I Built a Territory in Ancient Times Chapter 40

Chapter 40 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> Their worries were not unreasonable, their ancestors had been planing food in the field for generations, naturally they have their own disposition. If Wang Ye had not broken their fixed concepts, they were afraid that they would have always thought that spring plowing, summer weeding, autumn harvest, and … Read more

I Built a Territory in Ancient Times Chapter 37

Chapter 37 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> When the matter was settled, Ming Yu was also relieved, and immediately took leave. Wen Yuzhao came to Xie Yixiu while pulling his little eight-character beard, “General, you agreed to this?” Why does it feel like something was wrong? He was puzzled. Xie Yixiu glanced at him, “Otherwise?” … Read more

I Built a Territory in Ancient Times Chapter 36

Chapter 36 <Previous Chapter<Table of Contents>Next Chapter> Looking at Xie Yixiu’s indifferent appearance, Ming Yu was still a little angry. Isn’t this person conveniently obtaining more benefits? What’s important was that he had no other choice but to agree to it. If he could make suggestions or something, he would have to be grateful to … Read more