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Monster Resurgence Chapter 86

Chapter 86

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Lou Yan successfully ran to the elevator door, observing the movement in the corridor while pressing the elevator button several times.

The display outside the elevator showed a red number “4”, slowly descending to the third floor dining room. Lou Yan guessed right; the elevator did need some time.

Luckily, he had left time to wait for the elevator to descend.

Lou Yan observed the floor in front of the elevator and saw some faint dirty footprints, leading from the opposite garbage pile. 

These must be the footprints of Li Sanxin and Lin You.

Lou Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

Waiting for the elevator to descend to the third floor took more than ten seconds. When the elevator finally opened its doors towards Lou Yan, seven or eight pig-headed people came out of the restaurant.

As soon as they came out, they saw Lou Yan, and their small eyes were filled with vicious greed and surprise. “Look, there’s a human in front of the elevator!”

“He’s trying to run, quick, chase him!”

The pig-headed people rushed towards Lou Yan, their expressions fierce, mouths gaping. The entire corridor trembled with their rapid running, and the wall dust fell down in “bang, bang, bangs”.

Lou Yan immediately rushed into the elevator, frantically pressing the door close button, finally closing the elevator door just before the pig-headed people arrived.

“He got away!”

“The brat runs fast!”

The pig-headed people outside the elevator cursed Lou Yan in frustration.

Their curses only made Lou Yan, who had successfully escaped into the elevator, feel even more satisfied. Lou Yan smirked slightly, leaning against the elevator wall, coldly mocking the pig-headed people outside, “A bunch of garbage.”

He had wanted to curse them since he first saw the scene in the kitchen. He had been disgusted with these pig-headed people ever since.

After cursing them, the pig-headed people outside the elevator became even more angry. Some even started to pound on the elevator door, leaving a fist-sized dent in the iron door.

Fortunately, the elevator started to ascend the next second, gradually moving away Lou Yan from the angry attackers.

A feeling of weightlessness rose from the soles of his feet, and Lou Yan finally had time to observe the environment inside the elevator. He sniffed slightly and caught a strong smell of garbage in the elevator.

Okay, now it’s confirmed. Li Sanxin and Lin You successfully caught the elevator to the fourth floor. They probably arrived at the fourth floor shortly after him. The time difference between them shouldn’t be too large.

Lou Yan was completely relieved this time, rubbing his brow to relax his tense nerves. Once he relaxed, exhaustion immediately swept over his whole body. He was mentally and physically exhausted, tired and hungry.

His stomach growled, and his stomach still felt uncomfortable. The lingering scent of oranges in his mouth gave his stomach some comfort, preventing it from cramping.

But this lingering sweet taste… made Lou Yan feel uncomfortable.

His throat even felt a bit sore, as if it had been invaded by foreign objects. Lou Yan expressionlessly wiped his lips again, feeling a stinging sensation as soon as he touched them: “Hiss.”

He could only reluctantly lower his hand. The mirrored walls of the elevator reflected his appearance, his lips were very red, as if swollen.

Lou Yan turned his head away, not wanting to look anymore. The profile of his face was cold and beautiful. He didn’t want to remember what had just happened, but the sweet taste in his mouth kept reminding him of what had just happened—he had willingly licked Fu Xuezhou’s fingers, and Fu Xuezhou had stuffed a candy into his mouth.

Why did Fu Xuezhou want to give him a candy?

To insult him? Does he really consider him a pet that can be ordered around?

It couldn’t possibly be to give Lou Yan something to eat!

Lou Yan really wanted to rinse his mouth, to wash away the annoying sweet taste in his mouth and the places where Fu Xuezhou’s fingers had touched.

His tongue, teeth, and saliva all seemed to retain the faint smoky flavor from Fu Xuezhou’s fingers.


Lou Yan was annoyed and wanted to curse.

The more he thought about it, the worse he felt. Lou Yan quickly told himself: Stop thinking, Lou Yan, you can’t get bogged down in trivial matters. You need to think about something important now.

He corrected his train of thought and began to contemplate what the fourth floor might be like.

Are Li Sanxin and Lin You okay now?

Can the three of them meet successfully on the third floor?

Lou Yan glanced at the elevator’s display, showing the upward arrow sign. How long had it been? Why hadn’t they reached the fourth floor yet?

As long as they passed the fourth floor, they could reach the fifth floor. Presumably, all the surviving humans still harbored hope because of the existence of the fifth floor, enduring and holding their breath, hoping to make it to the fifth floor.

Lou Yan was no exception.

His body was very tired, and this kind of exhaustion couldn’t be recovered in just two hours of brief rest in the corridor. Lou Yan knew very well that he needed a safe place to eat and sleep, to replenish his energy properly.

The fifth floor—It’s an indispensable rest stop for all prisoners.

But when Lou Yan thought of Fu Xuezhou’s recent conversation with those hunters, he couldn’t help but frown.

If Fu Xuezhou and his group really controlled the fifth floor, then if Lou Yan wants to enter for rest, Fu Xuezhou will definitely use this to pressure him.

For now, Lou Yan’s only option is to enter the fifth floor before the hunters.

As long as he enters and finds a safe place to hide and rest, the hunters won’t be able to stop him no matter how hard they try.

As Lou Yan was contemplating, the “↑” on the elevator display finally turned into a bright red “4”.

Lou Yan instantly became alert, watching the elevator door vigilantly.

The elevator door slowly opened, and a damp, musty smell wafted into the elevator as Lou Yan saw an old dilapidated hospital.

Yellowing white-blue walls, old fans, and silver triple seats with black rust stains.

A middle-aged woman wearing a nurse’s uniform and bright red lipstick, holding a medical record book, walked over expressionlessly and stood outside the elevator, saying to Lou Yan, “Number 18, come out.”

Number 18? Me?

Lou Yan glanced down at himself. His prisoner’s uniform hadn’t changed, but there was now a black stripe across his chest with the number “18” written in white on top of it.

Lou Yan could confirm that the middle-aged nurse outside was indeed calling him. However, he didn’t rush out but observed the elevator again to see if there was any possibility of going directly to the fifth floor using the elevator.

But the elevator didn’t suddenly have an upward button like his clothes suddenly had the number “18”.

It seems there’s no loophole…

The middle-aged nurse’s expression became increasingly gloomy, looking very displeased. “Number 18!”

Lou Yan quickly glanced around at the surroundings. Under the middle-aged nurse’s stern gaze, he reluctantly stepped out of the elevator.

As soon as he stepped out, the elevator doors instantly closed. Lou Yan turned his head and saw that the elevator doors had disappeared, replaced by a flat yellowed wall.

The middle-aged nurse gave Lou Yan a stern look and coldly said, “Follow me.”

Lou Yan followed her deeper into the hospital. As they passed the front desk, a female nurse sitting behind the desk also looked up and stared at Lou Yan expressionlessly, lips painted with crimson lipstick. This nurse looked somewhat similar to the one leading the way, perhaps because they both had the same dress, makeup, and expression.

A sentence was written on the wall behind the front desk: “Welcome to the Very Energetic Mental Asylum!”

Lou Yan: …

Their level of naming is really garbage.

This hospital looked eerie and creepy from the start. All the nurses, cleaners, and doctors Lou Yan saw along the way maintained the same expression, regardless of age or gender, with heavy makeup on their faces, pale white, and blood-red lips. When they saw Lou Yan, their eyes followed him with an especially creepy intensity.

Under their gaze, Lou Yan was brought to an iron gate. Above the iron gate was a 20-centimeter ventilation gap, with the word “18” carved on the iron gate. The middle-aged nurse opened the iron gate and looked at Lou Yan coldly, saying, “Get in.”

Lou Yan saw the nameplate on her chest, with three words written on it: Supervisor Nurse Li.

“Supervisor Nurse Li,” Lou Yan decided to probe and see if he could get any information from her, “may I ask what illness I have and when I can be discharged?”

“You’re in a mental asylum. What illness do you think you have?” Supervisor Nurse Li’s expression was cold and impatient. “We’ll let you out when you’re no longer crazy. Hurry up and get into your room!”


As she said this, Supervisor Nurse Li’s blood-red mouth instantly stretched to her ears. With each word she spoke, Lou Yan could see her small snake-like tongue and uneven sharp teeth inside her blood-filled gaping mouth.

Spittle flew out from Supervisor Nurse Li’s mouth.

Lou Yan quickly slipped into the ward under Supervisor Nurse Li’s predatory gaze.

With a loud “bang”, the iron door was locked by Supervisor Nurse Li. Lou Yan leaned against the iron railing above the door and looked outside, watching Supervisor Nurse Li leave. After locking the door, Supervisor Nurse Li put the key to her mouth, her long tongue hooked the key ring, and in the blink of an eye, she swallowed the key.

Lou Yan frowned slightly.

It’s not good that the key is hidden in such a creepy belly.

After Supervisor Nurse Li finished swallowing the key, she turned and left, her footsteps fading away.

Lou Yan turned and looked at his “ward”.

A thin single bed, a simple moldy wooden table, and a broken stool missing a leg. The floor was dirty, the walls splattered with old blood, the ceiling had a dusty old fan and a light bulb covered in a layer of grease.

It didn’t look like a ward, but more like a prison.

The weirdness of this level was too lazy to conceal itself, just blatantly exposing itself, as if not planning to play any hide-and-seek games with them.

How should he spend his time on this level?

Where is the passage to the fifth floor?

Are Li Sanxin and Lin You also locked up?

Lou Yan leaned against the door again and looked out. There were only two iron doors in this corridor. His door had the number “18” written on it, and the opposite door had the number “14”.

Assuming the numbers are arranged according to the order in which the prisoners arrived on this level, then the person locked in the opposite room should also be a prisoner.

Lou Yan looked around the room and found a broken piece of wood next to the table. He accurately inserted it into the gap of the iron railing on the opposite door’s panel.

After a few seconds, a haggard and beautiful face appeared at the iron railing on the opposite side. Lou Yan found that face particularly familiar.

Isn’t that the famous star Wen Yian?

Seeing Lou Yan, Wen Yian’s eyes lit up, revealing an expression of extreme joy, and she exclaimed, “Lou Yan?!”

Can’t wait until next week to see more? Want to show your support? Come to my Patreon where you can get up to 5 more chapters of Monster Resurgence right away ! Or go donate at Paypal or Ko-fi to show your appreciation! :)

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Monster Resurgence Chapter 86

Monster Resurgence Chapter 86

Chapter 86

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Lou Yan successfully ran to the elevator door, observing the movement in the corridor while pressing the elevator button several times.

The display outside the elevator showed a red number "4", slowly descending to the third floor dining room. Lou Yan guessed right; the elevator did need some time.

Luckily, he had left time to wait for the elevator to descend.

Lou Yan observed the floor in front of the elevator and saw some faint dirty footprints, leading from the opposite garbage pile. 

These must be the footprints of Li Sanxin and Lin You.

Lou Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

Waiting for the elevator to descend to the third floor took more than ten seconds. When the elevator finally opened its doors towards Lou Yan, seven or eight pig-headed people came out of the restaurant.

As soon as they came out, they saw Lou Yan, and their small eyes were filled with vicious greed and surprise. "Look, there's a human in front of the elevator!"

"He's trying to run, quick, chase him!"

The pig-headed people rushed towards Lou Yan, their expressions fierce, mouths gaping. The entire corridor trembled with their rapid running, and the wall dust fell down in "bang, bang, bangs".

Lou Yan immediately rushed into the elevator, frantically pressing the door close button, finally closing the elevator door just before the pig-headed people arrived.

"He got away!"

"The brat runs fast!"

The pig-headed people outside the elevator cursed Lou Yan in frustration.

Their curses only made Lou Yan, who had successfully escaped into the elevator, feel even more satisfied. Lou Yan smirked slightly, leaning against the elevator wall, coldly mocking the pig-headed people outside, "A bunch of garbage."

He had wanted to curse them since he first saw the scene in the kitchen. He had been disgusted with these pig-headed people ever since.

After cursing them, the pig-headed people outside the elevator became even more angry. Some even started to pound on the elevator door, leaving a fist-sized dent in the iron door.

Fortunately, the elevator started to ascend the next second, gradually moving away Lou Yan from the angry attackers.

A feeling of weightlessness rose from the soles of his feet, and Lou Yan finally had time to observe the environment inside the elevator. He sniffed slightly and caught a strong smell of garbage in the elevator.

Okay, now it's confirmed. Li Sanxin and Lin You successfully caught the elevator to the fourth floor. They probably arrived at the fourth floor shortly after him. The time difference between them shouldn't be too large.

Lou Yan was completely relieved this time, rubbing his brow to relax his tense nerves. Once he relaxed, exhaustion immediately swept over his whole body. He was mentally and physically exhausted, tired and hungry.

His stomach growled, and his stomach still felt uncomfortable. The lingering scent of oranges in his mouth gave his stomach some comfort, preventing it from cramping.

But this lingering sweet taste... made Lou Yan feel uncomfortable.

His throat even felt a bit sore, as if it had been invaded by foreign objects. Lou Yan expressionlessly wiped his lips again, feeling a stinging sensation as soon as he touched them: "Hiss."

He could only reluctantly lower his hand. The mirrored walls of the elevator reflected his appearance, his lips were very red, as if swollen.

Lou Yan turned his head away, not wanting to look anymore. The profile of his face was cold and beautiful. He didn't want to remember what had just happened, but the sweet taste in his mouth kept reminding him of what had just happened—he had willingly licked Fu Xuezhou's fingers, and Fu Xuezhou had stuffed a candy into his mouth.

Why did Fu Xuezhou want to give him a candy?

To insult him? Does he really consider him a pet that can be ordered around?

It couldn't possibly be to give Lou Yan something to eat!

Lou Yan really wanted to rinse his mouth, to wash away the annoying sweet taste in his mouth and the places where Fu Xuezhou's fingers had touched.

His tongue, teeth, and saliva all seemed to retain the faint smoky flavor from Fu Xuezhou's fingers.


Lou Yan was annoyed and wanted to curse.

The more he thought about it, the worse he felt. Lou Yan quickly told himself: Stop thinking, Lou Yan, you can't get bogged down in trivial matters. You need to think about something important now.

He corrected his train of thought and began to contemplate what the fourth floor might be like.

Are Li Sanxin and Lin You okay now?

Can the three of them meet successfully on the third floor?

Lou Yan glanced at the elevator's display, showing the upward arrow sign. How long had it been? Why hadn't they reached the fourth floor yet?

As long as they passed the fourth floor, they could reach the fifth floor. Presumably, all the surviving humans still harbored hope because of the existence of the fifth floor, enduring and holding their breath, hoping to make it to the fifth floor.

Lou Yan was no exception.

His body was very tired, and this kind of exhaustion couldn't be recovered in just two hours of brief rest in the corridor. Lou Yan knew very well that he needed a safe place to eat and sleep, to replenish his energy properly.

The fifth floor—It's an indispensable rest stop for all prisoners.

But when Lou Yan thought of Fu Xuezhou's recent conversation with those hunters, he couldn't help but frown.

If Fu Xuezhou and his group really controlled the fifth floor, then if Lou Yan wants to enter for rest, Fu Xuezhou will definitely use this to pressure him.

For now, Lou Yan's only option is to enter the fifth floor before the hunters.

As long as he enters and finds a safe place to hide and rest, the hunters won't be able to stop him no matter how hard they try.

As Lou Yan was contemplating, the "↑" on the elevator display finally turned into a bright red "4".

Lou Yan instantly became alert, watching the elevator door vigilantly.

The elevator door slowly opened, and a damp, musty smell wafted into the elevator as Lou Yan saw an old dilapidated hospital.

Yellowing white-blue walls, old fans, and silver triple seats with black rust stains.

A middle-aged woman wearing a nurse's uniform and bright red lipstick, holding a medical record book, walked over expressionlessly and stood outside the elevator, saying to Lou Yan, "Number 18, come out."

Number 18? Me?

Lou Yan glanced down at himself. His prisoner's uniform hadn't changed, but there was now a black stripe across his chest with the number "18" written in white on top of it.

Lou Yan could confirm that the middle-aged nurse outside was indeed calling him. However, he didn't rush out but observed the elevator again to see if there was any possibility of going directly to the fifth floor using the elevator.

But the elevator didn't suddenly have an upward button like his clothes suddenly had the number "18".

It seems there's no loophole...

The middle-aged nurse's expression became increasingly gloomy, looking very displeased. "Number 18!"

Lou Yan quickly glanced around at the surroundings. Under the middle-aged nurse's stern gaze, he reluctantly stepped out of the elevator.

As soon as he stepped out, the elevator doors instantly closed. Lou Yan turned his head and saw that the elevator doors had disappeared, replaced by a flat yellowed wall.

The middle-aged nurse gave Lou Yan a stern look and coldly said, "Follow me."

Lou Yan followed her deeper into the hospital. As they passed the front desk, a female nurse sitting behind the desk also looked up and stared at Lou Yan expressionlessly, lips painted with crimson lipstick. This nurse looked somewhat similar to the one leading the way, perhaps because they both had the same dress, makeup, and expression.

A sentence was written on the wall behind the front desk: "Welcome to the Very Energetic Mental Asylum!"

Lou Yan: ...

Their level of naming is really garbage.

This hospital looked eerie and creepy from the start. All the nurses, cleaners, and doctors Lou Yan saw along the way maintained the same expression, regardless of age or gender, with heavy makeup on their faces, pale white, and blood-red lips. When they saw Lou Yan, their eyes followed him with an especially creepy intensity.

Under their gaze, Lou Yan was brought to an iron gate. Above the iron gate was a 20-centimeter ventilation gap, with the word "18" carved on the iron gate. The middle-aged nurse opened the iron gate and looked at Lou Yan coldly, saying, "Get in."

Lou Yan saw the nameplate on her chest, with three words written on it: Supervisor Nurse Li.

"Supervisor Nurse Li," Lou Yan decided to probe and see if he could get any information from her, "may I ask what illness I have and when I can be discharged?"

"You're in a mental asylum. What illness do you think you have?" Supervisor Nurse Li's expression was cold and impatient. "We'll let you out when you're no longer crazy. Hurry up and get into your room!"


As she said this, Supervisor Nurse Li's blood-red mouth instantly stretched to her ears. With each word she spoke, Lou Yan could see her small snake-like tongue and uneven sharp teeth inside her blood-filled gaping mouth.

Spittle flew out from Supervisor Nurse Li's mouth.

Lou Yan quickly slipped into the ward under Supervisor Nurse Li's predatory gaze.

With a loud "bang", the iron door was locked by Supervisor Nurse Li. Lou Yan leaned against the iron railing above the door and looked outside, watching Supervisor Nurse Li leave. After locking the door, Supervisor Nurse Li put the key to her mouth, her long tongue hooked the key ring, and in the blink of an eye, she swallowed the key.

Lou Yan frowned slightly.

It's not good that the key is hidden in such a creepy belly.

After Supervisor Nurse Li finished swallowing the key, she turned and left, her footsteps fading away.

Lou Yan turned and looked at his "ward".

A thin single bed, a simple moldy wooden table, and a broken stool missing a leg. The floor was dirty, the walls splattered with old blood, the ceiling had a dusty old fan and a light bulb covered in a layer of grease.

It didn't look like a ward, but more like a prison.

The weirdness of this level was too lazy to conceal itself, just blatantly exposing itself, as if not planning to play any hide-and-seek games with them.

How should he spend his time on this level?

Where is the passage to the fifth floor?

Are Li Sanxin and Lin You also locked up?

Lou Yan leaned against the door again and looked out. There were only two iron doors in this corridor. His door had the number "18" written on it, and the opposite door had the number "14".

Assuming the numbers are arranged according to the order in which the prisoners arrived on this level, then the person locked in the opposite room should also be a prisoner.

Lou Yan looked around the room and found a broken piece of wood next to the table. He accurately inserted it into the gap of the iron railing on the opposite door's panel.

After a few seconds, a haggard and beautiful face appeared at the iron railing on the opposite side. Lou Yan found that face particularly familiar.

Isn't that the famous star Wen Yian?

Seeing Lou Yan, Wen Yian's eyes lit up, revealing an expression of extreme joy, and she exclaimed, "Lou Yan?!"

Can’t wait until next week to see more? Want to show your support? Come to my Patreon where you can get up to 5 more chapters of Monster Resurgence right away ! Or go donate at Paypal or Ko-fi to show your appreciation! :)

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