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The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 110

Chapter 110: Extra 10 – The Young Couple in the Rain

Shoutout to nyanmaru for the commission!

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Beep beep beep beep—

A phone rang suddenly in the empty underground parking garage.

The man holding the stun gun behind Chu Feng was startled. His grip on the gun tightened, but in that instant, Chu Feng had already answered the phone:


The sound of heavy rain came through the phone, followed by Xie Shiyu’s voice:

“I’m outside.”

“…?” Chu Feng asked, “Outside where?”

Xie Shiyu replied, “Xinjiang Garden. You came here to pick up a package, right?”

Chu Feng felt a bit happy, “How did you know I was here? Wait a moment, I’ll get it right away…”

He walked towards the Beehive A smart locker. The criminal behind him hesitated and didn’t follow.

—If he acted now, the person on the other end of the call would hear it.

The criminal stared intently at Chu Feng. During the entire process of picking up the package, the high school student held the phone, chatting: “Why did you come here? Weren’t you waiting at the school gate…”

It seemed this student had an appointment with someone. If he was killed now, the other person would know. Moreover, the other person was supposed to wait at the school gate but now seemed to be nearby. If it was a woman, he could rely on his physical strength to kill both, but this high school student was over 1.8 meters tall. Even with a stun gun, there was no guarantee. If another companion arrived…

The criminal thought for a moment and silently hid behind a car, putting away the stun gun. Judging by the student’s attire, he was from a nearby high school and likely wouldn’t escape anytime soon.

In the dim corner, the criminal crouched behind the car, memorizing Chu Feng’s appearance.

“…Xie Shiyu?”

When Chu Feng came running out of Building 1 of Xinjiang Garden with his mosquito repellent package, he saw a tall figure running towards him. The white rain poured down, creating a mist on the ground. Xie Shiyu was almost completely drenched, with rain and sweat dripping continuously, forming small splashes in the puddles.

“Why did you come out without an umbrella? It’s raining so heavily…”

Chu Feng immediately opened his umbrella and raised it high to cover Xie Shiyu’s rain-soaked head:

“You’re all wet…”

He reached into his backpack to get some tissues to wipe him off, but Xie Shiyu, seemingly unresponsive, let the rain drip from his forehead, nose, and chin. Suddenly, he lowered his head and pulled Chu Feng into a tight embrace.

“Wh… What’s wrong?”

Chu Feng sensed something strange about Xie Shiyu. His wet clothes were cold from the rain, but his body underneath was very hot. Chu Feng could hear Xie Shiyu’s heart pounding rapidly in his chest, as if he had just…

…gone through intense exercise, madly running over here.

But just a moment ago on the phone, Xie Shiyu had calmly said he was waiting outside.


Xie Shiyu slowly released Chu Feng, catching his breath, his heartbeat gradually returning to normal. He then took the umbrella from Chu Feng, holding it high and smiling:

“Let’s go, to the school gate for some food.”

Chu Feng asked, “Why did you run so fast? You didn’t even bring an umbrella. What if you catch a cold?”

“A little rain won’t cause a cold.” Xie Shiyu put his arm around Chu Feng’s shoulder, “Let’s go—”

Chu Feng noticed that this gesture was different from the earlier hug, more casual, like between good friends. As they walked away from Xinjiang Garden and passed S City No. 1 High School, Chu Feng saw groups of students hurrying through the rain, many like them, sharing an umbrella with arms around each other, not noticing anything different about him and Xie Shiyu.

The wet rain, mixed with the earthy scent, poured down, and in the rain-soaked campus, no one noticed the model student Chu Feng secretly in an early and same-sex relationship.

Walking under the umbrella, Chu Feng suddenly felt a bit annoyed. He didn’t care about being discovered; he even looked forward to the day when his parents, teachers, and classmates would see their reactions.

But Xie Shiyu was always careful to hide it for him. In places where people might pass by, he wouldn’t show physical affection, acting like good buddies. Only in secluded alleys or dark corners after school would they hold hands, hug, or occasionally kiss.

Nothing more ever happened.

Today’s sudden hug from Xie Shiyu at Xinjiang Garden was a first.

Chu Feng felt something was off. Today had been strange: Yan Wenbin inexplicably pushed him, then Xie Shiyu somehow knew he was picking up a package and ran madly through the rain to hug him, then acted as if nothing had happened, saying nothing.

Raindrops slid off the umbrella’s edge. Chu Feng reached out to cover Xie Shiyu’s hand holding the umbrella and casually questioned:

“Why were you in such a hurry just now?”

Xie Shiyu glanced at Chu Feng in surprise, whispering, “There are people around…”

“Who cares.”

Chu Feng gripped Xie Shiyu’s hand tighter. After a while, people began to glance at them, and a few girls passing by giggled softly.

“I forgot my umbrella when I went out and didn’t want to run back.” Xie Shiyu explained, holding Chu Feng’s hand and putting it in his pocket, gripping it tightly:

“When I got to school, I happened to see your classmates from the Rocket Class. They said you went to pick up a package, so I ran to find you, knowing you’d have an umbrella.”

Seventeen-year-old Chu Feng believed him. He lowered his head, leaned closer to Xie Shiyu, and looked at Xie Shiyu’s bulging pants pocket:

“Don’t you think hiding it in your pocket makes it more obvious?”

Xie Shiyu asked, “Why?”

Chu Feng, with a cold, indifferent look, stared at Xie Shiyu. His slender fingers slipped into the pocket, gently touching through the fabric…

Xie Shiyu instantly stiffened.

“There are a lot of classmates around,” Chu Feng quietly reminded. One hand was discreetly hidden in his pocket, gently fidgeting with something, while the other hand was openly tugging on Xie Shiyu, who was holding an umbrella, as they walked forward. They moved through the crowd like close buddies.


As they passed a narrow path, Xie Shiyu swiftly pulled Chu Feng, along with the umbrella, into it and forcefully pinned him against the wall.

The hand fidgeting in the pocket was grabbed and punished by being pinned behind his back. When Chu Feng tried to struggle, Xie Shiyu simply threw the umbrella aside, freeing both hands to grab Chu Feng’s other hand tightly.

Then, he lowered his head and forcefully kissed Chu Feng, properly disciplining his disobedient lover.

Raindrops fell, cold and icy.

The lover in front of him had a warm embrace.

As they finished kissing, Chu Feng leaned close to Xie Shiyu, glanced down briefly, and softly said,

“If you go to the restaurant like this, they might think you’re a pervert and arrest you.”

“They should arrest you first, for arson,” Xie Shiyu picked up the umbrella and put his arm around Chu Feng. This time, his gesture was affectionate, like a couple.

“Do you live near the school?”

Chu Feng also wrapped his arm around Xie Shiyu’s, holding the umbrella. He noticed that this narrow path was quite dark, and he hadn’t seen it before. Despite just arriving in S City, Xie Shiyu seemed familiar with the area around the school.

“Yeah.” Xie Shiyu said, “Want to come over for a bit? We can order takeout later.”

“Is it convenient?” Chu Feng tentatively asked, “Are you alone?”

“Alone.” Xie Shiyu smiled and leaned in to whisper in his ear. “So, do you want to sleep with me tonight?”

A warm breath brushed past his ear, making Chu Feng’s shoulders shrink as he whispered back, “…Okay.”

Xie Shiyu reached out and pinched Chu Feng’s blushing earlobe, “Feeling shy now? Weren’t you enjoying yourself just a moment ago?”

“Alright, alright, let’s go…” Chu Feng quickly interrupted, “I’m hungry. Where do you live?”

Xie Shiyu held the umbrella, leading Chu Feng to the hotel where he was staying.

As they turned a corner, Xie Shiyu glanced at the puddle on the ground.

The shy 17-year-old Chu Feng hadn’t noticed that a shadowy figure was quietly following them down the narrow path.

Want to show your support? Come donate at Paypal or Ko-fi to show your appreciation! :)

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The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 110

The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 110

Chapter 110: Extra 10 - The Young Couple in the Rain

Shoutout to nyanmaru for the commission!

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Beep beep beep beep—

A phone rang suddenly in the empty underground parking garage.

The man holding the stun gun behind Chu Feng was startled. His grip on the gun tightened, but in that instant, Chu Feng had already answered the phone:


The sound of heavy rain came through the phone, followed by Xie Shiyu's voice:

"I'm outside."

"...?" Chu Feng asked, "Outside where?"

Xie Shiyu replied, "Xinjiang Garden. You came here to pick up a package, right?"

Chu Feng felt a bit happy, "How did you know I was here? Wait a moment, I'll get it right away..."

He walked towards the Beehive A smart locker. The criminal behind him hesitated and didn't follow.

—If he acted now, the person on the other end of the call would hear it.

The criminal stared intently at Chu Feng. During the entire process of picking up the package, the high school student held the phone, chatting: "Why did you come here? Weren't you waiting at the school gate..."

It seemed this student had an appointment with someone. If he was killed now, the other person would know. Moreover, the other person was supposed to wait at the school gate but now seemed to be nearby. If it was a woman, he could rely on his physical strength to kill both, but this high school student was over 1.8 meters tall. Even with a stun gun, there was no guarantee. If another companion arrived...

The criminal thought for a moment and silently hid behind a car, putting away the stun gun. Judging by the student's attire, he was from a nearby high school and likely wouldn't escape anytime soon.

In the dim corner, the criminal crouched behind the car, memorizing Chu Feng's appearance.

“…Xie Shiyu?”

When Chu Feng came running out of Building 1 of Xinjiang Garden with his mosquito repellent package, he saw a tall figure running towards him. The white rain poured down, creating a mist on the ground. Xie Shiyu was almost completely drenched, with rain and sweat dripping continuously, forming small splashes in the puddles.

"Why did you come out without an umbrella? It's raining so heavily..."

Chu Feng immediately opened his umbrella and raised it high to cover Xie Shiyu's rain-soaked head:

"You're all wet..."

He reached into his backpack to get some tissues to wipe him off, but Xie Shiyu, seemingly unresponsive, let the rain drip from his forehead, nose, and chin. Suddenly, he lowered his head and pulled Chu Feng into a tight embrace.

"Wh... What's wrong?"

Chu Feng sensed something strange about Xie Shiyu. His wet clothes were cold from the rain, but his body underneath was very hot. Chu Feng could hear Xie Shiyu's heart pounding rapidly in his chest, as if he had just...

...gone through intense exercise, madly running over here.

But just a moment ago on the phone, Xie Shiyu had calmly said he was waiting outside.


Xie Shiyu slowly released Chu Feng, catching his breath, his heartbeat gradually returning to normal. He then took the umbrella from Chu Feng, holding it high and smiling:

"Let's go, to the school gate for some food."

Chu Feng asked, "Why did you run so fast? You didn't even bring an umbrella. What if you catch a cold?"

"A little rain won't cause a cold." Xie Shiyu put his arm around Chu Feng's shoulder, "Let's go—"

Chu Feng noticed that this gesture was different from the earlier hug, more casual, like between good friends. As they walked away from Xinjiang Garden and passed S City No. 1 High School, Chu Feng saw groups of students hurrying through the rain, many like them, sharing an umbrella with arms around each other, not noticing anything different about him and Xie Shiyu.

The wet rain, mixed with the earthy scent, poured down, and in the rain-soaked campus, no one noticed the model student Chu Feng secretly in an early and same-sex relationship.

Walking under the umbrella, Chu Feng suddenly felt a bit annoyed. He didn't care about being discovered; he even looked forward to the day when his parents, teachers, and classmates would see their reactions.

But Xie Shiyu was always careful to hide it for him. In places where people might pass by, he wouldn't show physical affection, acting like good buddies. Only in secluded alleys or dark corners after school would they hold hands, hug, or occasionally kiss.

Nothing more ever happened.

Today's sudden hug from Xie Shiyu at Xinjiang Garden was a first.

Chu Feng felt something was off. Today had been strange: Yan Wenbin inexplicably pushed him, then Xie Shiyu somehow knew he was picking up a package and ran madly through the rain to hug him, then acted as if nothing had happened, saying nothing.

Raindrops slid off the umbrella's edge. Chu Feng reached out to cover Xie Shiyu's hand holding the umbrella and casually questioned:

"Why were you in such a hurry just now?"

Xie Shiyu glanced at Chu Feng in surprise, whispering, "There are people around..."

"Who cares."

Chu Feng gripped Xie Shiyu's hand tighter. After a while, people began to glance at them, and a few girls passing by giggled softly.

"I forgot my umbrella when I went out and didn't want to run back." Xie Shiyu explained, holding Chu Feng's hand and putting it in his pocket, gripping it tightly:

"When I got to school, I happened to see your classmates from the Rocket Class. They said you went to pick up a package, so I ran to find you, knowing you'd have an umbrella."

Seventeen-year-old Chu Feng believed him. He lowered his head, leaned closer to Xie Shiyu, and looked at Xie Shiyu's bulging pants pocket:

"Don't you think hiding it in your pocket makes it more obvious?"

Xie Shiyu asked, "Why?"

Chu Feng, with a cold, indifferent look, stared at Xie Shiyu. His slender fingers slipped into the pocket, gently touching through the fabric...

Xie Shiyu instantly stiffened.

"There are a lot of classmates around," Chu Feng quietly reminded. One hand was discreetly hidden in his pocket, gently fidgeting with something, while the other hand was openly tugging on Xie Shiyu, who was holding an umbrella, as they walked forward. They moved through the crowd like close buddies.


As they passed a narrow path, Xie Shiyu swiftly pulled Chu Feng, along with the umbrella, into it and forcefully pinned him against the wall.

The hand fidgeting in the pocket was grabbed and punished by being pinned behind his back. When Chu Feng tried to struggle, Xie Shiyu simply threw the umbrella aside, freeing both hands to grab Chu Feng's other hand tightly.

Then, he lowered his head and forcefully kissed Chu Feng, properly disciplining his disobedient lover.

Raindrops fell, cold and icy.

The lover in front of him had a warm embrace.

As they finished kissing, Chu Feng leaned close to Xie Shiyu, glanced down briefly, and softly said,

“If you go to the restaurant like this, they might think you’re a pervert and arrest you.”

“They should arrest you first, for arson,” Xie Shiyu picked up the umbrella and put his arm around Chu Feng. This time, his gesture was affectionate, like a couple.

“Do you live near the school?”

Chu Feng also wrapped his arm around Xie Shiyu’s, holding the umbrella. He noticed that this narrow path was quite dark, and he hadn’t seen it before. Despite just arriving in S City, Xie Shiyu seemed familiar with the area around the school.

“Yeah.” Xie Shiyu said, “Want to come over for a bit? We can order takeout later.”

“Is it convenient?” Chu Feng tentatively asked, “Are you alone?”

“Alone.” Xie Shiyu smiled and leaned in to whisper in his ear. "So, do you want to sleep with me tonight?"

A warm breath brushed past his ear, making Chu Feng’s shoulders shrink as he whispered back, "...Okay."

Xie Shiyu reached out and pinched Chu Feng’s blushing earlobe, "Feeling shy now? Weren’t you enjoying yourself just a moment ago?"

"Alright, alright, let’s go..." Chu Feng quickly interrupted, "I'm hungry. Where do you live?"

Xie Shiyu held the umbrella, leading Chu Feng to the hotel where he was staying.

As they turned a corner, Xie Shiyu glanced at the puddle on the ground.

The shy 17-year-old Chu Feng hadn’t noticed that a shadowy figure was quietly following them down the narrow path.

Want to show your support? Come donate at Paypal or Ko-fi to show your appreciation! :)

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