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Monster Resurgence Chapter 85

Chapter 85

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Lou Yan: “…” 

“The smell of garbage?” The angry male voice sounded puzzled, “I don’t smell anything.” 

The little girl giggled, “I don’t smell anything either. Is Mr. Fu talking about the smell of the trash can in our room?” 

“No,” the timid, honest-sounding voice that sounded very middle-aged replied, “I smelled it too. It seems like, it seems like…” 

The middle-aged man got up from his seat and followed the smell step by step towards the food cart. 

Lou Yan sat motionless at the bottom of the food cart space, looking through the gap in the fabric as the pair of feet in cloth shoes approached closer and closer. He raised his hand and touched the spine bone at the back of his neck, his expression serious. 

The current situation was very unfriendly to him. 

Just from listening to the voices, besides Fu Xuezhou, there were four other hunters here. They were a woman, a little girl, a middle-aged man, and an angry male voice. But in their previous conversation, it was clear that Fu Xuezhou had already killed two hunters. There were six hunters in total, which meant that although there were five different voices here, adding Fu Xuezhou, there were only four hunters present.

One of the hunters should have schizophrenia.

There were four hunters in the room. Due to identity restrictions, Lou Yan couldn’t harm these hunters, otherwise he would be punished and become powerless. He could only try to escape, but with four hunters surrounding him, it was difficult for him to successfully leave.

If he were to use [time reversal], there would be no way. Along the route from the kitchen to the Hunter’s Restaurant, he was certain that using the food cart as a cover was the best option. Even if he could rewind time, he wouldn’t know which point to rewind to. Because within these five minutes, he had already executed everything to the utmost perfection, and there were no points left to change.

Neither forward nor backward. Lou Yan’s whole person was trapped here, his brain spinning rapidly, constantly coming up with ideas and then overturning them.

The middle-aged man’s footsteps kept getting closer, and finally stopped in front of the dining car, with only a layer of orange-yellow fabric separating him from Lou Yan.

“The smell I smell is coming from here,” the middle-aged man said softly, bending down to lift the fabric, “it seems like there’s something underneath…”

As the yellow fabric was slightly lifted, Lou Yan had already drawn the spinal whip out several inches, his muscles tensed, his eyes sharp, ready to strike at any moment.

At a critical moment, the sound of a chair scraping the floor rang out. Someone pushed the chair aside and walked slowly towards the dining cart.

The middle-aged man also stopped his action, turning around to look, somewhat weakly saying, “Mr. Fu, what’s wrong?”

Lou Yan watched as another pair of shiny black military boots walked to the side of the dining car, entering Lou Yan’s line of sight.

These boots were dust-free, and the black laces were meticulously tied to the top. The straight black prison guard pants were tucked into the boots, and the yellow fabric of the dining car swayed slightly above the person’s feet.

Fu Xuezhou looked down, looking at the seemingly ordinary dining cart, and slightly curled his lips, “Indeed, the smell is coming from under the dining cart.”

Lou Yan suddenly tightened his grip on the spinal whip, cursing Fu Xuezhou with dirty words in his heart.

The irritable man immediately became excited, standing up abruptly, “Is there someone hiding inside!”

He was about to come over and take a look, while Lou Yan, hiding, felt his temples throb. He felt that the situation was sliding towards the worst end.

Who knew that Fu Xuezhou would say, “No.”

“What is it then?” The woman’s smiling voice carried curiosity, “If it’s not a person, what could be inside? It even has a smell. Could it be that the pig-headed delivery person brought garbage along? Mr. Fu, why don’t you just lift the yellow cloth and satisfy our curiosity?”

Fu Xuezhou neither agreed nor refused. He simply reached out his right hand, and his distinct knuckles picked up the edge of the yellow cloth, probing into the space under the dining car.

Lou Yan’s cold and dark eyes stared at the finger, and he licked the tip of his tongue against his teeth. 

“Perhaps it’s a little cat that sneaked over from the garbage heap,” Fu Xuezhou said nonchalantly. “I’ve seen a cat rummaging for food in the garbage pool before, and the smell on its body is exactly the same as the smell now. What do you say? Is this little cat the same one I saw before?” 

The little girl exclaimed, “Wow! There’s actually a kitty here? How pitiful, having to search for food in the garbage heap. Mr. Fu and the kitty are truly destined to meet, since you’ve seen it before, it must be that kitty!” 

The woman took a sip of her drink, swaying her glass. “The smell is the same, I guess it must be the kitty Mr. Fu saw before.” 

The irritable man snorted and sat back down lackadaisical, “Turns out it’s just a smelly cat, I thought it might be a person…” 

“It is indeed a ‘smelly cat’,” Fu Xuezhou’s words sounded deeply meaningful. “The smell on this cat’s body will affect our appetite if left here. Since it’s just a cat, let’s not bother with it. Push the food cart out.” 

When Lou Yan heard the first half of the sentence, he silently sneered, but when he heard the latter half, his eyelids twitched fiercely, and his brows furrowed instantly.

He felt no happiness or relaxation at all, but instead a deep sense of suspicion arose.

Could Fu Xuezhou really be so kind?

Sure enough, the silver-haired hunter paused for a moment, then casually said, “But the cat I saw before was very friendly. When it saw me, it would come over and lick my fingers. Why is it so indifferent now?”

He looked down at the dining car, his finger moved slightly, and he smiled, “Could it be that this cat isn’t the one I saw before?”

Lou Yan understood the meaning behind his words.

He watched as Fu Xuezhou’s pale and slender fingers reached out in front of him, his expression changing constantly.

This finger seemed to be a masterpiece carefully crafted by a skilled painter, with beautiful bones, slightly curved, and calluses on the fingertips.

There was also a faint smell of cigarette smoke above.

Time passed by minute by minute, each second stretching out as if it were an hour. Lou Yan closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and approached with a face full of humiliation. He leaned forward, his lips pressed against Fu Xuezhou’s fingertips, and then his tongue extended, licking Fu Xuezhou’s fingertips.

The deep red tongue slid over the pale fingers, the moist warmth it brought making Fu Xuezhou’s eyes darken.

After licking once, the “cat” wanted to retreat, but Fu Xuezhou’s finger followed, playing with Lou Yan’s tongue gently yet forcefully, entering Lou Yan’s mouth without resistance.

The tongue and lips were extremely soft and moist. Fu Xuezhou’s index finger was so long that it could almost reach Lou Yan’s throat. The throat was narrow, and there was not much space in the lips, but the further in, the higher the temperature, and the saliva slid down Fu Xuezhou’s finger, occasionally bumping into his finger, causing occasional tingling. Although Fu Xuezhou couldn’t see Lou Yan’s face, he could imagine Lou Yan’s brows furrowed in restraint, wanting to bite off his hand but having to restrain himself.


A drop of saliva fell from Lou Yan’s lips onto the iron sheet at the bottom of the dining car.

This extremely faint sound, almost close to nonexistent, was captured by Fu Xuezhou’s extremely sensitive hearing, and then magnified, echoing in Fu Xuezhou’s ears.

Fu Xuezhou’s finger paused, and this finger, with a cold touch, carried a vague sense of intimacy as it slowly moved from the root of Lou Yan’s tongue to the tip, teasing Lou Yan’s lips.

Suddenly, a thumb-sized round sugar cube appeared, forcibly stuffed into Lou Yan’s mouth with Fu Xuezhou’s movement.

The sweet and mellow scent of oranges slowly spread throughout Lou Yan’s mouth.

The corners of Lou Yan’s eyes reddened, and his lips and tongue were also red. His brows furrowed, his expression extremely restrained, yet he allowed Fu Xuezhou’s fingers to roam freely on his lips.

Water stains covered his lips with a layer of gloss, and even Fu Xuezhou’s fingers had strands of silver stretching from them.

He hastily swallowed the sugar cube, but Fu Xuezhou’s fingers were blocking him, preventing him from spitting it out.

…The ghost marriage contract tattoo on his back began to heat up again.

It seemed that every time he had intimate contact with Fu Xuezhou, the tattoo would heat up.

Lou Yan even felt that as the ghost marriage contract heated up, Fu Xuezhou’s actions of teasing his lips became more ruthless and rough.

D*mn it—

When will this end!

Lou Yan reached his limit, his lips starting to sting. Unable to bear it any longer, he opened his mouth and bit Fu Xuezhou’s finger.

Fu Xuezhou finally stopped, paused for a moment, and finally withdrew his hand from under the yellow cloth.

Lou Yan wiped his mouth fiercely with his sleeve, his eyes burning with anger.

Finally, it’s over!

The other three hunters had no idea what had happened—they couldn’t imagine what kind of deal the silver-haired hunter and the escaped prisoner had made under the yellow cloth covering the dining car, right under their noses.

Fu Xuezhou stood quietly by the dining cart, seeming a bit lost in thought.

The irritable man couldn’t stand this silence, grumbling, “Are we going to eat or not? The food is getting cold!”

The middle-aged man smiled awkwardly and looked at Fu Xuezhou cautiously, then said obediently, “I’ll push the dining car out.”

Fu Xuezhou came back to his senses, said nothing, and directly pulled the handle of the dining car to move it outside against the wall. He took one last look at the dining cart and closed the door of the hunter’s dining room.

Thank goodness this guy still keeps his word…

Lou Yan took another deep breath, rubbing his mouth until it started to hurt before reluctantly lowering his hand. He pressed his body against the gap under the yellow cloth, observing the movement in the corridor.

At this moment, the dining cart became his best cover. As long as Lou Yan could find a moment when there were no pig-headed people coming out into the corridor, he could immediately crawl out of the dining cart and run to the elevator door nearby.

Actually, with Lou Yan’s speed, he could rush to the elevator at any time, even if the pig-headed people saw him, they couldn’t catch up with him. But Lou Yan wasn’t sure if the elevator was always on the third floor or if it needed time to descend to the third floor. If there was a waiting time, Lou Yan had to calculate for this margin of error.

People occasionally came out into the corridor, and Lou Yan never had a moment when there was no one.

But he wasn’t in a hurry either. He kept an eye on the movement in the corridor and listened to the conversation in the hunter’s dining room.

“Fu, what do you want us to do for you?”

The voice came from inside the room, clearly reaching Lou Yan’s ears.

Lou Yan also wanted to know what Fu Xuezhou wanted to do, but he didn’t think Fu Xuezhou would say it directly. Because he was still outside the door in the dining cart, Fu Xuezhou should know that Lou Yan could hear their conversation. With Lou Yan eavesdropping, could Fu Xuezhou still openly state his purpose?

But as if deliberately letting Lou Yan hear, Fu Xuezhou actually spoke, “I want to turn the fifth floor into my territory.”

Lou Yan’s eyes widened in surprise.

Isn’t the fifth floor the rest area?

Inside the room, several hunters looked at each other. The middle-aged man hesitated, “The fifth floor is the safe rest area for the prisoners. We can’t lay hands on them there.”

“We don’t need to lay hands on them, just occupy the fifth floor,” Fu Xuezhou looked down at his fingers, picked up a tissue and wiped his fingers slowly, calmly saying, “Hunters need to rest. We’ll arrange our sleeping area on the fifth floor along with the prisoners. You control the fifth floor. If prisoners want to enter the fifth floor, they need my permission, and you can’t let them in without my consent.”

The irritable man exclaimed excitedly, “Are you suggesting that we block the path to the fifth floor? And then make those nearly exhausted prisoners beg us to let them in? Whoever amuses us the most gets to enter the safety zone on the fifth floor to rest?” 

The little girl giggled like silver bells, “That’s a fun idea! When those prisoners see that the fifth floor is our territory, their expressions will be priceless, hehehe.” 

Fu Xuezhou raised an eyebrow and looked at them, “I said, you are going to make the fifth floor my territory.” 

It’s his territory, where does “we” come in? 

“Ah…” the little girl pouted in disappointment, “Okay, it’s because you’re our boss, right? So, Mr. Fu, when the fifth floor becomes your territory, how do you plan to torture those prisoners? You can’t play them to death in the safety zone, you know.” 

“No need to torture them,” Fu Xuezhou said lightly. “You just need to let the prisoners I allow to enter. Once they’re in the fifth floor, they can do as they please. You can’t lay a hand on them.” 

The irritable man suddenly exploded in anger, smashing several bottles loudly. “Fu, you’re messing with us! What’s the use of us doing this for you? Haha, are you trying to play dormitory manager?” 

The woman sighed, “Mr. Fu seems different from us, but anyone chosen by Shadow Reaper to be a hunter, who isn’t a bloodthirsty killer? Mr. Fu, who now appears so kind, seems a bit hypocritical. Dare I ask, Mr. Fu, if you don’t intend to lay hands on those prisoners on the fifth floor, then what do you want us to help you take over the fifth floor for?” 

Lou Yan listened to the conversations inside the Hunter’s Restaurant, also pondering what Fu Xuezhou’s intentions might be. 

For some reason, he had a bad feeling about it.

The fifth floor is essential for the prisoners. They need a safe place to sleep, rest, and recuperate mentally and physically. Fu Xuezhou wants to control the fifth floor, yet he doesn’t intend to do anything to the prisoners—why go to such lengths?

If Fu Xuezhou really controls the fifth floor, with the power to decide who can enter the rest area and who cannot, then what should Lou Yan do?

Who knows if Fu Xuezhou will take advantage of the situation to force him to submit?

Lou Yan felt a headache coming on, but before he could think further, he noticed that the corridor had finally become empty, presenting a perfect opportunity to escape from the third floor.

Should he stay here and continue eavesdropping, or should he seize the chance to escape now?

After hesitating for a second, Lou Yan decisively crawled out of the dining cart and ran towards the elevator.

Hunter’s restaurant.

The silver-haired hunter, leaning against the back of his chair, glanced at the door when he heard movement, then withdrew his gaze.

He licked his lips somewhat thirstily, and Fu Xuezhou lifted the cup from the table, took a sip of water, swallowed a few times, and the cup was empty.

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Monster Resurgence Chapter 85

Monster Resurgence Chapter 85

Chapter 85

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Lou Yan: "..." 

"The smell of garbage?" The angry male voice sounded puzzled, "I don't smell anything." 

The little girl giggled, "I don't smell anything either. Is Mr. Fu talking about the smell of the trash can in our room?" 

"No," the timid, honest-sounding voice that sounded very middle-aged replied, "I smelled it too. It seems like, it seems like..." 

The middle-aged man got up from his seat and followed the smell step by step towards the food cart. 

Lou Yan sat motionless at the bottom of the food cart space, looking through the gap in the fabric as the pair of feet in cloth shoes approached closer and closer. He raised his hand and touched the spine bone at the back of his neck, his expression serious. 

The current situation was very unfriendly to him. 

Just from listening to the voices, besides Fu Xuezhou, there were four other hunters here. They were a woman, a little girl, a middle-aged man, and an angry male voice. But in their previous conversation, it was clear that Fu Xuezhou had already killed two hunters. There were six hunters in total, which meant that although there were five different voices here, adding Fu Xuezhou, there were only four hunters present.

One of the hunters should have schizophrenia.

There were four hunters in the room. Due to identity restrictions, Lou Yan couldn't harm these hunters, otherwise he would be punished and become powerless. He could only try to escape, but with four hunters surrounding him, it was difficult for him to successfully leave.

If he were to use [time reversal], there would be no way. Along the route from the kitchen to the Hunter's Restaurant, he was certain that using the food cart as a cover was the best option. Even if he could rewind time, he wouldn't know which point to rewind to. Because within these five minutes, he had already executed everything to the utmost perfection, and there were no points left to change.

Neither forward nor backward. Lou Yan's whole person was trapped here, his brain spinning rapidly, constantly coming up with ideas and then overturning them.

The middle-aged man's footsteps kept getting closer, and finally stopped in front of the dining car, with only a layer of orange-yellow fabric separating him from Lou Yan.

"The smell I smell is coming from here," the middle-aged man said softly, bending down to lift the fabric, "it seems like there's something underneath..."

As the yellow fabric was slightly lifted, Lou Yan had already drawn the spinal whip out several inches, his muscles tensed, his eyes sharp, ready to strike at any moment.

At a critical moment, the sound of a chair scraping the floor rang out. Someone pushed the chair aside and walked slowly towards the dining cart.

The middle-aged man also stopped his action, turning around to look, somewhat weakly saying, "Mr. Fu, what's wrong?"

Lou Yan watched as another pair of shiny black military boots walked to the side of the dining car, entering Lou Yan's line of sight.

These boots were dust-free, and the black laces were meticulously tied to the top. The straight black prison guard pants were tucked into the boots, and the yellow fabric of the dining car swayed slightly above the person's feet.

Fu Xuezhou looked down, looking at the seemingly ordinary dining cart, and slightly curled his lips, "Indeed, the smell is coming from under the dining cart."

Lou Yan suddenly tightened his grip on the spinal whip, cursing Fu Xuezhou with dirty words in his heart.

The irritable man immediately became excited, standing up abruptly, "Is there someone hiding inside!"

He was about to come over and take a look, while Lou Yan, hiding, felt his temples throb. He felt that the situation was sliding towards the worst end.

Who knew that Fu Xuezhou would say, "No."

"What is it then?" The woman's smiling voice carried curiosity, "If it's not a person, what could be inside? It even has a smell. Could it be that the pig-headed delivery person brought garbage along? Mr. Fu, why don't you just lift the yellow cloth and satisfy our curiosity?"

Fu Xuezhou neither agreed nor refused. He simply reached out his right hand, and his distinct knuckles picked up the edge of the yellow cloth, probing into the space under the dining car.

Lou Yan's cold and dark eyes stared at the finger, and he licked the tip of his tongue against his teeth. 

"Perhaps it's a little cat that sneaked over from the garbage heap," Fu Xuezhou said nonchalantly. "I've seen a cat rummaging for food in the garbage pool before, and the smell on its body is exactly the same as the smell now. What do you say? Is this little cat the same one I saw before?" 

The little girl exclaimed, "Wow! There's actually a kitty here? How pitiful, having to search for food in the garbage heap. Mr. Fu and the kitty are truly destined to meet, since you've seen it before, it must be that kitty!" 

The woman took a sip of her drink, swaying her glass. "The smell is the same, I guess it must be the kitty Mr. Fu saw before." 

The irritable man snorted and sat back down lackadaisical, "Turns out it's just a smelly cat, I thought it might be a person..." 

"It is indeed a 'smelly cat'," Fu Xuezhou's words sounded deeply meaningful. "The smell on this cat's body will affect our appetite if left here. Since it's just a cat, let's not bother with it. Push the food cart out." 

When Lou Yan heard the first half of the sentence, he silently sneered, but when he heard the latter half, his eyelids twitched fiercely, and his brows furrowed instantly.

He felt no happiness or relaxation at all, but instead a deep sense of suspicion arose.

Could Fu Xuezhou really be so kind?

Sure enough, the silver-haired hunter paused for a moment, then casually said, "But the cat I saw before was very friendly. When it saw me, it would come over and lick my fingers. Why is it so indifferent now?"

He looked down at the dining car, his finger moved slightly, and he smiled, "Could it be that this cat isn't the one I saw before?"

Lou Yan understood the meaning behind his words.

He watched as Fu Xuezhou's pale and slender fingers reached out in front of him, his expression changing constantly.

This finger seemed to be a masterpiece carefully crafted by a skilled painter, with beautiful bones, slightly curved, and calluses on the fingertips.

There was also a faint smell of cigarette smoke above.

Time passed by minute by minute, each second stretching out as if it were an hour. Lou Yan closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and approached with a face full of humiliation. He leaned forward, his lips pressed against Fu Xuezhou's fingertips, and then his tongue extended, licking Fu Xuezhou's fingertips.

The deep red tongue slid over the pale fingers, the moist warmth it brought making Fu Xuezhou's eyes darken.

After licking once, the "cat" wanted to retreat, but Fu Xuezhou's finger followed, playing with Lou Yan's tongue gently yet forcefully, entering Lou Yan's mouth without resistance.

The tongue and lips were extremely soft and moist. Fu Xuezhou's index finger was so long that it could almost reach Lou Yan's throat. The throat was narrow, and there was not much space in the lips, but the further in, the higher the temperature, and the saliva slid down Fu Xuezhou's finger, occasionally bumping into his finger, causing occasional tingling. Although Fu Xuezhou couldn't see Lou Yan's face, he could imagine Lou Yan's brows furrowed in restraint, wanting to bite off his hand but having to restrain himself.


A drop of saliva fell from Lou Yan's lips onto the iron sheet at the bottom of the dining car.

This extremely faint sound, almost close to nonexistent, was captured by Fu Xuezhou's extremely sensitive hearing, and then magnified, echoing in Fu Xuezhou's ears.

Fu Xuezhou's finger paused, and this finger, with a cold touch, carried a vague sense of intimacy as it slowly moved from the root of Lou Yan's tongue to the tip, teasing Lou Yan's lips.

Suddenly, a thumb-sized round sugar cube appeared, forcibly stuffed into Lou Yan's mouth with Fu Xuezhou's movement.

The sweet and mellow scent of oranges slowly spread throughout Lou Yan's mouth.

The corners of Lou Yan's eyes reddened, and his lips and tongue were also red. His brows furrowed, his expression extremely restrained, yet he allowed Fu Xuezhou's fingers to roam freely on his lips.

Water stains covered his lips with a layer of gloss, and even Fu Xuezhou's fingers had strands of silver stretching from them.

He hastily swallowed the sugar cube, but Fu Xuezhou's fingers were blocking him, preventing him from spitting it out.

...The ghost marriage contract tattoo on his back began to heat up again.

It seemed that every time he had intimate contact with Fu Xuezhou, the tattoo would heat up.

Lou Yan even felt that as the ghost marriage contract heated up, Fu Xuezhou's actions of teasing his lips became more ruthless and rough.

D*mn it—

When will this end!

Lou Yan reached his limit, his lips starting to sting. Unable to bear it any longer, he opened his mouth and bit Fu Xuezhou's finger.

Fu Xuezhou finally stopped, paused for a moment, and finally withdrew his hand from under the yellow cloth.

Lou Yan wiped his mouth fiercely with his sleeve, his eyes burning with anger.

Finally, it's over!

The other three hunters had no idea what had happened—they couldn't imagine what kind of deal the silver-haired hunter and the escaped prisoner had made under the yellow cloth covering the dining car, right under their noses.

Fu Xuezhou stood quietly by the dining cart, seeming a bit lost in thought.

The irritable man couldn't stand this silence, grumbling, "Are we going to eat or not? The food is getting cold!"

The middle-aged man smiled awkwardly and looked at Fu Xuezhou cautiously, then said obediently, "I'll push the dining car out."

Fu Xuezhou came back to his senses, said nothing, and directly pulled the handle of the dining car to move it outside against the wall. He took one last look at the dining cart and closed the door of the hunter's dining room.

Thank goodness this guy still keeps his word...

Lou Yan took another deep breath, rubbing his mouth until it started to hurt before reluctantly lowering his hand. He pressed his body against the gap under the yellow cloth, observing the movement in the corridor.

At this moment, the dining cart became his best cover. As long as Lou Yan could find a moment when there were no pig-headed people coming out into the corridor, he could immediately crawl out of the dining cart and run to the elevator door nearby.

Actually, with Lou Yan's speed, he could rush to the elevator at any time, even if the pig-headed people saw him, they couldn't catch up with him. But Lou Yan wasn't sure if the elevator was always on the third floor or if it needed time to descend to the third floor. If there was a waiting time, Lou Yan had to calculate for this margin of error.

People occasionally came out into the corridor, and Lou Yan never had a moment when there was no one.

But he wasn't in a hurry either. He kept an eye on the movement in the corridor and listened to the conversation in the hunter's dining room.

"Fu, what do you want us to do for you?"

The voice came from inside the room, clearly reaching Lou Yan's ears.

Lou Yan also wanted to know what Fu Xuezhou wanted to do, but he didn't think Fu Xuezhou would say it directly. Because he was still outside the door in the dining cart, Fu Xuezhou should know that Lou Yan could hear their conversation. With Lou Yan eavesdropping, could Fu Xuezhou still openly state his purpose?

But as if deliberately letting Lou Yan hear, Fu Xuezhou actually spoke, "I want to turn the fifth floor into my territory."

Lou Yan's eyes widened in surprise.

Isn't the fifth floor the rest area?

Inside the room, several hunters looked at each other. The middle-aged man hesitated, "The fifth floor is the safe rest area for the prisoners. We can't lay hands on them there."

"We don't need to lay hands on them, just occupy the fifth floor," Fu Xuezhou looked down at his fingers, picked up a tissue and wiped his fingers slowly, calmly saying, "Hunters need to rest. We'll arrange our sleeping area on the fifth floor along with the prisoners. You control the fifth floor. If prisoners want to enter the fifth floor, they need my permission, and you can't let them in without my consent."

The irritable man exclaimed excitedly, "Are you suggesting that we block the path to the fifth floor? And then make those nearly exhausted prisoners beg us to let them in? Whoever amuses us the most gets to enter the safety zone on the fifth floor to rest?" 

The little girl giggled like silver bells, "That's a fun idea! When those prisoners see that the fifth floor is our territory, their expressions will be priceless, hehehe." 

Fu Xuezhou raised an eyebrow and looked at them, "I said, you are going to make the fifth floor my territory." 

It's his territory, where does "we" come in? 

"Ah..." the little girl pouted in disappointment, "Okay, it's because you're our boss, right? So, Mr. Fu, when the fifth floor becomes your territory, how do you plan to torture those prisoners? You can't play them to death in the safety zone, you know." 

"No need to torture them," Fu Xuezhou said lightly. "You just need to let the prisoners I allow to enter. Once they're in the fifth floor, they can do as they please. You can't lay a hand on them." 

The irritable man suddenly exploded in anger, smashing several bottles loudly. "Fu, you're messing with us! What's the use of us doing this for you? Haha, are you trying to play dormitory manager?" 

The woman sighed, "Mr. Fu seems different from us, but anyone chosen by Shadow Reaper to be a hunter, who isn't a bloodthirsty killer? Mr. Fu, who now appears so kind, seems a bit hypocritical. Dare I ask, Mr. Fu, if you don't intend to lay hands on those prisoners on the fifth floor, then what do you want us to help you take over the fifth floor for?" 

Lou Yan listened to the conversations inside the Hunter's Restaurant, also pondering what Fu Xuezhou's intentions might be. 

For some reason, he had a bad feeling about it.

The fifth floor is essential for the prisoners. They need a safe place to sleep, rest, and recuperate mentally and physically. Fu Xuezhou wants to control the fifth floor, yet he doesn't intend to do anything to the prisoners—why go to such lengths?

If Fu Xuezhou really controls the fifth floor, with the power to decide who can enter the rest area and who cannot, then what should Lou Yan do?

Who knows if Fu Xuezhou will take advantage of the situation to force him to submit?

Lou Yan felt a headache coming on, but before he could think further, he noticed that the corridor had finally become empty, presenting a perfect opportunity to escape from the third floor.

Should he stay here and continue eavesdropping, or should he seize the chance to escape now?

After hesitating for a second, Lou Yan decisively crawled out of the dining cart and ran towards the elevator.


Hunter's restaurant.

The silver-haired hunter, leaning against the back of his chair, glanced at the door when he heard movement, then withdrew his gaze.

He licked his lips somewhat thirstily, and Fu Xuezhou lifted the cup from the table, took a sip of water, swallowed a few times, and the cup was empty.

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