Let Go of that Shou Chapter 40

Chapter 40 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents> At dawn the next day, the caravan came to a halt once again. You Mengzhe, still half-asleep, held the young prince, Li Xin, in his arms and looked outside. He saw soldiers along the road pausing with their spears, indicating an unplanned stop. Yu Changqing got down from the … Read more

Let Go of that Shou Chapter 39

Chapter 39 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> The next day, outside Wu Liu Street: “I only have one son,” Yu Wenhong said to the old man selling porridge, “He’s like my heart.” The old man ladled porridge from his cart and nodded, “I feel the same. My wife gave birth to a son for me. … Read more

Let Go of that Shou Chapter 37

Chapter 37 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> On the seventh day of December, in Qinzhou, chaos reigned on the official road. Refugees formed long lines, pushing and shoving each other. It was dimly lit as the light snow covered the mountains and rivers, turning everything into a silvery white. “The barbarians are coming—” “Everyone run—” … Read more

Let Go of that Shou Chapter 36

Chapter 36 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> You Mengzhe exclaimed, “What’s going on??!!!” Medicine Mother was also very confused. The four womens came over to inspect the two bowls. Gu Mother asked, “Are you sure one of these two people is your father?” You Mengzhe said, “I was extremely, absolutely sure!” His eyes were full … Read more

Let Go of that Shou Chapter 35

Chapter 35 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> During the night: You Mengzhe sat on the bed, holding the urn of ashes, lost in thought. Yu Wenhong sat beside him, silent, only watching him. He tenderly touched You Mengzhe’s head, took the urn from his embrace, and said, “Go to sleep. Things will be better when … Read more

Let Go of that Shou Chapter 34

Chapter 34 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter>  “Last night, at the third watch of the night,” someone rubbed their neck and complained, “Who was making such a racket with drums and gongs, disturbing our sleep?” “Yeah, that’s right,” several others agreed as they stepped onto the gangplank, “Couldn’t get a wink of sleep all night.” … Read more

Let Go of that Shou Chapter 33

Chapter 33 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> At the breakfast stall: “You could at least say something,” You Mengzhe said. Yu Wenhong, holding a chopstick, replied, “You told me not to talk.” “Now you can,” You Mengzhe insisted. Yu Wenhong pondered for a moment before saying, “There’s a spring in Canghai Sect that can determine … Read more

Let Go of that Shou Chapter 32

Chapter 32 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> The rain subsided somewhat as You Mengzhe and Yu Wenhong walked through the pitch-black night, carrying the door panel. You Mengzhe didn’t mention their destination, and Yu Wenhong didn’t ask. He simply followed along. As You Mengzhe was drenched from the rain, Sun Bin’s puzzling behavior finally made … Read more

Let Go of that Shou Chapter 30

Chapter 30 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> So the farce came to naught. Yu Wenhong brought the package inside and looked around. You Mengzhe asked him to sit by the couch and took a round stool to sit in front of him, saying, “You weren’t here during these times, so I went to the capital.” … Read more

Let Go of that Shou Chapter 26

Chapter 26 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> You Mengzhe: “…” The man squinted his eyes, sizing up You Mengzhe. His voice carried a soft magnetism, “Son, you seem to have grown taller.” You Mengzhe: “Dad?” You Gutian took off his hat, scrutinizing him in the moonlight. You Mengzhe took a step forward, as if wanting … Read more

Let Go of that Shou Chapter 25

Chapter 25 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> On the third day of March, the martial arts examination of Dayu began. Since the founder of Dayu, Li Mou, rose to power as a martial artist, it had been four hundred and eighty-six years. Over the years, the examinations for both civil and military talents had developed, … Read more

Let Go of that Shou Chapter 23

Chapter 23 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> What was Sun Bin doing in this place? You Mengzhe recalled their parting in Ting County. Had the bandit king’s wounds healed? The injuries were not only on the body but also in the heart. Now he seemed to have regained his spirit, no longer wearing a mourning … Read more