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Monster Resurgence Chapter 94

Chapter 94

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Half an hour later, the bodies laid in the fire, and except for Lou Yan and his group standing, there were no other living people in the hospital.

Lou Yan and his group also found that after killing people, some bodies remained motionless, while others disappeared on the ground. Those who disappeared should have passed through.

In the entire floor, only the five of them remained.

Their faces were covered in ashes, and their clothes were partially burnt. Lou Yan looked at them, shook the blood off his whip, and smiled, “Take action yourselves or help each other?”

“Help each other, my ass,” Li Sanxin cursed with a smile. “It’s better to do it ourselves for this kind of thing.”

Wen Yian smiled and aimed the surgical knife she had groped from the operating room at her own heart. “Everyone, then I’ll go first.”

After speaking, she unhesitatingly pushed the surgical knife into her own body.

“Goodbye…” Wen Yian smiled faintly as blood flowed from her mouth, and she slowly fell to the ground.

Ye Buyan was the second to stab the knife into his own body. He spoke little, and before he died, he looked at Lou Yan, Lin You, and Li Sanxin, saying “Thank you” before closing his eyes.

By this time, the fire had surrounded them. The air was filled with the pungent smell of burnt flesh, and their skin stung from the heat of the fire.

There wasn’t much time left. Lin You nodded to Lou Yan and Li Sanxin. “I’ll wait for you on the next level.”

Then, he decisively ended his own life.

Li Sanxin watched as they each left, coughed twice, and reached out to embrace Lou Yan’s shoulder, smilingly saying, “Yanzi, let’s go together?”

Lou Yan wiped off the blood and black ashes splattered on his face. The more he wiped, the dirtier he got. He glanced disdainfully at his own hands, secretly wiping the dirt on Li Sanxin’s back twice, “Sure.”

Lou Yan put away the whip and “committed suicide” with Li Sanxin.

The surgical knife was sharp, and when it was inserted into the chest, there was almost no hesitation. There was pain, and it wasn’t light, but perhaps knowing that this was not death but for survival, even this pain became bearable.

Lou Yan and Li Sanxin sat cross-legged on the ground. Lou Yan lazily leaned against Li Sanxin’s shoulder, and Li Sanxin leaned his head against Lou Yan’s, the two of them leaning on each other, feeling every second before death.


Li Sanxin chuckled softly, his chest trembling slightly. He slowly rubbed Lou Yan’s black hair with his chin, his chin itching from the small hairs, “If there’s such a day, it’s good to die together, keeping each other company so it’s not lonely on the road.”

Lou Yan closed his eyes, the firelight shining on his face, jumping vividly. “What talk of death? Can you stop saying gloomy words?”

Li Sanxin laughed heartily, his consciousness gradually blurred. “Then let’s live well!”

The two closed their eyes. As the fire approached them, their figures gradually disappeared in place.


When Lou Yan and Li Sanxin opened their eyes again, they were in a magnificent hall.

The hall was spacious and bright, with many people standing or lying around, the voices noisy. Many people still had panic and fear on their faces, hurriedly feeling their wounds. Many others had blank faces, staring around dully.

Lou Yan and Li Sanxin were still sitting cross-legged on the ground, their positions on the outer edge of the crowd. They looked at each other and stood up from the ground.

So this was the fifth level.

The fifth level was where the prisoners rested, decorated like a luxurious hotel. Their location was like a hotel lobby. Gold tiles were pasted on the walls around, and crystal chandeliers hung down in three layers, shining brightly with a warm golden light.

At first glance, it didn’t look like they were in an amusement park anymore.

The hall was as large as a basketball court, with dozens of prisoners blocking the way in front of Li Sanxin and Lou Yan. Lou Yan glanced forward from the gap and saw an entrance to the hall in front of the crowd, where the real place for prisoners to rest and eat was.

But in front of the entrance, three hunters stood guard.

These three hunters, male and female, chatted and laughed with each other, but their eyes were all fixed on the prisoners lining up to enter the gate. The prisoners queuing up were trembling with fear, occasionally being asked by the hunters to check their bodies, which scared them even paler. Fortunately, although these hunters spoke harshly and acted rudely, they didn’t do anything more excessive.

Behind the hunters against the wall, there was a sofa where a hunter with long silver hair wearing a blank mask sat leisurely, reading a magazine, legs crossed, slender and graceful figure.

The prisoners dared not approach this hunter with such an obviously extraordinary status, so even the few meters around the sofa remained empty.

After seeing this scene, Lou Yan carefully hid himself behind the crowd and whispered to Li Sanxin, “The prisoners have to queue up to enter, and the hunters are inspecting them one by one at the door.”

Li Sanxin peeked and couldn’t help but curse under his breath, “D*mn it, I see Fu— he’s blocking you!”

Who the hell could say it’s not.

Lou Yan saw Fu Xuezhou and felt annoyed and impatient. He bit his tongue against his teeth, his lips straightened and tightened, because Lou Yan knew better than anyone else what Fu Xuezhou was thinking: Fu Xuezhou obviously wanted to force him to submit on this level, force him to bed.

How could he escape such a method of inspecting prisoners?

Lou Yan originally planned to clear the fourth level first, hide in the fifth level before the hunters controlled it. Who knew that the clearance method of the fourth level caught him off guard. He wasn’t the first to clear it, but the last to arrive on this level.

But it wasn’t without benefits. At least now there were many people standing in the hall, and Lou Yan could still hide behind others.

Lou Yan furrowed his brows tightly, impatiently glanced again at Fu Xuezhou’s direction.

The silver-haired hunter seemed to sense something, suddenly lifted his head, and scanned the people in the hall with his pitch-black eyes. Lou Yan’s heart skipped a beat, and he quickly looked away, turning his head aside.

What to do?

He had to enter the fifth level to rest well, and then find an opportunity to change into the hunter’s clothes and mask. But with one, two… plus Fu Xuezhou, a total of four hunters were blocking the entrance. Even if Lou Yan could rush in under the noses of other hunters, he couldn’t hide from Fu Xuezhou’s eyes.

“Comrades Lou Yan and Li Sanxin.”

Just when Lou Yan was feeling restless, Lin You walked over with Ye Buyan and Wen Yian.

The three of them had more or less relaxed smiles on their faces. When Lou Yan saw them approaching, his eyes flashed, suddenly remembering a good way.

Without hesitation, he dragged a few people to a corner and glanced at the hunters in front of the crowd. He smiled and said, “I encountered a difficult problem. Can you guys help me?”

Although Lin You didn’t know what the problem was, he immediately said, “How can we help?”

Ye Buyan and Wen Yian also nodded in agreement.

Lou Yan stepped forward and whispered his plan in their ears.


“Mr. Fu.”

An elegant and gentle female voice sounded in front of Fu Xuezhou, and the silver-haired hunter raised his eyelids to look over, only to see Wen Yian slowly approaching him.

Wen Yian looked at the killer of her brother, her eyes filled with unbreakable coldness and murderous intent, but her smile was still so charming. “Mr. Fu, could you please come over for a moment? I have something to tell you.”

The other hunters nearby, although watching the prisoners enter the gate, were actually paying attention to Fu Xuezhou. Seeing this scene, the clown-faced man with a sour and jealous expression coldly snorted, “Oh, it’s still a big star, huh? This little white-faced woman has good luck with men. Now a big beauty is climbing onto him.”

The little girl giggled, her hands behind her back as she bounced forward two steps, “Wow! It’s the female star I’ve seen on TV. She’s even more beautiful in person! I wonder if I can get an autograph later~ I love this kind of beautiful lady the most. Big Brother has good taste!”

Behind the little girl, a middle-aged man-sized hunter smiled, the red feathers sticking on his white mask swaying in the wind. When he spoke, his voice was surprisingly as seductive as a mature woman’s, “This is going to be interesting. I didn’t expect there to be prisoners who know Mr. Fu.”

After saying this, his expression suddenly changed, his back slightly hunched as he walked to the side of the entrance, diligently guarding the prisoners entering the gate. When he spoke again, his voice became that of a weak middle-aged man, “Don’t talk nonsense, Mr. Fu will get angry…”

Fu Xuezhou only gave Wen Yian a glance and then disinterestedly withdrew his gaze, looking back at the magazine, indifferently saying, “Get lost.”

Wen Yian’s expression remained unchanged. She smiled, tucking her golden hair behind her shoulder with a graceful gesture. “Mr. Fu, don’t you want to see Mr. Lou? “

Fu Xuezhou paused his flipping fingers, raised his head again to look at Wen Yian, his gaze scrutinizing.

Wen Yian glanced back, hinting at something, “Mr. Lou asked me to invite you over. If you don’t go to see him now, he might leave.”

The silver-haired hunter looked at Wen Yian inscrutably for a while.

In just a few short seconds of being stared at, Wen Yian felt like a century had passed. Cold sweat uncontrollably oozed from her back, and the pressure this man brought was too strong, too strong. Wen Yian couldn’t help but think of the scene when Wen Jiu was killed, and the scene when they, the brother and sister, were powerless to resist and could only escape in embarrassment… Wen Yian’s soul was instinctively afraid, her body trembling slightly, and she was so embarrassed that she subconsciously looked away.

Just when she thought she had failed, Fu Xuezhou finally put down the magazine in his hand and stood up, saying, “Take me to him.”

Wen Yian breathed a sigh of relief without showing any traces, turned around, and led Fu Xuezhou to walk towards the back, inadvertently wiping the sweat from her forehead.

The other hunters watched their backs, exchanged meaningful glances with each other, and were about to say something, when suddenly two prisoners rushed into the crowd and started beating each other.

“Li Er Niu, I finally found you! You betrayed me before, I’ll beat you to death!”

“Ah, wait, I’m not Li Er Niu!”

“D*mn it! If you want to fight him, fight him, why hit me?!”

“D*mn it… who attacked me?!”

“Ahh, you’re… you’re that partner of the killing god!”

The queue suddenly became chaotic, what was originally a well-ordered line instantly turned into chaos. The irritable man cursed and ran over, grabbing a prisoner who was fighting and threw him to the ground, roaring, “What are you fighting for? Dare to cause trouble, I’ll kill you!”

The timid man was at a loss, “Line up, line up properly, stop fighting…”

A gust of wind suddenly passed by his ear.

The timid man stopped talking, turned his head blankly to look inside the entrance, “Strange…”

He paused, then when he spoke again, his voice changed back to the seductive tone of a woman with interest, “Why do I feel… like someone sneaked in secretly?”

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Monster Resurgence Chapter 94

Monster Resurgence Chapter 94

Chapter 94

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Half an hour later, the bodies laid in the fire, and except for Lou Yan and his group standing, there were no other living people in the hospital.

Lou Yan and his group also found that after killing people, some bodies remained motionless, while others disappeared on the ground. Those who disappeared should have passed through.

In the entire floor, only the five of them remained.

Their faces were covered in ashes, and their clothes were partially burnt. Lou Yan looked at them, shook the blood off his whip, and smiled, "Take action yourselves or help each other?"

"Help each other, my ass," Li Sanxin cursed with a smile. "It's better to do it ourselves for this kind of thing."

Wen Yian smiled and aimed the surgical knife she had groped from the operating room at her own heart. "Everyone, then I'll go first."

After speaking, she unhesitatingly pushed the surgical knife into her own body.

"Goodbye..." Wen Yian smiled faintly as blood flowed from her mouth, and she slowly fell to the ground.

Ye Buyan was the second to stab the knife into his own body. He spoke little, and before he died, he looked at Lou Yan, Lin You, and Li Sanxin, saying "Thank you" before closing his eyes.

By this time, the fire had surrounded them. The air was filled with the pungent smell of burnt flesh, and their skin stung from the heat of the fire.

There wasn't much time left. Lin You nodded to Lou Yan and Li Sanxin. "I'll wait for you on the next level."

Then, he decisively ended his own life.

Li Sanxin watched as they each left, coughed twice, and reached out to embrace Lou Yan's shoulder, smilingly saying, "Yanzi, let's go together?"

Lou Yan wiped off the blood and black ashes splattered on his face. The more he wiped, the dirtier he got. He glanced disdainfully at his own hands, secretly wiping the dirt on Li Sanxin's back twice, "Sure."

Lou Yan put away the whip and "committed suicide" with Li Sanxin.

The surgical knife was sharp, and when it was inserted into the chest, there was almost no hesitation. There was pain, and it wasn't light, but perhaps knowing that this was not death but for survival, even this pain became bearable.

Lou Yan and Li Sanxin sat cross-legged on the ground. Lou Yan lazily leaned against Li Sanxin's shoulder, and Li Sanxin leaned his head against Lou Yan's, the two of them leaning on each other, feeling every second before death.


Li Sanxin chuckled softly, his chest trembling slightly. He slowly rubbed Lou Yan's black hair with his chin, his chin itching from the small hairs, "If there's such a day, it's good to die together, keeping each other company so it's not lonely on the road."

Lou Yan closed his eyes, the firelight shining on his face, jumping vividly. "What talk of death? Can you stop saying gloomy words?"

Li Sanxin laughed heartily, his consciousness gradually blurred. "Then let's live well!"

The two closed their eyes. As the fire approached them, their figures gradually disappeared in place.


When Lou Yan and Li Sanxin opened their eyes again, they were in a magnificent hall.

The hall was spacious and bright, with many people standing or lying around, the voices noisy. Many people still had panic and fear on their faces, hurriedly feeling their wounds. Many others had blank faces, staring around dully.

Lou Yan and Li Sanxin were still sitting cross-legged on the ground, their positions on the outer edge of the crowd. They looked at each other and stood up from the ground.

So this was the fifth level.

The fifth level was where the prisoners rested, decorated like a luxurious hotel. Their location was like a hotel lobby. Gold tiles were pasted on the walls around, and crystal chandeliers hung down in three layers, shining brightly with a warm golden light.

At first glance, it didn't look like they were in an amusement park anymore.

The hall was as large as a basketball court, with dozens of prisoners blocking the way in front of Li Sanxin and Lou Yan. Lou Yan glanced forward from the gap and saw an entrance to the hall in front of the crowd, where the real place for prisoners to rest and eat was.

But in front of the entrance, three hunters stood guard.

These three hunters, male and female, chatted and laughed with each other, but their eyes were all fixed on the prisoners lining up to enter the gate. The prisoners queuing up were trembling with fear, occasionally being asked by the hunters to check their bodies, which scared them even paler. Fortunately, although these hunters spoke harshly and acted rudely, they didn't do anything more excessive.

Behind the hunters against the wall, there was a sofa where a hunter with long silver hair wearing a blank mask sat leisurely, reading a magazine, legs crossed, slender and graceful figure.

The prisoners dared not approach this hunter with such an obviously extraordinary status, so even the few meters around the sofa remained empty.

After seeing this scene, Lou Yan carefully hid himself behind the crowd and whispered to Li Sanxin, "The prisoners have to queue up to enter, and the hunters are inspecting them one by one at the door."

Li Sanxin peeked and couldn't help but curse under his breath, "D*mn it, I see Fu— he's blocking you!"

Who the hell could say it's not.

Lou Yan saw Fu Xuezhou and felt annoyed and impatient. He bit his tongue against his teeth, his lips straightened and tightened, because Lou Yan knew better than anyone else what Fu Xuezhou was thinking: Fu Xuezhou obviously wanted to force him to submit on this level, force him to bed.

How could he escape such a method of inspecting prisoners?

Lou Yan originally planned to clear the fourth level first, hide in the fifth level before the hunters controlled it. Who knew that the clearance method of the fourth level caught him off guard. He wasn't the first to clear it, but the last to arrive on this level.

But it wasn't without benefits. At least now there were many people standing in the hall, and Lou Yan could still hide behind others.

Lou Yan furrowed his brows tightly, impatiently glanced again at Fu Xuezhou's direction.

The silver-haired hunter seemed to sense something, suddenly lifted his head, and scanned the people in the hall with his pitch-black eyes. Lou Yan's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly looked away, turning his head aside.

What to do?

He had to enter the fifth level to rest well, and then find an opportunity to change into the hunter's clothes and mask. But with one, two... plus Fu Xuezhou, a total of four hunters were blocking the entrance. Even if Lou Yan could rush in under the noses of other hunters, he couldn't hide from Fu Xuezhou's eyes.

"Comrades Lou Yan and Li Sanxin."

Just when Lou Yan was feeling restless, Lin You walked over with Ye Buyan and Wen Yian.

The three of them had more or less relaxed smiles on their faces. When Lou Yan saw them approaching, his eyes flashed, suddenly remembering a good way.

Without hesitation, he dragged a few people to a corner and glanced at the hunters in front of the crowd. He smiled and said, "I encountered a difficult problem. Can you guys help me?"

Although Lin You didn't know what the problem was, he immediately said, "How can we help?"

Ye Buyan and Wen Yian also nodded in agreement.

Lou Yan stepped forward and whispered his plan in their ears.


"Mr. Fu."

An elegant and gentle female voice sounded in front of Fu Xuezhou, and the silver-haired hunter raised his eyelids to look over, only to see Wen Yian slowly approaching him.

Wen Yian looked at the killer of her brother, her eyes filled with unbreakable coldness and murderous intent, but her smile was still so charming. "Mr. Fu, could you please come over for a moment? I have something to tell you."

The other hunters nearby, although watching the prisoners enter the gate, were actually paying attention to Fu Xuezhou. Seeing this scene, the clown-faced man with a sour and jealous expression coldly snorted, "Oh, it's still a big star, huh? This little white-faced woman has good luck with men. Now a big beauty is climbing onto him."

The little girl giggled, her hands behind her back as she bounced forward two steps, "Wow! It's the female star I've seen on TV. She's even more beautiful in person! I wonder if I can get an autograph later~ I love this kind of beautiful lady the most. Big Brother has good taste!"

Behind the little girl, a middle-aged man-sized hunter smiled, the red feathers sticking on his white mask swaying in the wind. When he spoke, his voice was surprisingly as seductive as a mature woman's, "This is going to be interesting. I didn't expect there to be prisoners who know Mr. Fu."

After saying this, his expression suddenly changed, his back slightly hunched as he walked to the side of the entrance, diligently guarding the prisoners entering the gate. When he spoke again, his voice became that of a weak middle-aged man, "Don't talk nonsense, Mr. Fu will get angry..."

Fu Xuezhou only gave Wen Yian a glance and then disinterestedly withdrew his gaze, looking back at the magazine, indifferently saying, "Get lost."

Wen Yian's expression remained unchanged. She smiled, tucking her golden hair behind her shoulder with a graceful gesture. "Mr. Fu, don't you want to see Mr. Lou? "

Fu Xuezhou paused his flipping fingers, raised his head again to look at Wen Yian, his gaze scrutinizing.

Wen Yian glanced back, hinting at something, "Mr. Lou asked me to invite you over. If you don't go to see him now, he might leave."

The silver-haired hunter looked at Wen Yian inscrutably for a while.

In just a few short seconds of being stared at, Wen Yian felt like a century had passed. Cold sweat uncontrollably oozed from her back, and the pressure this man brought was too strong, too strong. Wen Yian couldn't help but think of the scene when Wen Jiu was killed, and the scene when they, the brother and sister, were powerless to resist and could only escape in embarrassment... Wen Yian's soul was instinctively afraid, her body trembling slightly, and she was so embarrassed that she subconsciously looked away.

Just when she thought she had failed, Fu Xuezhou finally put down the magazine in his hand and stood up, saying, "Take me to him."

Wen Yian breathed a sigh of relief without showing any traces, turned around, and led Fu Xuezhou to walk towards the back, inadvertently wiping the sweat from her forehead.

The other hunters watched their backs, exchanged meaningful glances with each other, and were about to say something, when suddenly two prisoners rushed into the crowd and started beating each other.

"Li Er Niu, I finally found you! You betrayed me before, I'll beat you to death!"

"Ah, wait, I'm not Li Er Niu!"

"D*mn it! If you want to fight him, fight him, why hit me?!"

"D*mn it... who attacked me?!"

"Ahh, you're... you're that partner of the killing god!"

The queue suddenly became chaotic, what was originally a well-ordered line instantly turned into chaos. The irritable man cursed and ran over, grabbing a prisoner who was fighting and threw him to the ground, roaring, "What are you fighting for? Dare to cause trouble, I'll kill you!"

The timid man was at a loss, "Line up, line up properly, stop fighting..."

A gust of wind suddenly passed by his ear.

The timid man stopped talking, turned his head blankly to look inside the entrance, "Strange..."

He paused, then when he spoke again, his voice changed back to the seductive tone of a woman with interest, "Why do I feel... like someone sneaked in secretly?"

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