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The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 111

Chapter 111: Extra 11 – The Hotel

Shoutout to nyanmaru for the commission!

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Summer thunderstorms varied in intensity. 

Seventeen-year-old Chu Feng walked arm in arm with Xie Shiyu, listening to the rain change from a heavy downpour to a light drizzle, pattering on the umbrella like distant drumbeats. 

It was late, and the dark alley was lit by a single dim streetlight, hanging like a hazy moon on the treetop, casting a soft glow on the rain-soaked leaves, giving them a glistening sheen.

 “We’re almost there,” Xie Shiyu said softly, noticing Chu Feng’s shoes splashing in the water. 

Chu Feng didn’t mind how far it was; he wished the road could go on longer so he and Xie Shiyu could keep walking together. 

“How about ordering from that Chongqing Chicken Pot place later? It should arrive quickly since it’s close to the hotel…” Xie Shiyu chatted casually, but for some reason, Chu Feng felt his voice was slightly louder than usual. 

Seventeen-year-old Chu Feng didn’t think much of it and just nodded. 

In the quiet night, rain dripped from the leaves, and Xie Shiyu, holding Chu Feng’s hand, glanced back, spotting a shadow following them. The person in a gray raincoat with a low hood, face obscured, appeared to be a man over 1.7 meters tall, middle-aged, trailing them openly, close enough to hear their conversation. 

In the peaceful alley, oblivious Chu Feng looked up, watching raindrops fall from the umbrella’s edge, reflecting the streetlight’s glow. He heard Xie Shiyu ask him in a very soft tone: “Did you run into our class monitor while picking up the package?” 

Xie Shiyu asked casually, “I saw him stumbling out when I went to find you.” 

Thinking of Yan Wenbin, Chu Feng felt annoyed, “I did. Is your class monitor narrow-minded?” 

Xie Shiyu inquired, “Why do you say that?” 

Chu Feng replied, “Maybe because I ignored him today. He pushed me when I opened the door, like a grade-schooler.” 

“He pushed you?” Xie Shiyu’s voice was very soft, almost inaudible, but Chu Feng suddenly felt a chill, like the cold air from a mortuary freezer. It was probably the cooling weather from the rain, Chu Feng thought, not wanting to make a fuss over Yan Wenbin’s childish shove or seem like he was complaining to his boyfriend. 

“I see.” Xie Shiyu mumbled as if he had figured it all out. 

Chu Feng asked, “…? What did you say?” 

“Nothing.” Xie Shiyu smiled at him, a seemingly sunny and obedient smile: “We’re here. Let’s go in.”

Beep— The keycard unlocked the door, and Xie Shiyu inserted it into the slot, turning on the bright lights. 

The room was clean, with a large bed. 

“I’ll order takeout, you go shower first.” Xie Shiyu glanced at Chu Feng’s rain-splashed pants. He turned on the bathroom light, the white tiles reflecting off the green glass door. 

“You should shower first.” Chu Feng familiarly took a dry towel from Xie Shiyu’s suitcase, draping it over his head and rubbing it: “It’s raining so heavily, and you’re soaked…” 

“No worries.” Xie Shiyu casually wiped his dripping hair with the towel: “I’ll just change my clothes. You go ahead, I don’t feel like showering right now.” 

Xie Shiyu took off his soaked shirt and pulled out a black T-shirt from his suitcase, slipping it over his head. 

With the fabric temporarily blocking his vision, he heard Chu Feng say: “Actually, we could… shower together.” 


Xie Shiyu coughed, his movements exaggerated, nearly tearing the T-shirt at the seams. 

Chu Feng noticed that Xie Shiyu seemed taller now; the once-fitting black T-shirt looked small, the fabric bunching up as he put it on. 

As Xie Shiyu tried to straighten it, Chu Feng stepped closer, fingers brushing his body as he helped smooth out the shirt. 

Xie Shiyu’s Adam’s apple bobbed, his voice lower: “Don’t you have homework tonight?” 

Chu Feng glanced calmly at his digital watch: “A ten-minute delay won’t matter.” 

“Oh? Underestimating me?” Xie Shiyu scooped Chu Feng into his arms. Chu Feng didn’t reject the warm embrace, expecting Xie Shiyu to respond to his teasing soon, thinking their relationship was about to take the final step.

Thinking about this, Chu Feng felt a bit anxious. 

He was actually a little scared. He had a basic understanding of what would happen, but he hadn’t really prepared, like facing an exam without studying and feeling panicked.

 ——I have to go to class at six tomorrow morning, I wonder if my waist will hurt… 

Online, some people said it would hurt, that it would be so sore getting out of bed that walking would be difficult. But others said that was just a myth from novels, that it didn’t really hurt much and would be over quickly… 

Lost in thought in Xie Shiyu’s arms, Chu Feng’s body shifted slightly in unease. Backing out now would seem too cowardly, and Chu Feng didn’t want that. Pretending to be calm, he wrapped his arms around Xie Shiyu’s waist…

 Suddenly, Chu Feng felt Xie Shiyu’s chest vibrate as he laughed. 

Chu Feng asked, “What are you laughing at?” 

Without answering, Xie Shiyu leaned down and playfully bit Chu Feng’s earlobe, then let him go: “Go shower quickly. We’ll eat together afterwards.” 

Xie Shiyu shook his phone. “I’ll order takeout and handle something with my boss.” 


The sound of running water came from the bathroom. The atmosphere in the hotel room, previously charged with tension, quietly dissipated. 

Xie Shiyu sat quietly on the sofa, ordering takeout. He could tell that Chu Feng, after a full day of classes, was already a bit tired. Later, he still had homework, and tomorrow he had to get up for class by six. He didn’t have the energy for anything more, even if he liked to tease. 

——Like a kitten seeing fire for the first time, curiously circling it, trying to bat at the sparks with its paws. But if you really put its little paws into the fire, it would definitely cry out in pain. 

[Chicken Pot – Potatoes – Fish Tofu – Baby Cabbage…] 

Xie Shiyu added the items he wanted to the shopping cart, changing the delivery address to the hotel front desk, not revealing their room number. He also changed the recipient’s name. But that wasn’t enough. 

Xie Shiyu continued: changing the phone number. 

He calmly opened his phone [Contacts], copied a number, and pasted it. A prompt immediately appeared on the screen: [Changing the phone number will invalidate the current discount voucher, proceed?] 

Boom—— A clap of thunder sounded outside. 

Xie Shiyu casually clicked: [Confirm] 


In the bathroom, behind the green glass door, the shower felt like a warm storm, steam rising. Chu Feng tilted his face up, soaking in the hot rain. 

He heard Xie Shiyu outside, seemingly on the phone with someone, but couldn’t make out the words over the water sound. It might be his boss from the part-time job. 

Chu Feng remembered Xie Shiyu mentioning coming to S City for work with the car repair shop boss, possibly reporting on his tasks… 


“Hello, I’m the one who placed the order ending in 9234.” Xie Shiyu reclined on the sofa, calling the delivery driver: “Sorry, my phone died right after placing the order. Could you call this number when you deliver? Yes, just call when you drop it at the front desk. Thanks.” 

Hanging up, Xie Shiyu listened to the water sounds from the bathroom, making sure Chu Feng couldn’t hear. 


Fifteen minutes later, when Chu Feng finished his shower, he heard Xie Shiyu’s phone ring. 

The delivery driver’s voice came through the speaker: “I’ll be there in a minute, you can come down to get it!” 

Chu Feng said, “That was quick.” 

“We’re close by, just a few steps away.” Xie Shiyu got up, “I’ll go down to get it.” 

“Won’t they deliver it up?” 

“Seems the hotel doesn’t allow it.”

 Chu Feng didn’t think much of it. 

Strangely, before leaving, Xie Shiyu instructed: “Better lock the door, and check it’s me through the peephole before opening.”

 “…Do you think I’m a child?” Seventeen-year-old Chu Feng didn’t think much further. Xie Shiyu smiled without explaining, left, and went downstairs. He would be back in two minutes at most, no need to lock the door. But… since Xie Shiyu said so, locking it wouldn’t hurt. 

Chu Feng got up, locked the door, and even fastened the security chain. He looked through the peephole; the hallway, with its dark red carpet, was empty. 


 [Ding, first floor.]

Xie Shiyu casually walked out of the elevator, making his way slowly to the spot behind the potted ficus tree near the elevator door. He was thoroughly familiar with this hotel, both inside and out. From this position, he could observe the entire first-floor lobby, especially the comings and goings at the entrance, without being seen himself.

With just one glance, Xie Shiyu noticed the man who had been following him and Chu Feng. The man was hiding behind a tree at the hotel entrance, thinking he was well-concealed. Wearing a gray raincoat, he kept looking around as if waiting for someone.

Xie Shiyu knew exactly who he was waiting for.

After about ten seconds, a blue electric scooter zipped to a stop at the hotel entrance, and a delivery guy, covered in dust, walked into the lobby. He looked around, quickly placed the takeout on a long table near the entrance, and left. The table had a sign that read: [Takeout Pick-up Point].

The delivery guy left right away, got back on his scooter, and rode off.

The man in the gray raincoat quickly got up and hurried into the hotel lobby. He glanced around and saw that no one had come to pick up the takeout yet, so he turned to the [Takeout Pick-up Point]. He looked at the order slip tied to the bag, which read in black and white: [Chongqing Chicken Pot] Recipient: Yan Wenbin Phone number: 18657689234

The man in the gray raincoat laughed triumphantly to himself. High school students were so naïve.

While following them, he had overheard the two high schoolers saying they would order Chongqing chicken pot takeout to the hotel front desk. So he had been waiting here and finally got his chance! ——[Yan Wenbin] Name, phone number, school—all known now. The taser in his pocket felt heavy as the man in the gray raincoat left the scene.


 After a while, Xie Shiyu, who had been silently observing everything from the elevator entrance, leisurely walked out and picked up the takeout box, heading upstairs.


 [Ding-dong——] In the room, Chu Feng was drying his hair while looking at his math homework for the night. Hearing the doorbell, he draped the towel around his neck and got up to open the door. Just as he was about to unlock the door, he obediently checked the peephole: Outside stood Xie Shiyu, holding a large bag of takeout.

“You seem to have taken a while,” Chu Feng said as he opened the door to welcome Xie Shiyu. “Did the delivery guy arrive late?”

“Nope.” Xie Shiyu smiled as he set the dinner on the table and took the towel from around Chu Feng’s neck to help him dry his hair.

“So why did it take you so long?” Chu Feng asked, sitting on a chair, his freshly showered neck emitting a fragrant scent of body wash. Unable to resist, Xie Shiyu bent down to kiss Chu Feng’s smooth neck and chuckled softly: “I just watched a good show.”

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The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 111

The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 111

Chapter 111: Extra 11 - The Hotel

Shoutout to nyanmaru for the commission!

<Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>

Summer thunderstorms varied in intensity. 

Seventeen-year-old Chu Feng walked arm in arm with Xie Shiyu, listening to the rain change from a heavy downpour to a light drizzle, pattering on the umbrella like distant drumbeats. 

It was late, and the dark alley was lit by a single dim streetlight, hanging like a hazy moon on the treetop, casting a soft glow on the rain-soaked leaves, giving them a glistening sheen.

 "We're almost there," Xie Shiyu said softly, noticing Chu Feng's shoes splashing in the water. 

Chu Feng didn't mind how far it was; he wished the road could go on longer so he and Xie Shiyu could keep walking together. 

"How about ordering from that Chongqing Chicken Pot place later? It should arrive quickly since it's close to the hotel..." Xie Shiyu chatted casually, but for some reason, Chu Feng felt his voice was slightly louder than usual. 

Seventeen-year-old Chu Feng didn't think much of it and just nodded. 

In the quiet night, rain dripped from the leaves, and Xie Shiyu, holding Chu Feng's hand, glanced back, spotting a shadow following them. The person in a gray raincoat with a low hood, face obscured, appeared to be a man over 1.7 meters tall, middle-aged, trailing them openly, close enough to hear their conversation. 

In the peaceful alley, oblivious Chu Feng looked up, watching raindrops fall from the umbrella's edge, reflecting the streetlight's glow. He heard Xie Shiyu ask him in a very soft tone: "Did you run into our class monitor while picking up the package?" 

Xie Shiyu asked casually, "I saw him stumbling out when I went to find you." 

Thinking of Yan Wenbin, Chu Feng felt annoyed, "I did. Is your class monitor narrow-minded?" 

Xie Shiyu inquired, "Why do you say that?" 

Chu Feng replied, "Maybe because I ignored him today. He pushed me when I opened the door, like a grade-schooler." 

"He pushed you?" Xie Shiyu's voice was very soft, almost inaudible, but Chu Feng suddenly felt a chill, like the cold air from a mortuary freezer. It was probably the cooling weather from the rain, Chu Feng thought, not wanting to make a fuss over Yan Wenbin's childish shove or seem like he was complaining to his boyfriend. 

"I see." Xie Shiyu mumbled as if he had figured it all out. 

Chu Feng asked, "…? What did you say?" 

“Nothing." Xie Shiyu smiled at him, a seemingly sunny and obedient smile: "We're here. Let's go in."

Beep— The keycard unlocked the door, and Xie Shiyu inserted it into the slot, turning on the bright lights. 

The room was clean, with a large bed. 

"I'll order takeout, you go shower first." Xie Shiyu glanced at Chu Feng's rain-splashed pants. He turned on the bathroom light, the white tiles reflecting off the green glass door. 

"You should shower first." Chu Feng familiarly took a dry towel from Xie Shiyu's suitcase, draping it over his head and rubbing it: "It's raining so heavily, and you're soaked..." 

"No worries." Xie Shiyu casually wiped his dripping hair with the towel: "I'll just change my clothes. You go ahead, I don't feel like showering right now." 

Xie Shiyu took off his soaked shirt and pulled out a black T-shirt from his suitcase, slipping it over his head. 

With the fabric temporarily blocking his vision, he heard Chu Feng say: "Actually, we could... shower together." 


Xie Shiyu coughed, his movements exaggerated, nearly tearing the T-shirt at the seams. 

Chu Feng noticed that Xie Shiyu seemed taller now; the once-fitting black T-shirt looked small, the fabric bunching up as he put it on. 

As Xie Shiyu tried to straighten it, Chu Feng stepped closer, fingers brushing his body as he helped smooth out the shirt. 

Xie Shiyu's Adam's apple bobbed, his voice lower: "Don't you have homework tonight?" 

Chu Feng glanced calmly at his digital watch: "A ten-minute delay won't matter." 

"Oh? Underestimating me?" Xie Shiyu scooped Chu Feng into his arms. Chu Feng didn't reject the warm embrace, expecting Xie Shiyu to respond to his teasing soon, thinking their relationship was about to take the final step.

Thinking about this, Chu Feng felt a bit anxious. 

He was actually a little scared. He had a basic understanding of what would happen, but he hadn't really prepared, like facing an exam without studying and feeling panicked.

 ——I have to go to class at six tomorrow morning, I wonder if my waist will hurt… 

Online, some people said it would hurt, that it would be so sore getting out of bed that walking would be difficult. But others said that was just a myth from novels, that it didn’t really hurt much and would be over quickly… 

Lost in thought in Xie Shiyu's arms, Chu Feng's body shifted slightly in unease. Backing out now would seem too cowardly, and Chu Feng didn't want that. Pretending to be calm, he wrapped his arms around Xie Shiyu's waist…

 Suddenly, Chu Feng felt Xie Shiyu's chest vibrate as he laughed. 

Chu Feng asked, “What are you laughing at?” 

Without answering, Xie Shiyu leaned down and playfully bit Chu Feng's earlobe, then let him go: “Go shower quickly. We’ll eat together afterwards.” 

Xie Shiyu shook his phone. “I’ll order takeout and handle something with my boss.” 


The sound of running water came from the bathroom. The atmosphere in the hotel room, previously charged with tension, quietly dissipated. 

Xie Shiyu sat quietly on the sofa, ordering takeout. He could tell that Chu Feng, after a full day of classes, was already a bit tired. Later, he still had homework, and tomorrow he had to get up for class by six. He didn’t have the energy for anything more, even if he liked to tease. 

——Like a kitten seeing fire for the first time, curiously circling it, trying to bat at the sparks with its paws. But if you really put its little paws into the fire, it would definitely cry out in pain. 

[Chicken Pot - Potatoes - Fish Tofu - Baby Cabbage…] 

Xie Shiyu added the items he wanted to the shopping cart, changing the delivery address to the hotel front desk, not revealing their room number. He also changed the recipient's name. But that wasn’t enough. 

Xie Shiyu continued: changing the phone number. 

He calmly opened his phone [Contacts], copied a number, and pasted it. A prompt immediately appeared on the screen: [Changing the phone number will invalidate the current discount voucher, proceed?] 

Boom—— A clap of thunder sounded outside. 

Xie Shiyu casually clicked: [Confirm] 


In the bathroom, behind the green glass door, the shower felt like a warm storm, steam rising. Chu Feng tilted his face up, soaking in the hot rain. 

He heard Xie Shiyu outside, seemingly on the phone with someone, but couldn't make out the words over the water sound. It might be his boss from the part-time job. 

Chu Feng remembered Xie Shiyu mentioning coming to S City for work with the car repair shop boss, possibly reporting on his tasks… 


“Hello, I’m the one who placed the order ending in 9234.” Xie Shiyu reclined on the sofa, calling the delivery driver: “Sorry, my phone died right after placing the order. Could you call this number when you deliver? Yes, just call when you drop it at the front desk. Thanks.” 

Hanging up, Xie Shiyu listened to the water sounds from the bathroom, making sure Chu Feng couldn't hear. 


Fifteen minutes later, when Chu Feng finished his shower, he heard Xie Shiyu's phone ring. 

The delivery driver’s voice came through the speaker: “I’ll be there in a minute, you can come down to get it!” 

Chu Feng said, “That was quick.” 

“We’re close by, just a few steps away.” Xie Shiyu got up, “I’ll go down to get it.” 

“Won’t they deliver it up?” 

“Seems the hotel doesn’t allow it.”

 Chu Feng didn’t think much of it. 

Strangely, before leaving, Xie Shiyu instructed: “Better lock the door, and check it’s me through the peephole before opening.”

 “...Do you think I’m a child?” Seventeen-year-old Chu Feng didn't think much further. Xie Shiyu smiled without explaining, left, and went downstairs. He would be back in two minutes at most, no need to lock the door. But… since Xie Shiyu said so, locking it wouldn’t hurt. 

Chu Feng got up, locked the door, and even fastened the security chain. He looked through the peephole; the hallway, with its dark red carpet, was empty. 


 [Ding, first floor.]

Xie Shiyu casually walked out of the elevator, making his way slowly to the spot behind the potted ficus tree near the elevator door. He was thoroughly familiar with this hotel, both inside and out. From this position, he could observe the entire first-floor lobby, especially the comings and goings at the entrance, without being seen himself.

With just one glance, Xie Shiyu noticed the man who had been following him and Chu Feng. The man was hiding behind a tree at the hotel entrance, thinking he was well-concealed. Wearing a gray raincoat, he kept looking around as if waiting for someone.

Xie Shiyu knew exactly who he was waiting for.

After about ten seconds, a blue electric scooter zipped to a stop at the hotel entrance, and a delivery guy, covered in dust, walked into the lobby. He looked around, quickly placed the takeout on a long table near the entrance, and left. The table had a sign that read: [Takeout Pick-up Point].

The delivery guy left right away, got back on his scooter, and rode off.

The man in the gray raincoat quickly got up and hurried into the hotel lobby. He glanced around and saw that no one had come to pick up the takeout yet, so he turned to the [Takeout Pick-up Point]. He looked at the order slip tied to the bag, which read in black and white: [Chongqing Chicken Pot] Recipient: Yan Wenbin Phone number: 18657689234

The man in the gray raincoat laughed triumphantly to himself. High school students were so naïve.

While following them, he had overheard the two high schoolers saying they would order Chongqing chicken pot takeout to the hotel front desk. So he had been waiting here and finally got his chance! ——[Yan Wenbin] Name, phone number, school—all known now. The taser in his pocket felt heavy as the man in the gray raincoat left the scene.


 After a while, Xie Shiyu, who had been silently observing everything from the elevator entrance, leisurely walked out and picked up the takeout box, heading upstairs.


 [Ding-dong——] In the room, Chu Feng was drying his hair while looking at his math homework for the night. Hearing the doorbell, he draped the towel around his neck and got up to open the door. Just as he was about to unlock the door, he obediently checked the peephole: Outside stood Xie Shiyu, holding a large bag of takeout.

“You seem to have taken a while,” Chu Feng said as he opened the door to welcome Xie Shiyu. “Did the delivery guy arrive late?”

“Nope.” Xie Shiyu smiled as he set the dinner on the table and took the towel from around Chu Feng's neck to help him dry his hair.

“So why did it take you so long?” Chu Feng asked, sitting on a chair, his freshly showered neck emitting a fragrant scent of body wash. Unable to resist, Xie Shiyu bent down to kiss Chu Feng's smooth neck and chuckled softly: “I just watched a good show.”

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