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Monster Resurgence Chapter 87

Chapter 87

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For Wen Yian to see Lou Yan here was a huge surprise for her.

Lou Yan didn’t expect her to call out directly, but when he saw that Wen Yian’s call didn’t attract anything strange, he pretended to be puzzled and asked, “Miss Wen, do you know me?”

He secretly reminded Wen Yian that they should pretend not to know each other.

This is an amusement park, and the Anomaly Lord might be watching them. Wen Yian is a devout follower of the anomaly and also his undercover agent among the cultists. Before they came here, they agreed to pretend to be meeting for the first time. Did Wen Yian forget about this from the surprise?

Under Lou Yan’s reminder, Wen Yian seemed to realize that something was wrong. She slightly lowered her head, ran her slender fingers through her hair, and smiled faintly with a hint of paleness, “I’ve met Mr. Lou a few times at banquets. Mr. Lou might have forgotten. Mr. Lou doesn’t know me, but I’ve known Mr. Lou for a long time. Let’s not talk about other things. Mr. Lou, don’t you know that Wen Jiu, who was rumored to be with you a few days ago, is my younger brother?”

Lou Yan saw that she had caught on, so he nodded in agreement. “I see. It’s quite a coincidence to meet someone familiar here. By the way, Miss Wen, you just called out to me. Aren’t you afraid of attracting the anomaly?”

A few polite sentences were enough. The situation is urgent now. Saying too much and being too polite would seem fake.

Wen Yian shook her head and explained softly, “Mr. Lou, don’t worry. The anomaly won’t be disturbed. I’ve tried before, and no matter what I said, the anomaly didn’t appear. Even when I said I needed to go to the bathroom, the anomaly ignored me.”

Lou Yan nodded thoughtfully. “Miss Wen, do you know anything else about this first floor?”

Wen Yian sighed, tiredly saying, “I don’t know much… but I know we need to leave the ward as soon as possible. I arrived twenty minutes earlier than you did, and during those twenty minutes, I heard screams. When the nurses brought me into the ward, we passed another room with the number ’12’ on it, and I heard someone screaming for help inside… I guess something bad might happen inside the ward…”

Wen Yian shook the iron railing, but the iron door didn’t move at all, unaffected by her strength. “Look, this iron door is very sturdy, and the key to the iron door has been swallowed by the anomaly. If something really happens in the ward, we’ll be trapped inside. Mr. Lou, I’ll be honest with you. My talent is to blend into darkness, and I could have used my talent to escape from the ward. But the premise of using my talent is to have mental power, unfortunately, on the way here, I lost all my mental power.”

Saying this, Wen Yian smiled bitterly at Lou Yan, her exhaustion and fatigue hard to conceal.

So, she had lost her mental power.

No wonder Wen Yian was so surprised to see him… If she hadn’t met him, Wen Yian would probably have died on this floor.

Seeing Lou Yan pondering, tears welled up in Wen Yian’s eyes. She pleaded sincerely, “Mr. Lou, please save me once. I really have no way to leave this ward. As long as you’re willing to help me leave the fourth floor, after I rest on the fifth floor, I’ll do my best to help you clear the next three levels. Mr. Lou, please, for the sake of my brother, help me this time?”

For the sake of her brother?

Lou Yan’s mouth twitched silently. He couldn’t help but admire actors; their expressions didn’t reveal the slightest hint of acting, making their lies sound so real. He nodded without changing his expression. “If I can get out, I’ll definitely help. Miss Wen, you don’t need to be so polite.”

Wen Yian finally breathed a sigh of relief, showing a grateful smile to Lou Yan.

After exchanging a few more words with Wen Yian, Lou Yan left the door and searched the room. There were few things in the ward, and Lou Yan flipped everything over in just a few minutes. Unfortunately, he didn’t find anything useful.

There were no medical equipment related to hospitals in the room, no drip stands, no emergency buttons. The walls were hard on all sides, there were no windows in the room, and it was completely airtight.

The Very Energetic Mental Asylum… Everyone locked in the ward was playing the role of a lunatic. Supervisor Nurse Li said he could only leave when the mental illness was cured, but how could a normal person prove that they weren’t mentally ill?

Where would the clearance point to leave this floor be?

Lou Yan sat on the chair with a missing leg, thinking about every scene on the fourth floor. However, he hadn’t thought for long when he heard Wen Yian across shouting in pain and weakness, “Mr. Lou, help!”

Lou Yan leaped up from his chair and rushed to the door in two or three steps to look across. He saw Wen Yian leaning over the iron railing above the opposite iron gate, clutching the bars tightly with both hands. Her expression was particularly agonized, beads of sweat the size of beans sliding down her cheeks, wetting the hair around her face with sweat. 

“It’s so hot, so hot…!” Wen Yian’s skin, exposed outside her clothes, began to slowly turn red in a strange way. Sweat dyed her gray prisoner’s uniform black, her expression unbearable with pain, her cries gradually breaking, “Save me, Lou Yan! My room is on fire, hurry, save me!” 

On fire?! 

Lou Yan focused his gaze into Wen Yian’s ward. Wen Yian’s room was as dim as his own, with the bed and table placed against the wall, but Lou Yan didn’t see anything unusual, let alone flames. 

But Wen Yian’s agonized expression didn’t seem fake at all. She looked as if she were about to be burned alive, layers of sweat, her face pale, her eyes reddened from the heat. 

“Lou Yan, save me!” 

With a scream, Wen Yian suddenly let go of the iron railing. Her palms, holding onto the bars, emitted white smoke, revealing two deep purple burns that had been terrifyingly scorched by the iron railing! 

Just by looking at the scars on her hands, one could tell how high the temperature of the iron railing was. 

Lou Yan hesitated no longer. He pulled out his spinal whip and struck the iron door a few times, but the door was too thick. Relying solely on the spinal whip, he couldn’t break through the iron door in a short time. Lou Yan glanced at Wen Yian, who had large blisters on her face, neck, and hands. She tremblingly raised the back of her hand, swollen with burns, and placed it on both sides of her face, but dared not touch her cheeks, her eyes filled with extreme fear: “Ahhh—!”

Lou Yan knew that Wen Yian couldn’t hold on much longer.

“Hang in there! I’m coming over right away!”

Lou Yan shouted to Wen Yian, sighed, and placed his hand on the lock of the iron door.

Since the last time the bone spurs emerged from his palm and couldn’t retract, Lou Yan hadn’t used the bone spurs again. Because Lou Yan was afraid, afraid that if the bone spurs emerged from his body again, they wouldn’t retract.

This time, after coming out of Liushu Village, he used the bone spurs for the first time.

[Spiritual Power: 20/70]

The skin in the palm of his hand split open, and the sharp bone spur pierced through the iron door in an instant. The familiar sensation of bones moving restlessly came over Lou Yan again. Lou Yan clenched his lips, moving the bone spurs. The heavy iron door, under the movement of the bone spurs, seemed to have no resistance at all, as if it were made of paper.

The bone flowers stuck to the bone spurs, tightly closing like bone petals. The iron door wasn’t an anomaly, it didn’t have the power for the bone flowers to devour, so the bone flowers remained quiet and motionless.

Lou Yan used the bone spurs to cut a rectangular shape on the iron door, and the rectangular iron block collapsed from the iron door, revealing a hole large enough for Lou Yan to pass through. Lou Yan quickly walked out of the ward and used the same method to create a hole in Wen Yian’s door as well.

As soon as the hole opened, Lou Yan walked in, but as soon as he entered Wen Yian’s room, he instantly felt a scorching heat wave!

It was like entering a furnace; sweat burst out all over Lou Yan’s body, instantly soaking his clothes. The burning sensation under his feet made the ground feel like hot charcoal, and Lou Yan even felt like the soles of his shoes were melting.

The feet of the bed and the legs of the chair had melted into molten iron under the high temperature, the air was distorted, and Wen Yian had fainted on the ground, whether alive or dead.

“Wen Yian?” Lou Yan immediately ran to Wen Yian’s side, picked her up, and ran out. Sweat covered his eyes, and every step he took, he felt the moisture in his body evaporating rapidly. “D*mn, it’s so hot.”

Perhaps because Lou Yan had used “Time Reversal” too much, his body had gradually adapted to the high temperature state without him realizing it. Even in the current scorching heat that could melt people, Lou Yan could still remain conscious. His face was red, his breathing was rapid, and sweat dripped from his chin, vaporizing into steam before reaching the ground.

But the discomfort he felt was still within the bearable range. His steps were steady, his skin wasn’t blistered, and he ran out of the iron door while carrying Wen Yian.

Once outside, Lou Yan placed Wen Yian on the ground, and he himself sat down, panting heavily. When the wind blew on the corridor, the heat on Lou Yan’s body slowly dissipated, and he finally felt alive again.

Lou Yan wiped the sweat off his face, his hands and face were hot. He looked down at the soles of his shoes; they had indeed melted a bit, but they were still wearable.

After checking himself, Lou Yan pushed Wen Yian, “Wen Yian, wake up. You’re not dead, are you?”

Wen Yian was pushed twice, and slowly opened her eyes. After regaining consciousness, she coughed several times while holding her neck, then hoarsely thanked Lou Yan.

“Is my face burned?” Wen Yian asked weakly.

“After finally getting out alive, your first concern is about your face?” Lou Yan rolled his eyes speechlessly, “You’re fine. The burns on your body disappeared when I brought you out.”

Wen Yian breathed a sigh of relief, reluctantly raised her hand to touch her face, feeling smooth to the touch. She then smiled wryly, “Mr. Lou, you don’t know, in my line of work, if my face is ruined, I lose everything.”

The reason why the Cultists valued her so much, besides her talent, was also because of her extremely attractive face to her fans.

The two sat on the corridor for a while to rest. When Wen Yian regained some strength, she slowly leaned against the wall and sat up, “Mr. Lou, when we were on the brink of life and death just now, I had some thoughts about this floor.”

Lou Yan’s lips were cracked, and he was thirsty, with hardly any saliva left in his mouth. He couldn’t be bothered to talk much, so he succinctly said, “Go on.”

“I’ve played related roles before, so when I saw the nurses, cleaners, and doctors in the hospital all wearing a certain makeup, it felt familiar to me. I didn’t think much about it before, but now that I think about it, they were all wearing makeup for the dead,” Wen Yian slowly said, “It’s the makeup used by funeral parlors to prepare corpses. And just now, when I was about to be burned to death in the room, I suddenly thought of… the crematorium of the funeral parlor.”

“Mr. Lou, is this floor really a hospital? Or is it actually a funeral parlor disguised as a hospital?”

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Monster Resurgence Chapter 87

Monster Resurgence Chapter 87

Chapter 87

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For Wen Yian to see Lou Yan here was a huge surprise for her.

Lou Yan didn't expect her to call out directly, but when he saw that Wen Yian's call didn't attract anything strange, he pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Miss Wen, do you know me?"

He secretly reminded Wen Yian that they should pretend not to know each other.

This is an amusement park, and the Anomaly Lord might be watching them. Wen Yian is a devout follower of the anomaly and also his undercover agent among the cultists. Before they came here, they agreed to pretend to be meeting for the first time. Did Wen Yian forget about this from the surprise?

Under Lou Yan's reminder, Wen Yian seemed to realize that something was wrong. She slightly lowered her head, ran her slender fingers through her hair, and smiled faintly with a hint of paleness, "I've met Mr. Lou a few times at banquets. Mr. Lou might have forgotten. Mr. Lou doesn't know me, but I've known Mr. Lou for a long time. Let's not talk about other things. Mr. Lou, don't you know that Wen Jiu, who was rumored to be with you a few days ago, is my younger brother?"

Lou Yan saw that she had caught on, so he nodded in agreement. "I see. It's quite a coincidence to meet someone familiar here. By the way, Miss Wen, you just called out to me. Aren't you afraid of attracting the anomaly?"

A few polite sentences were enough. The situation is urgent now. Saying too much and being too polite would seem fake.

Wen Yian shook her head and explained softly, "Mr. Lou, don't worry. The anomaly won't be disturbed. I've tried before, and no matter what I said, the anomaly didn't appear. Even when I said I needed to go to the bathroom, the anomaly ignored me."

Lou Yan nodded thoughtfully. "Miss Wen, do you know anything else about this first floor?"

Wen Yian sighed, tiredly saying, "I don't know much... but I know we need to leave the ward as soon as possible. I arrived twenty minutes earlier than you did, and during those twenty minutes, I heard screams. When the nurses brought me into the ward, we passed another room with the number '12' on it, and I heard someone screaming for help inside... I guess something bad might happen inside the ward..."

Wen Yian shook the iron railing, but the iron door didn't move at all, unaffected by her strength. "Look, this iron door is very sturdy, and the key to the iron door has been swallowed by the anomaly. If something really happens in the ward, we'll be trapped inside. Mr. Lou, I'll be honest with you. My talent is to blend into darkness, and I could have used my talent to escape from the ward. But the premise of using my talent is to have mental power, unfortunately, on the way here, I lost all my mental power."

Saying this, Wen Yian smiled bitterly at Lou Yan, her exhaustion and fatigue hard to conceal.

So, she had lost her mental power.

No wonder Wen Yian was so surprised to see him... If she hadn't met him, Wen Yian would probably have died on this floor.

Seeing Lou Yan pondering, tears welled up in Wen Yian's eyes. She pleaded sincerely, "Mr. Lou, please save me once. I really have no way to leave this ward. As long as you're willing to help me leave the fourth floor, after I rest on the fifth floor, I'll do my best to help you clear the next three levels. Mr. Lou, please, for the sake of my brother, help me this time?"

For the sake of her brother?

Lou Yan's mouth twitched silently. He couldn't help but admire actors; their expressions didn't reveal the slightest hint of acting, making their lies sound so real. He nodded without changing his expression. "If I can get out, I'll definitely help. Miss Wen, you don't need to be so polite."

Wen Yian finally breathed a sigh of relief, showing a grateful smile to Lou Yan.

After exchanging a few more words with Wen Yian, Lou Yan left the door and searched the room. There were few things in the ward, and Lou Yan flipped everything over in just a few minutes. Unfortunately, he didn't find anything useful.

There were no medical equipment related to hospitals in the room, no drip stands, no emergency buttons. The walls were hard on all sides, there were no windows in the room, and it was completely airtight.

The Very Energetic Mental Asylum... Everyone locked in the ward was playing the role of a lunatic. Supervisor Nurse Li said he could only leave when the mental illness was cured, but how could a normal person prove that they weren't mentally ill?

Where would the clearance point to leave this floor be?

Lou Yan sat on the chair with a missing leg, thinking about every scene on the fourth floor. However, he hadn't thought for long when he heard Wen Yian across shouting in pain and weakness, "Mr. Lou, help!"

Lou Yan leaped up from his chair and rushed to the door in two or three steps to look across. He saw Wen Yian leaning over the iron railing above the opposite iron gate, clutching the bars tightly with both hands. Her expression was particularly agonized, beads of sweat the size of beans sliding down her cheeks, wetting the hair around her face with sweat. 

"It's so hot, so hot...!" Wen Yian's skin, exposed outside her clothes, began to slowly turn red in a strange way. Sweat dyed her gray prisoner's uniform black, her expression unbearable with pain, her cries gradually breaking, "Save me, Lou Yan! My room is on fire, hurry, save me!" 

On fire?! 

Lou Yan focused his gaze into Wen Yian's ward. Wen Yian's room was as dim as his own, with the bed and table placed against the wall, but Lou Yan didn't see anything unusual, let alone flames. 

But Wen Yian's agonized expression didn't seem fake at all. She looked as if she were about to be burned alive, layers of sweat, her face pale, her eyes reddened from the heat. 

"Lou Yan, save me!" 

With a scream, Wen Yian suddenly let go of the iron railing. Her palms, holding onto the bars, emitted white smoke, revealing two deep purple burns that had been terrifyingly scorched by the iron railing! 

Just by looking at the scars on her hands, one could tell how high the temperature of the iron railing was. 

Lou Yan hesitated no longer. He pulled out his spinal whip and struck the iron door a few times, but the door was too thick. Relying solely on the spinal whip, he couldn't break through the iron door in a short time. Lou Yan glanced at Wen Yian, who had large blisters on her face, neck, and hands. She tremblingly raised the back of her hand, swollen with burns, and placed it on both sides of her face, but dared not touch her cheeks, her eyes filled with extreme fear: "Ahhh—!"

Lou Yan knew that Wen Yian couldn't hold on much longer.

"Hang in there! I'm coming over right away!"

Lou Yan shouted to Wen Yian, sighed, and placed his hand on the lock of the iron door.

Since the last time the bone spurs emerged from his palm and couldn't retract, Lou Yan hadn't used the bone spurs again. Because Lou Yan was afraid, afraid that if the bone spurs emerged from his body again, they wouldn't retract.

This time, after coming out of Liushu Village, he used the bone spurs for the first time.

[Spiritual Power: 20/70]

The skin in the palm of his hand split open, and the sharp bone spur pierced through the iron door in an instant. The familiar sensation of bones moving restlessly came over Lou Yan again. Lou Yan clenched his lips, moving the bone spurs. The heavy iron door, under the movement of the bone spurs, seemed to have no resistance at all, as if it were made of paper.

The bone flowers stuck to the bone spurs, tightly closing like bone petals. The iron door wasn't an anomaly, it didn't have the power for the bone flowers to devour, so the bone flowers remained quiet and motionless.

Lou Yan used the bone spurs to cut a rectangular shape on the iron door, and the rectangular iron block collapsed from the iron door, revealing a hole large enough for Lou Yan to pass through. Lou Yan quickly walked out of the ward and used the same method to create a hole in Wen Yian's door as well.

As soon as the hole opened, Lou Yan walked in, but as soon as he entered Wen Yian's room, he instantly felt a scorching heat wave!

It was like entering a furnace; sweat burst out all over Lou Yan's body, instantly soaking his clothes. The burning sensation under his feet made the ground feel like hot charcoal, and Lou Yan even felt like the soles of his shoes were melting.

The feet of the bed and the legs of the chair had melted into molten iron under the high temperature, the air was distorted, and Wen Yian had fainted on the ground, whether alive or dead.

"Wen Yian?" Lou Yan immediately ran to Wen Yian's side, picked her up, and ran out. Sweat covered his eyes, and every step he took, he felt the moisture in his body evaporating rapidly. "D*mn, it's so hot."

Perhaps because Lou Yan had used "Time Reversal" too much, his body had gradually adapted to the high temperature state without him realizing it. Even in the current scorching heat that could melt people, Lou Yan could still remain conscious. His face was red, his breathing was rapid, and sweat dripped from his chin, vaporizing into steam before reaching the ground.

But the discomfort he felt was still within the bearable range. His steps were steady, his skin wasn't blistered, and he ran out of the iron door while carrying Wen Yian.

Once outside, Lou Yan placed Wen Yian on the ground, and he himself sat down, panting heavily. When the wind blew on the corridor, the heat on Lou Yan's body slowly dissipated, and he finally felt alive again.

Lou Yan wiped the sweat off his face, his hands and face were hot. He looked down at the soles of his shoes; they had indeed melted a bit, but they were still wearable.

After checking himself, Lou Yan pushed Wen Yian, "Wen Yian, wake up. You're not dead, are you?"

Wen Yian was pushed twice, and slowly opened her eyes. After regaining consciousness, she coughed several times while holding her neck, then hoarsely thanked Lou Yan.

"Is my face burned?" Wen Yian asked weakly.

"After finally getting out alive, your first concern is about your face?" Lou Yan rolled his eyes speechlessly, "You're fine. The burns on your body disappeared when I brought you out."

Wen Yian breathed a sigh of relief, reluctantly raised her hand to touch her face, feeling smooth to the touch. She then smiled wryly, "Mr. Lou, you don't know, in my line of work, if my face is ruined, I lose everything."

The reason why the Cultists valued her so much, besides her talent, was also because of her extremely attractive face to her fans.

The two sat on the corridor for a while to rest. When Wen Yian regained some strength, she slowly leaned against the wall and sat up, "Mr. Lou, when we were on the brink of life and death just now, I had some thoughts about this floor."

Lou Yan's lips were cracked, and he was thirsty, with hardly any saliva left in his mouth. He couldn't be bothered to talk much, so he succinctly said, "Go on."

"I've played related roles before, so when I saw the nurses, cleaners, and doctors in the hospital all wearing a certain makeup, it felt familiar to me. I didn't think much about it before, but now that I think about it, they were all wearing makeup for the dead," Wen Yian slowly said, "It's the makeup used by funeral parlors to prepare corpses. And just now, when I was about to be burned to death in the room, I suddenly thought of... the crematorium of the funeral parlor."

"Mr. Lou, is this floor really a hospital? Or is it actually a funeral parlor disguised as a hospital?"

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