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Monster Resurgence Chapter 51

Chapter 51

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Although everyone in the car had eaten in the dream, in reality, they had been hungry for a whole day and night. Listening to Little Yu eating, the others couldn’t resist taking out snacks and eating. In no time, the car was filled with the sound of chewing.

Only Duan Zege, who was driving, watched them eat voraciously.

After eating three slices of bread and a vacuum-packed ham, Li Sanxin finally felt that the burning sensation in his stomach had subsided. His stomach was full, and his anger had subsided. He turned to Duan Zege, who was in the driver’s seat, and said, “Pull over ahead, let’s switch, and you have something to eat too.”

Duan Zege was also hungry. After pulling over, the two exchanged positions, and Lu Haoxiu handed Duan Zege a sandwich.

Duan Zege tore open the packaging, took a big bite, and the sweet and salty taste of the sandwich was absolutely delicious when he was hungry.

Lu Haoxiu opened a bag of melon seeds and handed some to Lou Yan and Little Yu, while gossiping with Li Sanxin, “Brother Li, what exactly is your talent?”

Li Sanxin glanced at him coldly, but this time he finally agreed to talk properly, “Surgical thread.”

Lu Haoxiu repeated in confusion, “Surgical thread?”

Sure enough, it was this talent. A smile flashed in Lou Yan’s eyes.

Although Li Sanxin was a veterinarian, he was also a surgeon. This talent was like it was tailor-made for Li Sanxin, allowing him to unleash the greatest power.

It had been a long time since Lou Yan had seen Li Sanxin use this talent. He urged, “Show us a little?”

Li Sanxin didn’t say a word, but his fingers holding the steering wheel lightly tapped a few times, and then, his index finger suddenly emitted an extremely thin white thread from the tip. This thread, like a living thing, floated in the air, and in the next moment, it swiftly passed by Li Sanxin’s side, agilely and quickly entwining Lu Haoxiu’s wrist, who was holding melon seeds.

“D*mn!” Lu Haoxiu instinctively pulled his hand, but to his surprise, he couldn’t break the thread with his strength. Instead, his wrist was strangled painfully, almost breaking the skin. He exclaimed in amazement, “This thing is so strong!”

Li Sanxin smiled, “Don’t worry, there’s more.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the surgical thread entwined around Lu Haoxiu’s wrist unexpectedly drilled into Lu Haoxiu’s skin. In the next moment, Lu Haoxiu felt that his arm was completely out of his control.

“…” Lu Haoxiu was completely dumbfounded, watching his arm uncontrollably lift up with a handful of melon seeds being stuffed into his mouth.

Little Yu watched Lu Haoxiu’s “strange” movements curiously.

“Brother, brother! Let me go!” Lu Haoxiu surrendered directly, with a pained expression trying to turn his head to avoid his own arm. It felt like his brain and arm were disconnected; it was really strange. “The melon seeds haven’t been peeled! I can’t eat like this!”

Li Sanxin watched the scene for a while before kindly letting him go. The surgical thread in Lu Haoxiu’s arm emerged from his skin and returned to the tip of Li Sanxin’s index finger.

“Surgical thread. It consumes 5 mental points each time it’s used and can only be used for one minute at a time,” Li Sanxin explained, “When binding someone, it’s as sharp as a surgical knife, and I estimate it’s hard enough to directly cut through human bones. It can also penetrate into the human body and control a part of the body, somewhat similar to puppet strings?”

Lu Haoxiu suddenly realized, his face full of excitement, “This move is so powerful!”

Duan Zege pondered for a moment, “Can your surgical thread remain in someone else’s body indefinitely? Is it endless?”

Li Sanxin shook his head, “No. One finger produces one surgical thread, and I can only use a total of ten threads. If the surgical thread is destroyed, it means it’s completely gone. As for whether it can remain in someone else’s body indefinitely, I really don’t know. I haven’t experimented with that yet.”

With that, Li Sanxin rubbed his chin, because Duan Zege’s words had sparked some thoughts. His mind was racing, “If my surgical thread can really remain in someone else’s body indefinitely, then as long as I consume 5 mental points, I can manipulate the thread in someone’s body at any time, thus achieving the effect of being able to control that person’s body anytime?”

Lou Yan’s lips curled up slightly.

He knew that Li Sanxin could achieve this level because in his past life, Li Sanxin had escaped many crises and killed many cultists and fanatics with these ten surgical threads.

“You can try it,” Lou Yan didn’t tell Li Sanxin whether it was possible or not. He just encouraged Li Sanxin to try it out. The process of mastering the talent ability must be experienced firsthand, and Lou Yan didn’t think it was a good choice to directly present the achievements of the past life’s Li Sanxin to the current Li Sanxin.

Li Sanxin also wanted to give it a try, but he pinched his brow, feeling a headache, “It’s not easy to try, I don’t have anyone to choose.”

Upon hearing this, Lou Yan leaned back, crossed his arms, and chuckled with a mischievous look, “Li Sanxin, have you forgotten? Wen Yian should be coming to find us tonight.”

Li Sanxin was taken aback, then turned to look at Lou Yan, instantly revealing an equally mischievous smile, saying meaningfully, “Right, I almost ‘forgot’ about her.”

It was impossible to forget. If it wasn’t for Wen Yian, Li Sanxin wouldn’t need to merge with the anomaly. Li Sanxin and Lou Yan remembered this grudge very well. If it was Wen Yian, then Li Sanxin could practice his talent ability on her without any scruples.

The two looked at each other and smiled. Lu Haoxiu wiped the sweat off his forehead, feeling that these two brothers were really chilling, but they were indeed childhood friends who grew up together.

“Oh right, Brother Li, how much mental power do you have now?” Lu Haoxiu asked curiously.

Li Sanxin regretfully said, “40, it doesn’t feel like it’s enough.”

Lu Haoxiu’s face turned pale, feeling a bit envious, “Both me and Brother Duan only have 20…”

Duan Zege also chuckled, “Yeah, jealous. If that nightmare hadn’t escaped and I had caught it, I would have wanted to merge with it to increase my mental power.”

“Is merging with anomalies a good thing?” Lou Yan sneered, scolding them mercilessly, “Are you all tired of living? Do you want to end up looking like anomalies in the end? Lu Haoxiu, have you forgotten the deaths of those cultists led by Cai Mo? Duan Zege, do you think catching nightmares is easy? After merging with anomalies, you become half human, half anomaly monsters. Once the anomalies in me and Li Sanxin’s bodies start to revive, we won’t have much time left, and we don’t even know what we’ll become.”

Thinking of this, Lou Yan’s eyes swept over his right hand, hastily wrapped in gauze.

He clenched his fist, suddenly grateful that Li Sanxin had merged with a ghost baby. With Lu Haoxiu around, perhaps Li Sanxin wouldn’t have to wait until the day the anomalies revived.

This topic was extremely heavy. Lu Haoxiu didn’t know what to say, and Duan Zege sighed, apologizing straightforwardly, “I misspoke.”

Li Sanxin was more worried about Lou Yan than himself. He glanced at Lou Yan in the rearview mirror and then kindly said, “There’s still a long way to go back. You guys should get some sleep.”

It takes over two hours to return from Liushu Village to Chengjiang City. Today is a working day, so there aren’t many people on the road. When they reached a relatively desolate section of the highway, Li Sanxin saw a traffic policeman standing by the side of the road, leaning against a motorcycle wearing sunglasses.

How come there’s a traffic policeman here?

Although Li Sanxin was a bit puzzled, he didn’t pay much attention and stared straight ahead, ready to pass the traffic policeman. Unexpectedly, the traffic policeman lazily raised his hand and gestured for them to stop.

Li Sanxin slowly approached the traffic policeman, then turned to wake up the people in the car, saying, “Take out your ID cards, it’s probably for a document and luggage check.”

Lou Yan also closed his eyes for a while. He heard this and slowly opened his eyes, taking out the wallet and was about to take out his ID card when suddenly his sense of Crisis Perception issued a warning.

[Mental power: 60/70]

There is danger within a range of two hundred meters, a moderate crisis.

Lou Yan raised his head, his eyes sharp as he scanned the surroundings.

This highway was straight, with nothing within two hundred meters ahead or behind, and barren land on both sides, also devoid of any signs of human presence, except for the approaching traffic policeman. Lou Yan scrutinized the traffic policeman, but his naked eyes didn’t detect anything unusual.

Could it be that the danger just flickered within two hundred meters around him and then disappeared?

Lou Yan didn’t believe it would be so simple. He activated his sense of Crisis Perception once again.

[Mental power: 55/70]

The sense of Crisis Perception still showed that danger existed, and Lou Yan could faintly feel that the danger was brought by the traffic policeman in front of him.

At this moment, Li Sanxin had already parked the car by the side of the traffic policeman.

Lou Yan glanced deeply at the traffic policeman, seemingly continuing to take out his identification card as if nothing was wrong, wanting to see what exactly was going on with this traffic policeman. Was he an anomaly, or someone merged with an anomaly?

Or perhaps he was a murderer disguised as a traffic policeman?

If it was an anomaly, daring to provoke them like this, Lou Yan wouldn’t let the anomaly leave even if it wasn’t suitable for him to use his anomaly power now.

The traffic policeman knocked on the driver’s side window, and Li Sanxin lowered the window, smiling and asking, “Officer, what’s the matter?”

This traffic policeman looked even taller up close. Because he was wearing sunglasses, the people in the car couldn’t discern his expression, but they could feel him scrutinizing everyone in the car. His tone was somewhat indifferent as he said, “Identification check.”

The people in the car handed their identification cards to him, and after the traffic policeman checked them one by one, he nodded. Just when Li Sanxin thought everything was fine and they could leave, the traffic policeman pointed at Lou Yan and said, “You, step out for inspection.”

Lou Yan stared at the finger pointing at him, a smile playing on his lips, but there was little amusement in his eyes. “Me?”

He crossed his legs, elegantly adjusting his cuffs, not in a hurry to get out of the car, leisurely asking, “Why should I be inspected?”

The traffic policeman’s lips curled slightly as he also smiled, but there was a hint of cold malice in his smile. “Because someone reported that this car is concealing firearms, and the one hiding them is you.”

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Monster Resurgence Chapter 51

Monster Resurgence Chapter 51

Chapter 51

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Although everyone in the car had eaten in the dream, in reality, they had been hungry for a whole day and night. Listening to Little Yu eating, the others couldn't resist taking out snacks and eating. In no time, the car was filled with the sound of chewing.

Only Duan Zege, who was driving, watched them eat voraciously.

After eating three slices of bread and a vacuum-packed ham, Li Sanxin finally felt that the burning sensation in his stomach had subsided. His stomach was full, and his anger had subsided. He turned to Duan Zege, who was in the driver's seat, and said, "Pull over ahead, let's switch, and you have something to eat too."

Duan Zege was also hungry. After pulling over, the two exchanged positions, and Lu Haoxiu handed Duan Zege a sandwich.

Duan Zege tore open the packaging, took a big bite, and the sweet and salty taste of the sandwich was absolutely delicious when he was hungry.

Lu Haoxiu opened a bag of melon seeds and handed some to Lou Yan and Little Yu, while gossiping with Li Sanxin, "Brother Li, what exactly is your talent?"

Li Sanxin glanced at him coldly, but this time he finally agreed to talk properly, "Surgical thread."

Lu Haoxiu repeated in confusion, "Surgical thread?"

Sure enough, it was this talent. A smile flashed in Lou Yan's eyes.

Although Li Sanxin was a veterinarian, he was also a surgeon. This talent was like it was tailor-made for Li Sanxin, allowing him to unleash the greatest power.

It had been a long time since Lou Yan had seen Li Sanxin use this talent. He urged, "Show us a little?"

Li Sanxin didn't say a word, but his fingers holding the steering wheel lightly tapped a few times, and then, his index finger suddenly emitted an extremely thin white thread from the tip. This thread, like a living thing, floated in the air, and in the next moment, it swiftly passed by Li Sanxin's side, agilely and quickly entwining Lu Haoxiu's wrist, who was holding melon seeds.

"D*mn!" Lu Haoxiu instinctively pulled his hand, but to his surprise, he couldn't break the thread with his strength. Instead, his wrist was strangled painfully, almost breaking the skin. He exclaimed in amazement, "This thing is so strong!"

Li Sanxin smiled, "Don't worry, there's more."

As soon as he finished speaking, the surgical thread entwined around Lu Haoxiu's wrist unexpectedly drilled into Lu Haoxiu's skin. In the next moment, Lu Haoxiu felt that his arm was completely out of his control.

“...” Lu Haoxiu was completely dumbfounded, watching his arm uncontrollably lift up with a handful of melon seeds being stuffed into his mouth.

Little Yu watched Lu Haoxiu's "strange" movements curiously.

"Brother, brother! Let me go!" Lu Haoxiu surrendered directly, with a pained expression trying to turn his head to avoid his own arm. It felt like his brain and arm were disconnected; it was really strange. "The melon seeds haven't been peeled! I can't eat like this!"

Li Sanxin watched the scene for a while before kindly letting him go. The surgical thread in Lu Haoxiu's arm emerged from his skin and returned to the tip of Li Sanxin's index finger.

"Surgical thread. It consumes 5 mental points each time it's used and can only be used for one minute at a time," Li Sanxin explained, "When binding someone, it's as sharp as a surgical knife, and I estimate it's hard enough to directly cut through human bones. It can also penetrate into the human body and control a part of the body, somewhat similar to puppet strings?"

Lu Haoxiu suddenly realized, his face full of excitement, "This move is so powerful!"

Duan Zege pondered for a moment, "Can your surgical thread remain in someone else's body indefinitely? Is it endless?"

Li Sanxin shook his head, "No. One finger produces one surgical thread, and I can only use a total of ten threads. If the surgical thread is destroyed, it means it's completely gone. As for whether it can remain in someone else's body indefinitely, I really don't know. I haven't experimented with that yet."

With that, Li Sanxin rubbed his chin, because Duan Zege's words had sparked some thoughts. His mind was racing, "If my surgical thread can really remain in someone else's body indefinitely, then as long as I consume 5 mental points, I can manipulate the thread in someone's body at any time, thus achieving the effect of being able to control that person's body anytime?"

Lou Yan's lips curled up slightly.

He knew that Li Sanxin could achieve this level because in his past life, Li Sanxin had escaped many crises and killed many cultists and fanatics with these ten surgical threads.

"You can try it," Lou Yan didn't tell Li Sanxin whether it was possible or not. He just encouraged Li Sanxin to try it out. The process of mastering the talent ability must be experienced firsthand, and Lou Yan didn't think it was a good choice to directly present the achievements of the past life's Li Sanxin to the current Li Sanxin.

Li Sanxin also wanted to give it a try, but he pinched his brow, feeling a headache, "It's not easy to try, I don't have anyone to choose."

Upon hearing this, Lou Yan leaned back, crossed his arms, and chuckled with a mischievous look, "Li Sanxin, have you forgotten? Wen Yian should be coming to find us tonight."

Li Sanxin was taken aback, then turned to look at Lou Yan, instantly revealing an equally mischievous smile, saying meaningfully, "Right, I almost 'forgot' about her."

It was impossible to forget. If it wasn't for Wen Yian, Li Sanxin wouldn't need to merge with the anomaly. Li Sanxin and Lou Yan remembered this grudge very well. If it was Wen Yian, then Li Sanxin could practice his talent ability on her without any scruples.

The two looked at each other and smiled. Lu Haoxiu wiped the sweat off his forehead, feeling that these two brothers were really chilling, but they were indeed childhood friends who grew up together.

"Oh right, Brother Li, how much mental power do you have now?" Lu Haoxiu asked curiously.

Li Sanxin regretfully said, "40, it doesn't feel like it's enough."

Lu Haoxiu's face turned pale, feeling a bit envious, "Both me and Brother Duan only have 20..."

Duan Zege also chuckled, "Yeah, jealous. If that nightmare hadn't escaped and I had caught it, I would have wanted to merge with it to increase my mental power."

"Is merging with anomalies a good thing?" Lou Yan sneered, scolding them mercilessly, "Are you all tired of living? Do you want to end up looking like anomalies in the end? Lu Haoxiu, have you forgotten the deaths of those cultists led by Cai Mo? Duan Zege, do you think catching nightmares is easy? After merging with anomalies, you become half human, half anomaly monsters. Once the anomalies in me and Li Sanxin's bodies start to revive, we won't have much time left, and we don't even know what we'll become."

Thinking of this, Lou Yan's eyes swept over his right hand, hastily wrapped in gauze.

He clenched his fist, suddenly grateful that Li Sanxin had merged with a ghost baby. With Lu Haoxiu around, perhaps Li Sanxin wouldn't have to wait until the day the anomalies revived.

This topic was extremely heavy. Lu Haoxiu didn't know what to say, and Duan Zege sighed, apologizing straightforwardly, "I misspoke."

Li Sanxin was more worried about Lou Yan than himself. He glanced at Lou Yan in the rearview mirror and then kindly said, "There's still a long way to go back. You guys should get some sleep."

It takes over two hours to return from Liushu Village to Chengjiang City. Today is a working day, so there aren't many people on the road. When they reached a relatively desolate section of the highway, Li Sanxin saw a traffic policeman standing by the side of the road, leaning against a motorcycle wearing sunglasses.

How come there's a traffic policeman here?

Although Li Sanxin was a bit puzzled, he didn't pay much attention and stared straight ahead, ready to pass the traffic policeman. Unexpectedly, the traffic policeman lazily raised his hand and gestured for them to stop.

Li Sanxin slowly approached the traffic policeman, then turned to wake up the people in the car, saying, "Take out your ID cards, it's probably for a document and luggage check."

Lou Yan also closed his eyes for a while. He heard this and slowly opened his eyes, taking out the wallet and was about to take out his ID card when suddenly his sense of Crisis Perception issued a warning.

[Mental power: 60/70]

There is danger within a range of two hundred meters, a moderate crisis.

Lou Yan raised his head, his eyes sharp as he scanned the surroundings.

This highway was straight, with nothing within two hundred meters ahead or behind, and barren land on both sides, also devoid of any signs of human presence, except for the approaching traffic policeman. Lou Yan scrutinized the traffic policeman, but his naked eyes didn't detect anything unusual.

Could it be that the danger just flickered within two hundred meters around him and then disappeared?

Lou Yan didn't believe it would be so simple. He activated his sense of Crisis Perception once again.

[Mental power: 55/70]

The sense of Crisis Perception still showed that danger existed, and Lou Yan could faintly feel that the danger was brought by the traffic policeman in front of him.

At this moment, Li Sanxin had already parked the car by the side of the traffic policeman.

Lou Yan glanced deeply at the traffic policeman, seemingly continuing to take out his identification card as if nothing was wrong, wanting to see what exactly was going on with this traffic policeman. Was he an anomaly, or someone merged with an anomaly?

Or perhaps he was a murderer disguised as a traffic policeman?

If it was an anomaly, daring to provoke them like this, Lou Yan wouldn't let the anomaly leave even if it wasn't suitable for him to use his anomaly power now.

The traffic policeman knocked on the driver's side window, and Li Sanxin lowered the window, smiling and asking, "Officer, what's the matter?"

This traffic policeman looked even taller up close. Because he was wearing sunglasses, the people in the car couldn't discern his expression, but they could feel him scrutinizing everyone in the car. His tone was somewhat indifferent as he said, "Identification check."

The people in the car handed their identification cards to him, and after the traffic policeman checked them one by one, he nodded. Just when Li Sanxin thought everything was fine and they could leave, the traffic policeman pointed at Lou Yan and said, "You, step out for inspection."

Lou Yan stared at the finger pointing at him, a smile playing on his lips, but there was little amusement in his eyes. "Me?"

He crossed his legs, elegantly adjusting his cuffs, not in a hurry to get out of the car, leisurely asking, "Why should I be inspected?"

The traffic policeman's lips curled slightly as he also smiled, but there was a hint of cold malice in his smile. "Because someone reported that this car is concealing firearms, and the one hiding them is you."

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