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Monster Resurgence Chapter 84

Chapter 84

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Just when the three of them were extremely tense, the refrigeration cabinet in front of them was suddenly pushed open from the inside, and the three of them were startled and immediately stepped back.

A tall, burly pig-headed person wearing a red apron stood inside the refrigeration cabinet, the fat on his face shaking, his crimson eyes staring intently at them.

This pig-headed person was a whole circle larger than the other pig-headed chefs, occupying the entire space inside the refrigeration cabinet, with fat hanging from his belly, emitting a cold aura. In his hand was a huge axe, and he smiled maliciously at Lou Yan and the others, lifting the axe and aiming it at Lou Yan, who was closest to him.

Lin You quickly pulled Lou Yan behind him, and the axe didn’t fall on Lou Yan but on Lin You’s shoulder, splitting open Lin You’s shoulder, and blood gushed out like water.

Lin You grunted, his face pale, sweat beading on his forehead. He reached back and grabbed the pig-headed person’s arm with all his strength, using all his strength to say, “You guys, run! I can only hold it for a few seconds!”

As soon as he finished speaking, footsteps came from outside the kitchen, and the two pig-headed chefs walked in with three tightly bound humans. As soon as they saw the scene in the kitchen, the two pig-headed chefs immediately let go of the humans in their hands, their eyes gleaming, and surrounded them, their knives still dripping with blood.

“Hehe, three more prey, what a harvest! These three, fry one, barbecue one, and steam one.”

“Leave one to be sent to the restaurant, let those guys kill and eat it fresh from the hotpot!”

The pig-headed person wearing a red apron pulled the axe out of Lin You’s shoulder and raised it high, chopping down towards Lin You’s head. The other two pig-headed people also raised their knives, approaching with sinister and greedy smiles.

Lou Yan hesitated no more and immediately used [Time Reversal].

[Spirit Power 30/70]

Time rewound five minutes.

Lou Yan opened his eyes, at this moment, he was planning to climb out of the passage and take a look at the environment outside the kitchen. He quickly released the tension in his hands, and his whole body slipped down to the bottom in an instant.

Li Sanxin and Lin You immediately caught him, thinking he had failed to climb and was about to comfort him. Lou Yan immediately gestured to them, briefly telling them what would happen in the next five minutes.

Li Sanxin and Lin You looked at each other in shock and fear. Who would have thought that although the pig-headed chefs in the kitchen had left, there was still one pig-headed person wearing a red apron hiding in the refrigeration cabinet!

Lou Yan gestured, “The schedule says that this pig-headed person wearing a red apron will guard the food in the kitchen for twenty-four hours. The reason it attacked us is very likely because we ate the dumpling skins in the kitchen.”

Li Sanxin frowned deeply, anxiously gesturing, “It’s almost an hour since we arrived at the restaurant. If we don’t eat the clean food in the kitchen, how can we leave the restaurant?”

Thinking of the cruel scene just now, Lou Yan gave a cold smile, gesturing, “I have a way.”

He waved his hand, motioning Li Sanxin and Lin You to come closer, and whispered his plan in their ears. Li Sanxin and Lin You nodded while listening, remembering Lou Yan’s words in their hearts.

After Lou Yan finished speaking, less than a dozen seconds passed, and the familiar voice of the pig-headed jailer came from outside, “Come with me, we’ve caught three humans at the elevator door, one of whom is almost dead and needs you guys to deal with him!”

The two pig-headed chefs in the kitchen immediately left cheerfully.

As soon as they left the kitchen, Lou Yan and the others quickly climbed out through the garbage bin. Lou Yan, relying on his previous experience, quickly found a piece of dumpling skin for each person.

Then, Lou Yan led the two quickly to the garbage truck in the corner, lifted the black cloth at the bottom of the garbage truck, and gestured for Li Sanxin and Lin You to hide inside.

There was a small space at the bottom of the garbage truck, barely enough to fit two people. Li Sanxin and Lin You squeezed in with great difficulty, using their eyes to ask Lou Yan what he was going to do.

There was no way to fit a third person under the garbage truck.

Lou Yan shook his head, pointing to another food cart nearby, gesturing, “I’ll hide in that food cart. Don’t forget what I said. When the garbage pile is full, those two pig-headed chefs will immediately send the garbage to the garbage pool. Once you escape, immediately take the elevator to the fourth floor. Don’t wait for me, I’ll be up there soon to meet you.”

Li Sanxin and Lin You looked at him worriedly, but they also knew it was not the time to hesitate now and nodded together.

Lou Yan put down the black cloth to cover them, then threw the remaining garbage in the garbage bin in the kitchen into the garbage chute. This time, the garbage was completely full.

The schedule stated, “After the garbage pile is full, immediately put the garbage into the garbage truck and transport it to the garbage pool.” Lou Yan noticed the word “immediately,” which meant that as soon as the two pig-headed chefs returned, they would immediately take the garbage away.

Lou Yan remembered the time when the two pig-headed chefs returned, and it didn’t exceed the one-hour limit they needed to follow. As long as Li Sanxin and Lin You ate the dumpling skins after leaving the kitchen, they wouldn’t alert the pig-headed person in the red apron.

Lou Yan had considered biting himself, drinking his blood, or swallowing a piece of his own flesh, but he wasn’t sure if this opportunistic approach would violate the manual’s rules. For safety reasons, it was safer to consume the dumpling skins produced in the kitchen.

After Lou Yan had done all this, he looked at the time and saw that it was almost time. He also came to the food cart and lifted the orange cloth on the food cart.

Underneath the cloth, just like the garbage truck, there was a space not too big or too small.

Lou Yan glanced at the clock in the kitchen.

There were still four minutes until the hour, and at the hour, someone would deliver a cart of food to the hunter’s restaurant.

The hunter’s restaurant was next to the elevator, close to both the elevator and the garbage pool, making it a good position to escape from the third floor.

According to Lin You’s previous time estimation, they still had five minutes left before they reached the first hour after arriving at the restaurant.

As long as the pig-headed chefs followed the work content on the schedule and pushed the food cart out of the kitchen on time, Lou Yan would have one minute to swallow the dumpling skins and complete the rules in the “Restaurant Food Consumption Manual.”

Lou Yan was about to bend down to hide in the food cart when he caught sight of a black pen under the schedule. With just over ten seconds left until the pig-headed chefs returned, Lou Yan suddenly ran to the schedule, picked up the black pen, and cleverly hid inside the food cart.

He had just sat down and smoothed out the cloth when heavy footsteps sounded outside the kitchen. Lou Yan glanced through the gap at the bottom of the cloth and vaguely saw the feet of the pig-headed people dragging three humans into the kitchen.

Among the three humans were two men and one woman. One of them was kneeling on the ground, leaving a trail of blood as he was dragged, looking lifeless. The other two were stumbling and exhausted, emitting a low whimper.

One of the pig-headed chefs said, “Three people, two alive and one dead, perfect for frying, barbecue, and steaming!”

“Leave one to send to the restaurant, let those guys kill and eat it fresh,” the other pig-headed person said with a big laugh, then became nervous after looking at the time, “It’s almost time, I need to quickly prepare a cart of food to send to the hunter’s restaurant. You also quickly go check if the garbage is full. Why do I smell garbage?”

The other pig-headed person hurriedly went to the garbage chute and took a look, “The garbage is full too. I need to take the garbage to the garbage pool.”

The two pig-headed chefs threw the three humans into the corner near the door and busied themselves. The ground trembled slightly because of their brisk movements. Lou Yan hid in the food cart, watching the pig-headed chef responsible for the food cart walking back and forth, silently holding his breath.

He could feel the weight increasing above the food cart, filled with food and drinks. These dishes and drinks were not freshly made by the chef but only needed to be heated up, so the whole process was very quick.

But even if it was fast, it couldn’t compare to the garbage truck. When the food cart was about to be ready, the garbage truck was already full of garbage.

The stench of garbage permeated the entire kitchen, making people nauseous. The pig-headed person pushing the garbage truck pushed it out of the kitchen first, complaining to the other pig-headed person as they left, “This garbage is really heavy! It’s twice as heavy as the one I pushed before!”

Li Sanxin and Lin You in the garbage truck suddenly became nervous.

The pig-headed chef who took the last dish out of the microwave said casually, “Maybe because there’s more garbage this time. Don’t waste time, quickly take the garbage to the garbage pool, the smell is going to ruin my food.”

The pig-headed person pushing the garbage truck didn’t say much either and left the kitchen quickly.

Once out of the kitchen, Li Sanxin and Lin You breathed a sigh of relief instantly. The two of them looked at each other, carefully put the dumpling skins in their mouths, chewed quickly, and swallowed.

After the garbage truck was pushed out of the kitchen, the food cart was also ready. When the time arrived, the pig-headed person pushed the food cart out.

The two humans left in the corner watched as the two pig-headed chefs pushed the food cart out one after the other. Although their heads were still bowed in fear, a faint glimmer of hope flashed in their eyes.

With no pig-headed people watching them in the kitchen, could they escape?

The two of them huddled together nervously, holding hands tightly, relying on the warmth from each other’s touch to keep despair from completely eroding their sanity. They prayed frantically in their hearts, hoping that the pig-headed person would leave quickly and not notice them.

As the pig-headed person and the food cart passed by them, Lou Yan moved his hand slightly from under the food cart, discreetly sliding the “Restaurant Food Consumption Manual” he held onto the floor into the gap behind the nearest person’s back.

The two people against the wall saw this scene because they were looking down. They were stunned, but fortunately, their reason was still intact. They resisted the urge to scream and continued to tremble as if they hadn’t noticed anything.

When the pig-headed person pushed the food cart away, they carefully took out the piece of paper. The front side of the paper was the rules and a simplified plan of the “Restaurant Food Consumption Manual,” while the back was a more detailed plan and important information drawn by Lou Yan with the black pen on the schedule.

The two bound people looked at each other, their expressions gradually becoming determined. They helped each other stand up, hurriedly used the kitchen knives to loosen the ropes tied to each other, and quickly hid under the garbage chute channel before the pig-headed people returned.

Lou Yan swallowed the dumpling skin and looked out from under the cloth, occasionally seeing the feet of the pig-headed people walking in and out of the restroom and the restaurant.

In just a short section of the corridor, he saw five pig-headed creatures passing by a food cart. The more Lou Yan looked, the heavier his heart sank. If it weren’t for the cover provided by the food cart and the garbage truck, how could they have avoided so many of these pig-headed creatures on this level?

As they passed by four restaurants, Lou Yan listened to the lively and noisy laughter coming from inside the restaurants. Hastily glancing under the fabric, he felt even more chilled. There were countless pig-headed creatures’ feet in the restaurants, as if they were holding a wild party. It was impossible to distinguish how many of them were dining there. 

Many of the pig-headed creatures were also dressed in black prison guard uniforms. It seemed like all the pig-headed creatures from the entire amusement park were here. 

On this level, countless people were likely to die. 

Lou Yan withdrew his gaze and began to contemplate how to escape. 

As he was contemplating, a pig-headed chef pushing a food cart arrived at the door of the Hunter’s Restaurant. He knocked on the door very politely and said, “Hunters, I’m here to deliver your meal.” 

The door opened, and a blast of cold air rushed out. 

Lou Yan was itching to take the opportunity to escape, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw three pig-headed prison guards coming out of the adjacent restaurant, only two or three meters away from him. He immediately gave up on the idea of escaping at the moment. 

A woman’s voice sounded from inside the room, “Come in.” 

The pig-headed chef pushed the food cart in and introduced the dishes on the cart. Afterward, he quickly left the Hunter’s Restaurant. 

With a bang, the door closed, leaving only a few hunters inside the room. 

Two hunters approached the food cart and placed the items from the cart onto the table one by one. Soon, Lou Yan felt the entire food cart had been emptied. 

During this time, no one spoke in the room. Lou Yan remained silent as well, not making a sound. 

The silence was oppressively quiet, and finally, someone couldn’t bear it anymore. A male voice, full of anger, burst out, “Can you, this white-haired kid, say something? You’ve killed two out of six hunters, and now there are only four of us left. When we come to ask you for a reason, you stay silent. Do you still want to play this game?! Are you standing with us or with those worthless prisoners?!” 

“Hey, Little Sun, calm down,” another voice, sounding timid and honest, tried to pacify, “Mr. Fu is also a hunter. Perhaps those two hunters provoked Mr. Fu?” 

“But he should still give us an explanation!” The angry male voice suppressed his anger, not daring to press too hard on the white-haired kid sitting opposite him. “You, surnamed Fu, can you say something? At the very least, tell us how those two hunters provoked you!” 

Still, there was silence, and no one spoke. The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. 

The woman chuckled to defuse the tension. “Mr. Fu, you don’t want to explain to us, that’s fine. But you have to tell us your taboos, so that we don’t inadvertently provoke you and end up dying in your hands.” 

The angry male voice immediately continued, “Yes, we can overlook the matter of you killing those two hunters before, but you must assure us that you will absolutely not harm us in the future!”

This was their true purpose. Who would be willing to meddle with how those two hunters died before? This whole drama was staged to make Fu Xuezhou stop targeting them.

This person was too unpredictable. None of the hunters present were innocent of capital crimes, but they were all hesitant to confront him directly. 

The silver-haired hunter leaned back in his chair, smoking. With a faint tone, he said, “What if I don’t.” 

The atmosphere instantly became dangerously charged. The angry male voice, dripping with hostility, spoke slowly, “If you don’t care, don’t blame us for being impolite…” 


The silver-haired hunter calmly asked, “How impolite?” 

Tension was on the brink of erupting. The girl who hadn’t spoken before spoke with a cheerful tone, “Don’t be so nervous! We’re all hunters here, and our goals are the same. Brother Kang, have you forgotten what Mr. Fu looked like when he killed someone just now? If he really gets angry with you, no one here will escape. Hehehe, Mr. Fu, don’t be angry. We can just recognize you as the boss, and we’ll do whatever you say. Mr. Fu must have his own purpose for coming here, as long as you don’t target us again, then we are invincible. We’re willing to help you achieve your goals.” 

“Yes, yes, yes,” the timid and honest male voice quickly added, “We’re willing to listen to you.” 

The woman also smiled and continued, “Mr. Fu is so handsome, I’m willing to be Mr. Fu’s lackey.” 

Only the angry male voice remained silent, but he didn’t hold out for long. Half a minute later, he reluctantly lowered his head and said, “Me too.” 

The silver-haired hunter extinguished his cigarette and wiped his hands with a wet tissue. “I want you to do something for me…” 

His words abruptly stopped, and after a dozen seconds of silence, the impatient male voice couldn’t help but ask, “What is it?” 

But the silver-haired hunter changed the subject, “Have you smelled a stench?” 

“A stench?” 

“What stench?” 

Listening intently, Lou Yan’s heart suddenly jumped, and he lowered his head to smell his own odor, only to find his face darkened by the foul smell. The next moment, he heard Fu Xuezhou say, “The smell of garbage.” 

The author has something to say: 

Brother Lou:… 

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Monster Resurgence Chapter 84

Monster Resurgence Chapter 84

Chapter 84

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Just when the three of them were extremely tense, the refrigeration cabinet in front of them was suddenly pushed open from the inside, and the three of them were startled and immediately stepped back.

A tall, burly pig-headed person wearing a red apron stood inside the refrigeration cabinet, the fat on his face shaking, his crimson eyes staring intently at them.

This pig-headed person was a whole circle larger than the other pig-headed chefs, occupying the entire space inside the refrigeration cabinet, with fat hanging from his belly, emitting a cold aura. In his hand was a huge axe, and he smiled maliciously at Lou Yan and the others, lifting the axe and aiming it at Lou Yan, who was closest to him.

Lin You quickly pulled Lou Yan behind him, and the axe didn't fall on Lou Yan but on Lin You's shoulder, splitting open Lin You's shoulder, and blood gushed out like water.

Lin You grunted, his face pale, sweat beading on his forehead. He reached back and grabbed the pig-headed person's arm with all his strength, using all his strength to say, "You guys, run! I can only hold it for a few seconds!"

As soon as he finished speaking, footsteps came from outside the kitchen, and the two pig-headed chefs walked in with three tightly bound humans. As soon as they saw the scene in the kitchen, the two pig-headed chefs immediately let go of the humans in their hands, their eyes gleaming, and surrounded them, their knives still dripping with blood.

"Hehe, three more prey, what a harvest! These three, fry one, barbecue one, and steam one."

"Leave one to be sent to the restaurant, let those guys kill and eat it fresh from the hotpot!"

The pig-headed person wearing a red apron pulled the axe out of Lin You's shoulder and raised it high, chopping down towards Lin You's head. The other two pig-headed people also raised their knives, approaching with sinister and greedy smiles.

Lou Yan hesitated no more and immediately used [Time Reversal].

[Spirit Power 30/70]

Time rewound five minutes.

Lou Yan opened his eyes, at this moment, he was planning to climb out of the passage and take a look at the environment outside the kitchen. He quickly released the tension in his hands, and his whole body slipped down to the bottom in an instant.

Li Sanxin and Lin You immediately caught him, thinking he had failed to climb and was about to comfort him. Lou Yan immediately gestured to them, briefly telling them what would happen in the next five minutes.

Li Sanxin and Lin You looked at each other in shock and fear. Who would have thought that although the pig-headed chefs in the kitchen had left, there was still one pig-headed person wearing a red apron hiding in the refrigeration cabinet!

Lou Yan gestured, "The schedule says that this pig-headed person wearing a red apron will guard the food in the kitchen for twenty-four hours. The reason it attacked us is very likely because we ate the dumpling skins in the kitchen."

Li Sanxin frowned deeply, anxiously gesturing, "It's almost an hour since we arrived at the restaurant. If we don't eat the clean food in the kitchen, how can we leave the restaurant?"

Thinking of the cruel scene just now, Lou Yan gave a cold smile, gesturing, "I have a way."

He waved his hand, motioning Li Sanxin and Lin You to come closer, and whispered his plan in their ears. Li Sanxin and Lin You nodded while listening, remembering Lou Yan's words in their hearts.

After Lou Yan finished speaking, less than a dozen seconds passed, and the familiar voice of the pig-headed jailer came from outside, "Come with me, we've caught three humans at the elevator door, one of whom is almost dead and needs you guys to deal with him!"

The two pig-headed chefs in the kitchen immediately left cheerfully.

As soon as they left the kitchen, Lou Yan and the others quickly climbed out through the garbage bin. Lou Yan, relying on his previous experience, quickly found a piece of dumpling skin for each person.

Then, Lou Yan led the two quickly to the garbage truck in the corner, lifted the black cloth at the bottom of the garbage truck, and gestured for Li Sanxin and Lin You to hide inside.

There was a small space at the bottom of the garbage truck, barely enough to fit two people. Li Sanxin and Lin You squeezed in with great difficulty, using their eyes to ask Lou Yan what he was going to do.

There was no way to fit a third person under the garbage truck.

Lou Yan shook his head, pointing to another food cart nearby, gesturing, "I'll hide in that food cart. Don't forget what I said. When the garbage pile is full, those two pig-headed chefs will immediately send the garbage to the garbage pool. Once you escape, immediately take the elevator to the fourth floor. Don't wait for me, I'll be up there soon to meet you."

Li Sanxin and Lin You looked at him worriedly, but they also knew it was not the time to hesitate now and nodded together.

Lou Yan put down the black cloth to cover them, then threw the remaining garbage in the garbage bin in the kitchen into the garbage chute. This time, the garbage was completely full.

The schedule stated, "After the garbage pile is full, immediately put the garbage into the garbage truck and transport it to the garbage pool." Lou Yan noticed the word "immediately," which meant that as soon as the two pig-headed chefs returned, they would immediately take the garbage away.

Lou Yan remembered the time when the two pig-headed chefs returned, and it didn't exceed the one-hour limit they needed to follow. As long as Li Sanxin and Lin You ate the dumpling skins after leaving the kitchen, they wouldn't alert the pig-headed person in the red apron.

Lou Yan had considered biting himself, drinking his blood, or swallowing a piece of his own flesh, but he wasn't sure if this opportunistic approach would violate the manual's rules. For safety reasons, it was safer to consume the dumpling skins produced in the kitchen.

After Lou Yan had done all this, he looked at the time and saw that it was almost time. He also came to the food cart and lifted the orange cloth on the food cart.

Underneath the cloth, just like the garbage truck, there was a space not too big or too small.

Lou Yan glanced at the clock in the kitchen.

There were still four minutes until the hour, and at the hour, someone would deliver a cart of food to the hunter's restaurant.

The hunter's restaurant was next to the elevator, close to both the elevator and the garbage pool, making it a good position to escape from the third floor.

According to Lin You's previous time estimation, they still had five minutes left before they reached the first hour after arriving at the restaurant.

As long as the pig-headed chefs followed the work content on the schedule and pushed the food cart out of the kitchen on time, Lou Yan would have one minute to swallow the dumpling skins and complete the rules in the "Restaurant Food Consumption Manual."

Lou Yan was about to bend down to hide in the food cart when he caught sight of a black pen under the schedule. With just over ten seconds left until the pig-headed chefs returned, Lou Yan suddenly ran to the schedule, picked up the black pen, and cleverly hid inside the food cart.

He had just sat down and smoothed out the cloth when heavy footsteps sounded outside the kitchen. Lou Yan glanced through the gap at the bottom of the cloth and vaguely saw the feet of the pig-headed people dragging three humans into the kitchen.

Among the three humans were two men and one woman. One of them was kneeling on the ground, leaving a trail of blood as he was dragged, looking lifeless. The other two were stumbling and exhausted, emitting a low whimper.

One of the pig-headed chefs said, "Three people, two alive and one dead, perfect for frying, barbecue, and steaming!"

"Leave one to send to the restaurant, let those guys kill and eat it fresh," the other pig-headed person said with a big laugh, then became nervous after looking at the time, "It's almost time, I need to quickly prepare a cart of food to send to the hunter's restaurant. You also quickly go check if the garbage is full. Why do I smell garbage?"

The other pig-headed person hurriedly went to the garbage chute and took a look, "The garbage is full too. I need to take the garbage to the garbage pool."

The two pig-headed chefs threw the three humans into the corner near the door and busied themselves. The ground trembled slightly because of their brisk movements. Lou Yan hid in the food cart, watching the pig-headed chef responsible for the food cart walking back and forth, silently holding his breath.

He could feel the weight increasing above the food cart, filled with food and drinks. These dishes and drinks were not freshly made by the chef but only needed to be heated up, so the whole process was very quick.

But even if it was fast, it couldn't compare to the garbage truck. When the food cart was about to be ready, the garbage truck was already full of garbage.

The stench of garbage permeated the entire kitchen, making people nauseous. The pig-headed person pushing the garbage truck pushed it out of the kitchen first, complaining to the other pig-headed person as they left, "This garbage is really heavy! It's twice as heavy as the one I pushed before!"

Li Sanxin and Lin You in the garbage truck suddenly became nervous.

The pig-headed chef who took the last dish out of the microwave said casually, "Maybe because there's more garbage this time. Don't waste time, quickly take the garbage to the garbage pool, the smell is going to ruin my food."

The pig-headed person pushing the garbage truck didn't say much either and left the kitchen quickly.

Once out of the kitchen, Li Sanxin and Lin You breathed a sigh of relief instantly. The two of them looked at each other, carefully put the dumpling skins in their mouths, chewed quickly, and swallowed.

After the garbage truck was pushed out of the kitchen, the food cart was also ready. When the time arrived, the pig-headed person pushed the food cart out.

The two humans left in the corner watched as the two pig-headed chefs pushed the food cart out one after the other. Although their heads were still bowed in fear, a faint glimmer of hope flashed in their eyes.

With no pig-headed people watching them in the kitchen, could they escape?

The two of them huddled together nervously, holding hands tightly, relying on the warmth from each other's touch to keep despair from completely eroding their sanity. They prayed frantically in their hearts, hoping that the pig-headed person would leave quickly and not notice them.

As the pig-headed person and the food cart passed by them, Lou Yan moved his hand slightly from under the food cart, discreetly sliding the "Restaurant Food Consumption Manual" he held onto the floor into the gap behind the nearest person's back.

The two people against the wall saw this scene because they were looking down. They were stunned, but fortunately, their reason was still intact. They resisted the urge to scream and continued to tremble as if they hadn't noticed anything.

When the pig-headed person pushed the food cart away, they carefully took out the piece of paper. The front side of the paper was the rules and a simplified plan of the "Restaurant Food Consumption Manual," while the back was a more detailed plan and important information drawn by Lou Yan with the black pen on the schedule.

The two bound people looked at each other, their expressions gradually becoming determined. They helped each other stand up, hurriedly used the kitchen knives to loosen the ropes tied to each other, and quickly hid under the garbage chute channel before the pig-headed people returned.


Lou Yan swallowed the dumpling skin and looked out from under the cloth, occasionally seeing the feet of the pig-headed people walking in and out of the restroom and the restaurant.

In just a short section of the corridor, he saw five pig-headed creatures passing by a food cart. The more Lou Yan looked, the heavier his heart sank. If it weren't for the cover provided by the food cart and the garbage truck, how could they have avoided so many of these pig-headed creatures on this level?

As they passed by four restaurants, Lou Yan listened to the lively and noisy laughter coming from inside the restaurants. Hastily glancing under the fabric, he felt even more chilled. There were countless pig-headed creatures' feet in the restaurants, as if they were holding a wild party. It was impossible to distinguish how many of them were dining there. 

Many of the pig-headed creatures were also dressed in black prison guard uniforms. It seemed like all the pig-headed creatures from the entire amusement park were here. 

On this level, countless people were likely to die. 

Lou Yan withdrew his gaze and began to contemplate how to escape. 

As he was contemplating, a pig-headed chef pushing a food cart arrived at the door of the Hunter's Restaurant. He knocked on the door very politely and said, "Hunters, I'm here to deliver your meal." 

The door opened, and a blast of cold air rushed out. 

Lou Yan was itching to take the opportunity to escape, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw three pig-headed prison guards coming out of the adjacent restaurant, only two or three meters away from him. He immediately gave up on the idea of escaping at the moment. 

A woman's voice sounded from inside the room, "Come in." 

The pig-headed chef pushed the food cart in and introduced the dishes on the cart. Afterward, he quickly left the Hunter's Restaurant. 

With a bang, the door closed, leaving only a few hunters inside the room. 

Two hunters approached the food cart and placed the items from the cart onto the table one by one. Soon, Lou Yan felt the entire food cart had been emptied. 

During this time, no one spoke in the room. Lou Yan remained silent as well, not making a sound. 

The silence was oppressively quiet, and finally, someone couldn't bear it anymore. A male voice, full of anger, burst out, "Can you, this white-haired kid, say something? You've killed two out of six hunters, and now there are only four of us left. When we come to ask you for a reason, you stay silent. Do you still want to play this game?! Are you standing with us or with those worthless prisoners?!" 

"Hey, Little Sun, calm down," another voice, sounding timid and honest, tried to pacify, "Mr. Fu is also a hunter. Perhaps those two hunters provoked Mr. Fu?" 

"But he should still give us an explanation!" The angry male voice suppressed his anger, not daring to press too hard on the white-haired kid sitting opposite him. "You, surnamed Fu, can you say something? At the very least, tell us how those two hunters provoked you!" 

Still, there was silence, and no one spoke. The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. 

The woman chuckled to defuse the tension. "Mr. Fu, you don't want to explain to us, that's fine. But you have to tell us your taboos, so that we don't inadvertently provoke you and end up dying in your hands." 

The angry male voice immediately continued, "Yes, we can overlook the matter of you killing those two hunters before, but you must assure us that you will absolutely not harm us in the future!"

This was their true purpose. Who would be willing to meddle with how those two hunters died before? This whole drama was staged to make Fu Xuezhou stop targeting them.

This person was too unpredictable. None of the hunters present were innocent of capital crimes, but they were all hesitant to confront him directly. 

The silver-haired hunter leaned back in his chair, smoking. With a faint tone, he said, "What if I don't." 

The atmosphere instantly became dangerously charged. The angry male voice, dripping with hostility, spoke slowly, "If you don’t care, don't blame us for being impolite..." 


The silver-haired hunter calmly asked, "How impolite?" 

Tension was on the brink of erupting. The girl who hadn't spoken before spoke with a cheerful tone, "Don't be so nervous! We're all hunters here, and our goals are the same. Brother Kang, have you forgotten what Mr. Fu looked like when he killed someone just now? If he really gets angry with you, no one here will escape. Hehehe, Mr. Fu, don't be angry. We can just recognize you as the boss, and we'll do whatever you say. Mr. Fu must have his own purpose for coming here, as long as you don't target us again, then we are invincible. We're willing to help you achieve your goals." 

"Yes, yes, yes," the timid and honest male voice quickly added, "We're willing to listen to you." 

The woman also smiled and continued, "Mr. Fu is so handsome, I'm willing to be Mr. Fu's lackey." 

Only the angry male voice remained silent, but he didn't hold out for long. Half a minute later, he reluctantly lowered his head and said, "Me too." 

The silver-haired hunter extinguished his cigarette and wiped his hands with a wet tissue. "I want you to do something for me..." 

His words abruptly stopped, and after a dozen seconds of silence, the impatient male voice couldn't help but ask, "What is it?" 

But the silver-haired hunter changed the subject, "Have you smelled a stench?" 

"A stench?" 

"What stench?" 

Listening intently, Lou Yan's heart suddenly jumped, and he lowered his head to smell his own odor, only to find his face darkened by the foul smell. The next moment, he heard Fu Xuezhou say, "The smell of garbage." 

The author has something to say: 

Brother Lou:... 

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