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Monster Resurgence Chapter 93

Chapter 93

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Lou Yan stared at the female doctor lying on his back through the mirror.

The female doctor’s hands hung down from his shoulders, her legs clasped around his waist, towering high like a hump. When the female doctor saw that Lou Yan had spotted her, she grinned, her crimson lips spreading into a grotesque smile.

In a world of red, this scene was chilling.

Lou Yan exhaled sharply, swiftly pulled out the spinal cord whip wrapped around his arm under his white coat, and swiftly coiled it around the female doctor’s neck, pulling her down from his back and slamming her hard on the ground!

With a “bang,” the female doctor’s back hit the ground, and Lou Yan immediately knelt on her abdomen, one hand gripping the handle of the spinal cord whip, the other hand holding the whip’s tail tightly around the female doctor’s neck. “Don’t move!”

The blood in his eyes dripped from the corners of his eyes, flowed down his cheeks, gathered under Lou Yan’s chin, and finally dripped onto the female doctor’s body. When the red blood touched the female doctor, the invisible female doctor suddenly revealed her form. Li Sanxin watched in amazement as the space where the female doctor had been tied up by the spinal cord whip suddenly had another female doctor!


Li Sanxin was too shocked to speak. He immediately rushed over to help Lou Yan hold down the lower half of the female doctor’s body. “Surgical threads” emerged from his fingertips and swiftly penetrated the female doctor’s brain.

After the “surgical threads” entered the female doctor’s body, she stopped struggling and lay stiffly on the ground like a piece of wood.

Li Sanxin said, “Quick, I can only control its brain for one minute!”

Lou Yan questioned the female doctor, “Tell me, is the method to leave this level ‘cutting the three corpses’? Does it include ourselves?”

The female doctor replied stiffly, “Yes, it does.”

Lou Yan’s eyes flashed. “So, as long as we don’t die at the hands of anomalies or in the ward, we can leave?”

The female doctor looked at Lou Yan and Li Sanxin with extreme resentment. “Yes.”

Lou Yan smiled. “So, even if a human like me kills another human, as long as I kill all the fakes who look like him, he can still leave this level alive?”

The female doctor’s mouth tore to her ears, and her eyes looked at Lou Yan with a look that seemed to want to swallow his head whole. “…Yes.”

Li Sanxin’s eyes gleamed as he reminded, “It’s almost been a minute.”

Lou Yan tightened his hands, ruthlessly squeezing, and the female doctor’s head instantly split from her body.

The “surgical threads” were pulled out of the female doctor’s head and returned to Li Sanxin’s fingertips.

Lou Yan gave Li Sanxin a meaningful look, and Li Sanxin understood. They quickly stripped off the female doctor’s white coat together.

Li Sanxin whispered excitedly, “Yanzi, I never expected that the method to leave this level would be death! Who would have thought that we would need to die to live? This level’s challenge is really ruthless.”

Yes, dying is living. To be at death’s door before being reborn. This is staking one’s life for the only way out. Who could have thought of it?

Even if one thought of “cutting the three corpses” and realized that the three corpses included themselves, without definite answers, who would dare to kill themselves to verify their speculation?

The two of them quietly returned to the meeting room with the white coat. Once the door was closed, Li Sanxin recounted what had happened in the restroom just now.

Lin You and the others were overjoyed. Wen Yian immediately stood up and said, “I’ll go kill my two fakes first. Mr. Li Sanxin, can I borrow your white coat?”

Li Sanxin threw the female doctor’s white coat to her. After putting it on, Wen Yian used the remaining white powder to make herself up.

Beside them, Lin You sighed with joy before saying, “The anomalies are truly cunning. The conditions for passing this level are too tortuous. I guess many of those who managed to pass this level were people who were accidentally killed by their own kind. Just like when we were previously incited by the anomalies. If we were truly incited to kill each other and ended up killing each other, even if we found out that we had unexpectedly passed through after death, we would still hold grudges, and we would never be able to cooperate again. Even if we didn’t go as far as killing each other, we would still separate paths like Comrade Ye Buyan suggested. If that’s the case, the possibility of each of us dying at the hands of anomalies would greatly increase.”

Ye Buyan frowned, disdain and disgust evident in his tone, “Anomalies, hmph.”

Li Sanxin sneered, “The traps on this level are one after another. I’m afraid the next floors will be even harder.”

Lou Yan smiled at the remark, “The fifth floor is where the prisoners rest, and hunters also eat and sleep on the fifth floor.” 

Several people looked at him, including the disguised Wen Yian. 

Lou Yan tapped the table with his fingers, suggesting, “As I mentioned before, the identities of prisoners and hunters are not always unchangeable. It’s just that from the second floor to this floor, there hasn’t been an opportunity for us to exchange identities with the hunters. However, it’s evident that the fifth floor allows it. On the fifth floor, hunters will take off their clothes and masks. If we can get hold of the hunter’s clothes and masks, we can disguise ourselves as hunters.”

Li Sanxin and Lin You, who had previously discussed this matter with Lou Yan, were the first to realize. They were delighted, and Li Sanxin nodded repeatedly, “Yes, yes, as long as we become hunters, we can easily pass the next few levels without having to deal with anomalies at all.”

The relationship between anomalies and hunters was one of mutual assistance. This meant that once they became hunters, they could pass through the subsequent levels with the fastest speed and the greatest safety, all the way to the eighth level to meet the master of anomalies.

“To successfully steal the clothes and masks of the hunters, the number of people who have passed through to the fifth level must not be small,” Lou Yan said leisurely. “If there are fewer people, it will be difficult for us to blend in.”

Lin You looked directly at Lou Yan, a hint of amusement in his eyes. “Are you suggesting that we help the others here to pass through?”

Ye Buyan said, “It’s not easy to help. Everyone has their ‘three corpses.’ We can’t distinguish who is a real human and who is an anomaly disguised as a human.”

Lou Yan raised an eyebrow and smiled. He interlocked his fingers with a grin, his almond-shaped eyes sweeping over everyone’s faces. The slender and fair fingers overlapped like those of a pianist. “Since entering the amusement park, we’ve been running, fleeing for our lives. Whether it’s anomalies or hunters, we have no power to resist. We can only watch helplessly as so many of our kind are cruelly killed.”

Lou Yan’s gaze gradually darkened. “Don’t you feel angry? Frustrated? Don’t you want to fight back? —Since the first level, I’ve been holding my anger.”

The expressions of those who heard these words varied. Li Sanxin clenched the hand in his pocket tightly, tugging at his lips. “I’ve been holding my anger too.”

Ye Buyan wore a weary face, calmly answering one by one from his mouth, “Anger, frustration, desire to fight back.”

Having witnessed those atrocities, how could they not be angry or frustrated?

Even if they didn’t know the strangers who died tragically, they were all human beings — that alone was reason enough. Each person looked into Lou Yan’s eyes, where flames burned, a light formed by anger, resistance, and firm determination.

Wen Yian set down the white powder in her hand, smiling gently. “Mr. Lou, what do you want to do?”

Lin You’s eyes were sharp as he stared at Lou Yan, and he continued concisely, “How do we fight back?”

All eyes converged on Lou Yan, who clearly saw their seriousness and determination. Lou Yan smiled slightly, his eyes flashing with a strange light, and he said slowly, “Let’s do something big. Let’s burn down this level of the hospital.”

Who cares which one is a real human and which one is an anomaly disguised as a human?

As long as they kill them all, the real humans who are killed will naturally pass through successfully.

Lou Yan’s bloodstained lips curved with delight.

“Isn’t this level supposed to be a funeral home? Weren’t they planning to burn us alive in the beginning?”

“Then… let all the anomalies on this level and everyone here die by our hands.”


There were many bottles of medical alcohol in the medical room. Medical alcohol is a flammable substance. Lou Yan handed his white coat and keys to Li Sanxin, asking him and Wen Yian to pretend to be doctors and take all the medical alcohol from the medical room and sprinkle it in various corners of the hospital.

Meanwhile, Lou Yan, Lin You, and Ye Buyan went to rescue the prisoners locked in the wards.

It’s troublesome to open the iron door of the ward from the inside out. But from the outside, as long as you knock off the lock on the iron door of the ward, it’s easy.

Lou Yan didn’t even let Lin You do anything, he just flicked his spinal cord whip, and the huge lock fell to the ground.

The rescued prisoners either expressed their gratitude and thanks to them or looked at them vigilantly before rushing out of the ward. Lou Yan and Lin You didn’t care about the prisoners’ reactions. Those who were willing to stay and help them rescue others were told how to leave this level, while those who hurriedly fled were not pursued or explained to—explaining wouldn’t necessarily make them believe, so it was more convenient for Lou Yan to kill them all after the fire started.

Even in the wards without anyone, Lou Yan damaged the locks at the door. After they rescued all the prisoners in the wards, the smell of alcohol in the hospital had become strong enough to make people slightly tipsy.

Five minutes later, a huge fire suddenly broke out in various parts of the hospital.

Thick gray smoke billowed in the corridors.

The anomalies sitting in the office lifted their heads, their expressions blank as they looked at the door. Smoke seeped under the door into the office, and the choking smell reached their noses along with the smoke. Flames danced outside the door like human shadows.

The anomalies looked at each other, and when a doctor opened the door, the surging flames rushed towards them.

The anomalies widened their eyes, their pitch-black eyes reflecting the scene of the raging fire. This fire was enough to melt them: “Ah—!”

Normally, anomalies weren’t afraid of fire, but the anomalies on this level would definitely be afraid of fire.

Because this was a funeral home disguised as a hospital, and they were dead bodies in the funeral home—after being made up as dead bodies, they should have been cremated into ashes in the crematorium.

Supervisor Nurse Li was about to go to receive new prisoners, but as soon as she left the rest area, she saw that a fire had broken out in the office outside. Black smoke billowed, the medical records on the desk turned into ashes, and the wooden furniture made a crackling sound in the fire.

Supervisor Nurse Li’s pupils contracted, and she hurriedly walked out. A corner of her nurse’s uniform was lifted by the fire, and when she touched the door, the skin on her hand was instantly burned into blisters by the scorching hot iron door. Supervisor Nurse Li’s crimson mouth opened wide, screaming continuously, “It’s so hot! It’s so hot! Ahhhh, it’s so hot!”

Inside the hospital, screams from both anomalies and humans resounded.

“Ah ah ah, it’s on fire! It’s on fire!!!”

“Help, someone help me!”

“Cough, cough, cough, do the anomalies want to burn us to death?! Help, is there a fire extinguisher in the hospital!”

Uninformed humans fled everywhere, and anomalies disguised as dead bodies also fled everywhere due to the raging fire. The raging fire spread like a giant dragon, unstoppable and indestructible. With the addition of alcohol, this level of the hospital turned into a h*ll of flames in the blink of an eye.

The red light and thick smoke made every face show panic and despair.

Amidst this chaos, Lou Yan led his companions through the debris, through the flames, calmly walking through the hospital corridors amidst the black fog and thick smoke.

Seeing humans collapsing in tears in the corner of the wall, forced to flee like anomalies, Lou Yan struck out with his whip, indiscriminately taking lives regardless of friend or foe.

Some humans who had just been rescued from the wards but hurriedly fled, clutching their bleeding necks, looked at Lou Yan in disbelief. “Why… why are you killing me?”

Lou Yan shrugged, smiling. “I’m saving you.”

But how could they believe his words? Those who were killed looked at Lou Yan with either fear or despair and anger, gradually losing the breath of life in their eyes.

For them, Lou Yan, who smiled as he killed them, claiming to be saving them, would become one of their psychological shadows.

Even if they survived, they would probably never forget the terror Lou Yan brought upon them.

To save people, Lou Yan and his group had to kill. But at the beginning, except for Lou Yan and Lin You, Li Sanxin and the others couldn’t bring themselves to kill their own kind.

—And Lou Yan killed much more ruthlessly than Lin You.

God of slaughter!

Ye Buyan watched Lou Yan’s figure as he took a life with each whip, involuntarily taking a step back. Lou Yan’s demeanor was hard to not be afraid of, but besides fear, Ye Buyan also felt a strong admiration and respect for Lou Yan.

…So cool.

Ye Buyan pursed his lips, staring unblinkingly at Lou Yan effortlessly wielding his whip. His heartbeat grew faster and faster, and the instinctual admiration made his already flushed face even redder because of the surrounding flames.

Lu Haoxiu’s parent, Lou Yan, is really cool.

Author’s Note:

Ye Buyan: Envious of the old classmate

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Monster Resurgence Chapter 93

Monster Resurgence Chapter 93

Chapter 93

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Lou Yan stared at the female doctor lying on his back through the mirror.

The female doctor's hands hung down from his shoulders, her legs clasped around his waist, towering high like a hump. When the female doctor saw that Lou Yan had spotted her, she grinned, her crimson lips spreading into a grotesque smile.

In a world of red, this scene was chilling.

Lou Yan exhaled sharply, swiftly pulled out the spinal cord whip wrapped around his arm under his white coat, and swiftly coiled it around the female doctor's neck, pulling her down from his back and slamming her hard on the ground!

With a "bang," the female doctor's back hit the ground, and Lou Yan immediately knelt on her abdomen, one hand gripping the handle of the spinal cord whip, the other hand holding the whip's tail tightly around the female doctor's neck. "Don't move!"

The blood in his eyes dripped from the corners of his eyes, flowed down his cheeks, gathered under Lou Yan's chin, and finally dripped onto the female doctor's body. When the red blood touched the female doctor, the invisible female doctor suddenly revealed her form. Li Sanxin watched in amazement as the space where the female doctor had been tied up by the spinal cord whip suddenly had another female doctor!


Li Sanxin was too shocked to speak. He immediately rushed over to help Lou Yan hold down the lower half of the female doctor's body. "Surgical threads" emerged from his fingertips and swiftly penetrated the female doctor's brain.

After the "surgical threads" entered the female doctor's body, she stopped struggling and lay stiffly on the ground like a piece of wood.

Li Sanxin said, "Quick, I can only control its brain for one minute!"

Lou Yan questioned the female doctor, "Tell me, is the method to leave this level 'cutting the three corpses'? Does it include ourselves?"

The female doctor replied stiffly, "Yes, it does."

Lou Yan's eyes flashed. "So, as long as we don't die at the hands of anomalies or in the ward, we can leave?"

The female doctor looked at Lou Yan and Li Sanxin with extreme resentment. "Yes."

Lou Yan smiled. "So, even if a human like me kills another human, as long as I kill all the fakes who look like him, he can still leave this level alive?"

The female doctor's mouth tore to her ears, and her eyes looked at Lou Yan with a look that seemed to want to swallow his head whole. "...Yes."

Li Sanxin's eyes gleamed as he reminded, "It's almost been a minute."

Lou Yan tightened his hands, ruthlessly squeezing, and the female doctor's head instantly split from her body.

The "surgical threads" were pulled out of the female doctor's head and returned to Li Sanxin's fingertips.

Lou Yan gave Li Sanxin a meaningful look, and Li Sanxin understood. They quickly stripped off the female doctor's white coat together.

Li Sanxin whispered excitedly, "Yanzi, I never expected that the method to leave this level would be death! Who would have thought that we would need to die to live? This level's challenge is really ruthless."

Yes, dying is living. To be at death's door before being reborn. This is staking one's life for the only way out. Who could have thought of it?

Even if one thought of "cutting the three corpses" and realized that the three corpses included themselves, without definite answers, who would dare to kill themselves to verify their speculation?

The two of them quietly returned to the meeting room with the white coat. Once the door was closed, Li Sanxin recounted what had happened in the restroom just now.

Lin You and the others were overjoyed. Wen Yian immediately stood up and said, "I'll go kill my two fakes first. Mr. Li Sanxin, can I borrow your white coat?"

Li Sanxin threw the female doctor's white coat to her. After putting it on, Wen Yian used the remaining white powder to make herself up.

Beside them, Lin You sighed with joy before saying, "The anomalies are truly cunning. The conditions for passing this level are too tortuous. I guess many of those who managed to pass this level were people who were accidentally killed by their own kind. Just like when we were previously incited by the anomalies. If we were truly incited to kill each other and ended up killing each other, even if we found out that we had unexpectedly passed through after death, we would still hold grudges, and we would never be able to cooperate again. Even if we didn't go as far as killing each other, we would still separate paths like Comrade Ye Buyan suggested. If that's the case, the possibility of each of us dying at the hands of anomalies would greatly increase."

Ye Buyan frowned, disdain and disgust evident in his tone, "Anomalies, hmph."

Li Sanxin sneered, "The traps on this level are one after another. I'm afraid the next floors will be even harder."

Lou Yan smiled at the remark, "The fifth floor is where the prisoners rest, and hunters also eat and sleep on the fifth floor." 

Several people looked at him, including the disguised Wen Yian. 

Lou Yan tapped the table with his fingers, suggesting, "As I mentioned before, the identities of prisoners and hunters are not always unchangeable. It's just that from the second floor to this floor, there hasn't been an opportunity for us to exchange identities with the hunters. However, it's evident that the fifth floor allows it. On the fifth floor, hunters will take off their clothes and masks. If we can get hold of the hunter's clothes and masks, we can disguise ourselves as hunters."

Li Sanxin and Lin You, who had previously discussed this matter with Lou Yan, were the first to realize. They were delighted, and Li Sanxin nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, as long as we become hunters, we can easily pass the next few levels without having to deal with anomalies at all."

The relationship between anomalies and hunters was one of mutual assistance. This meant that once they became hunters, they could pass through the subsequent levels with the fastest speed and the greatest safety, all the way to the eighth level to meet the master of anomalies.

"To successfully steal the clothes and masks of the hunters, the number of people who have passed through to the fifth level must not be small," Lou Yan said leisurely. "If there are fewer people, it will be difficult for us to blend in."

Lin You looked directly at Lou Yan, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Are you suggesting that we help the others here to pass through?"

Ye Buyan said, "It's not easy to help. Everyone has their 'three corpses.' We can't distinguish who is a real human and who is an anomaly disguised as a human."

Lou Yan raised an eyebrow and smiled. He interlocked his fingers with a grin, his almond-shaped eyes sweeping over everyone's faces. The slender and fair fingers overlapped like those of a pianist. "Since entering the amusement park, we've been running, fleeing for our lives. Whether it's anomalies or hunters, we have no power to resist. We can only watch helplessly as so many of our kind are cruelly killed."

Lou Yan's gaze gradually darkened. "Don't you feel angry? Frustrated? Don't you want to fight back? —Since the first level, I've been holding my anger."

The expressions of those who heard these words varied. Li Sanxin clenched the hand in his pocket tightly, tugging at his lips. "I've been holding my anger too."

Ye Buyan wore a weary face, calmly answering one by one from his mouth, "Anger, frustration, desire to fight back."

Having witnessed those atrocities, how could they not be angry or frustrated?

Even if they didn't know the strangers who died tragically, they were all human beings — that alone was reason enough. Each person looked into Lou Yan's eyes, where flames burned, a light formed by anger, resistance, and firm determination.

Wen Yian set down the white powder in her hand, smiling gently. "Mr. Lou, what do you want to do?"

Lin You's eyes were sharp as he stared at Lou Yan, and he continued concisely, "How do we fight back?"

All eyes converged on Lou Yan, who clearly saw their seriousness and determination. Lou Yan smiled slightly, his eyes flashing with a strange light, and he said slowly, "Let's do something big. Let's burn down this level of the hospital."

Who cares which one is a real human and which one is an anomaly disguised as a human?

As long as they kill them all, the real humans who are killed will naturally pass through successfully.

Lou Yan's bloodstained lips curved with delight.

"Isn't this level supposed to be a funeral home? Weren't they planning to burn us alive in the beginning?"

"Then... let all the anomalies on this level and everyone here die by our hands."


There were many bottles of medical alcohol in the medical room. Medical alcohol is a flammable substance. Lou Yan handed his white coat and keys to Li Sanxin, asking him and Wen Yian to pretend to be doctors and take all the medical alcohol from the medical room and sprinkle it in various corners of the hospital.

Meanwhile, Lou Yan, Lin You, and Ye Buyan went to rescue the prisoners locked in the wards.

It's troublesome to open the iron door of the ward from the inside out. But from the outside, as long as you knock off the lock on the iron door of the ward, it's easy.

Lou Yan didn't even let Lin You do anything, he just flicked his spinal cord whip, and the huge lock fell to the ground.

The rescued prisoners either expressed their gratitude and thanks to them or looked at them vigilantly before rushing out of the ward. Lou Yan and Lin You didn't care about the prisoners' reactions. Those who were willing to stay and help them rescue others were told how to leave this level, while those who hurriedly fled were not pursued or explained to—explaining wouldn't necessarily make them believe, so it was more convenient for Lou Yan to kill them all after the fire started.

Even in the wards without anyone, Lou Yan damaged the locks at the door. After they rescued all the prisoners in the wards, the smell of alcohol in the hospital had become strong enough to make people slightly tipsy.

Five minutes later, a huge fire suddenly broke out in various parts of the hospital.

Thick gray smoke billowed in the corridors.

The anomalies sitting in the office lifted their heads, their expressions blank as they looked at the door. Smoke seeped under the door into the office, and the choking smell reached their noses along with the smoke. Flames danced outside the door like human shadows.

The anomalies looked at each other, and when a doctor opened the door, the surging flames rushed towards them.

The anomalies widened their eyes, their pitch-black eyes reflecting the scene of the raging fire. This fire was enough to melt them: "Ah—!"

Normally, anomalies weren't afraid of fire, but the anomalies on this level would definitely be afraid of fire.

Because this was a funeral home disguised as a hospital, and they were dead bodies in the funeral home—after being made up as dead bodies, they should have been cremated into ashes in the crematorium.

Supervisor Nurse Li was about to go to receive new prisoners, but as soon as she left the rest area, she saw that a fire had broken out in the office outside. Black smoke billowed, the medical records on the desk turned into ashes, and the wooden furniture made a crackling sound in the fire.

Supervisor Nurse Li's pupils contracted, and she hurriedly walked out. A corner of her nurse's uniform was lifted by the fire, and when she touched the door, the skin on her hand was instantly burned into blisters by the scorching hot iron door. Supervisor Nurse Li's crimson mouth opened wide, screaming continuously, "It's so hot! It's so hot! Ahhhh, it's so hot!"

Inside the hospital, screams from both anomalies and humans resounded.

"Ah ah ah, it's on fire! It's on fire!!!"

"Help, someone help me!"

"Cough, cough, cough, do the anomalies want to burn us to death?! Help, is there a fire extinguisher in the hospital!"

Uninformed humans fled everywhere, and anomalies disguised as dead bodies also fled everywhere due to the raging fire. The raging fire spread like a giant dragon, unstoppable and indestructible. With the addition of alcohol, this level of the hospital turned into a h*ll of flames in the blink of an eye.

The red light and thick smoke made every face show panic and despair.

Amidst this chaos, Lou Yan led his companions through the debris, through the flames, calmly walking through the hospital corridors amidst the black fog and thick smoke.

Seeing humans collapsing in tears in the corner of the wall, forced to flee like anomalies, Lou Yan struck out with his whip, indiscriminately taking lives regardless of friend or foe.

Some humans who had just been rescued from the wards but hurriedly fled, clutching their bleeding necks, looked at Lou Yan in disbelief. "Why... why are you killing me?"

Lou Yan shrugged, smiling. "I'm saving you."

But how could they believe his words? Those who were killed looked at Lou Yan with either fear or despair and anger, gradually losing the breath of life in their eyes.

For them, Lou Yan, who smiled as he killed them, claiming to be saving them, would become one of their psychological shadows.

Even if they survived, they would probably never forget the terror Lou Yan brought upon them.

To save people, Lou Yan and his group had to kill. But at the beginning, except for Lou Yan and Lin You, Li Sanxin and the others couldn't bring themselves to kill their own kind.

—And Lou Yan killed much more ruthlessly than Lin You.

God of slaughter!

Ye Buyan watched Lou Yan's figure as he took a life with each whip, involuntarily taking a step back. Lou Yan's demeanor was hard to not be afraid of, but besides fear, Ye Buyan also felt a strong admiration and respect for Lou Yan.

...So cool.

Ye Buyan pursed his lips, staring unblinkingly at Lou Yan effortlessly wielding his whip. His heartbeat grew faster and faster, and the instinctual admiration made his already flushed face even redder because of the surrounding flames.

Lu Haoxiu’s parent, Lou Yan, is really cool.

Author's Note:

Ye Buyan: Envious of the old classmate

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