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Monster Resurgence Chapter 92

Chapter 92

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Lou Yan raised an eyebrow, and the white powder on his face instantly looked like dust on a wall.

He calmly brushed off the powder with his hand and flipped through the diary. Apart from the sentence on the first page, the rest of the pages were blank.

“No one can leave here alive, except me.”

This sentence seemed like a threat from anomalies to the humans on this level. However, as long as there were more levels waiting to be cleared, as long as anomalies wanted to continue playing their game with them, they wouldn’t kill them all on this level.

This sentence wasn’t a threat, but rather a clue.

Lou Yan casually tucked the petite work diary into the pocket of his lab coat and searched through other items on the male doctor’s desk. Finally, in a withered palm-sized cactus pot, he found a card covered in soil.

He pinched the card with the cuff of his lab coat and wiped off the soil. The card revealed dim but colorful words: “Count Grey’s Shop.”

These words were entwined with vines and flowers, each ending in a small tail, giving it a fairy-tale-like beauty.

Count Grey’s Shop…

Lou Yan narrowed his eyes.

Such a card didn’t fit in with the entire amusement park.

Lou Yan stuffed the card into his pocket and, lifting his head, suddenly noticed that the female doctor had disappeared at some point.

He immediately stood up and looked around the entire office. He was the only person in the office. But Lou Yan was sure that he hadn’t heard the female doctor leave while he was searching for things.

He walked quickly to the female doctor’s desk. The computer screen was already off, and there was no trace of the female doctor under the desk, the only place where someone could hide.

Lou Yan calmly turned and walked out of the office. It was obvious that it was no longer safe here.

Perhaps because of his timely reaction, Lou Yan eventually safely left the office. However, Lou Yan didn’t stop there. He relied on his lab coat and makeup to blend in with the anomalies and boldly explored places where anomalies were prevalent, whether it was the offices of other doctors, the nurses’ station, or where the janitors were. He confidently visited each one.

He was bold, imitating the demeanor of the anomalies perfectly. Coupled with his inherently unconventional personality, he could even coldly return the gaze of a dozen anomalies with their gloomy eyes. Thus, he managed to scrutinize all the anomalies throughout the entire hospital.

Although their faces were made up to look like dead people, Lou Yan paid special attention to the facial features they were concealing, but he didn’t find the last anomaly that looked like him among them.

Throughout the entire hospital, Lou Yan also didn’t find any exits to leave this place.

Finally, Lou Yan sat calmly on the rusty chair at the front desk of the hospital, expressionlessly contemplating—this was also where he had just come out of the elevator and entered the fourth floor of the hospital.

Nurses, janitors, and doctors occasionally passed by in front of him, but Lou Yan seemed to really think of himself as an anomaly, sitting there leisurely without moving.

He was sure now that there was no way to leave this level. To leave this level, they must find another way.

Perhaps what Ye Buyan said about “cutting the three corpses” was indeed the way to leave this level.

Lou Yan lowered his eyes.

He had already killed two people who looked like him, but where was the third?

The sound of high heels approaching echoed on the floor. Lou Yan calmly raised his eyelids to look and saw a familiar face.

Supervisor Nurse Li walked over with a medical record in her hand, accompanied by another nurse with an equally cold expression, and stood near the yellowing wall next to Lou Yan. Seeing Lou Yan sitting on the chair, Supervisor Nurse Li glanced at him.

Lou Yan calmly met Supervisor Nurse Li’s gaze, as if not afraid of being discovered by Supervisor Nurse Li.

Supervisor Nurse Li stared straight at Lou Yan for a while, then suddenly walked over, her tone rigid and cold as she said, “Doctor, what are you doing sitting here?”

Lou Yan replied, “I’m thinking.”

Supervisor Nurse Li’s dark pupils widened, and she and the nurse behind her stared at Lou Yan intently. Their faces, with the same heavy makeup, showed no expression, but Lou Yan seemed to see a question mark on their faces. Supervisor Nurse Li said, “Thinking?”

Lou Yan asked, “Supervisor Nurse Li, have you ever thought about killing them all on this level?”

Lou Yan still had many doubts about this level, but it didn’t stop him from using the known information to fish for information from Supervisor Nurse Li. So he intentionally blurred the focus, seemingly saying something but actually saying nothing. Supervisor Nurse Li’s level was higher than that of ordinary nurses, and she dared to come over and question this “doctor” about why he was sitting here. Lou Yan felt that Supervisor Nurse Li probably knew a lot.

Supervisor Nurse Li said grimly, “They will all die on this floor, but someone will always pass through.”

They will all die? But someone will pass through?

This sentence was just as contradictory as the previous one, “No one can leave here alive, except me.” If everyone dies on this floor, how can anyone pass through?

Lou Yan’s brain spun rapidly. He pretended to be infuriated and spoke with an even more lifeless tone, “Supervisor Nurse Li, no one can leave here.”

Supervisor Nurse Li’s suspicion deepened, “As long as they don’t die in the ward or at our hands, they can leave.”

Ah, so that’s it…

Lou Yan noticed that Supervisor Nurse Li had begun to suspect him. She slowly opened her mouth, her lips stretching wider and wider, a third of her face occupied by her crimson mouth. Her slender tongue flickered faintly behind her lips as she stared at Lou Yan, dangerously asking, “Doctor, you…”

“Ding Dong!” The elevator doorbell rang, and suddenly, a elevator door appeared on the previously flat wall. The elevator door opened, revealing two bloody and exhausted humans inside.

Supervisor Nurse Li and the female nurse she brought with her swallowed hard. Supervisor Nurse Li’s lips immediately returned to their normal appearance. The two of them walked to the elevator door and emotionlessly said to the humans inside, “Come out, 26, 27.”

Taking advantage of their attention being diverted, Lou Yan quietly got up and left the place.

It was almost time to gather as agreed, so Lou Yan hurried to the meeting room. When there was no one in the corridor, he slipped into the meeting room. By now, the meeting room was already full of the other four people.

After exchanging secret signals to ensure that none of them had been replaced by anomalies, they each shared the information they had gathered.

Li Sanxin and the others split into two teams and quickly searched the entire hospital. They also didn’t find any way to leave the hospital, but during the search, they more or less found other entities that looked exactly like themselves.

Wen Yian and Lin You found two entities that looked like themselves, while Ye Buyan and Li Sanxin each found one.

Wen Yian and Lin You were able to find other “selves” so quickly because of their physical appearances. Whether it was Wen Yian’s blond hair or Lin You’s robust physique and crew cut, these were rare physical features.

Lou Yan pondered, “So, you two also found only two people who look like yourselves?”

“Yes,” frowned Wen Yian, her golden hair sliding by her ears, “it’s really strange. My golden hair is very conspicuous, so it should have been easy to find my ‘three corpses.’ But we only found two of me. Lou Yan, did you see any anomalies with blond hair?”

Lou Yan shook his head, “No.”

“That’s strange…” Wen Yian said, “If ‘cutting the three corpses’ is the only way to leave, but we can’t even find the third corpse, how do we leave?”

Lou Yan vaguely sensed something, but he couldn’t quite grasp the most crucial thread.

After thinking for a long time, their heads began to ache. Li Sanxin stood up and said, “I’m going to the restroom near the sink to drink some water. Anyone coming?”

As soon as he mentioned drinking water, Lou Yan realized he had been thirsty all this time. He licked his lips, feeling parched, with saliva almost dried up in his mouth and his lips dry and peeling. He also stood up, “I’ll go… Hiss.”

Lou Yan uncomfortably rubbed his neck, and Li Sanxin asked, “What’s wrong with your neck?”

“Just a bit uncomfortable,” Lou Yan stretched his shoulders and neck, furrowing his brows slightly, “I guess I’m just tired.”

Li Sanxin walked up to him and massaged his neck a bit, “We’ve been running around until now, of course, you’re tired. Feeling better now?”

Lou Yan felt his shoulders still heavy, but he nodded, “A bit better, let’s go.”

The two of them left the meeting room and walked to the restroom. Lou Yan went in first to take a look, finding no anomalies inside. Only then did the two of them come to the sink and turn on the faucet.

Fine water poured out from the tap, and the two of them cupped their hands to drink several mouthfuls before quenching their thirst. Lou Yan was careful not to wash off the powder on his face, but Li Sanxin had no such concerns and washed his face with the cold water after quenching his thirst.

As he washed, he muttered vaguely, “Yanzi, this floor is really troublesome…”

Lou Yan casually agreed, “Yeah.”

He glanced around, then absentmindedly raised his eyes and met the gaze of himself in the mirror.

The Lou Yan in the mirror was wearing a white coat, with anomaly makeup on his face, his complexion cold and lifeless, like a dead person. At first glance, he looked exactly like the male doctor Lou Yan had killed.

Exactly like…

Lou Yan intended to look away, but he suddenly froze, staring straight into the eyes of himself in the mirror.

Exactly like?

Exactly like!

He couldn’t find the third him, just as Wen Yian and Lin You couldn’t find the third themselves.

Suddenly, the conversation he had with the second fake came back to him.

He asked the fake if there were any other entities with the same face as his, and the fake looked at him with a playful smile, saying, “There’s one more.”

…The last one was him.

The last person was himself!

“No one can leave here, except me.”

“Except me” didn’t mean except him, but rather the meaning was to eliminate him, to kill him.

The conversation with Nurse Chen echoed in Lou Yan’s mind once again.

“They will all die on this floor, but someone will always pass through.”

“As long as they don’t die in the ward or at our hands, they can leave.”

Suddenly, the most crucial thread was grasped by Lou Yan.

Lou Yan’s scalp tingled, and he suddenly laughed a few times lowly. Then he turned his head and stared at Li Sanxin, bloodshot eyes spreading in his eyes. He spoke slowly and deliberately, “I know how to leave. It’s by ‘cutting the three corpses’ that we can leave, but the three corpses include ourselves. To pass through, we must die. As long as we don’t die in the ward or at the hands of anomalies, we can leave this place! Li Sanxin, we have to kill ourselves!”

The droplets on Li Sanxin’s face dripped down his chin, leaving a blank expression on his handsome face as he looked at Lou Yan, who was inexplicably excited. He had no idea what Lou Yan was talking about. “Yanzi, what kill?”

Lou Yan pulled Li Sanxin over to the mirror and said, “Look, the us in the mirror is the last one we’re looking for. We need to kill—”

The rest of the words abruptly stopped.

The bloodshot eyes gradually turned into a layer of blood covering his eyes.

Blood dripped slowly from the corners of his eyes, turning Lou Yan’s world into a red one.

Lou Yan stared blankly at the mirror.

[Spiritual Power: 10/70]

Lou Yan had experienced something like this once before when he trapped Fu Xuezhou underwater in Liushu Village. His eyes had turned red that time, and in a world of red, he had strangely seen countless chains entwining Fu Xuezhou.

And now, Lou Yan saw something that couldn’t be seen with the naked eye.

He saw himself in the mirror, carrying the female doctor who had disappeared in the office on his back.

Can’t wait until next week to see more? Want to show your support? Come to my Patreon where you can get up to 5 more chapters of Monster Resurgence right away ! Or go donate at Paypal or Ko-fi to show your appreciation! :)

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Monster Resurgence Chapter 92

Monster Resurgence Chapter 92

Chapter 92

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Lou Yan raised an eyebrow, and the white powder on his face instantly looked like dust on a wall.

He calmly brushed off the powder with his hand and flipped through the diary. Apart from the sentence on the first page, the rest of the pages were blank.

"No one can leave here alive, except me."

This sentence seemed like a threat from anomalies to the humans on this level. However, as long as there were more levels waiting to be cleared, as long as anomalies wanted to continue playing their game with them, they wouldn't kill them all on this level.

This sentence wasn't a threat, but rather a clue.

Lou Yan casually tucked the petite work diary into the pocket of his lab coat and searched through other items on the male doctor's desk. Finally, in a withered palm-sized cactus pot, he found a card covered in soil.

He pinched the card with the cuff of his lab coat and wiped off the soil. The card revealed dim but colorful words: "Count Grey's Shop."

These words were entwined with vines and flowers, each ending in a small tail, giving it a fairy-tale-like beauty.

Count Grey's Shop...

Lou Yan narrowed his eyes.

Such a card didn't fit in with the entire amusement park.

Lou Yan stuffed the card into his pocket and, lifting his head, suddenly noticed that the female doctor had disappeared at some point.

He immediately stood up and looked around the entire office. He was the only person in the office. But Lou Yan was sure that he hadn't heard the female doctor leave while he was searching for things.

He walked quickly to the female doctor's desk. The computer screen was already off, and there was no trace of the female doctor under the desk, the only place where someone could hide.

Lou Yan calmly turned and walked out of the office. It was obvious that it was no longer safe here.

Perhaps because of his timely reaction, Lou Yan eventually safely left the office. However, Lou Yan didn't stop there. He relied on his lab coat and makeup to blend in with the anomalies and boldly explored places where anomalies were prevalent, whether it was the offices of other doctors, the nurses' station, or where the janitors were. He confidently visited each one.

He was bold, imitating the demeanor of the anomalies perfectly. Coupled with his inherently unconventional personality, he could even coldly return the gaze of a dozen anomalies with their gloomy eyes. Thus, he managed to scrutinize all the anomalies throughout the entire hospital.

Although their faces were made up to look like dead people, Lou Yan paid special attention to the facial features they were concealing, but he didn't find the last anomaly that looked like him among them.

Throughout the entire hospital, Lou Yan also didn't find any exits to leave this place.

Finally, Lou Yan sat calmly on the rusty chair at the front desk of the hospital, expressionlessly contemplating—this was also where he had just come out of the elevator and entered the fourth floor of the hospital.

Nurses, janitors, and doctors occasionally passed by in front of him, but Lou Yan seemed to really think of himself as an anomaly, sitting there leisurely without moving.

He was sure now that there was no way to leave this level. To leave this level, they must find another way.

Perhaps what Ye Buyan said about "cutting the three corpses" was indeed the way to leave this level.

Lou Yan lowered his eyes.

He had already killed two people who looked like him, but where was the third?

The sound of high heels approaching echoed on the floor. Lou Yan calmly raised his eyelids to look and saw a familiar face.

Supervisor Nurse Li walked over with a medical record in her hand, accompanied by another nurse with an equally cold expression, and stood near the yellowing wall next to Lou Yan. Seeing Lou Yan sitting on the chair, Supervisor Nurse Li glanced at him.

Lou Yan calmly met Supervisor Nurse Li's gaze, as if not afraid of being discovered by Supervisor Nurse Li.

Supervisor Nurse Li stared straight at Lou Yan for a while, then suddenly walked over, her tone rigid and cold as she said, "Doctor, what are you doing sitting here?"

Lou Yan replied, "I'm thinking."

Supervisor Nurse Li's dark pupils widened, and she and the nurse behind her stared at Lou Yan intently. Their faces, with the same heavy makeup, showed no expression, but Lou Yan seemed to see a question mark on their faces. Supervisor Nurse Li said, "Thinking?"

Lou Yan asked, "Supervisor Nurse Li, have you ever thought about killing them all on this level?"

Lou Yan still had many doubts about this level, but it didn't stop him from using the known information to fish for information from Supervisor Nurse Li. So he intentionally blurred the focus, seemingly saying something but actually saying nothing. Supervisor Nurse Li's level was higher than that of ordinary nurses, and she dared to come over and question this "doctor" about why he was sitting here. Lou Yan felt that Supervisor Nurse Li probably knew a lot.

Supervisor Nurse Li said grimly, "They will all die on this floor, but someone will always pass through."

They will all die? But someone will pass through?

This sentence was just as contradictory as the previous one, "No one can leave here alive, except me." If everyone dies on this floor, how can anyone pass through?

Lou Yan's brain spun rapidly. He pretended to be infuriated and spoke with an even more lifeless tone, "Supervisor Nurse Li, no one can leave here."

Supervisor Nurse Li's suspicion deepened, "As long as they don't die in the ward or at our hands, they can leave."

Ah, so that's it...

Lou Yan noticed that Supervisor Nurse Li had begun to suspect him. She slowly opened her mouth, her lips stretching wider and wider, a third of her face occupied by her crimson mouth. Her slender tongue flickered faintly behind her lips as she stared at Lou Yan, dangerously asking, "Doctor, you..."

"Ding Dong!" The elevator doorbell rang, and suddenly, a elevator door appeared on the previously flat wall. The elevator door opened, revealing two bloody and exhausted humans inside.

Supervisor Nurse Li and the female nurse she brought with her swallowed hard. Supervisor Nurse Li's lips immediately returned to their normal appearance. The two of them walked to the elevator door and emotionlessly said to the humans inside, "Come out, 26, 27."

Taking advantage of their attention being diverted, Lou Yan quietly got up and left the place.

It was almost time to gather as agreed, so Lou Yan hurried to the meeting room. When there was no one in the corridor, he slipped into the meeting room. By now, the meeting room was already full of the other four people.

After exchanging secret signals to ensure that none of them had been replaced by anomalies, they each shared the information they had gathered.

Li Sanxin and the others split into two teams and quickly searched the entire hospital. They also didn't find any way to leave the hospital, but during the search, they more or less found other entities that looked exactly like themselves.

Wen Yian and Lin You found two entities that looked like themselves, while Ye Buyan and Li Sanxin each found one.

Wen Yian and Lin You were able to find other "selves" so quickly because of their physical appearances. Whether it was Wen Yian's blond hair or Lin You's robust physique and crew cut, these were rare physical features.

Lou Yan pondered, "So, you two also found only two people who look like yourselves?"

"Yes," frowned Wen Yian, her golden hair sliding by her ears, "it's really strange. My golden hair is very conspicuous, so it should have been easy to find my 'three corpses.' But we only found two of me. Lou Yan, did you see any anomalies with blond hair?"

Lou Yan shook his head, "No."

"That's strange..." Wen Yian said, "If 'cutting the three corpses' is the only way to leave, but we can't even find the third corpse, how do we leave?"

Lou Yan vaguely sensed something, but he couldn't quite grasp the most crucial thread.

After thinking for a long time, their heads began to ache. Li Sanxin stood up and said, "I'm going to the restroom near the sink to drink some water. Anyone coming?"

As soon as he mentioned drinking water, Lou Yan realized he had been thirsty all this time. He licked his lips, feeling parched, with saliva almost dried up in his mouth and his lips dry and peeling. He also stood up, "I'll go... Hiss."

Lou Yan uncomfortably rubbed his neck, and Li Sanxin asked, "What's wrong with your neck?"

"Just a bit uncomfortable," Lou Yan stretched his shoulders and neck, furrowing his brows slightly, "I guess I'm just tired."

Li Sanxin walked up to him and massaged his neck a bit, "We've been running around until now, of course, you're tired. Feeling better now?"

Lou Yan felt his shoulders still heavy, but he nodded, "A bit better, let's go."

The two of them left the meeting room and walked to the restroom. Lou Yan went in first to take a look, finding no anomalies inside. Only then did the two of them come to the sink and turn on the faucet.

Fine water poured out from the tap, and the two of them cupped their hands to drink several mouthfuls before quenching their thirst. Lou Yan was careful not to wash off the powder on his face, but Li Sanxin had no such concerns and washed his face with the cold water after quenching his thirst.

As he washed, he muttered vaguely, "Yanzi, this floor is really troublesome..."

Lou Yan casually agreed, "Yeah."

He glanced around, then absentmindedly raised his eyes and met the gaze of himself in the mirror.

The Lou Yan in the mirror was wearing a white coat, with anomaly makeup on his face, his complexion cold and lifeless, like a dead person. At first glance, he looked exactly like the male doctor Lou Yan had killed.

Exactly like...

Lou Yan intended to look away, but he suddenly froze, staring straight into the eyes of himself in the mirror.

Exactly like?

Exactly like!

He couldn't find the third him, just as Wen Yian and Lin You couldn't find the third themselves.

Suddenly, the conversation he had with the second fake came back to him.

He asked the fake if there were any other entities with the same face as his, and the fake looked at him with a playful smile, saying, "There's one more."

...The last one was him.

The last person was himself!

"No one can leave here, except me."

"Except me" didn't mean except him, but rather the meaning was to eliminate him, to kill him.

The conversation with Nurse Chen echoed in Lou Yan's mind once again.

"They will all die on this floor, but someone will always pass through."

"As long as they don't die in the ward or at our hands, they can leave."

Suddenly, the most crucial thread was grasped by Lou Yan.

Lou Yan's scalp tingled, and he suddenly laughed a few times lowly. Then he turned his head and stared at Li Sanxin, bloodshot eyes spreading in his eyes. He spoke slowly and deliberately, "I know how to leave. It's by 'cutting the three corpses' that we can leave, but the three corpses include ourselves. To pass through, we must die. As long as we don't die in the ward or at the hands of anomalies, we can leave this place! Li Sanxin, we have to kill ourselves!"

The droplets on Li Sanxin's face dripped down his chin, leaving a blank expression on his handsome face as he looked at Lou Yan, who was inexplicably excited. He had no idea what Lou Yan was talking about. "Yanzi, what kill?"

Lou Yan pulled Li Sanxin over to the mirror and said, "Look, the us in the mirror is the last one we're looking for. We need to kill—"

The rest of the words abruptly stopped.

The bloodshot eyes gradually turned into a layer of blood covering his eyes.

Blood dripped slowly from the corners of his eyes, turning Lou Yan's world into a red one.

Lou Yan stared blankly at the mirror.

[Spiritual Power: 10/70]

Lou Yan had experienced something like this once before when he trapped Fu Xuezhou underwater in Liushu Village. His eyes had turned red that time, and in a world of red, he had strangely seen countless chains entwining Fu Xuezhou.

And now, Lou Yan saw something that couldn't be seen with the naked eye.

He saw himself in the mirror, carrying the female doctor who had disappeared in the office on his back.

Can’t wait until next week to see more? Want to show your support? Come to my Patreon where you can get up to 5 more chapters of Monster Resurgence right away ! Or go donate at Paypal or Ko-fi to show your appreciation! :)

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