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The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 112

Chapter 112: Extra 12 – Eating Melons

Shoutout to nyanmaru for the commission!

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[Yan Wenbin]

The computer screen emitted a soft blue glow as Chu Feng typed those three characters on the keyboard. His pale neck was wrapped in the silky fabric of his pajamas, still dotted with warm droplets from his recent shower. 

As he focused on the diagram of clues displayed on the screen, he picked up the hairdryer provided in the presidential suite and obediently began to dry his hair. Nearing thirty, he could no longer afford to leave his hair wet like when he was seventeen or eighteen, letting water drip freely without worry of catching a cold. Now, if he didn’t dry his hair properly after washing it, the moisture would seep into his body, and if he got a draft, it would result in at least three days of headache.

When the buzzing of the hairdryer stopped, Chu Feng heard a couple of pings from his computer. WeChat messages from Xie Shiyu popped up on the web version:

[Honey, when are you coming home! /PuppyEyes.gif]

Leaning back in the leather sofa by the floor-to-ceiling window, Chu Feng slowly typed:


Then, mischievously, he added:

[I’m at S City No. 1 High School.]

On the other end, Xie Shiyu, who usually responded instantly, paused for a noticeable moment before replying guiltily:

[What are you doing there…]

Chu Feng responded:

[What do you think? /CatStare.jpg]

Holding his phone and smoking a cigarette, Xie Shiyu sat by the floor-to-ceiling window of his large apartment. He had a bad feeling ever since Chu Feng went back to their high school. Now that Chu Feng had found his way to S City No. 1 High School, it meant he must have discovered some crucial clue.

As smoke rings slowly dissipated into a hazy fog, Xie Shiyu sat in the unlit living room, a single red ember glowing at the end of his cigarette. He smoked silently for a while before suddenly stubbing out the cigarette in the ashtray. When they got married, he had already accepted that one day, Chu Feng would uncover the truth.

Xie Shiyu: [Come back soon.]

Chu Feng: [Okay]

[I’ll bring you some local specialties from S City.]

Xie Shiyu looked at his phone and smiled: [Alright]

Chu Feng continued to refine the diagram of clues he had listed on the computer whiteboard. The death of Lan Qiuyue had hidden secrets, and Xie Shiyu knew what they were. Chu Feng used empty brackets () to represent this hidden secret on the diagram, and then typed inside the brackets:

(Yan Wenbin?)

Lan Qiu Yue had once liked this person but was greatly disappointed in him in the end. In her suicide note posted online, she mentioned him but did not reveal Yan Wenbin’s name or personal details, nor did she punish him. If…

Chu Feng speculated that if Yan Wenbin was indeed related to the hidden secret and Lan Qiuyue wanted to conceal the real cause of her death, she wouldn’t have been able to name and shame Yan Wenbin directly. Therefore, she only hinted at him in her suicide note.

(Yan Wenbin)…

Chu Feng expanded his investigation following Yan Wenbin. Their only connection was the special training at S City No. 1 High School during the summer of their second year. He reexamined the registered mail receipt sent by Lan Qiuyue’s younger brother, Lan Shan. The last recorded delivery date was exactly the day he left for S City. 

Xie Shiyu came to see him off and then called him that same day, claiming that his boss had to go to S City for business, so he was coming along…

There was no way it was just a coincidence.

Chu Feng now realized that Xie Shiyu had likely received Lan Qiuyue’s registered letter on that day. Knowing what Yan Wenbin had done and being aware that Chu Feng would be with Yan Wenbin at S City No. 1 High School, Xie Shiyu was worried. So, he immediately bought a ticket to follow Chu Feng, making up the story about his boss having business in S City.

—Xie Shiyu even booked a hotel near S City No. 1 High School, keeping an eye on his movements every day.

Chu Feng pondered carefully. Although Xie Shiyu indeed had an extremely possessive side, he had strong self-control and could restrain his controlling desires. Over the years, Xie Shiyu had never stalked him, restricted his actions, or tried to completely control his whereabouts. 

But at 17, Xie Shiyu had gone to such lengths. This could only indicate that there was indeed a significant danger at that time. If Xie Shiyu hadn’t monitored his movements constantly, it might have led to very bad consequences.

Chu Feng continued to recall. The only connection he could think of with Yan Wenbin was when he went to pick up a package. Yan Wenbin had inexplicably pushed him, then ran away in a panic. At the time, he thought Yan Wenbin was just acting like a kid, but looking back, it felt off.

If Yan Wenbin wanted to play a prank or retaliate because Chu Feng ignored him, there were many other opportunities at school. Moreover, pushing him like that only made him stagger a few steps without any real harm.

Chu Feng’s thoughts paused. What if, at that time, there was indeed a real danger?

Otherwise, it couldn’t explain why Yan Wenbin ran away so frantically after pushing him. Usually, someone who successfully pulls a prank would stay to mock or laugh.

Also, when he went to pick up the package, Xie Shiyu had called him.

That call wasn’t a coincidence. Chu Feng now realized what he had found odd back then. Xie Shiyu had chatted leisurely, subtly indicating that he was outside waiting for him. 

But when Chu Feng finished picking up the package and went out, he saw Xie Shiyu arriving, drenched in rain from running. He clearly hadn’t been outside waiting all along.

Chu Feng thought about how some girls, when walking alone at night, would deliberately call friends or family. This could deter potential criminals: if they made a move and the call was abruptly cut off, the person on the other end would immediately sense something was wrong.

So… back then, Xie Shiyu must have been watching all his movements from the hotel near the school. When he saw Chu Feng heading towards the delivery point where Yan Wenbin was, he got worried and rushed over.

Even if he hadn’t reached Chu Feng yet, he first called him, claiming he was already outside.

—If nothing had happened at that delivery point, Xie Shiyu would have just gotten soaked. But if something had happened, that call could have been life-saving.

Judging by Yan Wenbin’s reaction, Chu Feng was sure something must have happened in the underground garage when he went to get the package. He pulled up the map of S City No. 1 High School. Although 13 years had passed and he couldn’t remember the name of the delivery point, he roughly knew its location.

Soon, Chu Feng identified the place: [Xinjiang garden]

“Thirteen years ago, Xinjiang Garden… Ah, yes, there was indeed a murder case.”

Chu Feng leveraged his connections and called the S City criminal police, asking if any incident had occurred there back then.

“…A murder case?” Chu Feng asked, “Can you tell me what kind of case it was?”

“Well, it’s been many years, and the culprit is dead. I can tell you, but please don’t disclose it to the media.”

Chu Feng replied, “Of course.”

“It was a series of rape and murder cases. A female resident of Xinjiang Garden went missing, and her car was gone too. The building wasn’t completed at the time, and the surveillance cameras were not operational, so nobody knew where she went. “The victim had been divorced for many years, her son lived and worked in the US, and she lived alone for years. A neighbor reported her missing, and it was initially classified as a missing person case. Two months later, her car was found in Lake Luolian. “Three bodies were discovered in the car: two men and one woman. Initially, it was thought to be a drowning murder case, but semen from one of the male corpses was found in the female victim.”

Chu Feng asked, “…So the perpetrator and the victim were both dead?”

“Yes, and over the next month, five more female bodies were found in Lake Luolian. The murders were carried out in the same manner. The bodies were bound at the hands and feet, with cling film wrapped around their faces, showing signs of sexual assault. However, all were clothed and had no semen in them, suggesting the perpetrator might have cleaned them. “The only exception was the female body from Xinjiang Garden. She was strangled to death and seemed to have fought back against the perpetrator, as there was a stab wound on her left abdomen, and the perpetrator had a cut on his left arm. The car was found with a lot of blood. “At the time of death, the perpetrator hadn’t dressed her or cleaned the scene. It’s unclear if there wasn’t enough time or if there was another reason.”

Chu Feng inquired, “You mentioned two male bodies. Were there two perpetrators?”

“We’re not sure. The semen matched only one person. The one it matched had a more gruesome death, likely tortured before he died, while the other had his neck snapped, dying instantly.”

Chu Feng repeated, “His neck… snapped?”

“Yes, it was twisted instantly. The strength required to snap an adult male’s neck like that is exceptional. Back then, we suspected it might have been a male relative of the female victim who sought revenge, killing both the serial rapist and his accomplice, possibly a lookout. “However, we couldn’t identify anyone with such strength among the suspects, and the female victims were mostly solitary or runaway girls. No male relatives visited S City after the incidents. After a long period without new leads, the case… was concluded. We also didn’t make this public.”

Chu Feng expressed his gratitude, “Could you tell me the estimated time of death for the female victim from Xinjiang Garden?”

“By the time the bodies were found, they had been in the water for some time, making precise estimates difficult. Roughly… early July.”

—Exactly when Chu Feng began his training at S City No. 1 High School.

Chu Feng hung up the phone, now understanding what had happened back then. While picking up his package, Yan Wenbin likely witnessed the murder of the female resident in the underground garage and, fearing retribution from the killer, used Chu Feng as a scapegoat.

Chu Feng felt a chill down his spine. Back then, he hadn’t noticed any of this. If Xie Shiyu hadn’t called and rushed over that day, he might have ended up dead, with his body dumped in the cold waters of Lake Luolian.

Knowing the truth behind everything, Chu Feng now felt an intense aversion to the name Yan Wenbin. He decided to investigate where Yan Wenbin was employed and ruin his career and life. “Can I get Yan Wenbin’s student records?” Chu Feng asked the principal of B City No. 2 High School over the phone. The principal, eager to assist President Chu, promptly sent over the file: “Yan Wenbin was in the same class as CEO Xie and was even the class monitor. But he transferred schools at the start of senior year, citing illness or something…”

After sending the file, the school was unaware of his subsequent whereabouts.

Chu Feng frowned. He remembered that Yan Wenbin had taken a long sick leave during the summer training and hardly attended. Chu Feng had been focused on his studies and didn’t track Yan Wenbin’s movements.

Taking such a valuable summer training session off and then transferring after summer break seemed odd.

Chu Feng made a few calls and used his connections to contact the household registry center in B City. Eventually, he found Yan Wenbin.

“The person you’re looking for… is currently in a hospital, long-term hospitalization.” Chu Feng asked, “…Hospital?”

“Yes, in the psychiatric department. Apparently, he was in a car accident 13 years ago, broke his legs, and developed some mental issues.” Chu Feng found it odd. Breaking legs in a car accident was understandable, but why would it affect his mental state?

He checked the hospital where Yan Wenbin was admitted: B City First Hospital, where his grandfather happened to be the director. Chu Feng easily accessed Yan Wenbin’s medical records, and the attending physician personally called to explain: “This person was in a car accident 13 years ago and had both legs amputated. Initially, his condition was stable, and his family even sought substantial compensation from the car owner. But later, he became terrified at the sight of cars, his mental state deteriorated, and he often muttered things like, ‘Don’t come for me…’.”

“Don’t come for me…” Could he be referring to the serial rapist and murderer?

Chu Feng pondered. But back then, Yan Wenbin had pushed him out; the murderer should have seen him instead. How could the murderer find Yan Wenbin without knowing his name or contact information?

Chu Feng paused, then quickly thought of Xie Shiyu. Even at seven, this guy knew how to use others to achieve his goals. Although Chu Feng didn’t know what methods Xie Shiyu had used, it was highly likely that the 17-year-old Xie Shiyu had somehow leaked Yan Wenbin’s information to the murderer.

The murderer probably sought out Yan Wenbin to silence him. Even if he realized Yan Wenbin wasn’t the person he saw that day, he wouldn’t let him go after already finding him; it would be too risky to release him.

Chu Feng discovered the location of Yan Wenbin’s car accident: Fenghua Road. While searching the map, he contacted the S City traffic police to inquire about the detailed investigation records of the car accident from 13 years ago.

“Yes, we have it. The main controversy was why the person suddenly rushed into the middle of the road…”

As Chu Feng listened, he scrutinized the map and soon noticed that Fenghua Road led from S City No. 1 High School to Lake Luolian. It seemed Yan Wenbin had indeed been tracked down by the murderer.

The murderer likely caught Yan Wenbin near the school, intending to take him to Lake Luolian to kill him. But realizing Yan Wenbin wasn’t the person he saw that day, killing a student might draw police attention. So, the murderer pushed Yan Wenbin onto the road, where a vehicle couldn’t brake in time and hit him.

Afterward, the driver expressed confusion, saying Yan Wenbin suddenly dashed onto the road as if deliberately seeking to get hit, resembling a traffic scam. The incident turned into an unfortunate accident, and the driver shouldn’t bear the main responsibility.

Chu Feng reasoned that Yan Wenbin, knowing that disclosing information about the murderer or witnessing the crime wouldn’t benefit him, chose to extort as much compensation as possible from the driver.

So, Yan Wenbin claimed he was rushing home, felt dizzy that day, and while crossing the road quickly, the driver suddenly hit him.

Interestingly, Chu Feng continued investigating and found that the car involved in the accident belonged to Duan Yanfeng, the school bully at No. 1 High School. Duan had lent the car to a friend, who then hit Yan Wenbin.

Initially, this seemed like a straightforward case. But after the accident, an anonymous online post accused Duan Yanfeng of deliberately hitting someone from another school, causing severe injury, and then finding a friend to take the blame.

The anonymous post lacked evidence of Duan driving, but it cleverly highlighted public outrage points, showing evidence of Duan’s bullying and previous incidents where he broke someone’s ribs and got away lightly due to his powerful family background, inciting widespread indignation.

Some students from S City No. 1 High School also testified that Duan had indeed broken someone’s ribs and behaved arrogantly, and that his family was influential.

Soon, the news spread online, evolving into: “S City official’s son, Duan, hit and run, paid off a scapegoat?!”

Such news quickly angered the public, who started digging into Duan’s family background. Given the uncommon surname, it wasn’t long before his father’s official position was exposed… Chu Feng hissed, feeling a sense of déjà vu with this kind of news.

He thought for a moment and then quietly opened Xie Shiyu’s personal Weibo account, which he used before his verified account as CEO Xie. Although Xie Shiyu rarely posted, Chu Feng scrolled back 13 years and found a repost: “[S City aristocrat’s son, Duan, deliberately hits and runs, pays off a scapegoat, and the police help cover it up?!]” Seventeen-year-old Xie Shiyu had posted two emojis: /eating melon, /eating melon. Weibo footer: From: Excited Android.

Chu Feng: …

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The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 112

The Entire City Is My Husband Chapter 112

Chapter 112: Extra 12 - Eating Melons

Shoutout to nyanmaru for the commission!

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[Yan Wenbin]

The computer screen emitted a soft blue glow as Chu Feng typed those three characters on the keyboard. His pale neck was wrapped in the silky fabric of his pajamas, still dotted with warm droplets from his recent shower. 

As he focused on the diagram of clues displayed on the screen, he picked up the hairdryer provided in the presidential suite and obediently began to dry his hair. Nearing thirty, he could no longer afford to leave his hair wet like when he was seventeen or eighteen, letting water drip freely without worry of catching a cold. Now, if he didn't dry his hair properly after washing it, the moisture would seep into his body, and if he got a draft, it would result in at least three days of headache.

When the buzzing of the hairdryer stopped, Chu Feng heard a couple of pings from his computer. WeChat messages from Xie Shiyu popped up on the web version:

[Honey, when are you coming home! /PuppyEyes.gif]

Leaning back in the leather sofa by the floor-to-ceiling window, Chu Feng slowly typed:


Then, mischievously, he added:

[I'm at S City No. 1 High School.]

On the other end, Xie Shiyu, who usually responded instantly, paused for a noticeable moment before replying guiltily:

[What are you doing there...]

Chu Feng responded:

[What do you think? /CatStare.jpg]

Holding his phone and smoking a cigarette, Xie Shiyu sat by the floor-to-ceiling window of his large apartment. He had a bad feeling ever since Chu Feng went back to their high school. Now that Chu Feng had found his way to S City No. 1 High School, it meant he must have discovered some crucial clue.

As smoke rings slowly dissipated into a hazy fog, Xie Shiyu sat in the unlit living room, a single red ember glowing at the end of his cigarette. He smoked silently for a while before suddenly stubbing out the cigarette in the ashtray. When they got married, he had already accepted that one day, Chu Feng would uncover the truth.

Xie Shiyu: [Come back soon.]

Chu Feng: [Okay]

[I'll bring you some local specialties from S City.]

Xie Shiyu looked at his phone and smiled: [Alright]

Chu Feng continued to refine the diagram of clues he had listed on the computer whiteboard. The death of Lan Qiuyue had hidden secrets, and Xie Shiyu knew what they were. Chu Feng used empty brackets () to represent this hidden secret on the diagram, and then typed inside the brackets:

(Yan Wenbin?)

Lan Qiu Yue had once liked this person but was greatly disappointed in him in the end. In her suicide note posted online, she mentioned him but did not reveal Yan Wenbin's name or personal details, nor did she punish him. If...

Chu Feng speculated that if Yan Wenbin was indeed related to the hidden secret and Lan Qiuyue wanted to conceal the real cause of her death, she wouldn't have been able to name and shame Yan Wenbin directly. Therefore, she only hinted at him in her suicide note.

(Yan Wenbin)...

Chu Feng expanded his investigation following Yan Wenbin. Their only connection was the special training at S City No. 1 High School during the summer of their second year. He reexamined the registered mail receipt sent by Lan Qiuyue's younger brother, Lan Shan. The last recorded delivery date was exactly the day he left for S City. 

Xie Shiyu came to see him off and then called him that same day, claiming that his boss had to go to S City for business, so he was coming along...

There was no way it was just a coincidence.

Chu Feng now realized that Xie Shiyu had likely received Lan Qiuyue's registered letter on that day. Knowing what Yan Wenbin had done and being aware that Chu Feng would be with Yan Wenbin at S City No. 1 High School, Xie Shiyu was worried. So, he immediately bought a ticket to follow Chu Feng, making up the story about his boss having business in S City.

—Xie Shiyu even booked a hotel near S City No. 1 High School, keeping an eye on his movements every day.

Chu Feng pondered carefully. Although Xie Shiyu indeed had an extremely possessive side, he had strong self-control and could restrain his controlling desires. Over the years, Xie Shiyu had never stalked him, restricted his actions, or tried to completely control his whereabouts. 

But at 17, Xie Shiyu had gone to such lengths. This could only indicate that there was indeed a significant danger at that time. If Xie Shiyu hadn't monitored his movements constantly, it might have led to very bad consequences.

Chu Feng continued to recall. The only connection he could think of with Yan Wenbin was when he went to pick up a package. Yan Wenbin had inexplicably pushed him, then ran away in a panic. At the time, he thought Yan Wenbin was just acting like a kid, but looking back, it felt off.

If Yan Wenbin wanted to play a prank or retaliate because Chu Feng ignored him, there were many other opportunities at school. Moreover, pushing him like that only made him stagger a few steps without any real harm.

Chu Feng's thoughts paused. What if, at that time, there was indeed a real danger?

Otherwise, it couldn't explain why Yan Wenbin ran away so frantically after pushing him. Usually, someone who successfully pulls a prank would stay to mock or laugh.

Also, when he went to pick up the package, Xie Shiyu had called him.

That call wasn’t a coincidence. Chu Feng now realized what he had found odd back then. Xie Shiyu had chatted leisurely, subtly indicating that he was outside waiting for him. 

But when Chu Feng finished picking up the package and went out, he saw Xie Shiyu arriving, drenched in rain from running. He clearly hadn’t been outside waiting all along.

Chu Feng thought about how some girls, when walking alone at night, would deliberately call friends or family. This could deter potential criminals: if they made a move and the call was abruptly cut off, the person on the other end would immediately sense something was wrong.

So... back then, Xie Shiyu must have been watching all his movements from the hotel near the school. When he saw Chu Feng heading towards the delivery point where Yan Wenbin was, he got worried and rushed over.

Even if he hadn’t reached Chu Feng yet, he first called him, claiming he was already outside.

—If nothing had happened at that delivery point, Xie Shiyu would have just gotten soaked. But if something had happened, that call could have been life-saving.

Judging by Yan Wenbin’s reaction, Chu Feng was sure something must have happened in the underground garage when he went to get the package. He pulled up the map of S City No. 1 High School. Although 13 years had passed and he couldn't remember the name of the delivery point, he roughly knew its location.

Soon, Chu Feng identified the place: [Xinjiang garden]

"Thirteen years ago, Xinjiang Garden… Ah, yes, there was indeed a murder case."

Chu Feng leveraged his connections and called the S City criminal police, asking if any incident had occurred there back then.

"...A murder case?" Chu Feng asked, "Can you tell me what kind of case it was?"

"Well, it's been many years, and the culprit is dead. I can tell you, but please don't disclose it to the media."

Chu Feng replied, "Of course."

"It was a series of rape and murder cases. A female resident of Xinjiang Garden went missing, and her car was gone too. The building wasn't completed at the time, and the surveillance cameras were not operational, so nobody knew where she went. "The victim had been divorced for many years, her son lived and worked in the US, and she lived alone for years. A neighbor reported her missing, and it was initially classified as a missing person case. Two months later, her car was found in Lake Luolian. "Three bodies were discovered in the car: two men and one woman. Initially, it was thought to be a drowning murder case, but semen from one of the male corpses was found in the female victim."

Chu Feng asked, "...So the perpetrator and the victim were both dead?"

"Yes, and over the next month, five more female bodies were found in Lake Luolian. The murders were carried out in the same manner. The bodies were bound at the hands and feet, with cling film wrapped around their faces, showing signs of sexual assault. However, all were clothed and had no semen in them, suggesting the perpetrator might have cleaned them. "The only exception was the female body from Xinjiang Garden. She was strangled to death and seemed to have fought back against the perpetrator, as there was a stab wound on her left abdomen, and the perpetrator had a cut on his left arm. The car was found with a lot of blood. "At the time of death, the perpetrator hadn't dressed her or cleaned the scene. It's unclear if there wasn’t enough time or if there was another reason."

Chu Feng inquired, "You mentioned two male bodies. Were there two perpetrators?"

"We're not sure. The semen matched only one person. The one it matched had a more gruesome death, likely tortured before he died, while the other had his neck snapped, dying instantly."

Chu Feng repeated, "His neck... snapped?"

"Yes, it was twisted instantly. The strength required to snap an adult male's neck like that is exceptional. Back then, we suspected it might have been a male relative of the female victim who sought revenge, killing both the serial rapist and his accomplice, possibly a lookout. "However, we couldn't identify anyone with such strength among the suspects, and the female victims were mostly solitary or runaway girls. No male relatives visited S City after the incidents. After a long period without new leads, the case... was concluded. We also didn't make this public."

Chu Feng expressed his gratitude, "Could you tell me the estimated time of death for the female victim from Xinjiang Garden?"

"By the time the bodies were found, they had been in the water for some time, making precise estimates difficult. Roughly... early July."

—Exactly when Chu Feng began his training at S City No. 1 High School.

Chu Feng hung up the phone, now understanding what had happened back then. While picking up his package, Yan Wenbin likely witnessed the murder of the female resident in the underground garage and, fearing retribution from the killer, used Chu Feng as a scapegoat.

Chu Feng felt a chill down his spine. Back then, he hadn't noticed any of this. If Xie Shiyu hadn't called and rushed over that day, he might have ended up dead, with his body dumped in the cold waters of Lake Luolian.

Knowing the truth behind everything, Chu Feng now felt an intense aversion to the name Yan Wenbin. He decided to investigate where Yan Wenbin was employed and ruin his career and life. "Can I get Yan Wenbin’s student records?" Chu Feng asked the principal of B City No. 2 High School over the phone. The principal, eager to assist President Chu, promptly sent over the file: "Yan Wenbin was in the same class as CEO Xie and was even the class monitor. But he transferred schools at the start of senior year, citing illness or something…"

After sending the file, the school was unaware of his subsequent whereabouts.

Chu Feng frowned. He remembered that Yan Wenbin had taken a long sick leave during the summer training and hardly attended. Chu Feng had been focused on his studies and didn’t track Yan Wenbin’s movements.

Taking such a valuable summer training session off and then transferring after summer break seemed odd.

Chu Feng made a few calls and used his connections to contact the household registry center in B City. Eventually, he found Yan Wenbin.

"The person you're looking for... is currently in a hospital, long-term hospitalization." Chu Feng asked, "...Hospital?"

"Yes, in the psychiatric department. Apparently, he was in a car accident 13 years ago, broke his legs, and developed some mental issues." Chu Feng found it odd. Breaking legs in a car accident was understandable, but why would it affect his mental state?

He checked the hospital where Yan Wenbin was admitted: B City First Hospital, where his grandfather happened to be the director. Chu Feng easily accessed Yan Wenbin's medical records, and the attending physician personally called to explain: "This person was in a car accident 13 years ago and had both legs amputated. Initially, his condition was stable, and his family even sought substantial compensation from the car owner. But later, he became terrified at the sight of cars, his mental state deteriorated, and he often muttered things like, 'Don't come for me…'."

"Don't come for me…" Could he be referring to the serial rapist and murderer?

Chu Feng pondered. But back then, Yan Wenbin had pushed him out; the murderer should have seen him instead. How could the murderer find Yan Wenbin without knowing his name or contact information?

Chu Feng paused, then quickly thought of Xie Shiyu. Even at seven, this guy knew how to use others to achieve his goals. Although Chu Feng didn’t know what methods Xie Shiyu had used, it was highly likely that the 17-year-old Xie Shiyu had somehow leaked Yan Wenbin’s information to the murderer.

The murderer probably sought out Yan Wenbin to silence him. Even if he realized Yan Wenbin wasn’t the person he saw that day, he wouldn’t let him go after already finding him; it would be too risky to release him.

Chu Feng discovered the location of Yan Wenbin’s car accident: Fenghua Road. While searching the map, he contacted the S City traffic police to inquire about the detailed investigation records of the car accident from 13 years ago.

"Yes, we have it. The main controversy was why the person suddenly rushed into the middle of the road…"

As Chu Feng listened, he scrutinized the map and soon noticed that Fenghua Road led from S City No. 1 High School to Lake Luolian. It seemed Yan Wenbin had indeed been tracked down by the murderer.

The murderer likely caught Yan Wenbin near the school, intending to take him to Lake Luolian to kill him. But realizing Yan Wenbin wasn’t the person he saw that day, killing a student might draw police attention. So, the murderer pushed Yan Wenbin onto the road, where a vehicle couldn’t brake in time and hit him.

Afterward, the driver expressed confusion, saying Yan Wenbin suddenly dashed onto the road as if deliberately seeking to get hit, resembling a traffic scam. The incident turned into an unfortunate accident, and the driver shouldn’t bear the main responsibility.

Chu Feng reasoned that Yan Wenbin, knowing that disclosing information about the murderer or witnessing the crime wouldn’t benefit him, chose to extort as much compensation as possible from the driver.

So, Yan Wenbin claimed he was rushing home, felt dizzy that day, and while crossing the road quickly, the driver suddenly hit him.

Interestingly, Chu Feng continued investigating and found that the car involved in the accident belonged to Duan Yanfeng, the school bully at No. 1 High School. Duan had lent the car to a friend, who then hit Yan Wenbin.

Initially, this seemed like a straightforward case. But after the accident, an anonymous online post accused Duan Yanfeng of deliberately hitting someone from another school, causing severe injury, and then finding a friend to take the blame.

The anonymous post lacked evidence of Duan driving, but it cleverly highlighted public outrage points, showing evidence of Duan's bullying and previous incidents where he broke someone's ribs and got away lightly due to his powerful family background, inciting widespread indignation.

Some students from S City No. 1 High School also testified that Duan had indeed broken someone's ribs and behaved arrogantly, and that his family was influential.

Soon, the news spread online, evolving into: "S City official's son, Duan, hit and run, paid off a scapegoat?!"

Such news quickly angered the public, who started digging into Duan’s family background. Given the uncommon surname, it wasn’t long before his father's official position was exposed... Chu Feng hissed, feeling a sense of déjà vu with this kind of news.

He thought for a moment and then quietly opened Xie Shiyu’s personal Weibo account, which he used before his verified account as CEO Xie. Although Xie Shiyu rarely posted, Chu Feng scrolled back 13 years and found a repost: "[S City aristocrat’s son, Duan, deliberately hits and runs, pays off a scapegoat, and the police help cover it up?!]" Seventeen-year-old Xie Shiyu had posted two emojis: /eating melon, /eating melon. Weibo footer: From: Excited Android.

Chu Feng: ...

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