After Transmigrating into a Book, I Became the Strongest Omega Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Lunatic

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When people from the two empires joined together, the scale of this landing team was enormous. Dong Du mingled in the crowd, all of them wearing helmets. His figure appeared particularly petite among the alpha, almost completely concealed.

However, he still felt someone was watching him. His gaze scanned around, but he didn’t find anyone suspicious. Novisane, who was most likely to pose a threat, was standing in the front row, staring at his candy with droopy eyelids.

Perhaps he was overly suspicious. Blame it on Zhu Di saying that Novisane was looking for him. Dong Du muttered quietly.

This landing had assigned tasks for each team. Dong Du followed Hanchester, Han Lin, and Xue Nancheng’s team, joining forces with General Tang Wencen of the Yars Empire. Their mission was to explore the deepest layers of the land.

Upon landing, the soldiers from the Yars Empire all removed their helmets. If Clos’s side didn’t do the same, it would seem especially strange. Therefore, Hanchester took off his helmet first and then said to Dong Du, who hadn’t removed his helmet yet, “Go to General Zhu’s side. We don’t need too many people here, and there’s no difficulty in exploration on the land where no life has been found.”

Dong Du knew he had to go because Tang Wencen had seen him. Without saying anything, he just nodded and left. After a few corners, Dong Du met up with Zhu Di.

In Zhu Di’s team, besides him, almost no one had combat capabilities. They were all top-notch researchers, including Dr. Xu Yiling, often mentioned by Gneville. Dong Du initially thought this doctor would be an old, serious lady with white hair, but she turned out to be young and an omega.

Dr. Xu Yiling had a tall beta assistant named Cui Ningfang, who carried a dark instrument on his back, occasionally making a dripping sound. The assistant, Cui Ningfang, had been working with Dr. Xu Yiling for many years.

Zhu Di just glanced at Dong Du indifferently and said, “Follow us.”

Dong Du put away his helmet, lifted his hand to tidy his hair that was stuck together. “Where are you guys going?”

“To the nest.”

Dong Du didn’t expect Xu Yiling to talk to him. He looked at her in surprise, “Where?”

“Right there, where there might still be live bugs.” Xu Yiling smiled at Dong Du. “You probably didn’t finish reading the last sample report. Some of the research results are classified as Level 10 Confidential.”

“You telling me now is fine?” Dong Du scratched his head.

“If you’re going with us, being confused won’t help with the mission.” Xu Yiling held a pen, circling it skillfully on her fingertips. “Gneville said you’re good at fighting. After we get to the nest, just follow her.”

Zhu Di didn’t voice any objections, but Gneville stomped her foot. She was completely covered in protective gear, making Dong Du not recognize her earlier. She raised her hands slightly to prevent her gloves from slipping and complained, “Although the Little Prince is indeed good at fighting, he’s really dull, and very naive. He’ll probably get in the way during sample collection.”

Suddenly being criticized, Dong Du exclaimed, “I won’t!”

Gneville already treated him like a close friend, nudging him with her shoulder, “Let him follow the General. The General isn’t afraid of trouble.”

“Hey!” Dong Du was annoyed, “I’m not trouble.”

But nobody paid attention to his defense. Zhu Di even nodded, saying to Dong Du, “Just follow me.”

Dong Du, “…”

Fine, it’s not like I can’t.

Upon arriving at the nest, the originally bustling team gradually quieted down. Gneville skillfully collected samples, while Xu Yiling and her beta assistant conducted tests with instruments. Dong Du walked at the forefront with Zhu Di, ensuring safety.

The nest, from a distance, looked like some regular caves. However, as they got closer, Dong Du discovered that these caves were all constructed with something similar to spider silk, and all of them were built on human structures.

The buildings were modern, just like those in the post-apocalyptic world.

Dong Du kept his fingers on his long package. “There are clearly human structures here, but there’s not a single person.”

Zhu Di glanced down at him. “This seems to be an invasion. Humans were expelled or took refuge voluntarily.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Yiling behind them gasped.

Zhu Di and Dong Du quickly approached her. “What’s wrong?”

“There are life signs. There are creatures in the nest.” Xu Yiling lowered her voice, “But their life signs are not normal; they should be very weak.”

“Is there a possibility that they woke up?” Zhu Di distributed electric guns to the other three and looked at Xu Yiling inquiringly.

“It cannot be determined. I called them insects because the last mucous sample contained genes similar to beetles, but it’s not certain if they are insects.” Xu Yiling took a deep breath. “Now is a good time to study them. I suggest moving forward.”

Zhu Di nodded. The group gathered around Cui Ningfang, watching the data displayed by the instrument.

Dong Du couldn’t understand anything, but luckily, Xu Yiling explained softly, “So many nests, most of them show life signs, but strangely, their heart rates are very consistent, even their degree of weakness is the same.”

“Do they share one heart?” Dong Du asked in confusion.

“There’s a change.” Xu Yiling said, “Detected a different frequency, probably another insect…”

Before she could finish, Zhu Di pushed her away. In her place, a smooth and hard beetle leg replaced her.

The leg had spikes on it, and where it stepped, the ground cracked wide open.

“It really is an insect.” Xu Yiling said, “An arthropod.”

“Even in a different world, things are still unsettled!” Dong Du tightened his long package, expressing concern. “Will we have enough to eat in the future?”

“Probably not.” Cui Ningfang, who was hiding behind Dong Du, winked at him. “Your Highness, I beg for protection.”

Dong Du said, “Don’t do this; I like girls.”

Cui Ningfang, holding the instrument, exclaimed in confusion. Then, Dongdu quickly pulled Gneville and looked at him, saying, “Run with me.” 

Cui Ningfang scanned the surroundings and only then realized that within the nest, unexpectedly several bugs woke up.

Dong Du, Gneville, and Cui Ningfang stood together with Zhu Di, and he adjusted his long package in front of him. He said to Zhu Di, “Later, you lead, I’ll be at the rear. The three of them can go in the middle, okay?”

Facing these arthropod beetles that were almost as tall as two people, whether front or rear, they had to confront them.

Zhu Di nodded, “Stay safe.”

With obstacles in front and potential trouble from behind, the group moved slowly. Strangely, the bugs didn’t attack; they only made hissing sounds, intimidating but not engaging. The hard insect legs made a clanging noise as they rubbed against the ground.

“They are waiting for instructions, or rather, there are no bugs giving them instructions,” Xu Yiling recorded data continuously from the instruments. She said, “We can speed up. They probably won’t leave the nest. The upper layers of the nest, the entrances, are sealed. Inside, there must be larvae. Their function is likely to be guards, prioritizing the safety of the larvae over attacking.”

“Let’s leave the nest first. Cui Ningfang, pack up the testing equipment,” Zhu Di pointed his energy gun at the ground. “Safety is more important.”

Dong Du, holding his long package, breathed a sigh of relief. Dealing with such large bugs was quite stressful.

They smoothly reached the edge of the nest, and just as they sighed in relief, a loud noise came from the center of the land, where Hanchester and his team were exploring. The already dilapidated church collapsed!

Several bugs following them went crazy and rushed towards the collapsing structure. The sharp screeching sounds made people want to vomit.

“Send them back to the patrol ship,” Zhu Di urgently said to Dong Du.

After saying this, he chased after those bugs.

Dong Du didn’t know if he could handle such large bugs, but he couldn’t abandon the remaining three people. He could only follow Zhu Di’s instructions and lead the three towards the flying ship. To return to the patrol ship, they needed to take the flying ship.

Although they didn’t encounter any danger on the way, the ground kept vibrating in waves. With such a disturbance, it was clear that a battle was happening over there.

“Will they be okay?” Gneville had removed her protective gear, showing a face full of concern, frequently looking towards the center of the land.

“They’ll be fine,” Dong Du said. “The three of you quickly return to the patrol ship. I’ll go check the situation over there.”

“We should indeed leave quickly. People like us three would only be a burden to the team in such situations of unknown events. Research can’t continue, and the best we can do is not to cause trouble.” Xu Yiling held Cui Ningfang’s hand, smiling at Gneville. “Gneville, can we speed up?”

“Of course, Doctor!” Gneville’s expression was determined. “Your Highness, let’s go quickly.”

This must be the power of an idol. Dong Du sniffed and followed the few people in front, but after walking a few steps, he gradually slowed down. “Doctor, we’ve been walking for so long, and we haven’t seen a single soldier from Yars. Don’t you find it strange?”

“Not finding it strange would be the truly strange thing.” Xu Yiling kept walking. “This land is within Yars’ space territory, and Novisane is not a philanthropist. If he opens up to us, there must be calculations.”

Dong Du thought it made sense. That guy had probably explored this land with Yars soldiers a long time ago. The incident at the center of the land, who knows if he orchestrated it, targeting Zhu Di? Or was it to weaken Clos’s strength?

Without Zhu Di, the Clos Empire would be in a tough spot.

He analyzed Novisane’s motives randomly in his mind and walked to the flying ship parking area. However, he saw the person he was thinking about standing there with arms crossed, looking at him. “Caught you, little peach. Why didn’t you reply to my messages?”

Oh, it turns out he misunderstood Chu Xuhuan at the beginning. 

So, the message saying, “I found you,” was sent by this lunatic.

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