation.

He could feel the eerie gaze of the red mist greedily and hungrily staring at him, making him feel extremely uncomfortable.

The voice paused for a moment before continuing, “Welcome to this game, Mr. Lou, I wish you a pleasant time.”

As the voice ended, the red mist dispersed, revealing the path to the library gate. Lou Yan took the opportunity to look around, but didn’t see any trace of Li Sanxin. The scenery on both sides was still obscured by the red mist, and only the path underfoot was visible.

Lou Yan frowned, stepped up the stairs, and walked into the library gate. The moment he stepped into the library gate, Lou Yan’s clothes instantly turned into gray prisoner’s attire, and the interior of the library in front of him turned into an incredibly vast maze-like space.

It’s the Anomaly Domain.

He paused for a moment, and immediately felt a stick hitting his back, as the prison guard rudely warned him with an electric baton, “Hurry up, scum!”

Lou Yan furrowed his brows, glanced back, and saw a prison guard with a pig’s head, as tall as a small mountain, glaring at him fiercely.

Lou Yan wanted to retaliate with a whip to avenge the stick, but he secretly took a deep breath, suppressing his anger, and followed the prison guard’s words, walking past several huge walls. Soon, he saw a large group of people gathered together, all wearing prisoner’s uniforms like him.

These people were of all ages, men and women, and people of various skin colors. Their faces were either heavy, uneasy, or confused, obviously all participants in the amusement park like Lou Yan.

There was no one in the crowd daring to speak loudly, only whispers could be heard: “What’s going on? Are we supposed to play prisoners?”

“These prison guards here all have pig heads… They won’t eat us, will they?”

“Something feels off, why are we being gathered together? Amusement Park, amusement…What do they want to play at?!”

Lou Yan quickly took two steps forward, cleverly blending into the crowd, quietly observing the surroundings. After Lou Yan arrived, one by one, prison guards with pig heads in black clothes also brought many other people over. Lou Yan saw Li Sanxin, who looked quite unhappy, among them.

After Li Sanxin was pushed to the front of the crowd by the prison guards with pig heads, Lou Yan quietly walked to his side and pulled him into the crowd.

Li Sanxin: “Who are you—Yanzi!”

The expression of displeasure and suppression suddenly turned into surprise.

Lou Yan gestured for him to be quiet with his hand in front of his lips, “Shh, keep your voice down.”

Can’t wait until next week to see more? Want to show your support? Come to my Patreon where you can get up to 5 more chapters of Monster Resurgence right away ! Or go donate at Paypal or Ko-fi to show your appreciation! :)

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Monster Resurgence Chapter 74

Monster Resurgence Chapter 74

Chapter 74

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Fu Xuezhou said that he will only give Lou Yan a week. Lou Yan had to either figure it out or escape to a place where Fu Xuezhou could never find him.

Although Lou Yan didn't plan to be threatened by Fu Xuezhou and run away with just one sentence, he definitely didn't want to be forced into a relationship with him in a week. Therefore, Lou Yan had long been prepared to evade Fu Xuezhou.

After using Li Sanxin's baby's crying to disturb the eagle, Lou Yan skillfully traversed through streets and alleys and underground passages, using his Crisis Perception to shake off all dangers. Two hours later, he successfully arrived at the villa in the suburbs.

This villa was built in the sparsely populated mountainside, with winding mountain roads hidden under dense forests. The fewer people there were, the less likely anomalies were to appear. From the perspective of safety, this villa was safer than Li Sanxin's house in the city.

After parking the car, a few people who were drowsy and napping suddenly stirred, reluctantly straightened up and opened their heavy eyes, "Arrived?"

"Yes," Lou Yan energetically opened the car door, "Let's go, take a look at our future home."

Li Sanxin blinked awake from drowsiness, carrying the sleeping Little Yu, was the first to get out of the car. Duan Zege and Lu Haoxiu followed, yawning behind Li Sanxin. When they took a look ahead in the dim night, their sleepiness disappeared instantly, shocked with wide eyes.


"A castle!!!"

The tall villa stood in the darkness like a piece of hard iron, surrounded by iron fences. Dozens of cameras were lit with red dots above the fence, monitoring everything around in 360 degrees without dead angles.

The further they went in, the more surprised they became. Gardens, lawns, swimming pools, tennis courts, the spacious villa had over twenty rooms. The household items were complete, the bedding was new and clean, they could move in immediately.

Behind the villa was a large warehouse, with a total of two floors above and below ground. The inside was rich in supplies, neatly arranged, like a large supermarket.

Lu Haoxiu even saw a jet ski!

Ah ah ah!

When did Brother Lou prepare such a luxurious mansion!

So rich! So luxurious! So surprising!

Lu Haoxiu excitedly dragged Duan Zege and Li Sanxin around the villa, touching the expensive tables on the left and the fireplace in the living room on the right, too excited to sleep, and even wanted to put on shorts and swim in the pool.

Li Sanxin's mouth twitched, helplessly stopping him, "I know you're excited, but don't be so excited. The water is cold at night, what's the point of swimming? Go back to the room and sleep."

Lou Yan stood beside the sofa, smiling as he watched them fooling around, "That's right, don't play around, let's pick a room and sleep first. Little Lu, you and your brother don't have to squeeze into one room anymore, just pick whichever room you like, feel free to live in."

"Is this what it feels like to live off someone else?" Duan Zege said contentedly, "Wow, this free ride is really sweet."

Lu Haoxiu shouted in agreement, and when he saw a bedroom filled with his beloved anime figures, he couldn't even walk properly anymore, tears streaming down his face as he looked at the room.

The layout of the entire room was similar to the one in his family's house in Lishui District, filled with memories of him and his parents. Needless to say, all of this was arranged by Brother Lou specially for him. Lu Haoxiu was moved to tears, holding the figures and shouting at the top of his lungs downstairs, "Brother Lou, you're my god! I love you so much, Brother Lou!"

"Stop shouting," Duan Zege slapped him on the head mercilessly, "Little Yu is still sleeping."

Lu Haoxiu reluctantly lowered his voice, "Oh..."

After spending half an hour each tidying their rooms, the excitement of moving into the new home gradually gave way to fatigue, and the villa fell into tranquility.

Lou Yan made himself a cup of coffee and went alone to the monitoring room. After staring at the monitors for an hour to ensure that Fu Xuezhou hadn't followed him, he finally felt at ease and went back to rest in his room.

The night passed peacefully.

Early the next morning, except for Lou Yan, who was still asleep, everyone else woke up full of energy and began to explore the large villa.

"D*mn, there's even a music room!"

"Wow, this gym is even better than a professional one!"

"Oh my god, Brother Lou!!! There's even a private movie theater!!! Ahhhh!!!"

"Ah, the decadent life of the rich."

Several people enthusiastically ran up and down the stairs, even Li Sanxin, who was accustomed to Brother Lou's various displays of wealth, couldn't help but exclaim how well this villa was bought, loving Brother Lou's specially prepared large kitchen and gym.

Little Yu's mouth hung open wide, never closing it. Her black eyes looked up and down, left and right, stunned and dumbfounded.

Lu Haoxiu, wearing bright red flower swim trunks, excitedly jumped into the pool from last night until now. As soon as he jumped in, he seemed to have discovered a new continent, his face flushed with excitement, as if he were drunk, "It seems to be a heated pool, the water isn't cold at all!"

Duan Zege raised an eyebrow, "Really?"

He squatted down and reached out to touch the pool water, silent for a dozen seconds, "It's actually not cold."

Lu Haoxiu exclaimed excitedly, flapping his arms a few times, then reached out to Little Yu, "Little Yu, do you want to play in the water?"

Little Yu nodded vigorously.

Li Sanxin smiled, patting Little Yu's head, "Let's go back and eat first. When the sun is higher at noon, you can play in the water. Your swimsuit and floaties should be prepared in the warehouse. Uncle Duan, can help you go find them later? Brother, I will go make breakfast for you guys."

Little Yu obediently nodded, reaching out to hold Duan Zege's fingers.

Duan Zege shook his hand, lazily saying, "So I'm Uncle now, and you guys are brothers?"

Li Sanxin couldn't be bothered to deal with him and went straight back to the villa's kitchen to cook.

The villa was well-stocked, and Li Sanxin could make many different styles of dishes. Compared to Western-style bread and milk for breakfast, Li Sanxin, a northerner, preferred buns, wontons, and pan-fried dumplings.

In the bright and clean new rooms, the air was filled with a fresh and sweet smell. Li Sanxin was in a good mood, showing off his skills and preparing a table of delicious food in just half an hour.

After a lively breakfast, Lou Yan yawned, got in the car, and left the villa to meet with Wen Yian.

At ten o'clock, Lou Yan arrived at the address given by Wen Yian.

He knocked on the door, and half a minute later, Wen Yian opened the door, her tired and pale face exposed to Lou Yan's sight. She hoarsely said, "Come in, Mr. Lou."

After Lou Yan entered the room, he immediately smelled a faint smell of blood. Wen Yian led him to a bedroom, tiredly pushing her loose golden hair behind her ears, and opened the door, saying, "I've bought this property a long time ago, and only I know about it. I put Wen Jiu's body here. I can't let anyone find out that Wen Jiu is dead yet."

As soon as the door opened, the low-temperature air instantly swept over the two of them, and goosebumps rose on Lou Yan's arms. When he looked inside, Wen Jiu's body was lying on the bed, exposed to the lowest temperature of 16 degrees from the air conditioning.

Wen Jiu's eyes were tightly closed, his skin pale and translucent, his limbs intact, lying on the bed like a sleeping beauty.

Wen Yian looked at her brother's body with a complex expression, "Wen Jiu and I didn't actually get along well... but he's still my family after all. Mr. Lou, aren't you planning to attend the amusement park tonight? I also plan to attend the amusement park. If we can meet at the amusement park, maybe we can cooperate to pass the challenge together."

Lou Yan immediately understood her meaning, "You plan to attend the amusement park, and after surviving, you will make a wish to the Anomaly Lord to bring your brother back to life?"

"Exactly," Wen Yian affirmed.

"Miss Wen, your brother is already dead. Even if the Anomaly Lord satisfies your wish and brings your brother back to life, the revived Wen Jiu won't be the same as before," Lou Yan reminded her.

"I know," Wen Yian pursed her lips, stubbornly saying, "Even if the revived Wen Jiu is not the same as before, it doesn't matter. As long as he can be revived, even if he becomes an anomaly, it's fine."

Lou Yan shrugged indifferently, "Alright, I respect your thoughts. But if you cooperate with me at the amusement park, won't other cultists discover that you're my undercover agent?"

Wen Yian smiled slightly, showing some spirit, "No, who would know about the things Mr. Lou and I privately discussed? In the eyes of outsiders, I'm just the famous star Wen Yian, and only a few people know about my identity as a cultist believer. As for cooperation, we'll play it by ear. If we can't openly cooperate, I hope Mr. Lou and I won't become enemies. We can secretly help each other, and maybe we'll both come out alive, right?"

This was a win-win cooperation method, and Lou Yan had no reason to refuse. He nodded and agreed to cooperate with Wen Yian.

After leaving Wen Yian's residence, Lou Yan returned to the villa and prepared to face tonight's amusement park with Li Sanxin. There wasn't much preparation needed, the only thing they needed to do was to rest well and eat well before the start of the amusement park to keep their spirits up.

Lou Yan even took the time to take a bath and enjoy the massage function in the bathtub.

In the evening, around five o'clock, the two of them arrived at the vicinity of the Chengjiang City Library. After leisurely finishing dinner at a small restaurant, they slowly made their way to the library.

As the sun disappeared from the west, anomaly red twilight filled half of the sky, revealing a hint of strangeness.

As they got closer, Lou Yan and Li Sanxin could see that the library was surrounded by a layer of faint red mist.

This layer of red mist seemed to have the effect of making people ignore the library. People passing by around it seemed to not see the large library in front of them, passing by without glancing sideways.

Lou Yan and Li Sanxin exchanged glances. After the time reached 19:00, they both walked into the red mist together.

As they entered, the red mist quickly enveloped them, obscuring everything in front of them. In the next instant, Lou Yan felt the pull on his arm from Li Sanxin disappear.

Instinctively, he reached out to the side, only to feel empty air. Obviously, the red mist had separated him and Li Sanxin.

What's going on?

Lou Yan frowned, then heard a polite voice, "Where's your invitation?"

The voice seemed to come from all directions, making it impossible to discern its source. Lou Yan calmly took out the black invitation from his pocket and handed it over, "Here it is."

A hand wearing a pure black glove reached out from the red mist and took the invitation from Lou Yan's hand. This hand seemed to appear out of nowhere and had no body attached to it. As Lou Yan followed the hand upwards, he could only see the tip of the hand covered by the red mist.

The mysterious hand opened the invitation, and the voice sounded again, "So, you're the owner of that delicious drop of blood..."


The sound of swallowing echoed in the red mist.

Lou Yan instantly remembered the memory of his finger being scratched by the edge of the invitation card three days ago, when he had indeed dripped a drop of blood on the invitation.

He could feel the eerie gaze of the red mist greedily and hungrily staring at him, making him feel extremely uncomfortable.

The voice paused for a moment before continuing, "Welcome to this game, Mr. Lou, I wish you a pleasant time."

As the voice ended, the red mist dispersed, revealing the path to the library gate. Lou Yan took the opportunity to look around, but didn't see any trace of Li Sanxin. The scenery on both sides was still obscured by the red mist, and only the path underfoot was visible.

Lou Yan frowned, stepped up the stairs, and walked into the library gate. The moment he stepped into the library gate, Lou Yan's clothes instantly turned into gray prisoner's attire, and the interior of the library in front of him turned into an incredibly vast maze-like space.

It's the Anomaly Domain.

He paused for a moment, and immediately felt a stick hitting his back, as the prison guard rudely warned him with an electric baton, "Hurry up, scum!"

Lou Yan furrowed his brows, glanced back, and saw a prison guard with a pig's head, as tall as a small mountain, glaring at him fiercely.

Lou Yan wanted to retaliate with a whip to avenge the stick, but he secretly took a deep breath, suppressing his anger, and followed the prison guard's words, walking past several huge walls. Soon, he saw a large group of people gathered together, all wearing prisoner's uniforms like him.

These people were of all ages, men and women, and people of various skin colors. Their faces were either heavy, uneasy, or confused, obviously all participants in the amusement park like Lou Yan.

There was no one in the crowd daring to speak loudly, only whispers could be heard: "What's going on? Are we supposed to play prisoners?"

"These prison guards here all have pig heads... They won't eat us, will they?"

"Something feels off, why are we being gathered together? Amusement Park, amusement…What do they want to play at?!"

Lou Yan quickly took two steps forward, cleverly blending into the crowd, quietly observing the surroundings. After Lou Yan arrived, one by one, prison guards with pig heads in black clothes also brought many other people over. Lou Yan saw Li Sanxin, who looked quite unhappy, among them.

After Li Sanxin was pushed to the front of the crowd by the prison guards with pig heads, Lou Yan quietly walked to his side and pulled him into the crowd.

Li Sanxin: "Who are you—Yanzi!"

The expression of displeasure and suppression suddenly turned into surprise.

Lou Yan gestured for him to be quiet with his hand in front of his lips, "Shh, keep your voice down."

Can’t wait until next week to see more? Want to show your support? Come to my Patreon where you can get up to 5 more chapters of Monster Resurgence right away ! Or go donate at Paypal or Ko-fi to show your appreciation! :)

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