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Monster Resurgence Chapter 89

Chapter 89

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Lou Yan only glanced at Wen Yian, his gaze returning to the male doctor he had killed. His dry lips moved slightly, his voice low, “I don’t know…”

Seeing him like this, Wen Yian felt relieved instead. She calmed herself down, revealing a reassuring smile, and wanted to approach, “Perhaps this is also a trick of the anomalies. Don’t worry, I can still tell you apart from the anomalies…”


The spinal whip rose into the air, falling directly in front of Wen Yian’s feet.

Wen Yian’s smile stiffened, looking at the whip in front of her feet, not understanding what Lou Yan meant by this, “Lou Yan?”

Lou Yan knelt beside the male doctor, his expression returning to his usual calmness after the initial blankness and confusion. He glanced at Wen Yian with a strange, eerie look that made Wen Yian feel uneasy, and slowly said, “Since there can be anomalies that look exactly like me here, it also means there could be anomalies that look exactly like you. Tell me, are you really Wen Yian?”

Wen Yian: “……”

Wen Yian: “…………”

Wen Yian’s usually graceful and elegant smile cracked on her face, “Lou Yan, are you doubting me?!”

Lou Yan didn’t speak, but his expression clearly showed suspicion towards Wen Yian.

Wen Yian was about to go crazy. She had never seen such a difficult man before. Clearly, now there suddenly appeared an anomaly with Lou Yan’s face, but before she could even suspect him, Lou Yan turned around and doubted her?!

She knew Lou Yan didn’t trust her, but his attitude of suspicion was too fragile!

Wen Yian forced a few smiles and spoke kindly, “Lou Yan, how could I possibly be fake? The reason this anomaly you killed has a face just like yours might be because it saw your face and intentionally transformed into your likeness to scare you, right? It’s just a trick of the anomaly, there might not be another anomaly that looks like me.” 

Lou Yan’s dark eyes remained unshaken. As his hand moved, the spinal whip also shifted slightly, as if ready to strike at Wen Yian at any moment. “Answer my question directly, Wen Yian. I’ll give you one minute to prove you’re really you.” 

Wen Yian: “….”

This time, she truly couldn’t force a smile. 

How could she prove that she was really herself? 

Wen Yian regretted ever thinking Lou Yan was charming in the past. She wished she could go back and slap herself for it. But seeing the seriousness in Lou Yan’s expression, Wen Yian took a deep breath and tried to prove herself. 

“You’ve saved me twice. If I were really an anomaly, I would have taken the opportunity to kill you long ago. Lou Yan, if I were fake, do you think they would have locked me in the infirmary? I was almost burned to death then. Look, that male doctor who looks just like you was wearing makeup to look like a dead person. If you hadn’t wiped off the makeup on its face, you wouldn’t have realized it looked just like you. But look at my face, there’s no makeup on it, and I’m wearing the same prisoner uniform as everyone else in the amusement park, not a nurse or doctor’s outfit. Isn’t that enough to prove that I’m really me?”

Lou Yan pondered for a moment and withdrew the spinal whip.

Wen Yian was furious, but she maintained a smile on her face as she picked up the items on the ground and approached, “Do you still need makeup?”

Lou Yan glanced at the corpse on the ground. Every time he saw the male doctor with the same face as his, he felt a strange discomfort.

This face looked too much like his own, and Lou Yan felt like he was looking in a mirror.

Just the thought of needing to put on the dead man’s makeup, wear his white coat, and play the role of this doctor made Lou Yan feel extremely uncomfortable.

But Lou Yan still nodded and firmly said, “Yes, makeup.”

Playing the role of an anomaly was currently the best option.

Wen Yian didn’t say anything more and poured medication powder into her palm, then began applying it to Lou Yan’s face. She was a public figure, and makeup was a necessary skill. Wen Yian had learned the art of makeup and could do it quickly and well.

Although she didn’t have any makeup products, she did her best to help Lou Yan achieve the same deathly pale face as the other entities. During the makeup process, Wen Yian knew Lou Yan’s annoying temperament, but facing this flawless face, she couldn’t help but praise, “Mr. Lou has such good skin and features, even these medication powders can’t cover Mr. Lou’s handsomeness.”

But Lou Yan’s lips looked a bit swollen?

Lou Yan looked at her like she was an idiot, “I only need horror, not good looks.”

Wen Yian’s smile froze slightly, “… Alright, please rest assured, Mr. Lou.”

Wen Yian smeared layer after layer of medication powder on Lou Yan’s face. Afraid that the powder would fall off, she applied several more layers. After completing a simple makeup look, Wen Yian smiled and said, “Mr. Lou, just a bit of blood on your lips and it’ll be almost done.”

Lou Yan simply pricked his finger on the bone spur of the spinal whip, and fresh blood flowed out. He calmly wiped his finger on his lips, staining his dry and plump lips with a layer of bright red blood.

This blood color was not as vivid and fierce as the blood on the anomaly entity’s lips. Instead, against Lou Yan’s lips, which were red and swollen due to dryness, it appeared cold and beautiful. The anomaly feeling remained, but it added a touch of sinister beauty.

Lou Yan had a good foundation, so even though he now looked like a dead man, compared to the other anomalies, he resembled a demonic spirit dragging people into h*ll. Looking at Lou Yan like this, Wen Yian glanced at the other “Lou Yan” on the ground and suddenly felt that even though their faces were the same, Lou Yan gave her a much better feeling than this male doctor.

After finishing applying the blood on his lips, Lou Yan stood up directly. He looked at the dead male doctor, swung the spinal whip and left a mark on the male doctor’s face, then pulled the medical cart and walked towards the pharmacy door, “Let’s go.”

The two of them left the pharmacy. Lou Yan, disguised as an anomaly, and Wen Yian, pretending to be scared and fearful, followed behind Lou Yan, acting as ordinary people being taken to the ward by a doctor.

They hadn’t been out for long when they ran into a janitor walking along the wall with cleaning tools. Lou Yan remained calm and deliberately tested whether his appearance could escape the eyes of other anomalies. Instead of avoiding, he deliberately approached with Wen Yian.

Both of them maintained perfect attitudes, and when the janitor, with a deadpan face, walked closer to them, he glanced at Lou Yan and Wen Yian with cold eyes. Not finding anything wrong, he turned his head and passed by them safely.

Lou Yan and Wen Yian both silently breathed a sigh of relief.

After confirming that this trick worked with the janitor, Lou Yan directly abandoned the medical cart that slowed him down, quickened his pace, and no longer deliberately detoured to avoid other anomalies. The progress of searching for the ward suddenly increased several times.

After a few minutes, they heard a scream coming from a corner of the hospital.

“Ah! Help! It’s so hot!”

The voice didn’t belong to Li Sanxin or Lin You. Lou Yan and Wen Yian glanced at each other, and Wen Yian sighed with a complex expression, guessing, “It should be someone in Room 15…”

“It’s been about ten minutes since your room turned into a crematorium,” Lou Yan frowned, but as soon as he frowned, the powder on his face fell off “rustling,” covering his whole body. He instantly became expressionless, “There’s still ten minutes left. I need to find Li Sanxin and Lin You as soon as possible.”

Wen Yian’s eyes flickered, pretending to be curious, she asked, “Is this Lin You a friend you met at the amusement park? Or did you know each other before the amusement park?”

Lou Yan warned her with a glare, “Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask.”

Wen Yian raised an eyebrow but didn’t ask further.

The two of them wandered around the hospital for a few minutes. Finally, Lou Yan found Room 17.

But the iron gate of Room 17 was wide open, and the person inside was gone.

Lou Yan saw several deep claw marks at the lock of the iron gate, and he knew at a glance that they were Lin You’s claw marks.

These claw marks were on the outside of the broken iron gate, indicating that Lin You had escaped from the room and broke the iron gate to save Li Sanxin.

After confirming that these two were temporarily safe, Lou Yan felt relieved and left with Wen Yian.

Coincidentally, after they turned two corners randomly, Lou Yan heard footsteps coming from the left corridor at the corner ahead, followed by Lin You’s deliberately lowered voice.

“Wait… footsteps ahead…”

Lou Yan heard these words faintly.

Lou Yan felt a hint of joy in his heart, took two or three steps, and appeared at the corner to the left. He was about to call out to Lin You and Li Sanxin, but when he saw the people on the left side, the faint smile on his lips froze instantly.

His eyes immediately turned cold, and the joy of finding his friends vanished completely.

Standing at the other end of the corridor were four people about to leave. Among them, one person looked extremely young, with a cold expression, like a high school student. Apart from this stranger, the faces of the other three were extremely familiar to Lou Yan.

They were Li Sanxin, Lin You, and “Lou Yan.”

Another person with the exact same face as Lou Yan.

But this “person” didn’t have makeup on his face, and he was wearing the same gray prisoner’s uniform as Lou Yan. Even the curvature of his frown, the surprised expression, and the slightly curly black hair were exactly the same as Lou Yan’s.

If Lou Yan wasn’t Lou Yan, he would have thought that the one standing there was the real him.

Li Sanxin and Lin You stood on both sides of “Lou Yan,” and the three of them looked particularly close. When they saw Lou Yan appear, they subconsciously treated him as another anomaly here, showing vigilance and aversion.

“Lou Yan” behaved flawlessly. He glanced at Lou Yan warily, turned around quickly, grabbed Lin You and Li Sanxin, and urged, “Run!”

Lou Yan’s throat rolled slightly, and as he looked at the back of “Lou Yan,” his smile faded, replaced by a chilling expression.

This thing’s voice was the same as his.

Wen Yian also saw the four people, and when she saw the “Lou Yan” among the crowd, her pupils dilated. Her expression became shocked and blank, and she swallowed the other words in her throat, speaking with a voice so fragile that it seemed to break with the wind, “Lou Yan, another one of you.”

…This was the second Lou Yan to appear, even more realistic than the doctor just now.

If she hadn’t been by Lou Yan’s side all along, if she hadn’t been saved by Lou Yan twice in a row, she might have thought that the person running away with Li Sanxin was the real Lou Yan.

What on earth was going on?!

Lou Yan’s lips curled coldly, and when the group of Li Sanxin and Lin You was about to run out of the corridor, he used his fastest speed, taking a few steps and appearing in front of the four people like a gust of wind in his fierce anger.

Lin You, Li Sanxin, and the others were startled. They had just taken a few steps, but the anomaly doctor seemed to teleport in front of them!


“It’s so fast!”

The four of them were startled, stopping their steps hastily, looking at the doctor in front of them with vigilance and fear, while continuously stepping back.

Lou Yan’s gaze swept over their faces one by one, finally settling on “Lou Yan’s” face.

“Lou Yan” stared at him fearlessly, even taking a step forward to block the others, and said coldly, “I’ll stop him. You guys go!”


Even their actions were so similar.

Lin You grabbed “Lou Yan’s” shoulder and pulled him back a bit, staring at the doctor in front of him without blinking, indicating that they should move forward or backward together, “Comrade Lou Yan, don’t be a hero.”

Li Sanxin didn’t know why, but he felt that something was wrong.

He looked at the doctor in front of him, feeling cautious as well, but when he met the eyes of this doctor, the strage feeling that had been lingering in his mind suddenly intensified. He couldn’t say what was wrong, but it seemed like everything was wrong… Clearly, this person was a doctor from the mental hospital, and his face was still covered in scary makeup, but he had an intuition that this doctor didn’t mean them any harm.

But all these doctors, anomalies, janitors, they all were anomalies. How could this doctor not have any ill intentions towards them?

In this strange feeling, this doctor smirked coldly with an expression Li Sanxin was extremely familiar with. His lips, as red as if coated with blood, parted, and he spoke with the exact same voice as Lou Yan, “Fake, had enough pretending?”

Author’s Note:

Chief Lou: Furious

Can’t wait until next week to see more? Want to show your support? Come to my Patreon where you can get up to 5 more chapters of Monster Resurgence right away ! Or go donate at Paypal or Ko-fi to show your appreciation! :)

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Monster Resurgence Chapter 89

Monster Resurgence Chapter 89

Chapter 89

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Lou Yan only glanced at Wen Yian, his gaze returning to the male doctor he had killed. His dry lips moved slightly, his voice low, "I don't know..."

Seeing him like this, Wen Yian felt relieved instead. She calmed herself down, revealing a reassuring smile, and wanted to approach, "Perhaps this is also a trick of the anomalies. Don't worry, I can still tell you apart from the anomalies..."


The spinal whip rose into the air, falling directly in front of Wen Yian's feet.

Wen Yian's smile stiffened, looking at the whip in front of her feet, not understanding what Lou Yan meant by this, "Lou Yan?"

Lou Yan knelt beside the male doctor, his expression returning to his usual calmness after the initial blankness and confusion. He glanced at Wen Yian with a strange, eerie look that made Wen Yian feel uneasy, and slowly said, "Since there can be anomalies that look exactly like me here, it also means there could be anomalies that look exactly like you. Tell me, are you really Wen Yian?"

Wen Yian: "......"

Wen Yian: "............"

Wen Yian's usually graceful and elegant smile cracked on her face, "Lou Yan, are you doubting me?!"

Lou Yan didn't speak, but his expression clearly showed suspicion towards Wen Yian.

Wen Yian was about to go crazy. She had never seen such a difficult man before. Clearly, now there suddenly appeared an anomaly with Lou Yan's face, but before she could even suspect him, Lou Yan turned around and doubted her?!

She knew Lou Yan didn't trust her, but his attitude of suspicion was too fragile!

Wen Yian forced a few smiles and spoke kindly, "Lou Yan, how could I possibly be fake? The reason this anomaly you killed has a face just like yours might be because it saw your face and intentionally transformed into your likeness to scare you, right? It's just a trick of the anomaly, there might not be another anomaly that looks like me." 

Lou Yan's dark eyes remained unshaken. As his hand moved, the spinal whip also shifted slightly, as if ready to strike at Wen Yian at any moment. "Answer my question directly, Wen Yian. I'll give you one minute to prove you're really you." 

Wen Yian: “....”

This time, she truly couldn't force a smile. 

How could she prove that she was really herself? 

Wen Yian regretted ever thinking Lou Yan was charming in the past. She wished she could go back and slap herself for it. But seeing the seriousness in Lou Yan's expression, Wen Yian took a deep breath and tried to prove herself. 

"You've saved me twice. If I were really an anomaly, I would have taken the opportunity to kill you long ago. Lou Yan, if I were fake, do you think they would have locked me in the infirmary? I was almost burned to death then. Look, that male doctor who looks just like you was wearing makeup to look like a dead person. If you hadn't wiped off the makeup on its face, you wouldn't have realized it looked just like you. But look at my face, there's no makeup on it, and I'm wearing the same prisoner uniform as everyone else in the amusement park, not a nurse or doctor's outfit. Isn't that enough to prove that I'm really me?"

Lou Yan pondered for a moment and withdrew the spinal whip.

Wen Yian was furious, but she maintained a smile on her face as she picked up the items on the ground and approached, "Do you still need makeup?"

Lou Yan glanced at the corpse on the ground. Every time he saw the male doctor with the same face as his, he felt a strange discomfort.

This face looked too much like his own, and Lou Yan felt like he was looking in a mirror.

Just the thought of needing to put on the dead man's makeup, wear his white coat, and play the role of this doctor made Lou Yan feel extremely uncomfortable.

But Lou Yan still nodded and firmly said, "Yes, makeup."

Playing the role of an anomaly was currently the best option.

Wen Yian didn't say anything more and poured medication powder into her palm, then began applying it to Lou Yan's face. She was a public figure, and makeup was a necessary skill. Wen Yian had learned the art of makeup and could do it quickly and well.

Although she didn't have any makeup products, she did her best to help Lou Yan achieve the same deathly pale face as the other entities. During the makeup process, Wen Yian knew Lou Yan's annoying temperament, but facing this flawless face, she couldn't help but praise, "Mr. Lou has such good skin and features, even these medication powders can't cover Mr. Lou's handsomeness."

But Lou Yan's lips looked a bit swollen?

Lou Yan looked at her like she was an idiot, "I only need horror, not good looks."

Wen Yian's smile froze slightly, "... Alright, please rest assured, Mr. Lou."

Wen Yian smeared layer after layer of medication powder on Lou Yan's face. Afraid that the powder would fall off, she applied several more layers. After completing a simple makeup look, Wen Yian smiled and said, "Mr. Lou, just a bit of blood on your lips and it'll be almost done."

Lou Yan simply pricked his finger on the bone spur of the spinal whip, and fresh blood flowed out. He calmly wiped his finger on his lips, staining his dry and plump lips with a layer of bright red blood.

This blood color was not as vivid and fierce as the blood on the anomaly entity's lips. Instead, against Lou Yan's lips, which were red and swollen due to dryness, it appeared cold and beautiful. The anomaly feeling remained, but it added a touch of sinister beauty.

Lou Yan had a good foundation, so even though he now looked like a dead man, compared to the other anomalies, he resembled a demonic spirit dragging people into h*ll. Looking at Lou Yan like this, Wen Yian glanced at the other "Lou Yan" on the ground and suddenly felt that even though their faces were the same, Lou Yan gave her a much better feeling than this male doctor.

After finishing applying the blood on his lips, Lou Yan stood up directly. He looked at the dead male doctor, swung the spinal whip and left a mark on the male doctor's face, then pulled the medical cart and walked towards the pharmacy door, "Let's go."

The two of them left the pharmacy. Lou Yan, disguised as an anomaly, and Wen Yian, pretending to be scared and fearful, followed behind Lou Yan, acting as ordinary people being taken to the ward by a doctor.

They hadn't been out for long when they ran into a janitor walking along the wall with cleaning tools. Lou Yan remained calm and deliberately tested whether his appearance could escape the eyes of other anomalies. Instead of avoiding, he deliberately approached with Wen Yian.

Both of them maintained perfect attitudes, and when the janitor, with a deadpan face, walked closer to them, he glanced at Lou Yan and Wen Yian with cold eyes. Not finding anything wrong, he turned his head and passed by them safely.

Lou Yan and Wen Yian both silently breathed a sigh of relief.

After confirming that this trick worked with the janitor, Lou Yan directly abandoned the medical cart that slowed him down, quickened his pace, and no longer deliberately detoured to avoid other anomalies. The progress of searching for the ward suddenly increased several times.

After a few minutes, they heard a scream coming from a corner of the hospital.

"Ah! Help! It's so hot!"

The voice didn't belong to Li Sanxin or Lin You. Lou Yan and Wen Yian glanced at each other, and Wen Yian sighed with a complex expression, guessing, "It should be someone in Room 15..."

"It's been about ten minutes since your room turned into a crematorium," Lou Yan frowned, but as soon as he frowned, the powder on his face fell off "rustling," covering his whole body. He instantly became expressionless, "There's still ten minutes left. I need to find Li Sanxin and Lin You as soon as possible."

Wen Yian's eyes flickered, pretending to be curious, she asked, "Is this Lin You a friend you met at the amusement park? Or did you know each other before the amusement park?"

Lou Yan warned her with a glare, "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

Wen Yian raised an eyebrow but didn't ask further.

The two of them wandered around the hospital for a few minutes. Finally, Lou Yan found Room 17.

But the iron gate of Room 17 was wide open, and the person inside was gone.

Lou Yan saw several deep claw marks at the lock of the iron gate, and he knew at a glance that they were Lin You's claw marks.

These claw marks were on the outside of the broken iron gate, indicating that Lin You had escaped from the room and broke the iron gate to save Li Sanxin.

After confirming that these two were temporarily safe, Lou Yan felt relieved and left with Wen Yian.

Coincidentally, after they turned two corners randomly, Lou Yan heard footsteps coming from the left corridor at the corner ahead, followed by Lin You's deliberately lowered voice.

"Wait... footsteps ahead..."

Lou Yan heard these words faintly.

Lou Yan felt a hint of joy in his heart, took two or three steps, and appeared at the corner to the left. He was about to call out to Lin You and Li Sanxin, but when he saw the people on the left side, the faint smile on his lips froze instantly.

His eyes immediately turned cold, and the joy of finding his friends vanished completely.

Standing at the other end of the corridor were four people about to leave. Among them, one person looked extremely young, with a cold expression, like a high school student. Apart from this stranger, the faces of the other three were extremely familiar to Lou Yan.

They were Li Sanxin, Lin You, and "Lou Yan."

Another person with the exact same face as Lou Yan.

But this "person" didn't have makeup on his face, and he was wearing the same gray prisoner's uniform as Lou Yan. Even the curvature of his frown, the surprised expression, and the slightly curly black hair were exactly the same as Lou Yan's.

If Lou Yan wasn't Lou Yan, he would have thought that the one standing there was the real him.

Li Sanxin and Lin You stood on both sides of "Lou Yan," and the three of them looked particularly close. When they saw Lou Yan appear, they subconsciously treated him as another anomaly here, showing vigilance and aversion.

"Lou Yan" behaved flawlessly. He glanced at Lou Yan warily, turned around quickly, grabbed Lin You and Li Sanxin, and urged, "Run!"

Lou Yan's throat rolled slightly, and as he looked at the back of "Lou Yan," his smile faded, replaced by a chilling expression.

This thing's voice was the same as his.

Wen Yian also saw the four people, and when she saw the "Lou Yan" among the crowd, her pupils dilated. Her expression became shocked and blank, and she swallowed the other words in her throat, speaking with a voice so fragile that it seemed to break with the wind, "Lou Yan, another one of you."

...This was the second Lou Yan to appear, even more realistic than the doctor just now.

If she hadn't been by Lou Yan's side all along, if she hadn't been saved by Lou Yan twice in a row, she might have thought that the person running away with Li Sanxin was the real Lou Yan.

What on earth was going on?!

Lou Yan's lips curled coldly, and when the group of Li Sanxin and Lin You was about to run out of the corridor, he used his fastest speed, taking a few steps and appearing in front of the four people like a gust of wind in his fierce anger.

Lin You, Li Sanxin, and the others were startled. They had just taken a few steps, but the anomaly doctor seemed to teleport in front of them!


"It's so fast!"

The four of them were startled, stopping their steps hastily, looking at the doctor in front of them with vigilance and fear, while continuously stepping back.

Lou Yan's gaze swept over their faces one by one, finally settling on "Lou Yan's" face.

"Lou Yan" stared at him fearlessly, even taking a step forward to block the others, and said coldly, "I'll stop him. You guys go!"


Even their actions were so similar.

Lin You grabbed "Lou Yan's" shoulder and pulled him back a bit, staring at the doctor in front of him without blinking, indicating that they should move forward or backward together, "Comrade Lou Yan, don't be a hero."

Li Sanxin didn't know why, but he felt that something was wrong.

He looked at the doctor in front of him, feeling cautious as well, but when he met the eyes of this doctor, the strage feeling that had been lingering in his mind suddenly intensified. He couldn't say what was wrong, but it seemed like everything was wrong... Clearly, this person was a doctor from the mental hospital, and his face was still covered in scary makeup, but he had an intuition that this doctor didn't mean them any harm.

But all these doctors, anomalies, janitors, they all were anomalies. How could this doctor not have any ill intentions towards them?

In this strange feeling, this doctor smirked coldly with an expression Li Sanxin was extremely familiar with. His lips, as red as if coated with blood, parted, and he spoke with the exact same voice as Lou Yan, "Fake, had enough pretending?"

Author's Note:

Chief Lou: Furious

Can’t wait until next week to see more? Want to show your support? Come to my Patreon where you can get up to 5 more chapters of Monster Resurgence right away ! Or go donate at Paypal or Ko-fi to show your appreciation! :)

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