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Monster Resurgence Chapter 90

Chapter 90

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“Fake, had enough pretending?”

Li Sanxin stared blankly at the doctor.

The tone, the expression, the arrogant and disdainful demeanor.

It was clearly the mannerisms of his childhood friend!


Li Sanxin’s expression gradually turned blank, and he stiffly turned his head to look at the “Lou Yan” beside him, his head aching.

His eyes told him that the “Lou Yan” beside him was real, with the same face, the same height… How could this doctor, with his anomaly makeup, possibly be Lou Yan? Maybe the voice exactly like Lou Yan’s was just a trick by the anomaly… But the strange feeling in his heart made him instinctively take a big step away from “Lou Yan,” immediately distancing himself.

Lin You also stood frozen in place, confusion evident in his eyes. Catching sight of Li Sanxin’s actions, he subconsciously turned his head. Although he looked like a tough guy with a buzz cut, he seemed a bit cute, “Comrade Li Sanxin?”

“Lou Yan” and the unfamiliar high school boy next to him also turned to look at Li Sanxin.

“Lou Yan” frowned, looking straight at Li Sanxin, both unbelieving and somewhat hurt, a shadow of sadness falling over his long lashes, “Li Sanxin… Can’t you even recognize me?”

Li Sanxin’s heart clenched. He wanted to say something, but his mouth opened and closed silently, subconsciously avoiding eye contact.

“Lou Yan” looked disappointedly at him, then turned his dark gaze to Lou Yan, “Fake? This anomaly is clearly the fake one. Anomalies from the amusement park are getting smarter and smarter. They dare to come over and blatantly impersonate now?”

With these words, Li Sanxin couldn’t help but rub his temples.

Too real, the tone and content of the speech were really just like his childhood friend.

Could this doctor really be an anomaly running around impersonating people?

It was possible… After all, this doctor only said a few words, still hiding his face under makeup… How could he suspect the “Lou Yan” next to him just because of a few words from this doctor?

But there was a small voice in Li Sanxin’s heart constantly arguing against him. Which anomaly would dare to impersonate so blatantly, not even changing their clothes before pretending to be a human?

Lin You didn’t interact with Lou Yan much, but he knew that Li Sanxin and Lou Yan were very close. Seeing Li Sanxin’s reaction, he felt that something was wrong, and without leaving a trace, he pulled the high school boy away from “Lou Yan,” quietly approaching Li Sanxin, and whispered, “Comrade Li Sanxin, which one is the real Lou Yan?”

Li Sanxin glanced at the doctor, hesitant, “I’m not sure…”

When it came to Lou Yan, the more he thought about it, the more he cared, the less he dared to choose. He was afraid that he would fall for the anomaly’s trick and mistakenly identify his good friend. Even his instinctual intuition was suppressed under layers of worry.

The high school boy suddenly pointed towards Wen Yian, who was running towards them, his voice cold, “Do you guys know her? She seems to be with this doctor.”

Li Sanxin turned his head and saw Wen Yian?!

His eyes lit up instantly.

Wen Yian came with the doctor, did that mean the doctor was the real Lou Yan?!

Li Sanxin quickly glanced at the doctor, only to see the doctor with the pale face giving him a gloomy look, raising his hand from his neck, pulling out a spinal whip, and each word jumped out from between his teeth, “Still not coming over?”

Li Sanxin shivered, trembling all over, and instinctively ran to Lou Yan, who was standing behind, with a smile on his face, “I’m coming, I’m coming.”

Lou Yan took a step forward with the spinal whip in his hand, mercilessly swinging it towards the fake.

“Lou Yan” dodged the spinal whip with a dark expression, looking at Li Sanxin, who was hiding behind Lou Yan, both disbelieving and somewhat hurt, a shadow of sadness falling over his beautiful face, “Li Sanxin, look carefully, I am the real one! You’ve been fooled by the anomaly!”

“Shut up, fake.” Lou Yan said.

The spinal whip struck “Lou Yan’s” face.

A grim scar instantly appeared on the face identical to Lou Yan’s.

Li Sanxin made a hissing sound, even though he knew it wasn’t the real Lou Yan, his heart still skipped a beat.

“Lou Yan” touched the wound on his face, grinned at Lou Yan with a wicked smile.

Lou Yan approached step by step, the spinal whip continuously swinging at “Lou Yan,” producing a continuous barrage of cracking sounds, “Why do you look exactly like me?”

“Lou Yan” no longer pretended. It looked at Lou Yan maliciously, a strange and inscrutable smile appearing on its beautiful face, “I am you.”

“Are you me?” Lou Yan sneered, “Then show me a spinal whip.”

“Lou Yan” actually raised his hand to touch the back of his neck—

Lou Yan frowned, immediately pulling out the spinal whip and winding it around the fake Lou Yan’s arm and neck, preventing it from actually pulling out a “spinal whip.” “Lou Yan” burst into laughter when it was entangled. When Lou Yan walked over to take a closer look, he realized that he had been fooled. This anomaly impersonating him had only placed its hand behind its neck; there was no spinal whip to pull out at all.

Lou Yan snorted coldly, gripping the spinal whip tightly and pulling the “Lou Yan” in front of him, the faces of the two almost touching, only a fist’s distance apart. Lou Yan stopped his hand, scrutinizing the fake.

Two pairs of identical eyes stared at each other, one bright and compelling, the other gloomy and mysterious.

Lou Yan asked, “You’re the second fake I’ve found who looks exactly like me. Tell me, are there any other anomalies with the same face as mine?”

Blood trickled down the fake “Lou Yan’s” neck, and it grinned playfully, its eyes full of teasing, “There’s one more.”

Lou Yan narrowed his eyes, “Where is it?”

The fake Lou Yan glanced at Li Sanxin and the others from the corner of his eye, his smile widening more and more. Instead of answering, he asked, “Not just you, but your friends might also be fake, hahaha!” 

After saying this, the anomaly, with a strange smile, closed his eyes, his head drooping, dead.

Everyone who heard this sentence felt a chill in their hearts.

Was this sentence implying that there were impostors among them? Or was the anomaly deliberately lying to sow discord?

Lou Yan was well aware of the anomalies’ tactics; they liked to manipulate humans, play with their emotions. They enjoyed watching the righteous fall into darkness, seeing good people misunderstood, and villains survive till the end. The purpose of the anomaly saying this sentence was just to make them doubt each other, but even though he knew the anomaly’s intention, he couldn’t suppress the doubt that arose from the depths of his heart.

Were there really no anomalies among these people?

Lou Yan released the spinal whip, and the fake Lou Yan fell to the ground, splattering blood on its face. The mysterious smile lingering on the anomaly’s lips attracted the attention of everyone present.

It wasn’t until Wen Yian walked up to them that everyone came back to their senses.

Lin You took a step forward, speaking solemnly, “The last sentence spoken by this fake Lou Yan was meant to sow discord among us, to make us suspect each other as anomalies. We cannot fall into the anomaly’s trap. If we suspect each other, it is highly likely that we will end up dead at the hands of our own people.”

He paused, his eyes full of strength, scanning each person present, “Believe me, once a team starts to doubt each other, the outcome can only be failure.”

The high school boy wore a weary expression, bluntly stating, “Your words are useless now. We’ve already started to doubt each other, and suspicion won’t disappear because of a few positive words. It will only bury deeper.”

He glanced around at everyone’s expressions, shrugged his shoulders, hands in his pockets, intending to leave alone, “If you don’t trust each other, then let’s disperse. I’m leaving first.”

Lin You stopped him, frowning deeply, his eyes full of disagreement, “Comrade Ye Buyan, you’re injured and mentally exhausted. It’s better for you to leave with us.”

Ye Buyan had a cold, indifferent face, a typical cool and scholarly look. He stopped and looked at Lin You, straightforwardly saying, “I can’t survive alone, but if I die, I’ll die at the hands of the anomalies, not as they wish, at the hands of my own kind. I don’t want my death to become their spectacle, so you don’t need to persuade me.”

He had already said this much, making it difficult for Lin You to stop him. But Ye Buyan was too young, still a high school student. Lin You’s morals and indoctrinated beliefs couldn’t bear to watch such a child go to his death.

Lou Yan listened quietly to their conversation, then calmly spoke to Lin You, “Lin You, what he said is correct.”

Even Lou Yan said so…

Lin You closed his eyes heavily, reluctantly letting go of Ye Buyan’s arm.

After saying “thank you,” Ye Buyan was about to leave, but Lou Yan stopped him.

“You’re called Ye Buyan?”

Ye Buyan stopped and turned to look at Lou Yan, nodding, “Yes, my name is Ye Buyan.”

“I agree with what you said. We’ve already started to doubt each other, and once suspicion sets in, it will only deepen,” Lou Yan said lightly, “but I don’t think leaving alone is a good idea. Suspicion is already present, splitting up is just a slightly less stupid method than killing each other. There’s a better way that you haven’t considered—dissipate the suspicion. As long as we can prove that there are no anomalies among us, this team can continue.”

Lou Yan wrapped the spinal whip around his arm, lifted his eyelids, and looked at everyone one by one, “Fragmentation and self-interest are also spectacles the anomalies enjoy watching. If we want to make the anomalies vomit, we have to unite.”

Several people were stunned. Li Sanxin smiled, “Yanzi, you sound just as official as Lin You, but it’s more comforting than what he said.”

Lin You’s expression relaxed, nodding seriously, “Although I may not be good at speaking, I also think so.”

“But we’re not familiar with each other, how can we prove it?” Ye Buyan asked.

“I,” Lou Yan raised an eyebrow, smiling, “I will prove it. After what just happened, I’m sure that I am the real me. Do you all agree?”

Everyone nodded without objection.

“Let’s talk in a safer place first,” Lou Yan said, “I am the only one here who can confirm that I am human. Rest assured, even if it’s for my own safety, I will find a way to eliminate the anomalies. Follow me first. We’ve made quite a commotion just now, and anomalies are likely to be attracted here.”

Lou Yan led everyone away from there, found an empty conference room, and opened the door with the key he obtained from the male doctor. They slipped in quietly.

The conference room was simple, with a low temperature. Everyone sat on either side of the long table, keeping a safe distance from each other.

Lou Yan sat closest to the door, playing with the spinal whip in his hand. After scanning the room, he pointed to Wen Yian first, “She has been with me all this time. I tested her earlier, and she is human.”

Wen Yian smiled at the others and adjusted the hair on the side of her ear, “Hello, I’m Wen Yian.”

Li Sanxin and the others nodded, choosing to trust Lou Yan’s judgment. Just as Lou Yan said, even for his own life, he wouldn’t let any “people” with doubts stay in the team.

Those confirmed by him to be human must be genuine humans.

Lou Yan looked at Li Sanxin, Lin You, and Ye Buyan, “What about you three? How did you end up together?”

Li Sanxin explained, “Lin You rescued me from the sickroom. When I came out, he was already with Ye Buyan.”

Lin You nodded, “After reaching the fourth floor, Comrade Li Sanxin and I were separated and locked up separately. After I was locked up, I used my talent skill, ‘Wolf Transformation,’ to open the iron door and went out. I intended to find Comrade Lou Yan and Comrade Li Sanxin, but on the way, I met Comrade Ye Buyan. Comrade Ye Buyan was lying weakly on the side of the road. I was afraid he would encounter danger, so I took him with me to find Comrade Li Sanxin.”

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Monster Resurgence Chapter 90

Monster Resurgence Chapter 90

Chapter 90

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"Fake, had enough pretending?"

Li Sanxin stared blankly at the doctor.

The tone, the expression, the arrogant and disdainful demeanor.

It was clearly the mannerisms of his childhood friend!


Li Sanxin's expression gradually turned blank, and he stiffly turned his head to look at the "Lou Yan" beside him, his head aching.

His eyes told him that the "Lou Yan" beside him was real, with the same face, the same height... How could this doctor, with his anomaly makeup, possibly be Lou Yan? Maybe the voice exactly like Lou Yan's was just a trick by the anomaly... But the strange feeling in his heart made him instinctively take a big step away from "Lou Yan," immediately distancing himself.

Lin You also stood frozen in place, confusion evident in his eyes. Catching sight of Li Sanxin's actions, he subconsciously turned his head. Although he looked like a tough guy with a buzz cut, he seemed a bit cute, "Comrade Li Sanxin?"

"Lou Yan" and the unfamiliar high school boy next to him also turned to look at Li Sanxin.

"Lou Yan" frowned, looking straight at Li Sanxin, both unbelieving and somewhat hurt, a shadow of sadness falling over his long lashes, "Li Sanxin... Can't you even recognize me?"

Li Sanxin's heart clenched. He wanted to say something, but his mouth opened and closed silently, subconsciously avoiding eye contact.

"Lou Yan" looked disappointedly at him, then turned his dark gaze to Lou Yan, "Fake? This anomaly is clearly the fake one. Anomalies from the amusement park are getting smarter and smarter. They dare to come over and blatantly impersonate now?"

With these words, Li Sanxin couldn't help but rub his temples.

Too real, the tone and content of the speech were really just like his childhood friend.

Could this doctor really be an anomaly running around impersonating people?

It was possible... After all, this doctor only said a few words, still hiding his face under makeup... How could he suspect the "Lou Yan" next to him just because of a few words from this doctor?

But there was a small voice in Li Sanxin's heart constantly arguing against him. Which anomaly would dare to impersonate so blatantly, not even changing their clothes before pretending to be a human?

Lin You didn't interact with Lou Yan much, but he knew that Li Sanxin and Lou Yan were very close. Seeing Li Sanxin's reaction, he felt that something was wrong, and without leaving a trace, he pulled the high school boy away from "Lou Yan," quietly approaching Li Sanxin, and whispered, "Comrade Li Sanxin, which one is the real Lou Yan?"

Li Sanxin glanced at the doctor, hesitant, "I'm not sure..."

When it came to Lou Yan, the more he thought about it, the more he cared, the less he dared to choose. He was afraid that he would fall for the anomaly's trick and mistakenly identify his good friend. Even his instinctual intuition was suppressed under layers of worry.

The high school boy suddenly pointed towards Wen Yian, who was running towards them, his voice cold, "Do you guys know her? She seems to be with this doctor."

Li Sanxin turned his head and saw Wen Yian?!

His eyes lit up instantly.

Wen Yian came with the doctor, did that mean the doctor was the real Lou Yan?!

Li Sanxin quickly glanced at the doctor, only to see the doctor with the pale face giving him a gloomy look, raising his hand from his neck, pulling out a spinal whip, and each word jumped out from between his teeth, "Still not coming over?"

Li Sanxin shivered, trembling all over, and instinctively ran to Lou Yan, who was standing behind, with a smile on his face, "I'm coming, I'm coming."

Lou Yan took a step forward with the spinal whip in his hand, mercilessly swinging it towards the fake.

"Lou Yan" dodged the spinal whip with a dark expression, looking at Li Sanxin, who was hiding behind Lou Yan, both disbelieving and somewhat hurt, a shadow of sadness falling over his beautiful face, "Li Sanxin, look carefully, I am the real one! You've been fooled by the anomaly!"

"Shut up, fake." Lou Yan said.

The spinal whip struck "Lou Yan's" face.

A grim scar instantly appeared on the face identical to Lou Yan's.

Li Sanxin made a hissing sound, even though he knew it wasn't the real Lou Yan, his heart still skipped a beat.

"Lou Yan" touched the wound on his face, grinned at Lou Yan with a wicked smile.

Lou Yan approached step by step, the spinal whip continuously swinging at "Lou Yan," producing a continuous barrage of cracking sounds, "Why do you look exactly like me?"

"Lou Yan" no longer pretended. It looked at Lou Yan maliciously, a strange and inscrutable smile appearing on its beautiful face, "I am you."

"Are you me?" Lou Yan sneered, "Then show me a spinal whip."

"Lou Yan" actually raised his hand to touch the back of his neck—

Lou Yan frowned, immediately pulling out the spinal whip and winding it around the fake Lou Yan's arm and neck, preventing it from actually pulling out a "spinal whip." "Lou Yan" burst into laughter when it was entangled. When Lou Yan walked over to take a closer look, he realized that he had been fooled. This anomaly impersonating him had only placed its hand behind its neck; there was no spinal whip to pull out at all.

Lou Yan snorted coldly, gripping the spinal whip tightly and pulling the "Lou Yan" in front of him, the faces of the two almost touching, only a fist's distance apart. Lou Yan stopped his hand, scrutinizing the fake.

Two pairs of identical eyes stared at each other, one bright and compelling, the other gloomy and mysterious.

Lou Yan asked, "You're the second fake I've found who looks exactly like me. Tell me, are there any other anomalies with the same face as mine?"

Blood trickled down the fake "Lou Yan's" neck, and it grinned playfully, its eyes full of teasing, "There's one more."

Lou Yan narrowed his eyes, "Where is it?"

The fake Lou Yan glanced at Li Sanxin and the others from the corner of his eye, his smile widening more and more. Instead of answering, he asked, "Not just you, but your friends might also be fake, hahaha!" 

After saying this, the anomaly, with a strange smile, closed his eyes, his head drooping, dead.

Everyone who heard this sentence felt a chill in their hearts.

Was this sentence implying that there were impostors among them? Or was the anomaly deliberately lying to sow discord?

Lou Yan was well aware of the anomalies' tactics; they liked to manipulate humans, play with their emotions. They enjoyed watching the righteous fall into darkness, seeing good people misunderstood, and villains survive till the end. The purpose of the anomaly saying this sentence was just to make them doubt each other, but even though he knew the anomaly's intention, he couldn't suppress the doubt that arose from the depths of his heart.

Were there really no anomalies among these people?

Lou Yan released the spinal whip, and the fake Lou Yan fell to the ground, splattering blood on its face. The mysterious smile lingering on the anomaly's lips attracted the attention of everyone present.

It wasn't until Wen Yian walked up to them that everyone came back to their senses.

Lin You took a step forward, speaking solemnly, "The last sentence spoken by this fake Lou Yan was meant to sow discord among us, to make us suspect each other as anomalies. We cannot fall into the anomaly's trap. If we suspect each other, it is highly likely that we will end up dead at the hands of our own people."

He paused, his eyes full of strength, scanning each person present, "Believe me, once a team starts to doubt each other, the outcome can only be failure."

The high school boy wore a weary expression, bluntly stating, "Your words are useless now. We've already started to doubt each other, and suspicion won't disappear because of a few positive words. It will only bury deeper."

He glanced around at everyone's expressions, shrugged his shoulders, hands in his pockets, intending to leave alone, "If you don't trust each other, then let's disperse. I'm leaving first."

Lin You stopped him, frowning deeply, his eyes full of disagreement, "Comrade Ye Buyan, you're injured and mentally exhausted. It's better for you to leave with us."

Ye Buyan had a cold, indifferent face, a typical cool and scholarly look. He stopped and looked at Lin You, straightforwardly saying, "I can't survive alone, but if I die, I'll die at the hands of the anomalies, not as they wish, at the hands of my own kind. I don't want my death to become their spectacle, so you don't need to persuade me."

He had already said this much, making it difficult for Lin You to stop him. But Ye Buyan was too young, still a high school student. Lin You's morals and indoctrinated beliefs couldn't bear to watch such a child go to his death.

Lou Yan listened quietly to their conversation, then calmly spoke to Lin You, "Lin You, what he said is correct."

Even Lou Yan said so...

Lin You closed his eyes heavily, reluctantly letting go of Ye Buyan's arm.

After saying "thank you," Ye Buyan was about to leave, but Lou Yan stopped him.

"You're called Ye Buyan?"

Ye Buyan stopped and turned to look at Lou Yan, nodding, "Yes, my name is Ye Buyan."

"I agree with what you said. We've already started to doubt each other, and once suspicion sets in, it will only deepen," Lou Yan said lightly, "but I don't think leaving alone is a good idea. Suspicion is already present, splitting up is just a slightly less stupid method than killing each other. There's a better way that you haven't considered—dissipate the suspicion. As long as we can prove that there are no anomalies among us, this team can continue."

Lou Yan wrapped the spinal whip around his arm, lifted his eyelids, and looked at everyone one by one, "Fragmentation and self-interest are also spectacles the anomalies enjoy watching. If we want to make the anomalies vomit, we have to unite."

Several people were stunned. Li Sanxin smiled, "Yanzi, you sound just as official as Lin You, but it's more comforting than what he said."

Lin You's expression relaxed, nodding seriously, "Although I may not be good at speaking, I also think so."

"But we're not familiar with each other, how can we prove it?" Ye Buyan asked.

"I," Lou Yan raised an eyebrow, smiling, "I will prove it. After what just happened, I'm sure that I am the real me. Do you all agree?"

Everyone nodded without objection.

"Let's talk in a safer place first," Lou Yan said, "I am the only one here who can confirm that I am human. Rest assured, even if it's for my own safety, I will find a way to eliminate the anomalies. Follow me first. We've made quite a commotion just now, and anomalies are likely to be attracted here."

Lou Yan led everyone away from there, found an empty conference room, and opened the door with the key he obtained from the male doctor. They slipped in quietly.

The conference room was simple, with a low temperature. Everyone sat on either side of the long table, keeping a safe distance from each other.

Lou Yan sat closest to the door, playing with the spinal whip in his hand. After scanning the room, he pointed to Wen Yian first, "She has been with me all this time. I tested her earlier, and she is human."

Wen Yian smiled at the others and adjusted the hair on the side of her ear, "Hello, I'm Wen Yian."

Li Sanxin and the others nodded, choosing to trust Lou Yan's judgment. Just as Lou Yan said, even for his own life, he wouldn't let any "people" with doubts stay in the team.

Those confirmed by him to be human must be genuine humans.

Lou Yan looked at Li Sanxin, Lin You, and Ye Buyan, "What about you three? How did you end up together?"

Li Sanxin explained, "Lin You rescued me from the sickroom. When I came out, he was already with Ye Buyan."

Lin You nodded, "After reaching the fourth floor, Comrade Li Sanxin and I were separated and locked up separately. After I was locked up, I used my talent skill, 'Wolf Transformation,' to open the iron door and went out. I intended to find Comrade Lou Yan and Comrade Li Sanxin, but on the way, I met Comrade Ye Buyan. Comrade Ye Buyan was lying weakly on the side of the road. I was afraid he would encounter danger, so I took him with me to find Comrade Li Sanxin."

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