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Monster Resurgence Chapter 88

Chapter 88

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As soon as Wen Yian finished speaking, a cold wind blew over them.

The old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs flickered on the ceiling, making a “sizzling” sound. The cold wind blew into Lou Yan’s clothes from the hem, sticking to the hot sweat, causing Lou Yan’s skin to break out in goosebumps.

Lou Yan looked up at the flickering lights on the ceiling, smiling wryly at Wen Yian, “This atmosphere really matches what you just said.”

“Maybe because I was right,” Wen Yian also looked up at the incandescent light, saying helplessly, “The flickering light and the cold wind are a bit scary.”

Hospitals and funeral parlors are two completely different places, one saves lives, and the other buries them. But in a certain sense, these two places also have inexplicable similarities.

If what she said was true, then it meant that all the nurses, cleaners, and doctors who appeared on this floor were dead.

Even though she had long known that they were all anomaly, at this moment, Wen Yian still felt a chill from the depths of her heart. If she hadn’t encountered Lou Yan so luckily, if Lou Yan didn’t still have the ability to save her, she would have been burned alive… 

Wen Yian muttered, “If this level really is a funeral parlor, where should we escape to?” 

She couldn’t help but turn her head to look at Lou Yan, wanting to see what kind of expression he would have. Would this man, who had always seemed aloof and capable in her eyes, now appear confused and uneasy, or would he remain calm and decisive? Or perhaps, like her, he would feel fear in his heart?

Wen Yian had always been very interested in Lou Yan, but at the same time, she also greatly feared this man. Lou Yan appeared mysterious to her because he knew many things he shouldn’t know. When Wen Yian stood in front of him, it seemed as if there was nowhere to hide, as if all secrets would be exposed by Lou Yan. This feeling made her uneasy.

Regarding the cult and the anomaly phenomena, it seemed that Lou Yan understood them even better than she did, and he was more ruthless than she had anticipated.

Lou Yan’s strength was strong enough that Wen Yian couldn’t resist. She had almost died at Lou Yan’s hands once. Facing Lou Yan was like walking on a razor’s edge; one wrong move could result in harming oneself or others.

However, at this moment, the man who had almost killed Wen Yian was sitting with her on the corridor, pondering how to get through, even needing to help each other. This made Wen Yian feel a complex and somewhat amused sense of relief.

Wen Yian knew that Lou Yan didn’t like her, but what did it matter? She never cared whether others disliked her or liked her. Even if Lou Yan didn’t like her, didn’t he just save her?

That was the reality.

Under Wen Yian’s curious gaze, Lou Yan pursed his dry lips. He wasn’t confused or afraid; he calmly took a few breaths and then suddenly turned to look at Wen Yian.

Lou Yan’s tone was calm, but there was a hint of pressure in his eyes. His expression was compelling, “You just said that when the nurse took you into the ward through the 12th door, was there someone screaming inside the 12th door at that time?”

Wen Yian was startled for a moment, nodded, and said, “Yes. I think he should be experiencing the same thing as me, the room turning into a crematorium.”

“He’s in room 12, you’re in room 14… You stayed in the ward for twenty minutes before the room had an abnormal change… If the rooms turn into crematoriums according to the numerical order, then it means that every ten minutes, one ward will turn into a crematorium,” Lou Yan stood up from the floor, his face solemn, “This is not good…”

Li Sanxin and Lin You arrived on the fourth floor before Lou Yan. Lou Yan’s ward number was 18, so Li Sanxin and Lin You’s ward numbers should be 16 and 17.

If it was really in numerical order, then in ten minutes, room 15 would turn into a crematorium. After another ten minutes, it would be Li Sanxin and Lin You’s turn.

He needed to find Li Sanxin and Lin You within twenty minutes.

“Where did you see the 12th door? Take me there,” Lou Yan said immediately.

Wen Yian’s eyes flickered, and she immediately thought of Li Sanxin, who had entered the amusement park with Lou Yan. She understood that Lou Yan wanted to find Li Sanxin based on the order of the room numbers, so she decisively stood up, leaned against the wall, and turned to lead the way, “This way.”

Lou Yan’s spiritual power was down to the last 20 points. After leaving the second-floor mirrored corridor, he turned off the passive alert of “Crisis Perception”.

Without “Crisis Perception” exploring the way, Lou Yan and Wen Yian were particularly cautious as they walked. Lou Yan maximized his hearing and sense of smell. After turning two corners, they arrived at the 12th door safely, albeit with some surprises and no dangers.

The door opposite the 12th door was the 7th door. Along the way, Lou Yan did not see the 13th ward between the 12th door and the 14th ward where Wen Yian was. Lou Yan had originally wanted to find some pattern in the arrangement of the ward doors, but now it seemed that the ward numbers were completely random, just haphazardly arranged.

Lou Yan felt a little disappointed, furrowing his brows, and knocked on the 12th and 7th doors respectively, “Is anyone there?”

There was no sound from inside the two iron doors. Lou Yan approached and looked inside from the iron railing. The two wards were clean, except for a yellow grease stain on the floor between them. This layer of grease was slowly seeping into the ground.

This grease must have been the person who was burned by the high temperature…

Lou Yan stepped back, knowing that the people in these two rooms were already dead, “Let’s go.”

Lou Yan had died in a large fire before, but the fire that destroyed the world caused by Fu Xuezhou was completely incomparable to the high temperature in these wards. He almost blacked out, not feeling any pain before dying in the intense flames. But the anomalies wouldn’t let humans die so easily. They tortured humans just for the sake of torment, and the more gruesome and terrifying the human deaths were, the happier and more excited the anomalies would be.

This was nothing short of h*ll on earth.

Lou Yan led Wen Yian as they turned around, but before they could leave the corridor, Lou Yan heard footsteps coming from the corner ahead.

The footsteps were steady, accompanied by the rolling sound of the wheels of a medical cart. The comer was obviously not human, but one of the anomalies disguised as nurses and doctors in the asylum.

Lou Yan stopped in his tracks and looked around. 

Wen Yian keenly whispered, “Someone’s coming?” 

Lou Yan nodded and replied softly, “It’s an anomaly.”

Apart from the 12th and 7th wards, there was also a pharmacy on this corridor. Lou Yan didn’t hesitate and turned to walk toward the pharmacy, with Wen Yian quickly following.

The two quickly arrived at the door of the pharmacy. Lou Yan tried to turn the door handle and found that the door was locked.

If they forced the door, it would definitely make noise, and it might attract more anomalies.

Wen Yian touched her hair, and from her blonde hair, she pulled out a thin golden hairpin. She smirked and broke the hairpin, then inserted the thin hairpin into the lock of the door.

Wen Yian bent down, listening to the movement inside the lock, gently manipulating the hairpin.

Lou Yan was somewhat surprised, “You can do this?”

Wen Yian said, “I was taught a few tricks by teacher to play my roles better.”

Lou Yan didn’t ask further, but his gaze looked somewhat strange as he glanced at Wen Yian’s hair.

The last time Wen Yian pulled out two blood flies from her hair, and now she pulled out a hairpin. Lou Yan was really curious about what else Wen Yian had hidden in her hair, why did she have everything?

The lock made a slight “click” sound, and the door to the pharmacy opened. Lou Yan and Wen Yian quickly entered, closed the door behind them, and locked it again, each finding a place to hide.

Lou Yan hid behind a blue medical privacy curtain, with a row of shelves filled with medication in front of him. With a slight tilt of his head, he could see the door of the pharmacy.

The room was dark, perfectly concealing his figure. Lou Yan saw Wen Yian hiding in the cabinet at the bottom of the shelf. Both of them were decisive individuals, so the entire pharmacy quieted down within seconds.

The footsteps and cart rolling sound from the corridor grew closer and finally stopped at the door of the pharmacy where they were hiding.

The key was inserted into the lock, and the door was pushed open. An expressionless male doctor in a white coat, his face unnaturally pale with lipstick, pushed a cart into the room. He turned his back to Lou Yan and began taking medications from the shelf one by one and placing them into the cart.

Wen Yian, hiding below the cabinet, stayed in the corner, calmly peering through the slits in the cabinet’s stripes at the white coat of the male doctor swaying in front of her.

The medications on the medical cart were almost full, but the male doctor suddenly stopped.

Wen Yian’s heart tightened, and she stared fixedly at the unmoving white coat outside the cabinet.

The pharmacy was dimly lit, making the white coat on the male doctor look even more pale and anomaly, like the skin of a dead person. Wen Yian’s heart started beating faster inexplicably, “Thump, thump, thump”, so loud that she was worried the anomalies outside might hear it.

The air inside the cabinet felt thin, and breathing required effort. But Wen Yian dared not breathe deeply, fearing that the sound of her breath might be heard by the male doctor. Not daring to breathe, Wen Yian quietly held her breath upon noticing that the male doctor remained motionless.

After holding her breath for a while, the pounding of her heart became even louder.

When Wen Yian felt suffocated, the male doctor finally moved. The white coat swayed as he left the shelf.

Wen Yian breathed a sigh of relief and was about to look closer at the cabinet door to see where the male doctor had gone. However, before she could do so, the cabinet door was suddenly opened, and a ghastly pale face enlarged in front of Wen Yian. Dark eyes stared at Wen Yian, and the male doctor’s blood-red lips moved, “Are you looking for me?”


Wen Yian was so frightened that her heart almost stopped!

The male doctor got closer and closer to Wen Yian, but a spinal whip suddenly wrapped around its neck from behind, forcefully pulling it out of the cabinet.

The nearby cart was knocked over, and the medications on it fell with a clatter.

The male doctor’s head twisted 180 degrees to face Lou Yan, and it stared at Lou Yan with a terrifying smile, “Number 18, dare to attack a doctor?”

Lou Yan’s face changed slightly, but he showed a fierce smile, tightening the spinal whip around the male doctor’s neck even more, not giving it a chance to resist. He quickly used the sharp bone spurs on both sides of the spinal whip to cut the male doctor’s neck in half.

Thick, foul-smelling blood flowed from the male doctor’s neck. The male doctor’s eyes gradually turned gray as it went limp, its limbs hanging as if dead.

Lou Yan shook his arm and placed the dead male doctor on the ground, picking up a piece of gauze nearby to wipe off the blood from the spinal whip. Catching sight of the white coat on the male doctor, he suddenly had an idea. He turned to Wen Yian and said, “Hey, you know how to do makeup for corpses, right?”

Wen Yian looked at him, then at the doctor on the ground, and calmly replied, “You want to impersonate a doctor?”

Lou Yan nodded.

“I can do makeup, but we don’t have makeup products now,” Wen Yian hesitated, looking around the pharmacy, “There are many medications here… Some of the medication powders are white; maybe they can be used as foundation. As for lipstick… we can use blood.”

With insufficient conditions, they had to make do. Wen Yian made a quick decision, “I’ll go find some white medication powder, and you take off the white coat from this anomaly entity.”

After saying that, Wen Yian got up to search for medication on the shelves.

Lou Yan took off the white coat from the male doctor, put it on himself, and felt that it fit perfectly.

He searched the male doctor’s body and found a key from the pocket. Seeing that the shape of the key was not for the ward iron door, it should be the key for rooms like offices, pharmacies, or operating rooms.

Lou Yan put the key into his own pocket, confirmed that there was nothing else on the male doctor’s body, and then glanced up. Wen Yian had not yet found the medication.

Lou Yan looked at the makeup on the male doctor’s face, suddenly becoming interested. He opened a bottle of medical alcohol and soaked a piece of gauze, roughly wiping off the makeup from the male doctor’s face.

The red and white makeup instantly smeared together. The more he wiped, the more familiar Lou Yan felt the male doctor’s face became. He hastily wiped away the lipstick and pale powder. When he removed the gauze, Lou Yan was directly stunned.

Under the wiped-off makeup, the doctor actually had a face exactly like his.

A chill ran down Lou Yan’s spine.

He looked at the other “him” with disbelief, his mind blank.

What’s going on…?


Lou Yan subconsciously turned his head, and Wen Yian stared at him in astonishment, along with another “Lou Yan” lying on the ground. The medicines in her arms fell to the ground instantly.

Two Lou Yans…

Wen Yian’s face turned pale, looking at Lou Yan, who was already dressed as a doctor, and then at the dead body with Lou Yan’s face on the ground. She retreated step by step without leaving a trace of footprints, “What’s going on with your faces?”

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Monster Resurgence Chapter 88

Monster Resurgence Chapter 88

Chapter 88

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As soon as Wen Yian finished speaking, a cold wind blew over them.

The old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs flickered on the ceiling, making a "sizzling" sound. The cold wind blew into Lou Yan's clothes from the hem, sticking to the hot sweat, causing Lou Yan's skin to break out in goosebumps.

Lou Yan looked up at the flickering lights on the ceiling, smiling wryly at Wen Yian, "This atmosphere really matches what you just said."

"Maybe because I was right," Wen Yian also looked up at the incandescent light, saying helplessly, "The flickering light and the cold wind are a bit scary."

Hospitals and funeral parlors are two completely different places, one saves lives, and the other buries them. But in a certain sense, these two places also have inexplicable similarities.

If what she said was true, then it meant that all the nurses, cleaners, and doctors who appeared on this floor were dead.

Even though she had long known that they were all anomaly, at this moment, Wen Yian still felt a chill from the depths of her heart. If she hadn't encountered Lou Yan so luckily, if Lou Yan didn't still have the ability to save her, she would have been burned alive... 

Wen Yian muttered, "If this level really is a funeral parlor, where should we escape to?" 

She couldn't help but turn her head to look at Lou Yan, wanting to see what kind of expression he would have. Would this man, who had always seemed aloof and capable in her eyes, now appear confused and uneasy, or would he remain calm and decisive? Or perhaps, like her, he would feel fear in his heart?

Wen Yian had always been very interested in Lou Yan, but at the same time, she also greatly feared this man. Lou Yan appeared mysterious to her because he knew many things he shouldn't know. When Wen Yian stood in front of him, it seemed as if there was nowhere to hide, as if all secrets would be exposed by Lou Yan. This feeling made her uneasy.

Regarding the cult and the anomaly phenomena, it seemed that Lou Yan understood them even better than she did, and he was more ruthless than she had anticipated.

Lou Yan's strength was strong enough that Wen Yian couldn't resist. She had almost died at Lou Yan's hands once. Facing Lou Yan was like walking on a razor's edge; one wrong move could result in harming oneself or others.

However, at this moment, the man who had almost killed Wen Yian was sitting with her on the corridor, pondering how to get through, even needing to help each other. This made Wen Yian feel a complex and somewhat amused sense of relief.

Wen Yian knew that Lou Yan didn't like her, but what did it matter? She never cared whether others disliked her or liked her. Even if Lou Yan didn't like her, didn't he just save her?

That was the reality.

Under Wen Yian's curious gaze, Lou Yan pursed his dry lips. He wasn't confused or afraid; he calmly took a few breaths and then suddenly turned to look at Wen Yian.

Lou Yan's tone was calm, but there was a hint of pressure in his eyes. His expression was compelling, "You just said that when the nurse took you into the ward through the 12th door, was there someone screaming inside the 12th door at that time?"

Wen Yian was startled for a moment, nodded, and said, "Yes. I think he should be experiencing the same thing as me, the room turning into a crematorium."

"He's in room 12, you're in room 14... You stayed in the ward for twenty minutes before the room had an abnormal change... If the rooms turn into crematoriums according to the numerical order, then it means that every ten minutes, one ward will turn into a crematorium," Lou Yan stood up from the floor, his face solemn, "This is not good..."

Li Sanxin and Lin You arrived on the fourth floor before Lou Yan. Lou Yan's ward number was 18, so Li Sanxin and Lin You's ward numbers should be 16 and 17.

If it was really in numerical order, then in ten minutes, room 15 would turn into a crematorium. After another ten minutes, it would be Li Sanxin and Lin You's turn.

He needed to find Li Sanxin and Lin You within twenty minutes.

"Where did you see the 12th door? Take me there," Lou Yan said immediately.

Wen Yian's eyes flickered, and she immediately thought of Li Sanxin, who had entered the amusement park with Lou Yan. She understood that Lou Yan wanted to find Li Sanxin based on the order of the room numbers, so she decisively stood up, leaned against the wall, and turned to lead the way, "This way."

Lou Yan's spiritual power was down to the last 20 points. After leaving the second-floor mirrored corridor, he turned off the passive alert of "Crisis Perception".

Without "Crisis Perception" exploring the way, Lou Yan and Wen Yian were particularly cautious as they walked. Lou Yan maximized his hearing and sense of smell. After turning two corners, they arrived at the 12th door safely, albeit with some surprises and no dangers.

The door opposite the 12th door was the 7th door. Along the way, Lou Yan did not see the 13th ward between the 12th door and the 14th ward where Wen Yian was. Lou Yan had originally wanted to find some pattern in the arrangement of the ward doors, but now it seemed that the ward numbers were completely random, just haphazardly arranged.

Lou Yan felt a little disappointed, furrowing his brows, and knocked on the 12th and 7th doors respectively, "Is anyone there?"

There was no sound from inside the two iron doors. Lou Yan approached and looked inside from the iron railing. The two wards were clean, except for a yellow grease stain on the floor between them. This layer of grease was slowly seeping into the ground.

This grease must have been the person who was burned by the high temperature...

Lou Yan stepped back, knowing that the people in these two rooms were already dead, "Let's go."

Lou Yan had died in a large fire before, but the fire that destroyed the world caused by Fu Xuezhou was completely incomparable to the high temperature in these wards. He almost blacked out, not feeling any pain before dying in the intense flames. But the anomalies wouldn't let humans die so easily. They tortured humans just for the sake of torment, and the more gruesome and terrifying the human deaths were, the happier and more excited the anomalies would be.

This was nothing short of h*ll on earth.

Lou Yan led Wen Yian as they turned around, but before they could leave the corridor, Lou Yan heard footsteps coming from the corner ahead.

The footsteps were steady, accompanied by the rolling sound of the wheels of a medical cart. The comer was obviously not human, but one of the anomalies disguised as nurses and doctors in the asylum.

Lou Yan stopped in his tracks and looked around. 

Wen Yian keenly whispered, "Someone's coming?" 

Lou Yan nodded and replied softly, "It's an anomaly."

Apart from the 12th and 7th wards, there was also a pharmacy on this corridor. Lou Yan didn't hesitate and turned to walk toward the pharmacy, with Wen Yian quickly following.

The two quickly arrived at the door of the pharmacy. Lou Yan tried to turn the door handle and found that the door was locked.

If they forced the door, it would definitely make noise, and it might attract more anomalies.

Wen Yian touched her hair, and from her blonde hair, she pulled out a thin golden hairpin. She smirked and broke the hairpin, then inserted the thin hairpin into the lock of the door.

Wen Yian bent down, listening to the movement inside the lock, gently manipulating the hairpin.

Lou Yan was somewhat surprised, "You can do this?"

Wen Yian said, "I was taught a few tricks by teacher to play my roles better."

Lou Yan didn't ask further, but his gaze looked somewhat strange as he glanced at Wen Yian's hair.

The last time Wen Yian pulled out two blood flies from her hair, and now she pulled out a hairpin. Lou Yan was really curious about what else Wen Yian had hidden in her hair, why did she have everything?

The lock made a slight "click" sound, and the door to the pharmacy opened. Lou Yan and Wen Yian quickly entered, closed the door behind them, and locked it again, each finding a place to hide.

Lou Yan hid behind a blue medical privacy curtain, with a row of shelves filled with medication in front of him. With a slight tilt of his head, he could see the door of the pharmacy.

The room was dark, perfectly concealing his figure. Lou Yan saw Wen Yian hiding in the cabinet at the bottom of the shelf. Both of them were decisive individuals, so the entire pharmacy quieted down within seconds.

The footsteps and cart rolling sound from the corridor grew closer and finally stopped at the door of the pharmacy where they were hiding.

The key was inserted into the lock, and the door was pushed open. An expressionless male doctor in a white coat, his face unnaturally pale with lipstick, pushed a cart into the room. He turned his back to Lou Yan and began taking medications from the shelf one by one and placing them into the cart.

Wen Yian, hiding below the cabinet, stayed in the corner, calmly peering through the slits in the cabinet's stripes at the white coat of the male doctor swaying in front of her.

The medications on the medical cart were almost full, but the male doctor suddenly stopped.

Wen Yian's heart tightened, and she stared fixedly at the unmoving white coat outside the cabinet.

The pharmacy was dimly lit, making the white coat on the male doctor look even more pale and anomaly, like the skin of a dead person. Wen Yian's heart started beating faster inexplicably, "Thump, thump, thump", so loud that she was worried the anomalies outside might hear it.

The air inside the cabinet felt thin, and breathing required effort. But Wen Yian dared not breathe deeply, fearing that the sound of her breath might be heard by the male doctor. Not daring to breathe, Wen Yian quietly held her breath upon noticing that the male doctor remained motionless.

After holding her breath for a while, the pounding of her heart became even louder.

When Wen Yian felt suffocated, the male doctor finally moved. The white coat swayed as he left the shelf.

Wen Yian breathed a sigh of relief and was about to look closer at the cabinet door to see where the male doctor had gone. However, before she could do so, the cabinet door was suddenly opened, and a ghastly pale face enlarged in front of Wen Yian. Dark eyes stared at Wen Yian, and the male doctor's blood-red lips moved, "Are you looking for me?"


Wen Yian was so frightened that her heart almost stopped!

The male doctor got closer and closer to Wen Yian, but a spinal whip suddenly wrapped around its neck from behind, forcefully pulling it out of the cabinet.

The nearby cart was knocked over, and the medications on it fell with a clatter.

The male doctor's head twisted 180 degrees to face Lou Yan, and it stared at Lou Yan with a terrifying smile, "Number 18, dare to attack a doctor?"

Lou Yan's face changed slightly, but he showed a fierce smile, tightening the spinal whip around the male doctor's neck even more, not giving it a chance to resist. He quickly used the sharp bone spurs on both sides of the spinal whip to cut the male doctor's neck in half.

Thick, foul-smelling blood flowed from the male doctor's neck. The male doctor's eyes gradually turned gray as it went limp, its limbs hanging as if dead.

Lou Yan shook his arm and placed the dead male doctor on the ground, picking up a piece of gauze nearby to wipe off the blood from the spinal whip. Catching sight of the white coat on the male doctor, he suddenly had an idea. He turned to Wen Yian and said, "Hey, you know how to do makeup for corpses, right?"

Wen Yian looked at him, then at the doctor on the ground, and calmly replied, "You want to impersonate a doctor?"

Lou Yan nodded.

"I can do makeup, but we don't have makeup products now," Wen Yian hesitated, looking around the pharmacy, "There are many medications here... Some of the medication powders are white; maybe they can be used as foundation. As for lipstick... we can use blood."

With insufficient conditions, they had to make do. Wen Yian made a quick decision, "I'll go find some white medication powder, and you take off the white coat from this anomaly entity."

After saying that, Wen Yian got up to search for medication on the shelves.

Lou Yan took off the white coat from the male doctor, put it on himself, and felt that it fit perfectly.

He searched the male doctor's body and found a key from the pocket. Seeing that the shape of the key was not for the ward iron door, it should be the key for rooms like offices, pharmacies, or operating rooms.

Lou Yan put the key into his own pocket, confirmed that there was nothing else on the male doctor's body, and then glanced up. Wen Yian had not yet found the medication.

Lou Yan looked at the makeup on the male doctor's face, suddenly becoming interested. He opened a bottle of medical alcohol and soaked a piece of gauze, roughly wiping off the makeup from the male doctor's face.

The red and white makeup instantly smeared together. The more he wiped, the more familiar Lou Yan felt the male doctor's face became. He hastily wiped away the lipstick and pale powder. When he removed the gauze, Lou Yan was directly stunned.

Under the wiped-off makeup, the doctor actually had a face exactly like his.

A chill ran down Lou Yan's spine.

He looked at the other "him" with disbelief, his mind blank.

What's going on...?


Lou Yan subconsciously turned his head, and Wen Yian stared at him in astonishment, along with another "Lou Yan" lying on the ground. The medicines in her arms fell to the ground instantly.

Two Lou Yans...

Wen Yian's face turned pale, looking at Lou Yan, who was already dressed as a doctor, and then at the dead body with Lou Yan's face on the ground. She retreated step by step without leaving a trace of footprints, "What's going on with your faces?"

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