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Monster Resurgence Chapter 75

Chapter 75

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Li Sanxin made an “ok” gesture, lowered his voice, and said, “I blinked just now and you were gone, scared me. I thought the Anomaly was playing dirty, secretly attacking you.”

Lou Yan smiled, “I also noticed you were gone in the blink of an eye, luckily I still found you here. Let’s keep a low profile and see what happens. Control your temper.”

Li Sanxin laughed freely and explained, “I was in a bad mood just now because I didn’t know where you went. Now that I see you, I’m relieved. Don’t worry, if you can bear with your temper, what can’t I bear?”

Lou Yan gave him a disdainful look, “You talk as if you’ve never had a bad temper before.”

Li Sanxin’s face remained unchanged, still wearing a cool and handsome smile.

Lou Yan’s emotions were quite stable, and Li Sanxin’s emotions were also stable as long as he saw his childhood friend safe and sound. But other people didn’t have such a good mentality, and the anxious atmosphere grew stronger as time passed. Under the surveillance of a group of pig-headed guards, the people on the periphery were already covered in cold sweat, their eyes unfocused, and their bodies trembling uncontrollably.

The people on the periphery kept their heads down, wanting to squeeze into the crowd, but the people inside the crowd also didn’t want to be squeezed out. The pushing and shoving between people became more and more fierce, and the pig-headed guards didn’t care about the conflicts within the crowd. They wore a cold smile on their pig-headed faces, and the scene of them smiling with a smile on their faces was extremely eerie. The more intense the disturbance, the happier they looked.

Lou Yan and Li Sanxin hid within the crowd, temporarily unaffected by the chaos. Lou Yan’s gaze scanned the crowd, and suddenly he saw Wen Yian among them.

Wen Yian’s golden hair was pinned up with a golden hairpin, her face pale and delicate. Every frown and hair toss of hers was charming, evoking sympathy from others. She stood out with her exceptional beauty, even wearing a prisoner’s uniform; she seemed to have a filter applied to her existence in the surrounding crowd. Many people surrounded her, whispering to her, and Wen Yian responded with a shallow smile.

She was too famous; anyone who caught sight of Wen Yian would be surprised and would take a second look.

Lou Yan’s gaze fell on her for only a few seconds before Wen Yian noticed. She slightly turned her head towards Lou Yan, blinked when she saw him, and then casually turned her head back.

“Lou Yan, look at that person,” Li Sanxin suddenly tugged at Lou Yan’s clothes, looking strangely at a man he pointed out to Lou Yan.

Lou Yan followed his gaze and saw a tall and sturdy man in the crowd who had pushed everyone in front of him aside and quickly walked to the outer edge. He stood on the outside, extending his hand to try to protect the crowd behind him from being pushed. He stood straight, his stern face staring solemnly at the pig-headed prison guards surrounding them.

This man’s appearance was extremely familiar; it was Lin You.

Complex emotions surged in Lou Yan’s heart. In such a dangerous situation, only someone like Lin You would take the initiative to run to the outskirts to protect others.

“Is this guy stupid?” Li Sanxin muttered, but his eyes couldn’t help but admire, “What can he do by himself?”

“He can’t stop them, but that doesn’t mean he won’t try,” Lou Yan sighed and lowered his voice, only letting Li Sanxin hear him, “His name is Lin You, he used to be in the military, upright and trustworthy.”

He’s a soldier!

Li Sanxin’s eyes flashed with a strange light. He felt somewhat surprised yet also as if it all made sense. He greatly admired soldiers, and seeing Lin You like this made him even more passionate. He really wanted to go up and get to know Lin You.

But before Li Sanxin could make a move, a huge red mist appeared above a nearby wall. After the red mist dispersed, a man in a deep purple suit, wearing a tall black hat, stood on the wall.

This man had a pale complexion, his hands gloved in black gloves, and he held a gentleman’s cane. Crawling on his face was a fist-sized black spider, and his eyes were crimson and seductive, giving him a strange appearance, as if he were wearing smoky makeup.

The man stood agilely on the narrow wall, his polite voice echoing throughout the vast space, “Welcome, everyone, to this amusement park. I sincerely hope you can get what you want here. Next, I will explain the rules of the amusement park to you all.”

“The Chengjiang City Library has a total of eight floors, and the area beneath your feet, which has been altered by anomalous forces to be even more beautiful, also has a total of eight floors. Apart from the fifth floor where you can rest, each floor has different surprises waiting for you. When you successfully reach the eighth floor, guests, you will have won.”

“The first floor is a giant maze. You need to find the passage to the second floor within two hours. If you fail, everyone left in the maze will be turned into minced meat under the huge wall at my feet!”

With the man’s last words, he gracefully walked a few steps on the wall, turning around to indicate the massive wall beneath him.

The crowd erupted into an uproar, the atmosphere tense. Everyone’s eyes were fixed on the man, not daring to miss a word he said.

“Of course, of course, if it were just that, it would be too boring, wouldn’t it?” The man in the deep purple suit grinned and waved his cane, “Each floor will hide countless anomalies waiting for you to discover, and the maze on the first floor is no exception! Enjoy playing hide and seek with the anomalies, guests; this game will only be your appetizer!”


“So we have to find the exit from the maze within the specified time, and there are various anomalies inside the maze. D*mn it, one wrong step and we’ll encounter anomalies!”

“If we don’t find the passage within two hours, we’ll be turned into minced meat?! Two hours is too short, way too short! No, I’m not participating, I’m leaving!!!”

“D*mn it! The first floor is already this difficult, what about the next ones?!”

“…I don’t want to participate anymore, eight floors are too many!”

The crowd erupted into chaos, cries, curses, shouts, and clamor filled the air. A thin and weak man trembled in the crowd and cried out, “It hasn’t even started yet, can we quit?!”

Upon hearing this, a strong pig-headed prison guard strode over and dragged the man out of the crowd. Thick, sticky, and stinky saliva dripped from the pig’s mouth as it sinisterly chuckled, “You want to quit?”

Before the thin man could speak, the pig-headed prison guard suddenly opened its mouth, revealing sharp and uneven ugly teeth, yellowed with suspicious red flesh stuck between them. It bit down on half of the thin man’s head, and brain matter and blood splattered everywhere, the scene extremely bloody. The pig-headed prison guard chewed on the deliciousness in its mouth, greedily looking at the remaining crowd. “Who else wants to quit?”


The crowd fell silent. Even those who couldn’t help but want to scream wisely covered their mouths, swallowing their screams and sobs.

Men die for wealth, birds die for food; not everyone who came here was unaware of the danger or had not seen anomalies before. But a considerable number of them were blinded by greed and harbored a false sense of luck, thinking they would survive. Their minds were not free from fear and worry, but when death truly threatened them, they would briefly awaken from the temptation of profit and naturally want to retreat.

Such wavering, cowardly, selfish, and greedy people were also one of the highlights of the amusement park.

Every amusement park was not without their presence; anomalies particularly liked to send them black invitations.

The man in the deep purple suit looked sadly at the silence that followed and shook his head with a sigh, “Guests, your courage disappoints me. How can you withstand the surprises I’m about to tell you next?”

Lou Yan’s eyelid twitched, sensing something bad.

Is there still a surprise in this d*mn place?

The expressions on everyone’s faces changed repeatedly, and the majority of them looked grim. The man in the deep purple suit smiled satisfactorily, elegantly waving his cane, his tone becoming excited because of the upcoming words.

“Where’s the fun in a normal game of hide and seek? We’ve specially selected six humans for you, giving them the role of hunters, and you are the prisoners hunted by them. The hunters can kill the prisoners and do anything cruel to them. The more humans they kill, the more rewards they get, and they will slaughter you to their hearts’ content—who made every one of them addicted to killing, murderers who have killed many people with their own hands.”

“Humans, the spectacle of self-destruction truly never fails to amuse me,” the man in the deep purple suit muttered to himself, his soft murmurs only audible to himself. His face reddened, intoxicated, he exclaimed, “Amusement Park! Amusement Park! I truly love the amusement park!”

Like performing in a stage play, the man in the deep purple suit suddenly pointed his cane towards the back of the crowd, his eyes full of eagerness, “Let our hunters out!”

People followed his gaze and saw a door suddenly open on the arc-shaped wall resembling an arena. The door was pitch black, and a damp, chilling breeze blew into the arena from the door.

The crowd near the door couldn’t help but retreat, watching cautiously and fearfully as the people came out of the door.

One by one, people walked out of the door. There were tall and sturdy men, as well as shapely women. There were middle-aged people of average height and children who appeared underage.

The hunters wore black uniforms like the pig-headed prison guards, with white masks displaying different expressions on their faces. The masks concealed their features, whether it was a crying expression or a laughing one, making them look terrifying and anomaly. The eyes of each hunter were filled with greedy, mocking, and excited murderous intent, and from their eyes, it was clear that they were all ruthless killers without any human morals or conscience, the most despicable criminals!

Watching these people, Lin You gritted his teeth. He was from the special forces and remembered many internationally wanted criminals. Even though these people wore masks, he quickly identified them from the details. What was particularly hateful was that all five of the criminals who came out were international fugitives who had committed heinous crimes!

Among them, the tall and sturdy man was a notorious drug lord who frequently trafficked drugs near the border. Lin You’s eyes burned with anger; he had comrades who died at the hands of these people!

Lin You wanted to take out these people directly, but he knew he couldn’t be impulsive. He desperately suppressed his emotions, his gaze extremely sharp, waiting to see what kind of garbage the sixth hunter would be.

The sixth hunter came out quickly.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the huge and quiet space as military boots tapped on the ground. From the darkness of the door, a slender and tall man walked out, calmly adjusting the black gloves on his hands, walking leisurely.

This person wore a white mask that covered everything except his eyes, which were calm and indifferent. Silver hair hung down behind him, swaying slightly behind his black prison uniform as he walked.

After stepping out of the door, he stopped and did not pay attention to the other five killers. Instead, he lifted his face directly, his gaze fixedly looking towards the man in the deep purple suit standing tall on the distant wall.

This person’s demeanor and gaze were completely different from the other five hunters, not at all like the “murderers addicted to killing” that the man in the deep purple suit described. But in the eyes of some sensitive people, such as Lin You, he involuntarily tensed his body, his alertness skyrocketing.

Lin You’s instinct told him that this hunter was extremely dangerous, but he could be sure that this person was not on the wanted list, and he couldn’t see any signs of a killing addiction from him. Lin You was surprised and wary, his lips pressed straight. Who was this person? Why did he bring such a strong sense of threat to him?

After seeing the sixth hunter, Lou Yan’s expression instantly became expressionless, his eyes extremely dark.

Very well, the bad premonition has come true, and his “crisis perception” is now frantically warning him.

Li Sanxin also recognized who this person was at a glance, and it was no wonder, Fu Xuezhou’s silver hair was too distinctive. After the shock, Li Sanxin’s face darkened along with Lou Yan’s, gritting his teeth and saying, “F*ck, why is it him—”

On the other side, Wen Yian looked at the silver-haired man, the last hunter, and her smile involuntarily cooled down.

The silver-haired youth seemed to sense these gazes, yet seemed completely indifferent. He continued to stare at the man in the deep purple suit without any expression. The flesh on the man in the suit’s face trembled imperceptibly, and the spider crawled from his left cheek to behind his ear in an instant.

The man in the suit immediately averted his gaze and cane, opening his hands and gracefully performing a medieval courtesy towards the crowd.

“Here, the identities of the hunters and the prisoners cannot be exchanged. I sincerely hope you all have fun. I solemnly announce here, the game begins—prisoners, you have one minute to evade the hunters.”

“The servant of the Anomaly Lord, Shadow Reaper, pays his respects.”

The red mist dissipated, and the anomalies on the high wall disappeared.

The pig-headed prison guard also entered the dark door where the hunters came out, leaving the first level maze.

The game had begun.

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Monster Resurgence Chapter 75

Monster Resurgence Chapter 75

Chapter 75

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Li Sanxin made an "ok" gesture, lowered his voice, and said, "I blinked just now and you were gone, scared me. I thought the Anomaly was playing dirty, secretly attacking you."

Lou Yan smiled, "I also noticed you were gone in the blink of an eye, luckily I still found you here. Let's keep a low profile and see what happens. Control your temper."

Li Sanxin laughed freely and explained, "I was in a bad mood just now because I didn't know where you went. Now that I see you, I'm relieved. Don't worry, if you can bear with your temper, what can't I bear?"

Lou Yan gave him a disdainful look, "You talk as if you've never had a bad temper before."

Li Sanxin's face remained unchanged, still wearing a cool and handsome smile.

Lou Yan's emotions were quite stable, and Li Sanxin's emotions were also stable as long as he saw his childhood friend safe and sound. But other people didn't have such a good mentality, and the anxious atmosphere grew stronger as time passed. Under the surveillance of a group of pig-headed guards, the people on the periphery were already covered in cold sweat, their eyes unfocused, and their bodies trembling uncontrollably.

The people on the periphery kept their heads down, wanting to squeeze into the crowd, but the people inside the crowd also didn't want to be squeezed out. The pushing and shoving between people became more and more fierce, and the pig-headed guards didn't care about the conflicts within the crowd. They wore a cold smile on their pig-headed faces, and the scene of them smiling with a smile on their faces was extremely eerie. The more intense the disturbance, the happier they looked.

Lou Yan and Li Sanxin hid within the crowd, temporarily unaffected by the chaos. Lou Yan's gaze scanned the crowd, and suddenly he saw Wen Yian among them.

Wen Yian's golden hair was pinned up with a golden hairpin, her face pale and delicate. Every frown and hair toss of hers was charming, evoking sympathy from others. She stood out with her exceptional beauty, even wearing a prisoner's uniform; she seemed to have a filter applied to her existence in the surrounding crowd. Many people surrounded her, whispering to her, and Wen Yian responded with a shallow smile.

She was too famous; anyone who caught sight of Wen Yian would be surprised and would take a second look.

Lou Yan's gaze fell on her for only a few seconds before Wen Yian noticed. She slightly turned her head towards Lou Yan, blinked when she saw him, and then casually turned her head back.

"Lou Yan, look at that person," Li Sanxin suddenly tugged at Lou Yan's clothes, looking strangely at a man he pointed out to Lou Yan.

Lou Yan followed his gaze and saw a tall and sturdy man in the crowd who had pushed everyone in front of him aside and quickly walked to the outer edge. He stood on the outside, extending his hand to try to protect the crowd behind him from being pushed. He stood straight, his stern face staring solemnly at the pig-headed prison guards surrounding them.

This man's appearance was extremely familiar; it was Lin You.

Complex emotions surged in Lou Yan's heart. In such a dangerous situation, only someone like Lin You would take the initiative to run to the outskirts to protect others.

"Is this guy stupid?" Li Sanxin muttered, but his eyes couldn't help but admire, "What can he do by himself?"

"He can't stop them, but that doesn't mean he won't try," Lou Yan sighed and lowered his voice, only letting Li Sanxin hear him, "His name is Lin You, he used to be in the military, upright and trustworthy."

He's a soldier!

Li Sanxin's eyes flashed with a strange light. He felt somewhat surprised yet also as if it all made sense. He greatly admired soldiers, and seeing Lin You like this made him even more passionate. He really wanted to go up and get to know Lin You.

But before Li Sanxin could make a move, a huge red mist appeared above a nearby wall. After the red mist dispersed, a man in a deep purple suit, wearing a tall black hat, stood on the wall.

This man had a pale complexion, his hands gloved in black gloves, and he held a gentleman's cane. Crawling on his face was a fist-sized black spider, and his eyes were crimson and seductive, giving him a strange appearance, as if he were wearing smoky makeup.

The man stood agilely on the narrow wall, his polite voice echoing throughout the vast space, "Welcome, everyone, to this amusement park. I sincerely hope you can get what you want here. Next, I will explain the rules of the amusement park to you all."

"The Chengjiang City Library has a total of eight floors, and the area beneath your feet, which has been altered by anomalous forces to be even more beautiful, also has a total of eight floors. Apart from the fifth floor where you can rest, each floor has different surprises waiting for you. When you successfully reach the eighth floor, guests, you will have won."

"The first floor is a giant maze. You need to find the passage to the second floor within two hours. If you fail, everyone left in the maze will be turned into minced meat under the huge wall at my feet!"

With the man's last words, he gracefully walked a few steps on the wall, turning around to indicate the massive wall beneath him.

The crowd erupted into an uproar, the atmosphere tense. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the man, not daring to miss a word he said.

"Of course, of course, if it were just that, it would be too boring, wouldn't it?" The man in the deep purple suit grinned and waved his cane, "Each floor will hide countless anomalies waiting for you to discover, and the maze on the first floor is no exception! Enjoy playing hide and seek with the anomalies, guests; this game will only be your appetizer!"


"So we have to find the exit from the maze within the specified time, and there are various anomalies inside the maze. D*mn it, one wrong step and we'll encounter anomalies!"

"If we don't find the passage within two hours, we'll be turned into minced meat?! Two hours is too short, way too short! No, I'm not participating, I'm leaving!!!"

"D*mn it! The first floor is already this difficult, what about the next ones?!"

"...I don't want to participate anymore, eight floors are too many!"

The crowd erupted into chaos, cries, curses, shouts, and clamor filled the air. A thin and weak man trembled in the crowd and cried out, "It hasn't even started yet, can we quit?!"

Upon hearing this, a strong pig-headed prison guard strode over and dragged the man out of the crowd. Thick, sticky, and stinky saliva dripped from the pig's mouth as it sinisterly chuckled, "You want to quit?"

Before the thin man could speak, the pig-headed prison guard suddenly opened its mouth, revealing sharp and uneven ugly teeth, yellowed with suspicious red flesh stuck between them. It bit down on half of the thin man's head, and brain matter and blood splattered everywhere, the scene extremely bloody. The pig-headed prison guard chewed on the deliciousness in its mouth, greedily looking at the remaining crowd. "Who else wants to quit?"


The crowd fell silent. Even those who couldn't help but want to scream wisely covered their mouths, swallowing their screams and sobs.

Men die for wealth, birds die for food; not everyone who came here was unaware of the danger or had not seen anomalies before. But a considerable number of them were blinded by greed and harbored a false sense of luck, thinking they would survive. Their minds were not free from fear and worry, but when death truly threatened them, they would briefly awaken from the temptation of profit and naturally want to retreat.

Such wavering, cowardly, selfish, and greedy people were also one of the highlights of the amusement park.

Every amusement park was not without their presence; anomalies particularly liked to send them black invitations.

The man in the deep purple suit looked sadly at the silence that followed and shook his head with a sigh, "Guests, your courage disappoints me. How can you withstand the surprises I'm about to tell you next?"

Lou Yan's eyelid twitched, sensing something bad.

Is there still a surprise in this d*mn place?

The expressions on everyone's faces changed repeatedly, and the majority of them looked grim. The man in the deep purple suit smiled satisfactorily, elegantly waving his cane, his tone becoming excited because of the upcoming words.

"Where's the fun in a normal game of hide and seek? We've specially selected six humans for you, giving them the role of hunters, and you are the prisoners hunted by them. The hunters can kill the prisoners and do anything cruel to them. The more humans they kill, the more rewards they get, and they will slaughter you to their hearts' content—who made every one of them addicted to killing, murderers who have killed many people with their own hands."

"Humans, the spectacle of self-destruction truly never fails to amuse me," the man in the deep purple suit muttered to himself, his soft murmurs only audible to himself. His face reddened, intoxicated, he exclaimed, "Amusement Park! Amusement Park! I truly love the amusement park!"

Like performing in a stage play, the man in the deep purple suit suddenly pointed his cane towards the back of the crowd, his eyes full of eagerness, "Let our hunters out!"

People followed his gaze and saw a door suddenly open on the arc-shaped wall resembling an arena. The door was pitch black, and a damp, chilling breeze blew into the arena from the door.

The crowd near the door couldn't help but retreat, watching cautiously and fearfully as the people came out of the door.

One by one, people walked out of the door. There were tall and sturdy men, as well as shapely women. There were middle-aged people of average height and children who appeared underage.

The hunters wore black uniforms like the pig-headed prison guards, with white masks displaying different expressions on their faces. The masks concealed their features, whether it was a crying expression or a laughing one, making them look terrifying and anomaly. The eyes of each hunter were filled with greedy, mocking, and excited murderous intent, and from their eyes, it was clear that they were all ruthless killers without any human morals or conscience, the most despicable criminals!

Watching these people, Lin You gritted his teeth. He was from the special forces and remembered many internationally wanted criminals. Even though these people wore masks, he quickly identified them from the details. What was particularly hateful was that all five of the criminals who came out were international fugitives who had committed heinous crimes!

Among them, the tall and sturdy man was a notorious drug lord who frequently trafficked drugs near the border. Lin You's eyes burned with anger; he had comrades who died at the hands of these people!

Lin You wanted to take out these people directly, but he knew he couldn't be impulsive. He desperately suppressed his emotions, his gaze extremely sharp, waiting to see what kind of garbage the sixth hunter would be.

The sixth hunter came out quickly.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the huge and quiet space as military boots tapped on the ground. From the darkness of the door, a slender and tall man walked out, calmly adjusting the black gloves on his hands, walking leisurely.

This person wore a white mask that covered everything except his eyes, which were calm and indifferent. Silver hair hung down behind him, swaying slightly behind his black prison uniform as he walked.

After stepping out of the door, he stopped and did not pay attention to the other five killers. Instead, he lifted his face directly, his gaze fixedly looking towards the man in the deep purple suit standing tall on the distant wall.

This person's demeanor and gaze were completely different from the other five hunters, not at all like the "murderers addicted to killing" that the man in the deep purple suit described. But in the eyes of some sensitive people, such as Lin You, he involuntarily tensed his body, his alertness skyrocketing.

Lin You's instinct told him that this hunter was extremely dangerous, but he could be sure that this person was not on the wanted list, and he couldn't see any signs of a killing addiction from him. Lin You was surprised and wary, his lips pressed straight. Who was this person? Why did he bring such a strong sense of threat to him?

After seeing the sixth hunter, Lou Yan's expression instantly became expressionless, his eyes extremely dark.

Very well, the bad premonition has come true, and his "crisis perception" is now frantically warning him.

Li Sanxin also recognized who this person was at a glance, and it was no wonder, Fu Xuezhou's silver hair was too distinctive. After the shock, Li Sanxin's face darkened along with Lou Yan's, gritting his teeth and saying, "F*ck, why is it him—"

On the other side, Wen Yian looked at the silver-haired man, the last hunter, and her smile involuntarily cooled down.

The silver-haired youth seemed to sense these gazes, yet seemed completely indifferent. He continued to stare at the man in the deep purple suit without any expression. The flesh on the man in the suit's face trembled imperceptibly, and the spider crawled from his left cheek to behind his ear in an instant.

The man in the suit immediately averted his gaze and cane, opening his hands and gracefully performing a medieval courtesy towards the crowd.

"Here, the identities of the hunters and the prisoners cannot be exchanged. I sincerely hope you all have fun. I solemnly announce here, the game begins—prisoners, you have one minute to evade the hunters."

"The servant of the Anomaly Lord, Shadow Reaper, pays his respects."

The red mist dissipated, and the anomalies on the high wall disappeared.

The pig-headed prison guard also entered the dark door where the hunters came out, leaving the first level maze.

The game had begun.

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